1、Essay作文邮件那题要我给一个什么信息都没有提供的会议提建议我能说我还捏造了两个人名么 作文主要是要注意时间啦,30 分钟真的很紧,尤其是对于写作文之前还喜欢打草稿的同学,比如我 议论文先搭好框架,再往里面填充吧。楼主要是之前没有先写结尾的话可能就写不完了 希望能帮到大家A 先生发了封邮件祝贺我当了优秀员工,然后说期待六月在北京会议上见面 (我和 A 的关系是 partner). 内容要求我回复感谢 A 先生的祝福,并且对六月的北京会议提两个建议(关于这个会议,题目没交代任何资料)第一篇是写信请朋友帮助我,1、邮件 (邮件要注意格式和称呼、发件人地址什么的,最重要的是别忘了写 subject
2、!);题目一般是关于招聘,委婉拒绝别人的邀请,和对安排提建议等!e-mail 的拒绝参加会议第一篇是说你要去一个城市度过一个假期,现在你需要写一封邮件给你当地的朋友,问一下 local place 啊,interest 啊,还有交通问题,应该就是问一些名胜古迹之类的,然后你还可以问有啥好吃的,注意邮件格式就好。写 email 问 project manager 的 job duty 和 salary 各种我的是要去受邀去 New world mall 的 grand opening 但要拒絕他邮件有 1、婉拒邀请 2、回复邀请 3、准备去朋友的城市旅行,征求意见 4、向 manager询问工作
3、职责第二篇议论文是关于应届毕业生是否应该选择创业。第二篇是给两个观点问你赞同哪一个为什么。议论文:议论文我碰到的题目是中国养老问题也有见到过胡同文化、食品安全等等whether China should increase itsgrain imports我的是對中國提高 importedcrops 的看法, 但是還好因為它已經提供了一些方向給我們去做了, 就是一些小句子說正方怎樣想反方怎樣想,當然你們可以自己找新方向, 還是那句答案合理便可胡同工厂这个模式的优劣讨论对 homeschool 的看法1、电子商务 2、中国增加 grain imports 3、将父母 送进养老院第一份 busine
4、ss emial, 是说 A 先生发了封邮件祝贺我当了优秀员工,然后说期待六月在北京会议上见面 (我和 A 的关系是 partner). 内容要求我回复感谢 A 先生的祝福,并且对六月的北京会议提两个建议(关于这个会议,题目没交代任何资料)第二篇议论文是关于应届毕业生是否应该选择创业。EXAMPLEDear Mary, This is Look forward to seeing you soon. Best regards, Tom YuPrivate highway or Public transportationI believe that our government should s
5、pend more money on transportation. Here is why.First of all, public transportation such as buses and subways can deliver a great amount of people at the same time. For instance, subways can always transfer hundreds of people to their destinations as soon as possible. Long distance buses will give a
6、handful of help to many people who work in a different city as they live. In addition, local buses are heroes for making our everyday life easier.Secondly, public transportation can effectively relieve the traffic congestion in rush hour. For example, living in a metropolitan like New York or Toront
7、o, people are highly recommended to take public transportation. Not only the gasoline price today is scaring people away, but they always agree that it can take them forever to get out of a traffic jam in rush hour.Last but not least, buses and subways today are typically powered by low emission fue
8、ls and even electricity. The government should realize that this will make a great contribution to the citys environment. In the other hand, environmental problem has been raised as a global concern. I think our government should not consider the future impact of car emissions at last; otherwise the
9、y will eventually spend more money from their budget to save the environment.As a matter of fact, highway improvement is somehow required as well. Nowadays, in the city I am living, almost every family owns a car. My parents are living outside the city, they drive to work everyday. In holidays, they
10、 will invite me to have a trip. We can plan the trip wherever we want to go. People have more freedom to travel with cars, and it turns out that highways are always occupied during weekend.To conclude, public transportation requires more attention from our government. For instance, such as the quality of buses, the appropriate increase of routes and the safety concerns.