1、A Sentence OutlineThesis: Foreign trade is beneficial to and indispensable for all nations.I. Introduction: the utilization of different economic resources and the development of different skills from the foundation of foreign trade.II. Trade in commodities (visible trade) is necessary between natio
2、ns.A. No nation has all the commodities it needs.B. A nation may not have enough of certain commodities.C. A nation may sell certain commodities at a profit. D. Latest innovations and different styles of commodities may make foreign trade necessary.E. All nations strive to maintain a favorable balan
3、ce of trade so as to be assured of the means to buy necessary goods. III. Exchange of services between nations (invisible trade) is part of foreign trade.A. Nations vie in providing transportation for foreign trade.B. Prudent exporters purchase insurance for their cargoes.C. Tourism brings a nation huge profits.D. Technology is also exported and imported.IV. Conclusion: the purpose of foreign trade is to earn money for necessary import and it is important to keep the balance of payments.