1、Principles for designing activities,lee,principles for designing activities,情景匹配原则(context matching) 扩充性原则(extension) 交际性原则(communication) 活动性、趣味性原则(activity and interest) 视听说与读写结合的原则(integrating looking, listening and speaking with reading and writing ) 重复性原则(repetition) 尽量用英语上课,同时恰当地借助母语(teaching
2、in English assisted in Chinese ),-Good morning” -Hello! -Whats your name?,example1:,Context matching,教方位介词“in(1), on(2), under(3), behind(4), in front of(5)”,example2:,教师用实物在实际的情景当中向学生演示,学习各个方位词所表达的意思;经过初步练习后,要求学生在教室各自寻找一个方位来说明方位词的用法;教师一声令下,孩子分别行动,有的坐在桌子上,有的躲在门背后,有的蹲在课桌下,有的钻进讲台的柜子里;然后教师要求学生用所学过的方位词说
3、出自己的方位:“I am on the desk.” “I am in the cupboard.” “I am behind the door.”,教学元音字母a在闭音节中的发音,example3:,(1)事先做一个像时钟一样的转盘,写上一些字母。 (2)让学生在转盘上拼出自己认识的单词,看谁拼得多。 (3)将学生拼出的单词写下来,让学生依次读出“cat, bad, that, map, dad, cap”等。 (4)教师带领学生朗读这些单词,读熟后让学生为单位,用所读的词汇创造韵文。,如: little cat, bad cat.Where is the cat?Where is the
4、hat?Thats my dads.Give it to me, give it to me.(5)教师出示一些学生没学过的含字母“a”的闭音节单词,如“stand, carry, marry”等让学生凭经验读出来。 (6)让学生自己总结字母“a”在闭音节中的读音。,extension,practice,task,(design some classroom activities for the given material throughout principle of context matching and principle of extension),/ei/ how are you
5、?,1. 教师布置学生提前收集自己喜爱的球队队员的图片,有条件的可以借助多媒体展示大量的图片,然后再教师的引导下让学生说出队员球衣的颜色。,在学习表示颜色的词时,教师可以把学生感兴趣的世界杯与教学联系起来。,example4:,2. 教师还可以引导学生用所学的单词向外国游客介绍五颜六色的学校及其周边环境。,3. 让学生把交通灯的颜色告诉需要过马路的盲人,这样可以把内容从教室延伸到生活中,成为真实的语言交际活动。,communicative,example5:,学习“What are they doing”句型时的热身和导入步骤的活动设计:,(1)教师带领学生复习上一模块所学的内容:带领学生集体
6、演唱歌曲“I am listening to Music”,并作出相应动作。,(2)教师出示上个模块学习过的有关动作的单词卡片,让学生说出单词;教师也可以说单词,让学生表演动作。如take a picture, read a book, write a letter, listen to music, talk to a friend, play with dolls.,activity, interest,操练“Who is this”这个句型,example6:,收集一些学生婴幼儿时期的照片,有条件的可以用投影仪放大,然后让学生来猜。这样可以增强学习的趣味性。,视听说与读写结合的原则,学习
7、单词pen, ruler, bag, sharpener, pencil,example6:,呈现 听 说 认读 写,重复性原则,review Leading in new knowledge with what students have learned(旧单词引出新句型,旧句型引出新单词),Try to use English in the classroom assisted in Chinese,With My Footwith my foot, I tap, tap, tap.With my hands, I clap, clap, clap.Right foot first, left foot then.Round and round and back again.,foot:,task,design some classroom activities for the given material and perform with the whole class.,design some classroom activities for the given material and perform with the whole class.Task: yellow, foot and hand, hello,task,