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1、Lesson 4 Vocabulary1fallacy (n.): a false or mistaken idea, opinion, belief, etc.; error 谬论,谬见;错误2 enterprising (adj.) :full of energy and initiative; willing to undertake new projects 有进取心的;充满首创精神的;有胆量的3 month of Sundays: (colloq.) long time4 unfetter (v.): free from fetters;free from restraint of

2、any kind; liberate; set free 除掉的脚镣;解放;使获得自由5 limp (adj.):not stiff 柔软的6 flaccid (adj.): hanging in loose folds or wrinkles; soft and limp; flabby 不结实的;松驰的;松软的7 spongy (adj.):of or like a sponge; soft and porous 海绵(状)的;柔软有弹性的8 pedantic (adj.): of or like a pedant 迂腐的,书呆子气的9 trauma (n.) (psychology) e

3、motional shock (精神) 心灵创伤P110 perspicacious (adj.):having keen judgement or understanding; acutely perceptive 聪颖的;敏锐的11 astute (adj.): having or showing a clever or shrewd mind; cunning; crafty; wily 聪明的,敏锐的;精明的;狡猾的12 dynamo (n.):generator 发动机13 scalpel (n.): a small, light, straight knife with a ver

4、y sharp blade, used by surgeons and anatomical dissections 解剖刀,手术刀P214 nothing upstairs: (Am sl.) empty-headed; a nitwit15 impressionable(adj.): easily impressed or influenced 易受影响的16 faddist (n.) :a person who follows fads 赶时髦的人17 fad (n.): a custom, style, etc. that many people are interested in f

5、or a short time;passing fashion; craze 一度时髦的风尚,风行一时的东西;一时的狂热18 acme (n.): the highest point;point of culmination 顶点,极点P319 appendicitis (n.) :inflammation of the vermiform appendix 阑尾炎20 laxative (n.): any laxative medicine 泻药;通便剂P421 raccoon (n.): a small, tree-climbing, chiefly flesh-eating mammal

6、 浣熊22 mumble (v.): speak or say indistinctly and in a low voice;mutter 喃喃地说;含糊地说P923 incredulous (adj.): unwilling or unable to believe; doubting;skeptical 不相信的;怀疑的P1324 shed (v.): shed a natural growth or covering, as hair(毛发等)脱落25 unsightly (adj.):not sightly; not pleasant to look at; ugly 不美观的;难看

7、的;丑陋的P1426 in the swim: conforming to the current fashion 赶时髦P1727 gear (n.):a specific adjustment 0f a toothed wheel(汽车等的)排挡slip into high gear: begin to work at high speed or efficiency 开始高速运转28 narrowly (adv.): closely; carefully; thoroughly 仔细地;严密地P1929 stroke(v.): touch lightly and repeatedly 轻

8、抚30 attic (n.) :the room or space just below the roof of a house; garret 顶楼,阁楼P2031 covet (v.): want ardently; long for with envy 垂涎;觊觎32 cerebral (adj.):appealing to the intellect rather than the emotions; intellectural 理智的;凭理智行事的P2133 further(v.): help forward, promote 增进,促进P2234 pin-up(n.): pictu

9、re of a pretty woman, pinned up on a wall 钉在墙上的漂亮女人照片 35 proportions (n.):1ines; shape of the body 线条;身材 36making (noften in p1): the material or qualities needed for the making or development of something常用复 素质;内在因素P23 37 carriage (n.):conduct; behaviour; posture 行为;举止;姿态 38 bearing (n.): way of ca

10、rrying and conducting oneself; carriage; manner 举止,风度,姿态 39 breeding (n.):good upbringing or training 良好的教养(或培养)40 exquisite (adj.): very beautiful or lovely, esp. in a delicate or carefully wrought way 优美的,高雅的,精致的41 specialty (n.): an article characterized by special features, superior quality, nov

11、elty, etc. 特产;特制品42 gravy (adj.): the juice given off by meat in cooking 肉汁,调味汁43 dipper (n.):a long-handled cup or similar container for dipping 长柄杯或类似容器44 sauerkraut (n.):chopped cabbage fermented in a brine of its own juice with salt 泡菜P2445 veer (v.):change direction; shift;turn or swing around

12、改变方向;转向;变向P2746 go steady: (Am colloq.) date someone of the opposite sex regulary and exclusively 成为关系确定的情侣P3147 out of the picture: not considered as involved in a situation 不相干的,不合适的P3248 get at: seem to be saying sth. that other people do not completely understand 暗示P3849 gamy (=gamey) (adj.) :ha

13、ving a strong,tangy flavor like that of cooked game;strong in smell 有猎物气味的;气味强烈的P3950 Holy Toledo adj.colloq.) :excellent口好极了P4151 greasy (adj.) smeared with or containing grease 涂(或含) 有油脂的;油污的;油腻的52 pelt (n.) the skin of a fur-bearing animal,esp. after it has been stripped from the carcass 毛皮;生皮53

14、canny (adj.) careful and shrewd in ones actions and dealings;clever and cautious 谨慎的;机警的;精明的P4254 mince(v.): to lessen the force of 减弱mince no words: speak plainly 直率地说P4555 stoutly (adv.): in a resolute manner; firmly; resolutely 坚决地P4756 waif (n.):a person without home or friends,espa homeless chi

15、ld 流浪汉;无家可归者;(尤指)流浪儿57 swivel (v.):turn on 旋转58 wax (v.):grow gradually larger;increase in strength, lntensity, volume, etc.渐渐变大;增加59 wane (v.):become 1ess intense, strong bright, etc.变弱;减少P5260 kick (n.): (colloq.) pleasure 高兴,兴奋P5461 comply (v.): act in accordance with someones rules, commands, or

16、 wishes; abide by 遵从P5862 loom (v.):appear, or come in sight indistinctly 隐约出现63 dimension (n.):extent, size, or degreescope 体积,容积,面积;范围,规模;方面P5964 haveat ones finger tips : to be completely familiar with;精通65 knoll (n.): small hill, mount 小山,小丘P6066 go far: to accomplish much:achieve much success 成

17、功,大有前途p6167 tryst (n):an appointment to meet at a specified time and place, esp. one made secretly by lovers约会;幽会P6668 wince (v.):shrink or draw back slightly, usually with a grimace. as in pain, embarassment, etc.(因疼痛、窘迫等)畏缩;退缩69 Dicto simpliciter: (拉丁语)绝对判断P7270 tug (v.):pull hard; drag; haul 用力拉,

18、拖,拖曳71 desist (v.) :cease; stop; abstain 停止72 Hasty Generalization: 草率判断P7473 exasperation (n.): feeling of annoyance 令人恼怒的事或状态P7774 Post Hoc:牵强附会P8075 contrite (adj.):feeling deep sorrow or remorse for having sinned or done wrong; penitent 懊悔的;忏悔的P8376 premise (n.):a previous statement or assertion

19、 that serves as the basis for an argument(尤指逻辑)前提P8477 chirp (v.):make short, sharp sound 嘁嘁喳喳地说P9478 deposit (v.):put, lay or set down 放下,搁下79 glum (adj.):feeling or looking gloomy, sullen 忧郁的,闷闷不乐的80 ember (n.usu. in p1.): the smoldering remains of a fire常用复余烬,余火81 smolder (v.): burn and smoke wit

20、hout flame;be consumed by slow combustion 闷烧;熏烧82 fraught (adj.):filled, charged, or loaded 充满的;蕴含的P9683 Ad Misericordiam:文不对题P10284 analogy (n.):an explaining of something by comparing it point by point with something similar类比85 brief (n.):a concise statement of the main points of a law case,usual

21、ly filed by counsel for the information of the court 诉讼摘要;辩护状86 blueprint (n.):a photographic reproduction in white on a blue background,as of architectural or engineering plans(建筑或工程设计用的) 蓝图P10687 mutter (v.): talk indistinctly, usu. in a low voice 咕哝,嘀咕,低语P10788 yummy (adj.): (colloq.) very tasty;

22、 delectable; delicious 口 美味的,令人愉快的P10889 chunk (n.):a short, thick piece, as of meat, wood, etc.一厚块(肉、木头等)90 pitchblende (n.):a brown to black lustrous mineral, the massive variety of uraninite 沥青铀矿P10991 knock out: to elicit enthusiasm or an emotional response, esp.deep sympathy or laughter 使高兴,使情绪

23、激动92 fracture (v.): (Am. Slang) cause to react with enthusiasm美俚使着迷P11393 gurgle (v.):make a bubbling sound in the throat,as a contented baby does(婴儿高兴时)发咯咯声P11494 notorious (adj.):widely but unfavorably known or talked about 声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的P11595 knit the brow: draw the brows together 紧锁眉头96 indignatio

24、n (n.):anger or scorn resulting from injustice, ingratitude, or meanness; righteous anger 愤慨,义愤P11697 exultant (v.):exulting; triumphant; jubilant 狂欢的;欣喜的;兴高采烈的98 hamstring (v.):disable by cutting a hamstring; lessen or destroy the power or effectiveness of割断的腿腱以使残废;削弱(或破坏) 的力量(或功能)P11999 fire away:

25、 begin;start;esp.to talk or ask questions 开始谈话或提问P120100 hearten (v.): give courage to, cheer 鼓励,使振奋101 cretin (n.): a person suffering from cretinism;a stupid person 白痴,傻瓜102 hammer away(at): to keep emphasizing or talking about 一再强调103 let-up (v.):a slackening or lessening as of effort; a stop or

26、pause 放松(努力);中止,休止104 chink (n.):a narrow opening; crack; fissure; slit 缝隙;裂口P121105 grueling (adj.):extremely tiring; exhausting 折磨人的;使人筋疲力竭的106 well-heeled (adj.):(slang) rich; prosperous俚有钱的,富有的P122107 fashion (v.):shape; mold 塑造;做成P131108 tactics (n.): art of placing or moving fighting forces fo

27、r or during battle 战术P132109 constellation (n.):the part of the heavens occupied by a number of fixed stars 星座;星宿110 languish (v.): lose vigor and vitality; become weak 变得萎靡不振;倦怠111 shamble (v.): walk by dragging ones feet 112 hollow-eyed (adj.): having deep-set eyes or dark areas under the eyes, as

28、 from sickness or fatigue(由于生病或疲倦 )眼窝凹陷的,有黑眼圈的113 hulk (n.): an abandoned wreck or shell 废船P135114 frantically (adv.): madly 疯狂地115 surge (v.): have a heavy,violent swelling motion;move in or as in a surge 汹涌澎湃116 at all costs: regardless of the cost or difficulty involved 不顾一切地P142117 perspiration

29、(n.):sweat 汗118 croak (v.): utter a hoarse sound 嘶哑地说P143119 wag (v.): cause something to move rapidly and repeatedly back and forth, from side to side, or up and down 摇摆, 摇动P144120 bellow (v.): cry out loudly, as in anger or pare (由于愤怒或疼痛)大声叫P148121 reel (v.): give way or fall back; sway, waver, or

30、 stagger as from being struck; revolve quickly and repeatedly around ones own axis 倒退,退缩;站立不稳; 眩晕122 infamy (n.): very bad reputation; disgrace; dishonor 臭名昭著;丢脸,耻辱;不名誉123 turf (n.):a surface layer of earth containing grass plants with their matted roots;sod 草皮;草地P150124 modulate (v.) :vary the pitch, intensity, etc.(of the voice), to a lower degree 使(声音)转调,是声音变低125 knot-head (n.): (slang) a foolish,stupid person 笨蛋126 jitterbug (n.):a dance for couples;esp. in the early 1940s, involving fast,acrobatic movements to swing music:figan emotionally unstable person(尤指 20 世纪 40 年代的)吉特巴舞;喻 变化无常的人;


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