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2、,好的战士是既会冲锋又会隐蔽的)用人所长必容人所短人生很大的误区在于见到好友不交,见到名师不败。一个境界低的人讲不出来高远的话,一个没有使命感的人讲不出来有责任的话,一个格局小的人,讲不出来大气的话。凡是能干大事的人都是能够坐得住的人。如果没有这么多人干扰我,哪有我做球星的价值。-马拉多纳不怕念起,就怕觉迟。VB2010 知识宝库VB.NET常用命名空间和类介绍一、基础命名空间System.Collections包含了一些与集合相关的类型,比如列表 ,队列,位数组, 哈希表和字典等. (数据结构)System.IO 包含了一些数据流类型并提供了文件和目录同步异步读写.System.Text 包

3、含了一些表示字符编码的类型并提供了字符串的操作和格式化System.Reflection包括了一些提供加载类型,方法和字段的托管视图以及动态创建和调用类型功能的类型.System.Threading 提供启用多线程的类和接口二、图形命名空间System.Drawing这个主要的命名空间定义了许多类型,实现基本的绘图类型(字体,钢笔,基本画笔等)和无所不能的 Graphics 对象System.Drawing2D 这个命名空间提供高级的二维和失量图像功能System.Drawing.Imaging 这个命名空间定义了一些类型实现图形图像的操作System.Drawing.Text 这个命名空间提

4、供了操作字体集合的功能System.Drawing.Printing这个命名空间定义了一些类型实现在打印纸上绘制图像,和打印机交互以及格式化某个打印任务的总体外观等功能三、数据命名空间System.Data 包含了数据访问使用的一些主要类型 System.Data.Common 包含了各种数据库访问共享的一些类型 System.XML 包含了根据标准来支持处理的类System.Data.OleDb 包含了一些操作 OLEDB 数据源的类型 System.Data.Sql 能使你枚举安装在当前本地网络的 SQL Server 实例System.Data.SqlClient包含了一些操作 MS S

5、QL Server 数据库的类型,提供了和 System.Data.OleDb相似的功能,但是针对 SQL 做了优化(优化后的 SQL 操作类库)System.Data.SqlTypes 提供了一些表示 SQL 数据类型的类System.Data.Odbc 包含了操作 Odbc 数据源的类型System.Data.OracleClient 包含了操作 Odbc 数据库的类型System.Transactions 这个命名空间提供了编写事务性应用程序和资源管理器的一些类四、WEB 命名空间System.Web这个命名空间包含启用浏览器/服务器通信的类和接口. 这些命名空间类用于管理到客户端的 H

6、TTP 输出和读取 HTTP 请求. 附加的类则提供了一些功能 ,用于服 务器端的应用程序以及进程,Cookie 管理, 文件传输,异常信息和输出缓存的控制.System.Web.UI 这个命名空间包含 Web 窗体的类, 包括 Page 类和用于创建 Web 用户界面的其 他标准类 .System.Web.UI.HtmlControls 这个命名空间包含用于 HTML 特定控件的类,这些控件可以添加到 Web 窗体中 以创建 Web 用户界面System.Web.UI.WebControls 包含创建 ASP.NET 服务器控件的类,当添加到窗体时, 这些控件将呈现浏览器特 定的 HTML

7、和脚本,用于创建和设备无关的 Web 用户界面.System.Web.Mobile 包含生成 ASP.NET 移动应用程序所需要的核心功能,包括身份验证和错误处理 .System.Web.UI.MobileControls 包括一组 ASP.NET 服务器控件,这些控件可以针对不同的移动设备呈现应用程 序.System.Web.Services 包含能使你使用和生成 XML Web Service 的类,这些服务是驻留在服务器中的 可编程实体 ,并通过标准 Internet 协议公开.五、框架服务命名空间System.Diagnostics这个命名空间所提供的类允许你启动系统进程,读取和写入事

8、件日志以及使用性 能计数器监视系统性能.System.DirectoryServices这个命名空间所提供的类可便于从托管代码中访问 Active Directory.此命名空 间中的类可以与任何 Active Directory 服务提供程序一起使用.System.Media 包含用于播放声音文件和访问系统提供的声音的类.System.Management这个命名空间提供的类用于管理一些信息和事件,它们关系到系统,设备和 WMI 基础结构所使用的应用程序.System.Messaging这个命名空间提供的类用于连接到网络上的消息队列,向队列发送消息, 从队列 接收或查看消息.System.S

9、erviceProcess这个命名空间提供的类用于安装和运行服务,服务是长期运行的可执行文件, 它 们不通过用户界面来运行.System.Timers 这个命名空间提供基于服务器的计时器组件,用以按指定的间隔引发事件.六、安全性命名空间System.Security 这个命名空间提供公共语言运行库安全性系统的基础结构.System.Net.Security 这个命名空间提供用于主机间安全通信的网络流.System.Web.Security 这个命名空间包含的类用于在 Web 应用程序中实现 ASP.NET 安全性.七、网络命名空间System.Net 包含的类可为当前网络上的多种协议提供简单的

10、编程接口.System.Net.Cache这个命名空间定义了一些类和枚举,用于为使用 WebRequest 和HttpWebRequest 类获取的资源定义缓存策略. System.Net.Configuration这个命名空间包含了以编程方式访问和更新 System.Net 命名空间的配置设置的类.System.Net.Mime 这个命名空间包含了用于将电子邮件发送到 SMTP 服务器进行传送的类.System.Net.Networkinformation这个命名空间提供对网络流量数据,网络地址信息和本地计算机的地址更改通知的访问,还包含实现 Ping 实用工具的类. 你可以使用 Ping

11、和相关的类来检查是否可通过网络访问某台计算机.System.Net.Sockets这个命名空间为严格控制网络访问的开发人员提供 Windows 套接字接口的托 管实现八、配置命名空间System.Configuration这个命名空间包含用于以编程方式访问.Net Framework 配置设置并处理配置 文件中错误的类.System.Configuration.Assemblies 这个命名空间包含用于配置程序集的类.System.Configuration.Provider这个命名空间包含由服务器和客户端应用程序共享,以支持可插接式模型轻松添 加或移除功能的基类.九、本地化命名空间Syste

12、m.Globalization包含的类定义与区域性相关的信息,其中包括语言, 国家地区, 所使用的日历,日期 格式的模式,货币与数字以及字符串的排序顺序.System.Resources这个命名空间提供一些类和接口,它们使开发人员得以创建, 存储并管理应用程 序中使用的各种区域性特定资源.System.Resources.Tools这个命名空间包含 StronglyTypedResourceBuilder 类,该类提供对强类型资源 的支持 .这个编译时功能通过创建包含一组静态只读属性的类封装对资源的访问, 从而使得使用资源变得更加容易一. 窗体事件0. 自动调整窗体Public xz, yz

13、As DoublePublic Sub zishiying(ByVal parent As Control)xz = 75 / Form5.Button1.Widthyz = 23 / Form5.Button1.HeightDim sFont As FontFor Each c As Control In parent.ControlsDim zihao As Integer = c.Font.Size * xz / 1.2 1sFont = New Font(c.Font.FontFamily, zihao, c.Font.Style)c.Font = sFontc.Width = c.W

14、idth * xzc.Height = c.Height * yzc.Left = c.Left * xzc.Top = c.Top * yzzishiying(c)NextEnd SubPrivate Sub Button2_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Clickzishiying(Me)End Sub1.打印文字。方法一:在窗体上打印文字Dim g As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics Dim mBrush As New SolidBrush(Color

15、.Red) Dim mFont As New Font(“宋体“, 18) g.DrawString(“测试“, mFont, mBrush, 0, 10)(0 为横坐标,10 为纵坐标)方法二:在窗体上画文字Dim m As Graphicsm = Me.CreateGraphicsm.DrawString(“This is a diagonal line drawn on the control“, _New Font(“Arial“, 10), Brushes.Gold, New PointF(300.0F, 444.0F)m.Dispose()方法三:在图片框上打印文字Public C

16、lass Form2 This example creates a PictureBox control on the form and draws to it. This example assumes that the Form_Load event handler method is connected to the Load eventof the form.Private pictureBox1 As New PictureBox()Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)

17、Handles Me.Load Dock the PictureBox to the form andset its background to white.pictureBox1.Dock = DockStyle.FillpictureBox1.BackColor = Color.White Connect the Paint eventof the PictureBox to the event handler method. AddHandler pictureBox1.Paint, AddressOf Me.pictureBox1_Paint Add the PictureBox co

18、ntrol to the Form.Me.Controls.Add(pictureBox1)End Sub Form1_Load00:00:03.9522260Private Sub pictureBox1_Paint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Create a local version of the graphics objectfor the PictureBox.Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics Draw a stringon the Pic

19、tureBox.g.DrawString(“This is a diagonal line drawn on the control“, _New Font(“Arial“, 10), Brushes.Red, New PointF(30.0F, 30.0F) Draw a line in the PictureBox.g.DrawLine(System.Drawing.Pens.Red, PictureBox1.Left, _PictureBox1.Top, PictureBox1.Right, PictureBox1.Bottom)End Sub pictureBox1_PaintEnd

20、Class2.关闭窗体窗体.Dispose3. 创建一个透明度为 75%的窗体Private Sub CreateMyOpaqueForm() Create a new form.Dim form2 As New Form() Set the text displayed in the caption.form2.Text = “My Form“ Set the opacity to 75%.form2.Opacity = 0.75 Size the form to be 300 pixels in height and width.form2.Size = New Size(300, 300

21、) Display the form in the center of the screen.form2.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen Display the form as a modal dialog box.form2.ShowDialog()4用代码在窗体添加一个按钮.Dim button1 As New Button() Set the button to return a value of OK when clicked.button1.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK Add the bu

22、tton to the form.Controls.Add(button1)button1.Text = 1235.自动生成一个窗体并创建两个按钮(点击Cancle窗体自动关闭,如果他失去焦点,他不仅会响还会晃)Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Create a new instance of the form.Dim form1 As New Form() Create two buttons to use as

23、 the accept and cancel buttons.Dim button1 As New Button()Dim button2 As New Button() Set the text of button1 to “OK“.button1.Text = “OK“ Set the position of the button on the form.button1.Location = New Point(10, 10) Set the text of button2 to “Cancel“.button2.Text = “Cancel“ Set the position of th

24、e button based on the location of button1.button2.Location = _New Point(button1.Left, button1.Height + button1.Top + 10) Set the caption bar text of the form. form1.Text = “My Dialog Box“ Display a help button on the form.form1.HelpButton = True Define the border style of the form to a dialog box.fo

25、rm1.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog Set the MaximizeBox to false to remove the maximize box.form1.MaximizeBox = False Set the MinimizeBox to false to remove the minimize box.form1.MinimizeBox = False Set the accept button of the form to button1.form1.AcceptButton = button1 Set the canc

26、el button of the form to button2.form1.CancelButton = button2 Set the start position of the form to the center of the screen.form1.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen Add button1 to the form.form1.Controls.Add(button1) Add button2 to the form.form1.Controls.Add(button2) Display the form a

27、s a modal dialog box.form1.ShowDialog()End Sub演练:使用 WPF 设计器生成视频浏览器6.产生此效果Public Class Form1 Create a new form.Dim mdiChildForm As New FormDim mdiChildForm1 As New FormDim mdiChildForm2 As New FormPrivate Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, _ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Set the

28、 IsMdiContainer property to true.IsMdiContainer = True Set the child forms MdiParent property to the current form.mdiChildForm.MdiParent = MemdiChildForm1.MdiParent = MemdiChildForm2.MdiParent = MemdiChildForm.Show()mdiChildForm1.Show()mdiChildForm2.Show()mdiChildForm.Text = 1mdiChildForm1.Text = 2m

29、diChildForm2.Text = 3End SubEnd Class7. 改变窗体的背景颜色Dim ctl As ControlIsMdiContainer = True Loop through controls, looking for controls of MdiClient type. For Each ctl In Me.ControlsIf TypeOf (ctl) Is MdiClient Then If the control is the correct type, change the color.ctl.BackColor = System.Drawing.Col

30、or.PaleGreenEnd IfNextEnd Sub7( 2)Private Sub Form1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.ClickBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.PaleGreenEnd Sub或BackColor= Color.Blue系统颜色:GroupBox3.BackColor = Control.DefaultBackColor8.绘制椭圆窗体Dim shape As New System.Drawing.Drawing2D.G

31、raphicsPathshape.AddEllipse(0, 0, Me.Width, Me.Height)Me.Region = New System.Drawing.Region(shape)9.获取当前时间Display the timeText1.Text = Now.ToLongTimeString (只有时间 20 :55 :36)Text1.Text = Now (有日期和时间 2012/1/29 20 :57 :36)Text1.Text = Today (只有日期 2012/1/29)10.用鼠标滚轮调整窗体的透明度Private Sub Form1_MouseWheel(B

32、yVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseWheelStatic m As IntegerIf m 1 And m 0 Thenm = m + 5ElseIf m 1 And m 后面输入_Public Structure MARGINSPublic cxLeftWidth As IntegerPublic cxRightWidth As IntegerPublic cyTopHeight As IntegerPublic cyButtomheight As In

33、tegerEnd Structure_Public Shared Function DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(ByVal hWnd As IntPtr, ByRef pMarinset As MARGINS) As IntegerEnd FunctionPrivate Sub Button2_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.ClickMe.TransparencyKey = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 1)Me.BackColor =

34、 Me.TransparencyKeyDim margins As MARGINS = New MARGINSmargins.cxLeftWidth = -1margins.cxRightWidth = -1margins.cyTopHeight = -1margins.cyButtomheight = -1DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(Me.Handle, margins)End SubEnd Class二.系统事件0.系统监控Imports System.IOPrivate Sub FileSystemWatcher1_Changed(sender As Obj

35、ect, e As System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs) Handles FileSystemWatcher1.ChangedFileSystemWatcher1.NotifyFilter = IO.NotifyFilters.LastWritelujing = e.FullPath.ToStringEnd Sub1.系统睡觉System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(9000)2.调用.exe 程序1.指定路径:i = Shell(“E:vb2010.exe“, 1)2.相对路径:i = Shell(“定时关机.exe“, 1) (直接弹出)i = S

36、hell(“定时关机.exe“, 2) (直接隐藏在任务栏)i = Shell(“定时关机.exe“,3) (以最大化方式弹出)3.右键菜单的弹出Private Sub Label4_MouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Label4.MouseClickIf e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then mnulabel4.Visible = Truemnulabel4.Left = e.X + M

37、e.Left +( Label4)对象.Left + 8mnulabel4.Top = e.Y + Me.Top +( Label4)对象.Top + 35End Sub4.dll 文件的调用如何引用C+写DLL文件?及函数的调用方法?C+函数如下:bool winapi connectplayserver(char* address,DWORD Port,DWORD DataPart,char* Username)引用C+写DLL文件及函数的方法?Private Shared Function ConnectPlayServer(ByVal Address As String, ByVal

38、Port As Integer, ByVal DataPort As Integer, ByVal Username As String) As BooleanEnd FunctionPrivate Declare Auto Function a Lib “Lib.dll“ (ByVal i As Integer) As String例如:Typedef struct xtestchar a100;char b100;*px;_declspec(dllexport) void _stdcall test (*px,char *x,char *y);void _stdcall test (*px

39、,char *x,char *y)if(strlen(x)100) *(x+99)=0;if(strlen(y)100)*(y+99)=0;strcpy(px-a,x);strcpy(px-b,y);return;在vb里你要写一个同样的结构Public Structure xtestPublic a As StringPublic b As StringEnd Structurepublic declare funciton test lib“你的dll名字“ (byref px as xtest,byval x,byval y)三对话框1.打开文件Set the Open dialog p

40、ropertiesWith OpenFileDialog1.Filter = “Text Documents (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*“.FilterIndex = 1.Title = “打开文件“End WithShow the Open dialog and if the user clicks the Open button,load the fileIf OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then或If OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog =

41、Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel ThenTrySave the file path and namestrFileName = OpenFileDialog1.FileNameDim fileContents As StringfileContents = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(strFileName)Display the file contents in the text boxText1.Text = fileContentsCatch ex As ExceptionMessageBox.Show(ex.

42、Message, My.Application.Info.Title, _MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)End TryEnd If或获取文件的绝对路径OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog()AxShockwaveFlash1.Movie = OpenFileDialog1.FileName2.保存文件With SaveFileDialog1获?取?或设置?默?认?文?件t的?扩?展1名?.DefaultExt = “txt“.FileName = strFileName文?件t类型筛?选?.Filter = “Text D

43、ocuments (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*“.FilterIndex = 1如?果?用?户指?定的?文?件t名?已?存?在另存?为a对?话框显?示?警告?.OverwritePrompt = True.Title = “文件另存为“End WithShow the Save dialog and if the user clicks the Save button,save the fileIf SaveFileDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK ThenTrySave the file

44、 path and namestrFileName = SaveFileDialog1.FileNameMy.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(strFileName, txtFile.Text, False)Catch ex As ExceptionMessageBox.Show(ex.Message, My.Application.Info.Title, _MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)End TryEnd If3.浏览文件(只选择在哪个具体的文件夹下)FolderBrowserDialog1.Show

45、Dialog()FileSystemWatcher1.Path = FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath4.弹出字体、颜色对话框一、字体Set the Font dialog propertiesFontDialog1.ShowColor = TrueShow the Font dialog and if the user clicks the OK button,update the font and color in the text boxIf FontDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Th

46、en( txtFile.Font)对象.Font = FontDialog1.FonttxtFile.ForeColor = FontDialog1.ColorEnd If二、颜色Show the Color dialog and if the user clicks the OK button,update the background color of the formIf ColorDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then( Me.BackColor)对象.属性= ColorDialog1.ColorEnd If5.打

47、印Instantiate a new instance of the PrintDocumentDialogsPrintDocument = New PrintDocumentSet the PrintDialog propertiesWith PrintDialog1.AllowCurrentPage = False.AllowPrintToFile = False.AllowSelection = False.AllowSomePages = False.Document = DialogsPrintDocument.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.

48、Margins.Top = 25.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Bottom = 25.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left = 25.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Right = 25End WithIf PrintDialog1.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK ThenSet the selected printer settings in the PrintDocumentDialogsP

49、rintDocument.PrinterSettings = _PrintDialog1.PrinterSettingsGet the print datastrPrintRecord = txtFile.TextInvoke the Print method on the PrintDocumentDialogsPrintDocument.Print()End If6.浏览硬盘文件Set the FolderBrowser dialog propertiesWith FolderBrowserDialog1.Description = “Select a backup folder“.RootFolder = Environment.SpecialFolder.MyComputer.ShowNewFolderButton = FalseEnd WithShow the FolderBrowser dialog an


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