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1、2010 M8 (9277 ) GLOBAL EDUCATIONVol.39 No8,2010 o j7/ W #S U=K1 世界公民教育旨在将全球儿童塑造成理想的世界公民,与国际理解教育等项目相比,它尤其重视儿童改造世界的主体性力量,强调参与a行动与变革b在乐施会的推动下,世界公民教育以融入模式和全校参与的形式扎根于世界各地,并与各种儿童本位的教学法相配合,从知识a技能a价值观等多个维度,有利提升了儿童的综合素养b作为正在崛起的大国,中国实有必要引入世界公民教育b=1oM 世界公民教育 国际理解教育 行动 参与=Te 高振宇/华东师范大学课程与教学研究所博士研究生 (上海200062)Ba

2、 W # W =dW , V global/worldcitizenship education, education for global/worldcitizenshipthe global dimension to thecitizenship education,YVn| 3u/ W b W )v“ 5,77 Z$ b$1Nussbaum5 :P6,1#v D, W H (v?bV, Nussbaum *X4/ W ! *z0, /8 7 S (2)Mi j“;(3) W T;(4) Wdl Y/ 3 0;(5)r# o Y; (6)i WFa V7 m ; (7)1-3 (Oxfam

3、, Young V ,V W,igW V1“,V I,V $ 3,Vi(beingthrough becoming),VXMb4 N,4 W 8+:(1)kM;(2)M ; (3)r o1, Mi o5,r / oY,Qg ; (4) WlM“, ov ?, “ -/ 0= ,u / 0(the other) j7; (5)T Z, 8“TM w g,yi?Zn/ 0, =/ Ms)30)00,n 3TB/ 0Q;(6) ,M.d= 31“a =21“,#nF 1“; (7)?Z 3/ ?, M a/ ?a fN4 ;(8)+ S, 8b5V, y W !8 / W 04 Q,L Wpb N

4、, ,# a 5a Ba E,/ W 0 B5 Q, i M,/ W 0B 5 S b7 o *X ou/B/h 0,v 9X$/ W 0byN,NigelDower W 7 d 1| 3 /0 W ,7 i M1-/T0 W ,i 1# o Yb66BZ , W cR1 is b5 1 W l$v , “9$W k,ShultzaJorgensonaHamdon V l$S LT ,7 Y L a “ WW =dG C M,F a Q 9Bis ,yN1 W dBl V ?bAbdiin, W l M, ( ?=/l0B5,7 ? / o Bz 3.y 3$ 0,89 N P W on V/

5、V _0b N, W dB,N o W5$ ,R Sn1?7/, *t S=n,1 8% o5,7 Yn5 VV M aN4a/ ? mb=aw W il o # WSW O YY,SE(/ B/B)WM M ,iYVT % o45 “X k, ( V)?ZaaS= a bt “ Q W MY,7 “ / / W 0,| bMary J. Pigozzi , V?Z “ ! ?# oZ 7 W;95 S= p . 3 5ZE,!1 a1 o V?Z/ W 0 b10 ! , 9 W ?Z1“ M,y S*1975 M|?Z/1?rSE#?ZSE aMa1#l5T0, K1dl/ X“,i?7

6、wM0, /B O6, W b11N f /, W ? sn e ;? n5, W / o0F/ 0b BM , P W *tg (/ B/B)M “ u 7 ,y/ 0 M , 8“5 3 ; BS ,9 W b oY f, % W 45 $i M9 vh, - 1 WS S8b16 M W , =)31) = o4 Q# ,58 W a p5 H| sKb17 9, SE; “S 4 3/i M o M1 MG ,T W sZM1 l0, 7C 3V1S Y, A1 M/ ? !3, P W z 3i?Zb188 Mi i op5 p 1bHicks - H ,9 3 ?Z p bS7,1

7、 ,S /?/i M0, 0/S4S,?/4?/0; d0/?/0,S/5?/7,?/ 7 0,$/S0/?/0P,N)?/S,9 H Wb7, oEF S 9,SXV/N o0ZSES=$?5_/ 0 W,! M WS y/ W0,FA S/ W %bN f /,/ _Ca _ Wa _ 0, 3 T L W i M, Wi o Y,w W ?Z D b H, SXnwS= aa?Za , v9 ,! z aM , jCiS=5 3 I,9 T/ o 0M3 ,y7? B/ oS=0b21yNSwW ,; ?.d,9 $ba W = , o/ W 0 M,w W n,V7 = |_b Shu

8、ltz, W 9 |_:(1)1l |_, j oYV tS, P AW, j b257 Ll 5, xa aT (1G !9 m, Z 7 W ,yB5 mKW O V T,=5 os S wb A ,nV Z)32)V1 W |_ W W 5 ka a5 4?r, Caa/ ?a/ a8a 1“ 3i d/ q 0(disempowerment),i _h“s) ?Za Naa mTazFa 7?a/ e 8iVm1$ a asZ1 3 ( )la 3 ( )a3 la(y X?S5)a (y1“?S5)/ Y0 Bt8 5/, Y %Z,y V F a pM H /“ .0/ .0 AM

9、Z ?Zpa a()8“aaL !aa a1“M ? 3V =( F)V =M “ ?Z,a z %fl,y , 1 %1-?ZW “S 8 | ( active citizen),G z 3 X W 8 Q 1(2)/ ?, Iar a saG as la | aZ ? ; (3)N4 , 1Ma fa laM“a1 V?Z;(4),S 92 l =95 =,?C1/3 = 1-;8 V o5b28 6BZ , Lapayese4T ! 8 = T, P W J zaCQ ,7 : B 7 bW, V , = ,29 7 Ll Y, k ,M% TbyN,Sw W H,A15v, ! “,Z

10、 V k n#=4, P Z 7 M L; H,yp1n L H,A P 7b ,E n = ba W L (B) Tw W K XZ T V| ! , 7 VX/* =0 f /, ( C ?%nQ,A P “ ,y7 oR Tv T(infusionapproach),| W Q nM1 bV , W V$ ,30“ S, Sw T n S “,31N V 5G u7MbP7, )33) 14ET “, W 3 Sa Sa8 Saa S “M, 8 SZ , / o0a/ 30a/ ? S/0 V W M;, K/S= k0, 3)CS= Y ?ZSE 39,iQ 3 N,# 3 SZ ,

11、 l) ahn8a 3 V W , V+ Q,/ 05,| W =M) S, 3V 3?, MiQ o 5,iB / 504/ 5 0bk W V , #1 (wi n T(whole-schoolapproach) L “bN T,;V t S/ T,“ HW=,g V/ M50 T,B M HW=,| W z, 3a =aEanad auTa V, 2“ mEw W n =by7, BZ Ln# HW, 6BZ 5 ? 3 W iM,32ngyNF a u,aS# W ?ZS1Db33 PA v a Sa 3 5 any !a !9Z T, nS =r 7Z r4 W , 8 = 3 3

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13、/ 0 o m,yN/ o0 P i;41 Madeleine Arnot5V U W i 8/ 3 0, *t; mS8xil,7v 4?rSE8 7l 7 ! a Maa a Na S “ V 1 W ,yN W S?Z -9 b ID:1f Z a. W 4 Q W J. X ,2009(20):25- 28. 2 Martha C. Nussbaum . Cultivating Humanity: A ClassicalDefense of Reform in Liberal Education M . HarvardUniversity Press,2000: 69.3 S ./ o

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