1、中国科 技经 济新 闻数 据库 教育 2015 43 253 SSR 以 班级 开 展SSR 持续 默读活 动的 成效 为例 李敏丽 漳州一 中, 福建 漳州 363000 摘 要: 阅读教学是高中英语教学 的重要组成部分, 但仅凭有限的课堂阅读教学指导难以满足课标对学生阅读理解方面的要求。 SSR 持续默读能够很好地补充课堂阅读教学的不足,能培养学生的阅读兴趣,养成良好的阅读习惯,进而提高学生的英语水 平。 关 键词:SSR 持续默读;高英英语教学;阅读理解 中 图分类号 :H319 文 献标识码 :A 文 章编号:1671-5861 (2015 )43-0253-02 1 1 2 40 2
2、6.5% 2 5 6 6 6 18 23 30 3 SSR Sustained Silent Reading SSR SSR Sustained Silent Reading 1960 Uninterrupted Sustained Silent Reading 55 10-15 McCrake 1971 Nagy Herman Anderson 1985 57 Ozburn 1995 60 Coley 1983 Wiesendanger Birlem 1984 Valeri-Gold 1995 Grubaugh Fielding Campbell Wiesendanger&Birlem Va
3、leri-Gold Ozburn Krashen 4 McCracken 教学研 究 254 2015 43 Valeri-Gold Wiesendanger&Birlem SSR 4 SSR SSR 2 16 SSR SSR 8 9 8 16 9 2 40 5 Things to say SSR Things to say SSR SSR Although I don t know many words means it is very interesting. words mean words meanings SSR Although it is only an advertisemen
4、t it touches your heart. My love for you swells like the ocean.There is always more of it to give. A wrong love relationship is like peeing in bed on a winter night you got warm for a while but cold for a lifetime. Don t let anyone steal your dreams.Follow your heart no matter what. If you can dream
5、 it you can do it believe in yourself. You re faced with something that s unexpected and unwanted consider that it is just a gift. No matter what I am and whether I win or lose I ll be the best of myself. We learn true courage from watching ordinary people rise above hopeless situations overcoming o
6、bstacles they never know they could. Success isn t a one-way street it is a continuous journey. I love myself and my country- for nothing great but everything surrounding me colors my life. To speak a kind of language means you begin to think as the native people who speak this kind of language. Rea
7、ding is laughing crying adventuring exploring or finding out how to do things. SSR SSR I think my English reading has improved a lot.I learn some new words and can read more quickly. SSR SSR 5 SSR SSR SSR 10-15 40 6 SSR 256 教学研 究 256 2015 43 78.37% 79.74% 87.84% 3 3.1 1 3.2 2 3.3 2 3 3.4 4 1 马 金 岭.
8、提 升 师 范 生 教 师 专 业 素 质 培 养 的 思 考 与 实 践J. 中国高等教育,2010 (10): 50. 2 刘义兵, 常宝宁. 教师教育一体化师资队伍建设及其创新 实践J. 教育研究,2015 (8): 123. 3 袁江山. 顶岗实习对师范生专业素养发展影响研究 以河北师范大学为例D. 西南大学,2013. 4 戴立益. 师范生培养: 内容、 过程与保障J. 教师教育研 究,2011 ,9 (5): 1-4. 基金项目: 本文系江西师范大学研究生创新基金课题 “师范 院校职前教师专业素养培养的有效性”研究成果之一。 作 者 简 介 : 黄 礼 红 (1991 ) , 女 , 江 西 新 余 人 , 江 西 师 范 大学硕士研究生, 主要研究方向为高等教育管理学和教师教 育。 254 SSR 20 10 72 54 18 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 SSR Peterson 1979 While students exposed to direct instruction methods tend to do better on achievement testes students exposed to open teaching methods t