1、同义替换专项总结,雅思听力专项总结,谭华CCNU,一. 词汇层面:以词换词二. 词组层面:词换词组,词组换词组三. 句子层面:词换句子,句子换句子四. 表达角度:肯定否定,主动被动,逻辑同义,同义替换,1. 不变词性:使用同义近义词 形容词与形容词 T2 剑7 Q 14 has a lovely : with its beautiful formal gardens Q16 has good _ of city centre: enjoy the wonderful view of Q 37 mixed-handedness players found to be much more conf
2、ident: significantly more confident T3 剑7 Q14 C. already very fit: be extremely fit,一.词汇层面,T4 剑7 Q7 particularly like to eat: I really like seafood Q 36 provide a stylish: a sleek modern 动词与动词 Q32 luxury hotels overlooked the need to: have underestimated the most basic need Q 37 set a trend: establi
3、sh a trend Q13 A. leisure: recreation Q40 tells us: signals T3 剑7 Q36 hockey stick has to be used in: must be deployed,1. 不变词性:使用同义近义词,T3 剑9 Q24 increases confidence: help build confidence Q25 tend to contain the same ideas: seem to share the same ideas Q34 improve the insulation: increase the insul
4、ation Q36 produce more electricity than it needs: generate an electricity surplus,1. 不变词性:使用同义近义词,名词与动词的同义,名词与形容词等等 T1 Q8 ability: be able to T2 Q26 update the CD: to be more current T2 Q32 was of value when she realized: will be beneficial have photocopying facilities : to use photocopier assess:as
5、sessment; Europe: European,2. 改变词性,1. 词换词组 T2 Q17 bookshop specialising in: has a good range ofQ32 was of value when she realized: will be beneficial T3 Q2 is studying: doing a degree in Q32B. create a comfortable environment: feel at home,二.词组层面,1. 词换词组 T1 Q3 next to: beside Q 16: just sells: is de
6、voted to T2 Q 9 outside the town: be out of town Q32 communication by conversations: communication usually takes the form of conversations,二.词组层面,2. 词组换词组 T3 Q9 respond to enquiries and: deal with student enquiries Q16 has a long tradition of: been famous for centuries Q 27 C. in the long-term futur
7、e: still a long way off Q 28 A. at present: thats happening right now T1 Q15 shop specializes in: focus on,二.词组层面,1. 词或词组换句子T1 Q1 expensive: (but) itll cost (you) Q 28 A. at present: thats happening right now Q39 like a baby: its almost as if we return,三. 句子层面,2. 句子换句子 T2 Q23 C. show people what Ant
8、arctica is like: recreate the atmosphere of T3 Q21 Float is shaped like: it looks a bit likeQ 34 C. it has no effect whatsoever: didnt matter T4 Q12 the original buildings on the site were: there used to be a lot of,三. 句子层面,1. 肯定与否定的同义替换 T2 Q 29-30 A. no military use: for peaceful use; Q23 B. diffic
9、ulty in getting help: not being able to go to a teacher for advice Q34 not afraid of: happy lack of good:poor training no single client will pay more: the same as other clients Q 23 lack of background information: dont have sufficient background information,四 表达角度层面,2.主动与被动的同义替换 Talk by_:then the Di
10、rector of Studies will talk to you3. 逻辑同义转换 逻辑意义上讲两种表达同义 The best way: it seems to be a better choice. (从比较的角度看,两者同义) Rexford is just 35 minutes from London Airport.:near London Airport(改写,解释说明),4. 因果逻辑 Result Reason: 由于,因为 because (of), due to, as a result of, result from, on account of, owing to, be attributed to Reason Result : 导致,引起,为了,造成cause, lead to, result in, reason for, bring to/about, give rise to,aim at, in order to ,with the aim of,因果逻辑depend on/ rely on/be based on/ be decided by/ be determined by/ be influenced by/ be controlled by,