1、Tourist attraction of Japan,Mount Fuji 富士山,Mount Fuji located on Honshu Island, is the highest mountain in Japan at 3,776.24 m. Mount Fujis exceptionally symmetrical cone(对称的圆锥体), which is snow-capped several months a year, is a well-known symbol of Japan.Mount Fuji is an attractive volcanic cone an
2、d a frequent subject of Japanese art especially after 1600,东京铁塔Tokyo Tower,Tokyo Tower is a communications and observation tower located in Tokyo, Japan. At 333 metres ,it is the second-tallest artificial structure in Japan. The structure is an Eiffel Tower-inspired lattice tower that is painted whi
3、te and international orange to comply with air safety regulations.东京铁塔的正式名称为日本电波塔,是位于日本东京港区芝公园的一座电波塔。其以巴黎埃菲尔铁塔为范本而建造,高333米,比前者高13米,完工以来即成为东京著名地标与观光景点。,From dusk to midnight, the floodlights illuminate the entire tower. Sodium vapor lamps are used from October 2 to July 6 to cover the tower in an ora
4、nge color. From July 7 to October 1, the lights are changed to metal halide lamps to illuminate the tower with a white color. The reasoning behind the change is a seasonal one. Because orange is a warmer color and helps to offset the cold winter months. Conversely, white is thought a cool color that
5、 helps during the hot summer months.灯光照明由世界著名照明设计师,石井干子设计主持,照明时间为日落到午夜0点之间。灯光颜色随季节变化,夏季为白色,春、秋、冬季为橙色。,Kiyomizu-dera is an independent Buddhist temple in eastern Kyoto. The temple was founded in 798, and its present buildings were constructed in 1633. There is not a single nail used in the entire str
6、ucture. It takes its name from the waterfall within the complex, which runs off the nearby hills. Kiyomizu means clear water, or pure water. 清水寺是一座位于日本京都府京都市东山区清水的佛教寺院,于778年前后由延镇上人起造。清水寺的山号为音羽山,主要供奉千手观音。,Kiyomizu-dera 清水寺,Tenshu 天守阁,Tenshu is the central tower or main keep of a Japanese castle. It is the most defining feature of the Japanese castle. The previous castles usually had a defensible structure(防御设施) for residence and/or administration 天守是日本城堡中最高、最主要也最具代表性的部份,具有瞭望、指挥的功能,也是封建时代统御权力的象征之一。,THANK YOU,