1、鸡西市第一中学 商俊梅,The First Lesson,Interest is the source of motive power,兴趣是一切动力之源,Discussion,Why do we Chinese learn English?,English is widely used in the world It has become an international language. It plays a more and more important part in the world in every field. With the development of society,
2、 the earth is smaller and smaller ,you can find English everywhere books,newspapers,songs ,ads are all written in English ,also make a round world trip,You can easily make yourself understood all over the world,Remember,Find out the differences between chinese and English,Expression: Chinese express
3、 the meaning ,(表意)English reprent sounds(表音)Form: 方块文字 四线三格Order:Good morning, Helen.Sound : long or short sound,Remember,How to study English well?,To be active (in class activities). Each of the students will choose their own English name in order to practice English fluently. Listen to the teache
4、r how to pronounce it watch the lips carefully.Pratice reading in a loud voice.To be brave (to speak, ask and answer). Shadowing(跟读) is good for improving your pronunciation,and repeat it continuously. To be careful (with your work).Practice the pronunciation looking in the mirror ,Keep practicing ,
5、 you can become perfect,Choose an English name for yourself.,你有英文名字吗?没有的话,可以选一个哦,The Alphabet,2b,Listen and sing the alphabet song. point to the letters as you singthe song,A, B, C, D, E, F, G, U, V, W, X, Y, Z. H, I, J, K, L, M, N, X, Y, Z now you see, O, P, Q, R, S, T, I can say my ABCs.,2c,Look a
6、nd copy. Remind to prepare how to write these letters.,Lets write the alphabet 字母的书写 (注意笔画和笔顺)Now you know your ABCs ,youll learn to write them. How do we write an A? Can you guess? Guess or Watch how I write it.,How many alphabers are there ? There are 26 letters in the alphabet , Each letter has c
7、apital letter and small letter. This is an A ,You read it /ei/ ,repeat after me /ei/. also teach them international phonetic alphabet.Match Capital letters with small letters List these letters in alphabetical order Eat alphabet cookies Say the spellings then Ss write down the letters.,Sum up the al
8、phabet Pronunciation classify(aeiou) Handwriting classify(small letters),学好音标开好头,发音准确,说地道的英语;pronouce correctly , you can speak English like native speakers.拼读法记忆单词;pronunciation can help you memorize words 3. 提高自主学习性,增加词汇量; You can pronounce words by yourself , and improve your vocabulary. 4. 整体语感提
9、高。improve your speaking ability,International Phonetic Alphabet(国际音标),一、音素(国际音标 International Phonetic Alphabet) 音素是语音的最小单位。英语国际音标共48个音素,其中元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。 (1)元音:发音响亮,是乐音,口腔中气流不受阻碍,是音节的主要组成部分。 (2)辅音:发音不响亮,是噪音,口腔中气流受阻,不是音节的重要组成部分。,17,双元音 双元音是作为一个音节、用一次呼气发出来的两个元音的连缀。这个连缀是以滑溜音的形式读出来的,即舌从第一个元音的位置向第二个元音方
10、向以最直接的途径滑过去而成为一个音。双元音的两个成分中只有第一个读得比较重、长和清晰,第二个则要读得比较轻、短和含糊。,How to pronounce a word?,Homework,1. Copy the vowels and the consonants. 2. Learn the tongue twister by heart.,二、音节(syllable) (一)音节的构成 以元音为主体构成的发音单位叫音节。音节是读音的基本单位,任何单词的读音,都是分解为一个个音节朗读。一般说来,在英语中元音特别响亮,可以构成音节,辅音不响亮,不能构成音节(除/m/ /n/ /l/)。 Sylla
11、ble is a part of a word that contains a single vowel sound and that is pronounced as a unit . for example ,“how” has one syllable,and “goodbye” has two syallbles.,1、以元音为主体构成音节的四种方式(1)单独一个元音构成一个音节。如:I /a/ (2)一个元音加上它前面的一个或几个辅音构成一个音节。如:hi /ha/ (3)一个元音加上它后面的一个或几个辅音构成一个音节。如:it/t/(4)一个元音加上它前面和后面的一个或几个辅音构成
12、一个音节。如:sit/st/,Homework,1. Copy the vowels and the consonants. 2. Learn the tongue twister by heart.,2、成音节 在辅音音素中,m n l是发音较为响亮的辅音,他们可以和别的辅音结合成不含元音的音节,这种音节叫成音节。成音节往往出现在词尾,一般是非重读音节。 ap-ple ta-ble,Homework,1. Copy the vowels and the consonants. 2. Learn the tongue twister by heart.,(二)音节的分类 1、音节按读音可以分为
13、开音节和闭音节 开音节又可以分为绝对开音节和相对开音节。 (1) 绝对开音节:是指一个元音音素后没有辅音音素而构成的音节,(即以“辅音+元音”结尾)。如:hi/ha/,he she we so go no ruler (2) 相对开音节:是指一个元音字母后有一个辅音字母(除r)之外,再加一个不发音的e构成的音节,(即以“元音+辅音+不发音e”结尾)。如: kite,cake,name,bike,like,take,home,plane,these those 在开音节中,这个元音字母发“字母”本身音,例如:hi|hai|, use|ju:z|,play words guessing game.
14、 vowel letters play an important part,(3) 闭音节:以一个或几个辅音音素结尾而中间只有一个元音音素的音节,(即以“元音+辅音”结尾)。如:it/t/,map/mp/ pen 在重读的闭音节中元音字母读做短元音。 2.音节按重读可以分为重读音节和非重读音节 重读音节:指在双音节或多音节词中有一个发音特别响亮的音节,叫重读音节,color用重音符号“ ”标于相应位置,其他音节为非重读音节,如 computer,单音节词作重读处理,但不标重音符号。 How many syllables does this word have? Three syllables
15、, and the stress falls on the second syllable.,Homework,1. Copy the vowels and the consonants. 2. Learn the tongue twister by heart.,三)音节的划分 1、确定音节个数 音节是词的构成单位。确定音节的个数有以下两种方法。(1)从单词拼写形式上看,有几个元字组就有几个音节 (特别说明:单独一个元音字母也可以构成一个音节;出现在词尾且不发音的e不能构成音节。) 元字组包括元音字母和元音字母组合。 元音字母:a,e,i,o,u,y (半元音,常位于辅音后) 元音字母组合:
16、ai, al, ar, ay; ea, ee, ei, er, ew, ear; ie, ir; oa, oi, oo, or, ow, our; ur; name /neim/ card /ka:d/ (2)就语音形式而言,有几个元音音素就有几个音节 (特别说明:单独一个元音音素也可以构成一个音节;成音节不含元音音素。) table/teibl/ 英语单词有一个音节的,两个音节的,多个音节的。一个音节的叫单音节egg,两个音节的叫双音节词seven,三个音节及其以上的叫多音节词banana .,a字母组合,al,1,4,2,3,ay,ar,air,ass,ea,ea,ee,ea,er,ear
17、,ea,ear,ere,er,e字母组合,1,4,5,10,9,8,6,2,3,7,igh,i字母组合,ir,1,2,o字母组合,10,9,8,1,4,5,6,2,3,7,11,12,13,oy,ou,ow,ow,oa,or,our,ou,oo,oor,or,ong,oo,ur,u字母组合,Lets read together.,2、划分音节 元音是构成音节的主体,辅音是音节的分界线。常用的基本划分音节的方法如下: (1)按拼写形式 两个辅音字母之间不管有多少个元音字母,一般都是一个音节。如:bed,seat,beat。,元音字母组合和辅音字母组合(th, ch, sh, ph, gh,wh,
18、)在划分音节时不能拆分。如:father,teacher。wr, kn, ng ,nk 两个常用的辅音连缀dr和tr通常出现在音节的开头处,所以 tree ,dress等词的拼写形式有利于音节划分。,Golden rules 1: ccc, /s/s/s/ , ccc /k/k/k/ 遇到a o u ,要读k/k/k/ 遇到e i y, 要读/s/s/s/,Letter sounds b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v w x y z (cake cup color / cimema ),Golden rules 2 g g g, /g/g/g/, g g g,
19、 (good,goat,geography )后跟a o u,要读/g/g/g/后跟e i y ,要读/d3/,Golden rules 3 y y y, 真有趣, 重读音节里要读/ai/ my 非重读音节里要读/i/ family 元音字母前要读/j/ yes ,you,Golden rules 4: l l l ,真奇怪,元音之前,读清楚,/l/l/l/, like ,eleven,ruler 没有元音,模糊读,/l/l/l/. apple 两清辅音一起时,后一个清辅音变成浊辅音,或叫浊化sp sb st sd sk sg speak,Golden rules 5:元音音素字母组合 ai
20、ay eigh -/ei/ ee ea ey ie -/i:/ ie -ind -ild -igh -/ai/ oa oe ow old ost -/3u/,Golden rules 6: ear 在词尾要读 /i3/ hear ear 在词中要读/3:/ heard ie 在长单词中要读/i:/ piece ie 在短单词中要读/ai/ pie ue ue ui ew 在l j r 后要读/u:/ due new oi 永远在词中,oy永远在词尾 boil boy ar or在非重读音节中要读/3/doctor,How to learn new words? good/gud/ morning/m:ni/ Good morning! (Clap the stressed syllable or words) vocabulary is the basis of English language learning.if you can pronouce the words correctly , its not difficult to write down the spelling. Letters-words-sentence-passage,Thank you for listening!,