1、Chapter 7,Religion and beliefs,The holy Bible,Old testament before the coming of Christ (Genesis, the Garden of Eden )New testament Jesus Christ,What is the Bible?,The Bible is a collection of 66 books, 39 in the Old Testament or Old Covenant, and 27 in the New Testament or New Covenant. We can thin
2、k of the Old Covenant as being the old contract or the old deal between God and men, while the New Covenant is the new contract or the new deal between God and man. The Old Testament contains the Law of Moses, books of history, books of poetry, books of wisdom, and books of prophecy, many of which a
3、re fulfilled today in amazing detail. The New Testament contains the story of the earthly life and ministry of Jesus Christ in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, the story of the early church in the book of Acts, letters written to various churches and church leaders, and a book of prophec
4、y - Revelation.,All the books of the Bible, written over a period of around 1600 years, give a consistent picture of who God is, who we are, what God wants, and what we can expect depending on our choices in this life. The Bible reveals the story of how God has dealt with mankind, His chosen nation
5、of Israel and His New Covenant people, the Church. The Bible speaks with the same authority and relevance today regarding who He is and what He is doing in our times. It speaks to us regarding what will happen in the future and how God will change everything.,The Bible is not just a book of rules an
6、d ancient history. It contains thousands of wonderful promises which are applicable to all who believe in all times. The challenge that faces mankind today is to know, understand and experience the wonderful things that God promises to do for those who believe. Gods promises in the Bible guarantee u
7、s more than enough for all our needs in every area. The only condition is to trust and obey God, and expect Him to do what He says He will do. If we dont we are the losers.,We have seen that after the fall of Adam all men became sinners, law breakers and were under the righteous judgment of God. Yet
8、 Gods plan was not destroyed at this point. God still wanted to be a good Father to us. But now it was necessary for us to be saved from the consequences of our rebellion against God.,Christianity,Jesus Christ was a Jew who lived in Palestine 2,000 years ago and is accepted by Christians as the son
9、of God.Christs teaching was based on love: love of God, and love of our neighbor regardless of race.,Jesus - The Savior of Mankind,The Bible reveals Jesus Christ as Gods son, and the only Savior of mankind from sin, judgment and curse. Therefore everybody needs to know about Jesus, and what He has d
10、one for us. The angel, speaking to Joseph concerning his betrothed wife, Mary, said: “And she shall bring forth a Son, and you will call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins.“,Jesus was conceived by God in Mary, and so did not share the rebellious nature of mankind. Although w
11、e acknowledge that Mary had an important role in bringing the Savior into the world, we cannot recognize her as a savior or a way to God. For Jesus said: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Me.“,Paul said: “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and me
12、n, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.“ Therefore, in looking for salvation from the sin problem, we must look to Jesus Christ. There is no other source of salvation. There is no other way to God. Neither Mary, nor the saints, nor Mohammed, nor some
13、guru or any teaching of mysticism or philosophy can do away with our great personal need for Jesus Christ, the only True Savior. “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.“,Jesus was qualified to be our savior for the foll
14、owing reasons:,1. He is fully God. Isaiah 43:10,11 states that besides the Lord GOD there is no Savior. Jesus, however, is called “the mighty God“ and “our great God and Savior Jesus Christ“. It takes God to save sinners. This is one reason why it matters if we believe the doctrine of the Trinity.,2
15、. He is fully man Only as a man could Jesus pay the price for the sins of mankind. Only as a man could he be the representative head of the new race of new men, born again of the spirit of God. He is the last Adam and the Second Man. . “For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection
16、of the dead.“,3. He perfectly fulfilled the law of God, including all of the Mosaic Law. If Jesus had sinned, he would need a savior. But Jesus “committed no sin, nor was guilt found in his mouth“ (1 Peter 2:22) and is described as “a lamb without blemish and without spot“. (1 Peter 1:20). A careful
17、 study of the life of Jesus as recorded in the gospels reveals no sin in his life. Instead it reveals that he fulfilled both the commandments and ordinances of the law and also that he fulfilled the O.T. prophecies concerning the promised Messiah and Savior.,4. What he did for us, he did willingly.
18、Jesus states:,“Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.“,Jesus began to reveal Himsel
19、f as savior, deliverer and healer in his ministry to the sick and oppressed in Galilee and Judea. It is recorded that he cast out demons, healed the sick (Mt 4:23) declared Gods forgiveness to sinners (Mark 2:5) and brought provision and joy where it was needed. All these things were signs that inde
20、ed Jesus was the promised Messiah (Christ), Savior and Deliverer of Mankind.,We know that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) and that He wants to do these things today for people also. However, we must understand that Jesus greatest work was not any of these miracle
21、s but rather his work of suffering on the cross. This is where He conquered evil, by paying the price for sin and taking upon Himself the consequences of mans rebellion against God. God demonstrated this by raising Christ physically from the dead.,What did Jesus do for us at the cross?,- Jesus took
22、my sin, I receive his righteousness. (Is. 53:5) - Jesus took my punishment, I receive his forgiveness. (Rom. 3:25; 1Jn 1:9; 1Jn 2:2; 1Pet 3:18) - Jesus took my diseases and pains, I receive healing, for by His wounds I am healed. (Is 53:4,5; Mt. 8:16,17) - Jesus took my sickly nature, I receive His
23、divine health. (Is. 53:10) We need to look at the Hebrew words in vs 4 and 10 of this chapter. Jesus was made sick on the cross. - Jesus took my sadness, and gives me His joy. (Isaiah. 61:3; John 15:11),- Jesus took my curse, I receive His blessing. (Galatians 3:13,14) - Jesus took my old life, I re
24、ceive His new divine life. (Galatians 2:20; John 10:10) - Jesus took my poverty, I receive His riches. (2 Corinthians 8:9; Deuteronomy 28:48; Galatians 3:13,14) - Jesus took my rejection, I receive acceptance from God. (Mark 15:34,37; Ephesians 1:6),The Resurrection as proof of Christianity,The resu
25、rrection of Jesus Christ is recorded as an historical event in all four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). This was not just a spiritual resurrection but a bodily resurrection. (Luke 24:37-43). As Christians we too have the promise from God that we will be physically resurrected with new bodies
26、, just as Christ was.,Jesus resurrection is significant because:,1. It means we do not serve a dead God, or a dead prophet, or a philosophy, but a living Savior who is “the same yesterday, today and forever“ 2. It proves that Jesus is who He said He is, the Son of God. 3. It proves that we are justi
27、fied through the death of Jesus, “Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification“ (Rom 4.25). The resurrection shows that God accepted Jesus payment for our sins, that Jesus death was not just like the death of some righteous man. “And if Christ is not risen, your fai
28、th is futile, you are still in your sins!“,4. Through the resurrection, we too may share in the resurrection life of Christ, beginning with the new birth. We may walk in newness of life. 5. It gives us a living hope, and a hope of life after death. (1 Peter 1:3),Trinity,The God Jesus (son of God) Th
29、e Holy Spirit,Religious history,Around 432 Ireland converted to Christanity by St. Patrick, who brought faith from Rome. His followers spread Christianity to Wales, Scotland & N. England, established religious centers. In AD 496-7: the Saxons of England were converted to Christianity by St. Augustin
30、e & other monks sent from Rome by Pope. In AD 597: St Augustine founded the ecclesiastical capital of Canterbury.,圣帕特里克节为3月17日,以纪念爱尔兰守护神圣帕特里克。这一节日5世纪末期起源于爱尔兰,美国从1737年3月17日开始庆祝。 公元432年,圣帕特里克受教皇派遣前往爱尔兰劝说爱尔兰人皈依基督教。他从威克洛上岸后,当地愤怒的异教徒企图用石头将他砸死。但圣帕特里克临危不惧,当即摘下一棵三叶苜蓿,形象地阐明了圣父、圣子、圣灵三位一体的教义。他雄辩的演说使爱尔兰人深受感动,接受
31、了圣帕特里克主施的隆重洗礼。公元493年3月17日,圣帕特里克逝世,爱尔兰人为了纪念他,将这一天定为圣帕特里克节。,1737年,一些爱尔兰绅士和商人们在美国马萨诸塞州波士顿聚会纪念圣帕特里克,并成立了爱尔兰慈善社团。1780年和1784年,费城和纽约先后成立了圣帕特里克友谊之子等团体,从此美国每年都庆祝这个节日。 美国的圣帕特里克节这一天,人们通常要举行游行、教堂礼拜和聚餐等活动。美国的爱尔兰人喜欢佩带三叶苜蓿,用爱尔兰的国旗颜色绿黄两色装饰房间,身穿绿色衣服,并向宾客赠送三叶苜蓿饰物等,Saint Augustine (November 13, 354 August 28, 430), Bi
32、shop of Hippo, in Algeria, was a philosopher and theologian. Augustine, a Latin Father and Doctor of the Church, is one of the most important figures in the development of Western Christianity. Augustine was radically influenced by Platonic doctrines. He framed the concepts of original sin and just
33、war. When Rome fell and the faith of many Christians was shaken, Augustine developed the concept of the Church as a spiritual City of God, distinct from the material City of Man.,Connection between church and the state,The hierarchical example of the Christian church would support their royal author
34、ity.The church also provided educated advisers & administrators, through whom the kings would control their kingdoms more efficiently.,In AD 663: all the churches agreed to accept the Roman Catholic form of worship. Christianity became a central & influential force in national life. Church was an es
35、sential part not only of religious culture but also of administration, law and government. Church remained a part of the Roman Catholic faith & was based on the traditional hierarchy of monks, priests, bishops & archbishops. The English kings maintained their allegiance/faithfulness to Rome & the Po
36、pe in spiritual matters.,Conflicts & division between the two branches of Christianity,Relationship between England and Rome became difficult By the 16th century: the breaking point Reasons: English monarchs1. - were jealous of the expanded power and wealth of the English church2.- resented the domi
37、nant influence of Rome in national affairs 3.- Henry III, then , argued (a) he, not the pope : the supreme legal authority, (b) English church & its courts should owe their allegiance/faithfulness only to him,The church of England or Anglican Church, is one of the many protestant sects which broke a
38、way from the more ancient and more orthodox/traditional Roman Catholic Church several centuries ago, during the great religious upheaval called the Reformation.,The Reformation,The English Reformation started in the reign of Henry VIII. The English Reformation was to have far reaching consequences i
39、n Tudor England. Henry VIII decided to rid himself of his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, after she had failed to produce a male heir to the throne. He had already decided who his next wife would be - Anne Boleyn. By 1527, Catherine was considered too old to have anymore children. However, a divorc
40、e was not a simple issue. In fact, it was a very complicated one. Henry VIII was a Roman Catholic and the head of this church was the pope based in Rome.,The Roman Catholic faith believed in marriage for life. This put Henry VIII in a difficult position. If he went ahead and announced that as king o
41、f England he was allowing himself a divorce, the pope could excommunicate/expel him. This meant that under Catholic Church law, your soul could never get to Heaven. To someone living at the time of Henry, this was a very real fear, and a threat which the Catholic Church used to keep people under its
42、 control. The Archbishop granted Henry his divorce - against the wishes of the pope.,This event effectively lead to England breaking away from the Roman Catholic Church based in Rome. Henry placed himself as head of the church and in that sense, in his eyes, his divorce was perfectly legal. Henry wa
43、s made Supreme Head of the Church by an Act of Parliament in 1534. The country was still Catholic but the popes power had been ended.,Tudor,Tudor(14851603)历时119年,共经历了五代君主,虽然历时不长,但都铎王朝处于英国从封建社会向资本主义社会转型这样一个关键时代,因而其实施的各项政策也极具时代特色 国都铎王朝开始于亨利六世1485年入主英格兰、威尔士和爱尔兰,结束于1603年伊丽莎白一世的去世。这个王朝因其将英国从一个老式的国家变成优秀强大
48、教改革,重建天主教在英国的统治地位,残酷镇压新教势力,把包括为她父亲主持离婚判决仪式的克莱默在内的数百名新教徒送上了火刑架,因而获得了“血腥的玛丽”之称。她不仅恢复了弥撒仪式和教士独身规则,还说服国会投票表决,使英国无条件地重新效忠于教皇。,1558年亨利八世与安妮布琳的女儿伊丽莎白继承王位。她虽然从小是一个新教徒,但并没有深刻的宗教信念,她的主要兴趣是治理国家,她不愿意看到由于教派纷争使她的王国分裂。所以,她决定采取温和的政策。 伊丽莎白对宗教采取了一种灵活和宽松的政策,对天主教和新教进行了调和。1563年发布的三十九条教规典型地体现了这种英国式的和解,也成为英格兰国教会的信仰宣言。教会是新
49、教的,一些信条却模棱两可,能够为天主教徒所接受,此外,也保持了主教的组织形式和一些天主教的仪式。,伊丽莎白是英国历史上极富有传奇色彩的女王。她开创了一种兼收并蓄和宽容敦厚的时代氛围,为天主教和新教在英格兰能够和平共处提供了一定的条件。英国国教会至此得以最终形成,它发展为新教的三大主流派别之一,又称安立甘宗或者圣公会。 (加尔文教,路德宗教),Immediate Results,England Elizabeth I ended bloodshed united British Isles under the Anglican Church.Rise of Reformation contrib
50、uted to thegrowth of capitalism.,The church of England,The established or national church in England It represents the official state religion, having certain duties toward the state, and receive certain privileges from it, though no financial support. Reasons 1. Official position was confirmed by the Elizabethan church Settlement 2. Its archbishops, bishops deans are appointed by the monarch on the advice of the Prime Minister 3. The monarch is the head of the church 4. Parliament has a voice in its organization & rituals,