1、1,Contents,fringe-ish,1,2,faddish,1,transcend,2,3,4,introverted,2,fringe-ish frnd n. an act of making something as fringe 边缘化,次要化,Eg :Until recently , bussiness people woud dissmiss emplyee well-being as “out-side their domain and a kind of fringe-fresh. Dismiss 不愿考虑;不予理会;解散;解雇;开除;让.离开 domain n. 领域;
2、域名;产业;地产,直到不久前,企业家还不愿考虑员工是否工作心情舒畅的问题,认为这不属于他们关心的问题,和他们的职权范围相去甚远。,3,Faddish fdi adj . 趋于时尚的,流行的,风行的,We ate at a faddish new restaurant.,我们在一家新开张的时尚餐馆吃饭。,2.There was, to be sure, a faddish aspect to this enthusiasm.enthusiasm nuzzm,在这个热潮中, 肯定有赶时髦的成分.,4,Introverted ntrv:td adj. Of a person whose though
3、ts and feelings are directed toward oneself 性格内向的,Eg 1. Do you think you are introverted or extroverted?,你认为你的性格内向还是外向?,2. While traditional buildings are introverted in style, modern ones are extroverted.,传统建筑比较内向,而现代建筑却比较外向。,3.Thus, while the U.S. might value extraverts, other cultures value intro
4、verted personality.,因此,美国较看重外向者,而其他文化则重视内向的人格特质。,5,Transcend v. trnsend to pass beyond the limits of or to be greater than ,as in intensity or power ;surpass 超越,胜过,超过,Eg. 1.Emotions that transcend understanding.,无法理解的情感,2.人类应该不断超越自己的极限. 极限:limit,Humans should always transcend their limits.,3.They transcend national borders and generations.,它们超越国界及世代。,6,Thank you for your attention!,