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allergen immunotherapy for been allergic respiratory diseases过敏性呼吸系统疾病的变应原免疫治疗.doc

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1、allergen immunotherapy for been allergic respiratory diseases 过敏性呼吸系统疾病的变应原免疫治疗?2012 Landes Bioscience. Do not Human Vaccines Immunotherapeutics 1499Human Vaccines Immunotherapeutics 8:10, 1499-1512; October 2012; ? 2012 Landes BioscienceSpecIaL FOcuS ReVIew SpecIaL FOcuS ReVIewIntroductionAllergen

2、 immunotherapy (also termed hyposensitization therapy, immunologic desensitization) involves the gradual administra-tion of increasing amounts of allergen to which the patient is sensitive, for the purpose of modulating the immune response to that allergen and alleviating allergic symptoms. It is th

3、e only treatment strategy which treats the underlying cause of the aller-gic disorder, by induction of a state of immunologic tolerance. It is a cost-effective treatment strategy that results in a reduction in symptoms of allergic-rhinitis and allergen-related asthma, as well as an improved quality

4、of life and a decrease in absenteeism *Correspondence to: Stephen R. Durham; Email: s.durhamimperial.ac.ukSubmitted: 06/04/12; Revised: 07/18/12; Accepted: 07/26/12http:/dx.doi.org/10.4161/hv.21629allergen specific immunotherapy involves the repeated administration of allergen products in order to i

5、nduce clinical and immunologic tolerance to the offending allergen. Immunotherapy is the only etiology-based treatment that has the potential for disease modification, as reflected by longterm remission following its discontinuation and possibly prevention of disease progression and onset of new all

6、ergic sensitizations. whereas subcutaneous immunotherapy is of proven value in allergic rhinitis and asthma there is a risk of untoward side effects including rarely anaphylaxis. Recently the sublingual route has emerged as an effective and safer alternative. whereas the efficacy of SLIT in seasonal

7、 allergy is now well-documented in adults and children, the available data for perennial allergies and asthma is less reliable and particularly lacking in children. This review evaluates the efficacy, safety and longterm benefits of ScIT and SLIT and highlights new findings regarding mechanisms, pot

8、ential biomarkers and recent novel approaches for allergen immunotherapy.Allergen immunotherapy for allergic respiratory diseasesantonio cappella and Stephen R. Durham*Section allergy and clinical Immunology, National Heart and Lung Institute; Imperial college; London, uKKeywords: adjuvant, allergen

9、 vaccine, immunopotentiator, sublingual immunotherapy, vector systemAbbreviations: SLIT, sublingual immunotherapy; SCIT, subcutaneous immunotherapy; EAACI, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology; WHO, The World Health Organisation; ARIA, Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma; DBPC-

10、RCT, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials; HDM, house dust mite; SAR, seasonal allergic rhinitis; SQ-U, Standardized quality unit; RCT, randomized clinical trials; SMD, standard median deviation; DSS, daily rhinoconjunctivitis symptom score; DMS, daily rhinoconjunctivitis medication s

11、core; RCS, Rhinoconjunctivitis combined score; RQLQ, rhinoconjunctivitis quality of life questionnaire; IR, index of reactivity; BHR, bronchial hyper-reactivity; Th1, T-helper 1; Th2, T-helper 2; DCs, dendritic cells; T reg, regulatory T cells; IgE-FAB, IgE-facilitated allergen binding; APCs, antige

12、n presenting cells; oLC, oral Langerhans cells; ITIM, immunoreceptor tyrosine inhibitory motif; PD-L1, programmed cell death ligandfrom school or work.1,2 Immunotherapy is able to provide long-term remission of allergic symptoms and may reduce the chance of developing new sensitization to other alle

13、rgens.1-3 A decision whether to treat with immunotherapy will depend on a variety of personal and organizational factors which determine whether one type of immunotherapy is more suitable then another.4 Indeed there are two commonly used types of immunotherapy: subcutaneous (SCIT) and sublingual (SL

14、IT).One hundred years ago, Leonard Noon published in The Lancet the first paper on allergen subcutaneous immunotherapy.5 This paper documented Dr Noons experiments in which he injected patients with allergic rhinitis with grass pollen every few days, initially in minute quantities then gradually inc

15、reasing the dose. He demonstrated that the injections were associated with an increase in tolerance to grass pollen. Fifty years later a dou-ble blind, placebo-controlled study was undertaken by William Franklin, which proved beyond doubt that subcutaneous immu-notherapy was effective.6 The first de

16、scription of the sublingual route was from GK Scadding and J. Brostoff and the first clini-cal attempts with this administration were performed only a few years later.7-9In 1986 The British Committee for the Safety of Medicines reported “since 1957, 26 patients in the UK have died from ana-phylaxis

17、induced by subcutaneous immunotherapy.”10 In this context the interest in a non-injection route increased. In 1986 the first randomized controlled trial of the sublingual (SLIT) was published.7 In 1993 the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) immunotherapy position paper consi

18、dered SLIT as a “promising route” for hyposensitization”11. The World Health Organisation (WHO) in 1998 and the WHO-supported ARIA document (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma) in 2001 vindicated SLIT as an alternative route to SCIT in adults and children.12,13 Subsequently several random-iz

19、ed, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials (DBPC-RCT) demonstrated the efficacy and safety of SLIT. These included studies of SLIT for grass and house dust mite (HDM) allergy. ?2012 Landes Bioscience. Do not distribute1500 Human Vaccines Immunotherapeutics Volume 8 Issue 10Formulations for SLIT inc

20、luded drops and subsequently sublin-gual tablets. Indications were for allergic rhinitis and included the establishment of dose-response relationships for these aller-gens. Grass pollen allergen tablets were registered in Europe for sublingual use in seasonal allergic rhinitis in 2007.The main indic

21、ations for immunotherapy are: ? IgE-mediated seasonal pollinosis, if symptoms have not responded adequately to optimal pharmacotherapy. ? Selected patients with animal dander or house dust mite allergy in whom allergen avoidance and pharmacotherapy fail to control symptoms6.Subcutaneous Immunotherap

22、y (SCIT)Efficacy in rhinitis and asthma. A recent Cochrane systematic review focused on the efficacy of SCIT in seasonal allergic rhini-tis (SAR).14 Of 1,111 abstracts identified, 51 full papers satisfied the inclusion criteria, representing a total of 2871 participants: 1645 active and 1226 placebo

23、, each receiving on average of 18 injections. Primary outcomes focused on efficacy (symptom scores, medication scores and rhinoconjunctivitis quality of life questionnaires). The efficacy of SCIT in patients with SAR was demonstrated by a significant reduction in all these outcomes, compared with pl

24、acebo treatment (Table 1). One multi-center study assessed the efficacy of subcutaneous in over 400 patients. The study involved an alum-adsorbed grass pollen extract (Alutard SQ grass pollen, ALK-Abllo, Horsholm Denmark).15 Mean symptom and medication scores (reduced by) of 29% and 32%, respectivel

25、y in the high dose group (100,000 SQ units monthly maintenance dose containing 20 g of major allergen Phleum p1) compared with placebo treatment (both p 0.001). This study included polysensitized subjects and improvement was observed despite free access to optimal conventional anti-allergic medicati

26、on. Thus this study shows that SCIT conferred clinical benefit over and above that achievable with standard drug therapy. Further trials that compare head-to-head the effec-tiveness of SCIT and pharmacotherapy are needed to confirm this possibility. There is no current review and meta-analysis on SC

27、IT for perennial rhinitis, although individual studies have shown efficacy for mite allergy. A major reason to account for possible reduced efficacy of mite immunotherapy is that multiple trigger factors other than house dust mite either allergic or non-allergic could be responsible for perennial na

28、sal symptoms in patients with perennial symptoms and an SPT positive to mite. In one trial16, after 1 y of mite immunotherapy, symptom and medication scores were reduced by 58% (p 0.002) and 20%, respectively.In allergic asthma, the clinical efficacy of SCIT has been demonstrated by studies in adult

29、s and children sensitized to seasonal and perennial allergens.17-19 A recent Cochrane meta-analysis assessed allergen specific immunotherapy for asthma.20 Eighty-eight clinical trials fulfilled the criteria for inclusion. A total of 3,792 patients (3,459 with asthma) were involved. There was a signi

30、ficant improvement in asthma symptom scores and a significant reduction in medication following immunotherapy (Table 1). For Lung function outcomes there was heterogeneity among studies although overall there was a trend for improve-ment in lung function. There was a marginal improvement in non-spec

31、ific bronchial hyper-reactivity (SMD -0.35, 95% CI -0.59 to -0.11), and a significant reduction in allergen specific Table?1. Summary (synopsis of cochrane) meta-analyses for ScITRcT, randomized clinical trials; SMD, standard median deviation.Table?2. Summary (Synopsis of cochrane) meta-analyses for

32、 SLITRcT, randomized clinical trials; SMD, standard median deviation?2012 Landes Bioscience. Do not Human Vaccines Immunotherapeutics 1501BHR following immunotherapy (SMD -0.61 95% CI -0.79 to -0.43). The finding that allergen immunotherapy significantly improves allergen specific bronchial BHR is

33、clinically important, since patients with allergic asthma are at risk of sudden deteriora-tion when exposed to increased levels of an aeroallergen to which they are sensitive. Thus, in clinical terms, successful immuno-therapy for asthma may result in not only a reduction in asthma symptoms and use

34、of rescue medication, but also a lowering the risk of asthma attack upon unexpected or inevitable allergen exposure. One study21 assessed the effects of specific immuno-therapy as an add-on to pharmacologic treatment and allergen avoidance, in patients with mild-to-moderate asthma and allergy to hou

35、se dust mite. After three years of administration of an alum-adsorbed HDM SCIT vaccine, a significant decrease in the number of subjects requiring rescue bronchodilators was observed. Another study demonstrated corticosteroid sparing in children when an alum-adsorbed HDM SCIT vaccine was added to as

36、thma therapy.22Safety of SCIT. All preparations that are currently available (standardized extract, allergoids and recombinant allergen) may trigger side effects. A Cochrane meta-analysis of SCIT for SAR showed 8% of grade II and 7% of grade III systemic reactions (according to the European Academy

37、of Allergy and Clinical immunology for adverse event). Adrenaline/epinephrine was given in 0.13% of injections (14). A higher risk is detected in subjects with accelerated dosing schedules, and in subjects with asthma.23,24A Cochrane meta-analysis of SCIT for asthma patients (20) reported large loca

38、l adverse and systemic reactions where the pooled relative risk was 1.4 (95% CI 0.97 to 2.02) and 2.45 (95% CI 1.91 to 3.13) respectively. The incidence of systemic reactions (SR) was greater than that previously reported in the literature (19.9% compared with 5% to 7%). The prevalence of near fatal

39、 reactions in this meta-analysis were reported as 1 in 1.0 million injections and fatal reactions as 1 in 2.5 million injections (Abramson). This compares with the absence of any reports of anaphylaxis in the recently updated Cochrane review of Sublingual immunotherapy (Radulovic), although this was

40、 primarily in patients with rhinitis. There have been 5 isolated reports worldwide of anaphylaxis following sublingual treatment (reported below and Table 4)Risks factors for severe adverse reaction during SCIT have been identified as follow: ? Co-existing asthma ? Poorly controlled asthma ? History

41、 of previous systemic reaction(s) to immunotherapy ? Delay or omission of the use of adrenaline in treating anaphylaxis ? Inappropriate selection of candidates for injection immunotherapy ? Dosing errors ? Changeover between batches of allergen; reaction to the first dose of a new vial ? Lack of car

42、dio-respiratory resuscitation facilities ? Commencing an updosing immunotherapy regimen during concomitant high environmental allergen exposure, for example during the pollen season.Although safe when performed in a specialist clinic by trained staff, with immediate presence of a doctor experienced

43、in immu-notherapy and access to resuscitative measures, subcutaneous immunotherapy carries a small risk of significant adverse effects. In view of these risks, within UK, SCIT is not recommended Table?3. Summary (synopsis) of non cochrane meta-analyses for SLITRcT, randomized clinical trials; SMD, s

44、tandard median deviation.?2012 Landes Bioscience. Do not distribute1502 Human Vaccines Immunotherapeutics Volume 8 Issue 10for the treatment of perennial asthma in the United Kingdom. In contrast the presence of seasonal asthma in those with severe seasonal pollinosis is not a contraindication when

45、updosing is performed out of the pollen season with appropriate dosage adjust-ment in season as recommended in international guidelines.4,25Sublingual ImmunotherapyEfficacy in rhinitis and asthma. SLIT involves the regular self-administration of allergen extract (prepared as drops or tablets) that a

46、re retained under the tongue for 12 min and then swal-lowed. SLIT is in general taken once daily, in contrast to the usual 46 weekly maintenance administration of SCIT after up dosing. A recent Cochrane review (an update of a previous review, see ref. 26) evaluated the efficacy of SLIT in subjects a

47、ffected by AR (with or without asthma or conjunctivitis), compared with placebo.27 The efficacy of SLIT was compared with placebo by analysis of symptoms and/or medication scores of patients of any age (children and adults) affected by allergic rhinitis, with or without allergic conjunctivitis, with

48、 or without allergic asthma. Subgroup analysis was performed according to the following cri-teria: (1) seasonal vs. perennial allergens; (2) children vs. adults; (3) major allergen content of vaccine contained in a monthly maintenance dose( 5 mcg vs. 520 g vs. 20 g); (4) duration of immunotherapy (

49、6 mo vs. 612 mo vs. 12 mo); (5) sublin-gual spit vs. sublingual swallow immunotherapy protocols; (6) sublingual drops vs. tablets.60 DBPC RC T were considered, with 49 being suitable for meta-analysis, comprise of a total of 2,333 on active treatment (SLIT) and 2256 on placebo. Most trials were performed with grass pollen (23 studies). Other allergens used were Parietaria (5 trials), ragweed (2 trials), trees (9 trials: 2 olive, 3 cypress, 2 birch pollen, 2 mixed trees), 8 house dust mite and 1 cat immu-notherapy tr


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