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    1、SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirelyvoluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefro

    2、m, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT: (724) 772-8512 FAX: (724) 776-0243TO PLACE A DOCUMENT

    3、 ORDER; (724) 776-4970 FAX: (724) 776-0790SAE WEB ADDRESS http:/www.sae.orgCopyright 1998 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.SURFACEVEHICLE400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001RECOMMENDEDPRACTICESubmitted for recognition as an American National Sta

    4、ndardJ2380ISSUEDJAN1998Issued 1998-01Vibration Testing of Electric Vehicle BatteriesForewordThis document provides a test procedure for characterizing the effect of long-term, road-inducedvibration and shock on the performance and service life of electric vehicle batteries. For mature, production-re

    5、adybatteries, the intent of the procedure is to qualify the vibration durability of the battery. Either swept sine wavevibration or random vibration is typically used for the performance of such testing. However, swept sine wavetesting is considered somewhat more representative and is addressed in t

    6、his document, which is generally basedon a corresponding test for electric vehicle batteries developed by the U.S. Advanced Battery Consortium.The procedure has been synthesized from rough-road measurements at locations likely to be appropriate formounting of traction batteries in EVs. The data were

    7、 analyzed to determine an appropriate cumulative number ofoccurrences of shock pulses at various given G-levels over the life of the vehicle. The vibration envelopes shownin Figure 1 of this procedure correspond to approximately 100 000 miles of usage at the 90th percentile. Thevibration spectra con

    8、tained in this procedure have been designed to approximate this cumulative exposureenvelope. For testing efficiency, a time-compressed vibration regime is specified to allow completion of the testprocedure in a minimum of 13.6 h and a maximum of 92.6 h of testing, depending on the type of shaker tab

    9、leavailable and the choice of acceleration levels. FIGURE 1CUMULATIVE VIBRATION ENVELOPES SAE J2380 Issued JAN1998-2-TABLE OF CONTENTS1. Scope22. References22.1 Applicable Publications . 22.1.1 SAE Publications 22.2 Related Publication.22.2.1 USABC Publication.23. Definitions .24. Technical Requirem

    10、ents 34.1 Prerequisites.34.2 Test Equipment .34.3 Determination of Test Conditions and Test Termination Criteria. 34.4 Test Procedure34.5 Testing Precautions.54.6 Data Acquisition and Reporting 51. ScopeThis SAE Recommended Practice describes the vibration durability testing of a single battery (tes

    11、tunit) consisting of either an electric vehicle battery module or an electric vehicle battery pack. For statisticalpurposes, multiple samples would normally be subjected to such testing. Additionally, some test units may besubjected to life cycle testing (either after or during vibration testing) to

    12、 determine the effects of vibration onbattery life. Such life testing is not described in this procedure; SAE J2288 may be used for this purpose asapplicable.2. References2.1 Applicable PublicationsThe following publications form a part of this specification to the extent specifiedherein. Unless oth

    13、erwise specified, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.2.1.1 SAE PUBLICATIONSavailable from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.SAE J1715Electric Vehicle TerminologySAE J1798Recommended Practice for Performance Rating of Electric Vehicle Battery ModulesSAE J2288Recomme

    14、nded Practice for Life Cycle Testing of Electric Vehicle Battery Modules2.2 Related PublicationThe following publication is provided for information purposes only and is not a requiredpart of this document.2.2.1 USABC PUBLICATIONAvailable from NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.USABC

    15、Electric Vehicle Battery Test Procedures Manual, Revision 2, January 1996. Obtainable by mailorder as Report No. DOE/ID-10479, Rev. 2, from NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161.3. DefinitionsExcept as specifically noted in this section, the definitions of SAE J1715 shall apply to thisdo

    16、cument.SAE J2380 Issued JAN1998-3-4. Technical Requirements4.1 PrerequisitesA battery test plan or other test requirements document is normally required for testing usingthis procedure. The test plan specifies the appropriate test conditions for the Reference Performance Tests(see 4.4.1) and certain

    17、 vibration frequencies to be used, along with testing precautions and any specialhandling/testing instructions specified for the battery by the manufacturer and/or the test sponsor.Performance of certain Reference Performance Tests specified in SAE J1798 is normally required before andafter the cond

    18、uct of vibration testing. For completeness, these are itemized within the procedure steps in 4.4.Unless otherwise specified in a test plan document, the test unit shall be tested early in its life (i.e., prior to theperformance of any life cycle testing.)4.2 Test Equipment4.2.1 EQUIPMENTPerformance

    19、of this procedure requires a one- to three-axis table capable of producingaccelerations up to 1.9 G over the vibration spectra detailed in Figure 2, extending from 10 to approximately200 Hz. If the unit to be tested can only be vibrated while in a particular physical orientation, a multi-axistable w

    20、ill be required. Additionally, the time required to perform the test can be significantly reduced if thelongitudinal and lateral axis vibration (or all three axes) can be performed concurrently.4.2.2 FIXTURESTest fixtures are required to properly secure the test unit to the shaker table. The exact n

    21、ature ofthese fixtures depends on the type of table used, the test unit itself, and any restrictions on physicalorientation of the test unit.4.2.3 INSTRUMENTATIONSpecial instrumentation hookups capable of withstanding the vibration are required sothat important battery conditions can be monitored du

    22、ring testing. (See 4.5.)4.3 Determination of Test Conditions and Test Termination Criteria4.3.1 ELECTRICAL TEST CONDITIONSare determined according to the procedures in SAE J1798 which arespecified in VIBRATION FREQUENCIESVibration test conditions are as specified in the procedure steps i

    23、n TEST TERMINATIONVibration testing shall be suspended or terminated if any observed componentdegradation produces conditions which are abnormal or outside the operating ranges of the battery asspecified by the manufacturer. Conditions to be monitored are defined in Test Procedure4

    24、.4.1 Perform a sequence of Reference Performance Tests consisting of a C/3 Constant Current discharge, aDynamic Capacity Test discharge to 100% of rated capacity, and a Peak Power discharge, as defined in SAEJ1798.4.4.2 Charge the battery fully using the manufacturers recommended charge method.4.4.3

    25、 For each of the vertical, longitudinal, and lateral axes of the battery, select either the normal or alternative G-levels from Table 1 and program the shaker table appropriately. This choice will determine the vibration timerequired for each axis, also in accordance with Table 1. (The vibration spe


    27、)NORMALTESTTime(h)NORMALTESTCumulTime, hALTERNATIVETESTAccel(g rms)ALTERNATIVETESTTime(h)ALTERNATIVETESTCumulTime, hVertical Axis Vibration:Vertical 1 spectrum 100 1.9 0.15 0.15 1.9 0.15 0.15Vertical 1 spectrum 100 0.75 5.25 5.4 0.95 3.5 3.65Vertical 2 spectrum 100 1.9 0.15 5.55 1.9 0.15 3.8Vertical

    28、 2 spectrum 100 0.75 5.25 10.8 0.95 3.5 7.3Vertical 3 spectrum 20 1.9 0.15 10.95 1.9 0.15 7.45Vertical 3 spectrum 20 0.75 5.25 16.2 0.95 3.5 10.95Longitudinal Axis Vibration:Longitudinal spectrum 60 1.5 0.09 16.29 1.5 0.09 11.04Longitudinal spectrum 60 0.4 19.0 35.29 0.75 6.7 17.74Longitudinal spect

    29、rum 60 1.5 0.09 35.38 1.5 0.09 17.83Longitudinal spectrum 60 0.4 19.0 54.38 0.75 6.7 24.53Lateral Axis Vibration:Longitudinal spectrum 60 1.5 0.09 54.47(1)1. These cumulative times apply only if all three axes are done separately.1.5 0.09 24.62(1)Longitudinal spectrum 60 0.4 19.0 73.47(1) 0.75 6.7 3

    30、1.32(1)Longitudinal spectrum 60 1.5 0.09 73.56(1) 1.5 0.09 31.41(1)Longitudinal spectrum 60 0.4 19.0 92.56(1) 0.75 6.7 38.11(1)SAE J2380 Issued JAN1998-5-4.4.4 Mount the test unit so that it will be subjected to vibration along the appropriate axes, based on themanufacturers recommended physical ori

    31、entation. This procedure permits the required vibration to beperformed in one, two, or all three axial directions simultaneously depending on the capabilities of the shakertable used (but see 4.4.5 for other considerations.)4.4.5 Perform the programmed vibration for the required times, while battery

    32、 depth-of-discharge is varied from 0%(full charge) to 80% (minimal charge) over the course of the vibration testing of a given battery. Twoapproaches are permitted to accomplish this: a. If a one- or two-axis vibration table is used, approximately two-thirds of the vertical axis testing shouldbe don

    33、e at full charge, followed by the longitudinal and lateral vibration at 40% DOD, and then theremaining vertical axis vibration at 80% DOD.b. If a three-axis table is used to perform all vibration regimes simultaneously, the total testing period canbe divided into three intervals of roughly equal len

    34、gth. The first interval should be performed with thebattery fully charged, the second interval with the battery at 40% DOD, and the third interval at 80%DOD.4.4.6 Between each pair of the three intervals of vibration specified in 4.4.5, the battery should be discharged at aC/3 constant current rate

    35、for 40% of the rated capacity of the battery. Following the third vibration interval,the battery should be fully recharged.4.4.7 Repeat the Reference Performance Tests using SAE J1798. This sequence includes a C/3 Constant Currentdischarge, a Dynamic Capacity Test discharge to 100% of rated capacity

    36、, and a Peak Power discharge.4.5 Testing PrecautionsDuring the application of the vibration regimes, the test unit shall be instrumented todetermine the presence of any of the following conditions:a. Loss of electrical isolation between the battery positive connection and the battery case and/or tes

    37、tequipment ground. The degree of isolation shall be verified regularly, e.g., daily, during any period ofvibration testing to be 0.5 M or greater (1.0 mA or less leakage at 500V DC).b. Abnormal battery voltages indicating the presence of open- or short-circuit conditions.c. Unexpected resonance cond

    38、itions within the battery, indicating failure of mechanical tie-downcomponents.d. Abnormal temperature conditions indicating possible damage to battery cells or thermal managementsystem components.Detection of any of the conditions listed in (a) through (d) shall cause testing to be suspended until

    39、thecondition has been evaluated and a determination has been made that either it is safe to proceed or the testingshould be terminated.4.6 Data Acquisition and Reporting4.6.1 Data to be acquired during the Reference Performance Tests of 4.4.1 or 4.4.7 shall be as required for thenormal conduct of th

    40、ose tests. Data from these measurements (other than summary results) need not beretained if no anomalous behavior is observed during testing.4.6.2 A report shall be prepared detailing the actual vibration regimes applied, a compilation and interpretation ofall data acquired, and any results of detai

    41、led component failure analyses. Also, the pre- and post-vibrationelectrical performance data that confirms the adequacy of the battery design to withstand the vibrationenvironments shall be summarized.PREPARED BY THE SAE ELECTRIC VEHICLE SAFETY COMMITTEESAE J2380 Issued JAN1998RationaleNot applicabl

    42、e.Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO StandardNot applicable.ApplicationThis SAE Recommended Practice describes the vibration durability testing of a single battery(test unit) consisting of either an electric vehicle battery module or an electric vehicle battery pack. Forstatistical purposes, multip

    43、le samples would normally be subjected to such testing. Additionally, sometest units may be subjected to life cycle testing (either after or during vibration testing) to determine theeffects of vibration on battery life. Such life testing is not described in this procedure; SAE J2288 may beused for

    44、this purpose as applicable.Reference SectionSAE J1715Electric Vehicle TerminologySAE J1798Recommended Practice for Performance Rating of Electric Vehicle Battery ModulesSAE J2288Recommended Practice for Life Cycle Testing of Electric Vehicle Battery ModulesUSABC Electric Vehicle Battery Test Procedures Manual, Revision 2, January 1996. Obtainable by mailorder as Report No. DOE/ID-10479, Rev. 2, from NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA22161.Developed by the SAE Electric Vehicle Safety Committee

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