1、第四课 Lesson 4,du sho qin 多少钱?,语音 Phonetics,声母 Initials j q x韵母 Finals ia ie iao iou(iu) ian in iang ing iong e an n,拼音 Spelling,Phonetics explanations,1When the sound“ ”forms a syllable by it self or appears at the begining of the syllable, it should be written as “yu”,with the two dots of “”dropped,
2、e.g. “yu”,” ”anyuan” “anyuan”,”e yue”,Phonetics explanations,2When the sound“i” forms a syllable by itself, it should be written as “yi”.e.g. “ian yan”.,Phonetics explanations,3 The compound final “iou”is written as “iu”and the tone mark is placed above the last element, e.g.”ji(九)When it forms a sy
3、llable by itself, it is written as “you”and the tone-mark is placed above “o”,e.g.”“yu(优),Phonetics explanations,4When “j”,”q”,”x”are put before “”or a finals beginning with “”, the two dots in“”are dropped,e.g. “jzi”(句子) “jzi” “xx”(学习) ”xux”,语音练习 Phonetics drills,辨声母 Initial discrimination 1)ji-qi
4、qi-ji 2)xu-qu jng-xng 3)qing-xing xun-jun 4)bijng-biqng xingx-xingj 5)xixu-qixu qinqu-xinqu,语音练习 Phonetics drills,辨韵母 Final discrimination 1)qun-qin xi-xu 2)jio-ji xn-xng 3)jin-jing qn-qn 4)yopin-yupin xinhu-xinghu 5)rnmn-rnmng tngxn-tngxn,语音练习 Phonetics drills,辨声调 Tone discrimination 1)qi-qi jng-jn
5、g 2)ju-ju x-x 3)jn-jn ji-ji 4)xq-xq qinxin-qinxin 5)tngxng-tngxng jinmin-jinmin,语音练习 Phonetics drills,读下列音节Read out the following syllables(1)第三声+一、二、四及轻声半三声+一、二、四及轻声3rd+1st: Bijng 北京 jindn 简单3rd+2nd: lxng 旅行 Migu 美国3rd+4th: kp 可怕 wnfn 晚饭3rd+the neutral tone: xhuan 喜欢 bnzi 本子,语音练习 Phonetics drills,读
6、下列音节Read out the following syllables(2) 第三声+第三声第二声+第三声yf yf 语法 fdo fdo 辅导,生词 New words,要 (助动、动)yo to want 换(动)hun to change 钱(名)qin money 多少(代)dushao how much; how many一(数)y one 百(数)bi hundred 美元(名)miyun US dollar,生词New words,二(数)r two 三(数)sn three 四(数)s four 五(数)w five 两(数)ling two 杯(量、名)bi cup;gla
7、ss 块(元)(量)kui(yun) yuan (the basic monetary unit of China),生词New words,个(量)g (a measure word most extensively used) 六(数)li six 毛(角)(量)mo(jio) mao/jiao ( the fractional monetary unit of China,=1/10 of a yuan) 瓶(量、名)png bottle 七(数)q seven 八(数)b eight 本(量)bn (a measure word for books, etc.),生词New words
8、,九(数)ji nine 十(数)sh ten 分(量)fn fen ( the fractional monetary unit of China,=1/10 of a jiao),课文 Text,1.A: W yo hun qin. 我 要 换 钱。B: Hun dushao? 换 多少?A:Hun y bi miyun. r sn s w换 一 百 美 元。 二 三 四 五,对话练习 Dialogue Practice,r sn s w 二 三 四 五,课文 Text,2.A: Ling bi kfi. 两 杯 咖啡, dushao qin? 多 少 钱?B: W kui. 五 块,对话练习 Dialogue Practice,Y ge bnzi li mo 一 个, 本子, 六毛S png pji q kui r四 瓶, 啤酒, 七 块 二,对话练习 Dialogue Practice,Ling ge minbo bkui 两 个, 面包, 八块sn bn cdin jish kui三 本,词典, 九十 块,综合练习 Comprehensive Exercises,Complete the following dialogue with given wordsA: 。(换) B: ?(多少) A: 。(美元),