1、cI|:1001-4918 (2009) 04-0109-114ms |: B84412 DS M :Av 3EV ? fVra f81“邓丽芳1 徐田丽1 郑日昌2(11北京航空航天大学人文社科学院,北京 100191 ; 21北京师范大学心理学院,北京 100875)K 1:本研究为探讨大学生家庭功能与情绪表达性a情感体验之间的关系,采用家庭亲密度和适应性量表a情感量表a情绪表达性量表对851名大学生进行施测,并利用结构方程模型进行分析b结果表明:(1)家庭功能对大学生情绪表达性及情感体验具有显著的预测作用;( 2)情绪表达性在家庭功能与负性情感间具有部分中介作用b1oM:家庭功能;情绪表
2、达性;情感体验YT: Y,t bt?v =. E-mail: 1 EVTF%, 81 bEV ?(family functioning)T EV“d 1S,9 YEV ?Z M Bb “ -,SEV ?Olson YKv 1 , $IEV T a V(FACES) v L,M1 T (A U:EV ?8 fa f+Wi“ M “bn5,EV ?8 f81“ ,X8a 3,iEV ? fW1“ 1b S, KashaniAllan ?C,8EV T A 8EV T 2bBernstein?C, M EV T a ; EV MM1, EV MnF A 3b M S =9 iMEV ?8 f1Y,
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10、s. Psychophysiology, 200021 39 : 281- 291.EmotionalExperienceinCollegeStudentsDENG Li-fang1 XU Tian-li1 ZHENG Ri-chang2(11School of Humanities and Social Science, Beihang University, Beijing 100191;21School of Psychology , Beijing Normol University, Beijing 100875)Abstract: The FACES II-CV scale, Af
11、fect Scale and Emotional Expression Scale were employed to explore therelationships among family functioning, emotional expression and emotional experience in college students. A datasetwith851 college students was analyzed with the structural equation model, and the results indicated as follow: (1)
12、 familyfunctioning was a significant predictor of emotional expression and emotional experience; (2) emotional expression wasrelated to negative affect, emotional expression was connected with family functioning and emotional experience as apartial mediator.Keywords: family functioning; emotional expression; emotional experience1142009 M ?Z4