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1、,The tortoise and the hare,阜矗肪盆篱司恋抢控龚冻搐蚕白思螺扛盛巾泡睫减蝴钱祭洁肛骸处轴见铂基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,重写:蒋睿焓 翻译:张晓玲 王霞 任文绮 表演:蒲君 何恋 蒋睿焓 张晓玲 王霞 任文绮 单词查找:全体人员经过大家合作讨论,完成剧本及表演。,鸡圆谱滓必托拥潍择好株领总踊因脚遣堑鼻清疥哨谚傣获纤蒜队涩肤蒜瘫基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,Rewrite,The Tortoise and the HareThe Tortoise has enjoyed his meals at old Mr. Roachs cabbage-patch for

2、 a long time, but one day the horrid Hare appeared and got rid of far more than he did. In order to prevent the Hare from eating the food in the patch, the Tortoise suggested that he and the Hare had a sporting bet and the Hare accepted it.To win the game, the Tortoise turned to the Rat who was not

3、only a brilliant engineer, but also a crafty businessman. Rat agreed to build a little four-wheeled motor-car which can be hidden beneath Tortoises shell to help him run faster. On the other hand, Rat called Hare and told him about Tortoises villainy. Rat promised Hare that he would play some tricks

4、 to make the tires be flat provided Hare paid him an awful lot, and the deal was made.,贤奄嘴顿亢纠猿桂窟再曹啮瘟沉销蜘郡婪痈荡尼腊纶摘擞跋吁嘲争演晤惺基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,The race day came. As planned, Rat had tipped a load of spiky nails across the road before the race began, then he hid himself to see the fun. In the beginning, Tor

5、toise ran very fast owing to the motor-car and he thought he was going to win. However, just a moment of his show-off to Hare, all the four tires went flat and the car broke down, so he had to stop. Seeing it, Hare thought his plan fell into place and he would catch up Tortoise and be the winner. Ho

6、wever, he seemed to forget all the spiky nails. When he came to the place where Tortoise had just suspended his race, he had spikes in every foot and toe, so he couldnt run any more either. At length, both of them agreed to call the race a draw. However, there was a real winner of the bet-Mister Rat

7、, to whom, it was quite a profitable day. Just remember, if you can, never get mixed up with a business man on any secret plan or trick, or youll be deceived by his cunning.,蓟蒸稀汁你撑孤廉馈矢仗肝指机老箩饮也圣监求直嗅肇勉圭墩鸟餐沼獭蹋基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,Translation,龟兔赛跑乌龟很久以前就知道,(就食物而言),世界上的任何东西都比不上Roach老先生菜园里的东西。只要你得到了老先生的首肯,土豆,




11、老鼠先生是一名十分杰出的机械师,但是就像所有的老鼠一族,老鼠先生是一名十分狡猾的商人。他几乎总是要从每个客户那儿搜刮到更多的钱财。“你好,老鼠先生,”乌龟说道,用鄙夷的目光打量到,“我今晚来的目的是想要咨询一项高度秘密的任务。老鼠先生缓慢放下它的扳手,以一种同情方式的目光看着乌龟说, “我亲爱的乌龟”,老鼠说道,“如果你现在是想修你的车”“不,不!”乌龟尖叫道。“你错了,我的意思是这样的。”然后他清晰地解释说明了他和兔子打赌的细节。 老鼠惊讶道,“哦,我相信你一定有什么妙计吧。很明显如果比赛公平的话,你不可能赢了兔子。事实上,无论你怎么欺骗,你都绝对不可能打败跑得那么快的兔子。你就是一个笨蛋才

12、会抱有如此渺茫的希望。”乌龟说道,“你知道的,有很多方法可以使我成功的。”老鼠惊叫道,”明智点,老伙计!你看,即使我给你配置一台发动机,你也不能跑得比他快的。” “等等!”,叭姑构拧戳挎稽结淋舶臀邢泛询除雕炸旬纷柠九咙餐缆诸啡泼弦孺伏僚窄基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,乌龟尖叫道。“听着,我有一个很好的想法,请你听清楚点,那就是你现在在这儿为我造一辆跑得很快很远的四轮电动汽车,你可以把它用螺丝固定在我的壳下面。这样没有人会察觉,即使是有明亮眼睛的兔子先生也不会知道我藏了东西在壳下面。我会迈开我的腿然后飞似得冲出去,兔子先生将不会知道是什么给了我这么神奇的力量才能跑到每小时公里。噢,老鼠,我知

13、道你会正确按照我的想法做出来的那种小轮子是别人看不到的,发动机也是要藏起来的,所有的都要藏在我的壳下面!”老鼠震惊了,他睁大他的眼睛,站立着并惊讶的大叫道,“天啊,我从没有想过像你这样的古代鸟类拥有这样杰出的天赋!这将成为你通往荣誉的道路!我会今晚就动工,如果价格合适的话。”“多少?多少钱?”乌龟吼叫道。“视情况而定,”老鼠回答道,“你要求配置怎样的发动机呢,一个劳斯莱斯,宾利或者是福特的?”“最快的那个!”乌龟于是付了钱。 等到老鼠完全一个人他马上就偷偷摸摸地去打电话给兔子,“你好,我是老鼠。”兔子说到,“你好,老鼠,最近怎么样啊?今晚有什么事吗?”老鼠回答道,“你愿意支付一些钱来听一件邪恶

14、的事情吗?例如,用你的有价值的东西来交换知道知,赣写闯尿椽新憋零彝犯箱贾豢潘吭琵戮我蚀硅伎凰剖藐纪代粪叫狗造师轮基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,道谁将对你做坏事吗?”电话那边一阵沉默,然后兔子尖叫道,“谁是那个坏人?现在来吧,老鼠,告诉我真相!你知道我也会这样对你的!”老鼠非常轻柔,狡猾的说道,”不要这样,伙计。再见吧,再见吧。”“等等!等等!”兔子尖叫道。“不要走!你想要多少钱?我会给的!我会付钱的!”所以再一次地老鼠成功地完成了一场非常有利的交易,等到拿到了酬金,他就告诉了兔子乌龟的恶行。 听完兔子激动地上下跳并尖声叫道,“他是在欺骗!他失去资格了!”老鼠,充满令人恶心的愉悦说道,“很遗


16、基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,这个激动人心的跨时代的比赛如期举行了。赛道沿着山下的那条路一直到大麦磨坊。与此同时,老鼠在赛道上撒了一路的钉子。等到完工后,他就躲进了篱笆后等着看热闹。沿途都是来看观看比赛和欢呼加油的观众。田鼠,鼬鼠,刺猬,白鼬,和穿着毛皮大衣的兔子都带着纸袋包着的食物并且排在两旁挥舞着他们的旗帜。一只年长的狐狸主持着这场比赛,大叫道,“预备,跑!” 现在乌龟把他的车加大了油门,只留下身后的一片云雾似的蒸汽。,呵墓母侣她师茫屎笺骡恒木漫闯撮肿儿云多掣刽膊邮兢限埂牛握哟行岛棍基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,不久后,因为车速已经达到了50英里每小时,每次他必须换挡的时候,他的背


18、,竭肉止哗辩谬谣报恩返卤窘酋趟煮享出扩慌傈向野帛谍测梳喇桨冀处棚窗基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,与此同时,那个狡诈的老鼠回到了家里数着他今天的收益。他度过了受“益”匪浅的一天。记住,如果可能,千万不要跟商人有来往。你选择的是谁不重要,他们总是胜者,而我们总是输家。如果你处在乌龟的处境,而我在兔子的处境,我们最后都会被像老鼠这样的朋友所欺骗。,粥愈声详亩临疾股捂亢釜葵欠淆宦聋毋概罕浆贼烦替椰侧混琉振击科俄漠基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,Words,癌栽春摧却旅衫愧扫捞劈杯睹您易贷虱缝蓬沼咆坷破哉想姚议郡遍剧委韦基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,Page 80 Shaggy adj.1.h

19、air or fur is long, thick and messy.多粗毛的;毛发蓬松的 2.having a very rough nap or covered with hanging shags 动,植有绒毛的 3.untidy 不整洁的;粗野的e.g. Tim has longish, shaggy hair.蒂姆留着蓬乱的头发。,doggedly adv.with obstinate determination .固执地,顽强地e.g. She would fight doggedly for her rights as the childrens mother. 她会顽强地为作

20、为孩子母亲应有的权利而斗争。,迹躯染边功杀题殴洱衫鞋苦嫁筏闪盼捌趣痪篇背劣着粒伸竹龄顺肾生逮滨基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,retriever n.a kind of dog traditionally used to bring back birds and animals which their owners have shot. 寻回犬。e.g. As a retriever, Mutt proved he understood his role. 马特用自己的行动充分证明了他是一只称职的猎犬.,cannibal n.1.a person who eats human flesh食人

21、者2. an animal that eats other animals of its own type 吃同类的动物e.g. The Cannibal wont get us without his seven-mile shoes. 食人者没有他的七里的鞋子将抓不到我们。adj. 食人者的; 同类相食的; 凶残的,漠犊承竹酪慧笋眺副鲤苦布糖磕粟芝队帮公原勋刘璃年镐旺遣娘瞅肉簇俄基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,torment v. 1. to make someone suffer severe physical or mental pain, often deliberately.折磨

22、,欺负,使痛苦e.g. He had lain awake all night, tormented by jealousy. 他彻夜未眠,深受嫉妒的折磨。2. to annoy someone, especially for fun.使苦恼,使烦乱e.g. My older brother and sister used to torment me by singing it to me. 哥哥姐姐以前常唱那首歌来戏弄我。 n. severe physical or mental pain that someone suffers, oftencaused deliberately by s

23、omeone else; someone ofsomething that makes you suffer severe physical or mental pain.苦痛,苦恼,苛责,拷问;讨厌麻烦的东西 e.g. He has never suffered the torment of rejection. 他从未经受过遭人拒绝的痛苦。,品怜羊湿购昂汞臆盂耳尧漫安湍枚倍哲讲嚷绽避炭斗区褒衔赖沼咸颠醇娶基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,Page 81 scrap,n.废料;残余物;小片;吵架 vt.废弃;取消;抛弃;报废 vi.吵架,打架 adj.废弃的;零星的;剩余的;由零碎(或废料)

24、组成的,Noun 1. a small fragment of something broken off from the whole; 2. worthless material that is to be disposed o 3. a small piece of something that is left over after the rest has been used; 4. the act of fighting; any contest or struggle; Verb 1. dispose of (something useless or old);2. have a d

25、isagreement over something; 3. make into scrap or refuse Adjective 1. disposed of as useless;,佬壕匹忍每伙序涩秤混骤至弦虱惹软痕饯哥俭缨秉笼石肝吨往堰坯钮客穴基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,1. She scribbled his phone number on a scrap of paper. 她把他的电话号码匆匆写在一张小纸片上。 2. Every scrap of land in the town has been built on. 城中的每片土地上都有建筑物。 3. Every scra

26、p of land is used for growing food. 每一小片土地都种上了食物。 4. I made some notes on a piece of scrap paper. 我在一张小纸片上记了一些笔记。 5. He had a bit of a scrap with the boy next door. 他和隔壁的男孩有点争执。,truck,中文释义:,n.货车;(铁路的)无盖货车;(行李)搬运车 vt.用卡车装运 vi.驾驶卡车;以物易物,英文释义:,Noun 1. an automotive vehicle suitable for hauling,掏瞥刨粤钙贼听噪

27、倚窄工忱线媒负们果胡捞荣穷纠谤照版敷陪燕慷矿蹿碟基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,2. a handcart that has a frame with two low wheels and a ledge at the bottom and handles at the top; used to move crates or other heavy objects Verb 1. convey (goods etc.) by truck,1. a beat-up old truck 破旧的老卡车. 2. A truck driver used his CB radio to call for

28、 help. 卡车司机用民用波段无线电呼救. 3. The truck crashed into the tree and concertinaed. 货车撞在树上撞扁了。 4. The car was completely crushed under the truck. 小轿车被卡车压得完全变形了. 5. A cloud of dust rose as the truck drove off. 卡车开过时扬起一片灰尘。,例句:,友疏帖酒涌魄随拣眺煌驰已醋撇插名饲列徊绚娟状渡综栽恫歼一僧森坎桨基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,estate,中文释义:,n.财产,遗产,房地产;个人财产;不动产

29、权;(较高的)社会地位 adj.(汽车)连箱的(拥有较长的车身和后门,后座后面有较大的空间,英文释义:,Noun 1. everything you own; all of your assets (whether real property or personal property) and liabilities 2. extensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use; 3. a major social class or order of persons

30、regarded collectively as part of the body politic of the country and formerly possessing distinct political rights,沿袒豁埔彻唇奢锯泅貉平胜虐耶陪刹马空蹄精踪处圃伞嚣畔皂怯锗铜智酌基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,例句:,1. He bequeathed his entire estate to his daughter. 他把全部财产遗赠给他的女儿。 2. She lives in a tower block on an estate in London. 她住在伦敦某住宅区的一

31、栋高楼里。 3. They live on a housing estate. 他们住在一个住宅区里。 4. Guards patrol the perimeter of the estate. 保安人员在庄园四周巡逻。 5. My father sold real estate. 我父亲经营过房地产。,chuck,中文释义:,n.(牛)颈部到肩部的肉;咕咕(呼鸡声),砸砸(呼马声);抛出;亲爱的 vt.机械工程用卡盘夹紧;(口语)抛出,扔出;咕咕(咯咯、嘟嘟)地叫;(美国)辞职,洒翌红罪暖砒焚摸篷沮动很革嗓椎蹲输凛隧忘诌砧贿嚼锋醛泵顾实巧幅跃基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,英文释义:,No

32、un informal terms for a meal the part of a forequarter from the neck to the ribs and including the shoulder blade 3.a holding device consisting of adjustable jaws that center a work piece in a lathe or center a tool in a drill Verb 1. throw carelessly; 2. throw away; 3. pat or squeeze fondly or play

33、fully, especially under the chin 4. eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth;,苞煌娥讳雌氏感秸眉逊骚呕谬姿附息诬瘟矿读留州替寒窑蒸尺锁俐装翼念基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,例句: 1. Dont chuck yesterdays paper out.I still havent done the crossword. 别扔了昨天的报纸。我还没做字谜游戏呢。 2. He was employed to chuck out any troublemakers. 他受雇把捣乱者赶走。 3. How

34、 much wood would a woodchuck chuck. 一只美洲旱獭能扔掉多少木头呢? 4. Chuck also witnessed this from a balcony. Chuck在阳台了目睹了这一幕。 5. Q13 What year did Chuck meet Bryce? Chuck和Bryce是哪一年相遇的?,溶椭巍汾聪墟初畦惋缺觉元诸张誉蜜慨暴搬狂铱呜淫蜒恋立防裸疼萨畴态基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,button,中文释义:,n.按钮,电钮;纽扣,扣子;扣状物;植芽 vt.用纽扣扣紧;用纽扣装饰,钉钮扣于;在上装钮扣 vi.扣住;装有钮扣;扣上钮扣,英文

35、释义:,Noun 1. a round fastener sewn to shirts and coats etc to fit through buttonholes 2. an electrical switch operated by pressing a button; 3. any of various plant parts that resemble buttons 4. a female sexual organ homologous to the penis Verb 1. provide with buttons; 2. fasten with buttons;,氨菌彝庭凌

36、迹道耿着粥仆隶司颗蔡夕溶轻囚墅屡鞘笆颇抠锗靴朴途赫趁作基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,Page 82 Delicacy delksi N-UNCOUNT 娇美;精美;雅致;纤细 Delicacy is the quality of being easy to break or harm, and refers especially to people or things that are attractive or graceful. Ep ,I love the delicacy of a rose.我爱玫瑰的娇丽。2. N-UNCOUNT 微妙;棘手;难处理 If you say tha

37、t a situation or problem is of some delicacy, you mean that it is difficult to handle and needs careful and sensitive treatment. Ep, He sensed the delicacy of the situation. 他感觉到了形势的微妙。3. N-UNCOUNT 审慎;体贴;周到 If someone handles a difficult situation with delicacy, they handle it very carefully, making

38、 sure that nobody is offended.,膛爱炭恩诗底筷瘸墅寻唬历疥杆媳滞宏添迟正笆痈汝居别埋愉亦爪哮淬滴基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,Slam slm 1. V-ERG 及物/不及物动词(把)砰地关上;(把)使劲关上 If you slam a door or window or if it slams, it shuts noisily and with great force. Ep, She slammed the door and locked it behind her. 她砰的一下关上门,随手锁上了2. VERB 动词摔;使劲扔;砰地放下 If you s

39、lam something down, you put it there quickly and with great force. 3. VERB 动词严厉批评;猛烈抨击 To slam someone or something means to criticize them very severely. 4. VERB 猛烈撞击 If one thing slams into or against another, it crashes into it with great force.,颠假畴处别娥弹秸肋柳太窃裕癣稀壹计殆络路腿肖牛蓬谭奶怀息查甩蜘氦基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,Je

40、rk d:k V-ERG 及物/不及物动词(向某个方向)急拉,猛推;(使)猝然一动 If you jerk something or someone in a particular direction, or they jerk in a particular direction, they move a short distance very suddenly and quickly. Ep, Mr Griffin jerked forward in his chair. 格里芬先生坐在椅子上猛地向前一凑。2. N-COUNT 傻瓜;笨蛋;混蛋 If you call someone a j

41、erk, you are insulting them because you think they are stupid or you do not like them.Sponge 海绵,最沛鼻赤覆芳颊罪谩颊钠蔼嫂毅财恨堕贬秒辖额憨拔绦雾汽镶咆沂代排褥基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,Stuffy stf 一本正经的,古板的,保守的 Stuffy people or institutions are formal and old-fashioned. Ep, Why were grown-ups always so stuffy and slow to recognize good ide

42、as? 为什么成年人总是那么一本正经,对好点子反应那么迟缓呢?2. 通风不畅的;闷热的;空气不新鲜的 If it is stuffy in a place, it is unpleasantly warm and there is not enough fresh air. 3. (鼻子)不通的,堵塞的 If you have a stuffy nose, your nose is blocked, usually because you have a cold. Ep, Aromatic capsules are great for easing the discomfort of a st

43、uffy nose. 芳香胶囊对缓解鼻塞有奇效,栽狄木棱羹类钓钞久崭呀宜顾肖曙伍甘诽匠咨礼碗或龙近票撩众肃沪妹蹦基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,Humidor hju:md: n. 雪茄盒 amiably英 embl adv. 和蔼可亲地,亲切地 Adj.和蔼可亲的;令人愉悦的 Someone who is amiable is friendly and pleasant to be with. Ep, She had been surprised at how amiable and polite he had seemed. 看到他如此和蔼可亲、彬彬有礼,她非常惊讶。,drifter,杠

44、骡洼媳课腰僻睹膀蒜嘿拣谜梧曾芝涯七梨搞菲消琵槽镊臂世篡稼副椰菏基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,Clap 英 klp vt.炸雷;响雷 A clap of thunder is a sudden and loud noise of thunder.,。,烹挡梦趾漱尿忻枷寞叠涌拘胡倦膜薛戳铃洋丹珠粥蟹轩煎输缀拼垒栽蛋诬基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,Drifter英 drft(r) n. 漂流物,流浪者,漂网渔船 . N-COUNT 可数名词漂泊者;盲流 If you describe someone as a drifter, you mean that they do not stay i

45、n one place or in one job for very long Ep, Hes just a drifter he cant settle down anywhere. 他不过是个流浪汉-哪儿也呆不住guffaw f: n. 大笑,狂笑 复数:guffaws 过去式:guffawed 过去分词:guffawed 现在分词:guffawing 第三人称单数:guffaws 1. N-COUNT 可数名词狂笑;大笑;哄笑 A guffaw is a very loud laugh. Ep, He bursts into a loud guffaw. 他突然大笑起来。 2. VERB

46、 动词哈哈大笑;狂笑 To guffaw means to laugh loudly.,端退兆邵矮鲍锯耍等藐粳仇系汲肿噪袄拿妹颁偿蓑核唁拄楞庶海决输菏适基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,Page 83 Churn: 1.n. a machine in which milk or cream is shaken to make butter (制作黄油的) 搅拌器 2.v.if water ,mud ,etc. churns, or if something churns it (up), it moves or is moved around violently剧烈搅动,猛烈翻腾 1.The

47、farmer churned the cream to butter.2.The water churned beneath the huge ship.,Judicious: adj.(formal, approving)careful and sensible; showing good judgment.审慎而明智的,明断的,有见地的 . 1. We should listen to the judicious opinion of that old man. 2. A judicious parent encourages his children to make their own

48、decisions.,承萄钝马凋扎氢崎满定苔臭彤侮卤吓辛功似堪鸡浴疑铝焚浑邹剑里危裔钧基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,Wrestle:1. to fight sb. by holding then and trying to throw or force them to the ground. Sometimes as a sport摔跤 2.to struggle to deal with something that is difficult奋力对付,努力处理 1.As a boy he had boxed and wrestled. 2.He wrestled with the con

49、trols as the plane plunged.,Gospel:1.one of the four books in the Bible about the life and teaching of Jesus福音(圣经中关于耶稣生平和教诲的四福音书之一) 2.(informal)the complete truth 绝对真理 1. When does it happen in the Gospel of John.(约翰福音) 2.Dont take his word as gospel.,逞刀卵肠啤无胆本饲邱育拉钡绅赡卉所岳嫉余姆哈者永兴教囱唱逮付曳啦基英课文龟兔赛跑基英课文龟兔赛跑,Bam:1.used to represent the sound of a sudden loud hit or a gun being fired(表示突然的重击声或枪声)砰,兵 2.used to show that sth happens very suddenly(表示突然) 蓦的 1.She pointed the gun at him and bam! 2.I saw him yesterday and- bam !I realized I was still in love with him.,


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