1、各类病毒及其 繁殖方式,一、原核生物的病毒噬菌体,噬菌体:是病毒中的一种,一般把侵染细菌、放线菌的病毒叫噬菌体。(把侵染真菌的病毒叫噬真菌体) 噬菌体在自然界广泛存在,在1995年发表的ICTV的病毒分类与命名第六次报告中共报道了4000余种,分别划归为49个病毒科. 据Bradley(1967)归纳,噬菌体共有六类形态。,1.形态与分类,噬菌体共有六类形态:,T-系噬菌体T-系噬菌体是研究的最广泛而又深入的细菌噬菌体,按发现的先后顺序进行从T1-T7编号,后来发现其中偶数者的形态都相同(蝌蚪形收缩性长尾),故统称T偶数噬菌体。,由于绝大多数噬菌体为蝌蚪形,现以E.coli T4为例,介绍蝌蚪
2、形噬菌体的结构:,大肠杆菌T4噬菌体构造,偶数噬菌体的形态构造,2.BACTERIOPHAGE LIFE CYCLES,Two primary types of bacteriophages :,温和噬菌体(temperate phrage)噬菌体感染细胞后,将其核酸整合(插入)到宿主的核DNA上,并且可以随宿主DNA的复制而进行同步复制,在一般情况下,不引起寄主细胞裂解的噬菌体。,烈性噬菌体(virulent phage)感染细胞后,能在寄主细胞内增殖,产生大量子代噬菌体并引起细菌裂解的噬菌体。,The lytic life cycle consists of the following s
3、teps: AdsorptionPenetrationReplicationMaturation Release。,(1)The Lytic Life Cycle of Lytic Bacteriophages,The bacteriophage binds to receptors on the bacterial cell wall.,The bacteriophage injects its genome into the bacteriums cytoplasm,Fig. 2: Penetration,Fig. 1: Adsorption,The bacteriophage genom
4、e replicates and bacteriophage components begin to be produced by way of the host bacteriums metabolic machinery.,The production of bacteriophage components and enzymes progresses .,Fig. 4: Late Replication,Fig. 3: Early Replication,The bacteriophage components assemble.,A bacteriophage-coded enzyme
5、 breaks down the peptidoglycan in the bacterial cell wall causing osmotic lysis.,Fig. 6: Release,Fig. 5: Maturation,Phage T4 infecting its host E. coli cell,Electron Micrograph of a T-even Bacteriophage with a Contractile Sheath,A = normal bacteriophage; B = bacteriophage after contraction of sheath,A (+) RNA can be translated into viral protein. (+) and (-) strands are complementary.,Transcription of Viral Nucleic Acid into Viral mRNA,