1、高级英语句子翻译(汉译英)及参考答案1那首曲子已经太过时了,人们不再感兴趣了。The music was too prehistoric / out of date to appeal to the people any more.2.他很会装假,但谁也没受他的欺骗。He was putting on a good show, but he could deceive no one.3.她一眼看到了另一位女子的衣服的每一细处。She took in every detail of another womans clothes.4.当她叫我谎话大王时,我非常生气。She called me a
2、great liar, which made my blood boil.5.当今许多人把电冰箱视为基本的家用设备。Nowadays many people look on the refrigerator as a piece of very basic domestic appliance.6.反腐败是一场严肃的政治斗争,对我们党和国家的前途有着重大的作用。The fight against corruption is a serious political struggle and has an important bearing on the future of the Party a
3、nd the country.7.国家教育部将指导企业和大学联合建立人才交流市场以帮助解决毕业生供需之间的平衡问题。The MOE (Ministry of Education) will guide enterprises and universities to jointly set up talent exchange markets to help keep a balance between graduate supply and demand.8他们的友谊是在困难时期由于同甘苦共患难而结成的。Their friendship was forged by sharing comfor
4、ts and hardships during the hard times.9. 他为发展两国之间的联盟和协作关系作出了巨大的贡献。He made great contribution to the development of alliances and cooperative associations of the two countries.10. 科学以现象为根据。Science rests on phenomena.11. 我是因兴趣才集邮的,并不是为了赶时髦或消磨时间。I collect stamps out of real interest, not just followin
5、g the fashion or just killing time.12. 他的记忆力随着病情的恶化逐渐减退。His memory was pushed back gradually with the worsening illness / the deterioration of his ill health.13. 如果你不改过自新的话,那你总有一天会坐牢的。If you dont correct your mistakes and turn over a new leaf, youll end up in prison.14. 法律规定了开汽车应遵循的规章。The law prescr
6、ibed the rules by which automobiles may be driven.15. 过去向我们学习的人,现在反而超过了我们。这对我们确实是一个鞭策。It was a real challenge that those who had learned from us now excelled us16. 正如我们大家都知道的那样,在这个复杂多变的世界里对于人民来说,信息需求至关重要As we know, in this world of change and complexity, the need for information is of greatest impor
7、tance. 17. 今日的电话作为世界上最普遍的传声通讯工具和当年贝尔发明的简陋装置相比是无与伦比的精致和有效。Now the most common means of voice communication in the world, the telephone of today is infinitely more sophisticated and effective than the crude instrument developed by Bell.18. 古今中外,这种情况概莫能外。There is no exception to this in modern or ancie
8、nt times,in China or elsewhere19. 阅读是一种私人的,而不是集体的活动,作家仅同安心静坐的人在沟通。Reading is a private, not a collective activity. The writer speaks only to individuals, sitting by themselves in a state of normal sobriety. 20. 给我1000元钱,我也不愿处于你的地位。I wouldnt be in your shoes for a thousand yuan.21.随着 T 型福特汽车的成功,汽车工业受
9、到了应有的重视。With the success of the Model T Ford, the automobile industry came into its own.22.我们把访问时间缩短了一周。We clipped our visit by a week.23.他把他的成功归功于父母在早年给他的良好教育。He owed his success to the good upbringing his parents had given him.24.我讨厌人们那种对爵士乐不屑一顾的文人般的势利作风。Im bored with the intellectual snobbery of
10、people who turn up their noses at jazz.25.我们应该鼓励大学生服务于农业,能源,水利,交通,电力,通讯,教育和国防等重要行业和部门。We must encourage university students to serve in important sectors and departments: agriculture, energy, water conservancy, transportation, electric power, telecommunication, education and national defense.26.世纪交替
11、,千年更迭,人类社会的发展正在揭开新的篇章。The turn of the century has opened a new chapter in the development of human society27.江泽民关于祖国统一,台湾和平回归的八点提议体现了邓小平同志“一国两制”的思想。Jiang Zemins eight propositions on the reunification of China and peaceful return of Taiwan to the motherland embodied Deng Xiaopings concept of One cou
12、ntry, two systems.28.我国政府在揭露和驳斥台湾当局分裂主义言行的同时继续保持和促进海峡两岸的经济,贸易和文化交流。Our government will continue to expose and refute the separatist words and actions of Taiwan authorities while actually maintaining and putting forward across straits economic, trade and cultural exchanges.29.我们期望在不久的将来中国任能受到更好的教育。It
13、 is our anticipation that the Chinese people will get a better education in the near future.30. 海南岛和台湾的面积差不多,那里有许多资源,有富铁矿,有石油天然气。Hainan Island, which is almost as big as Taiwan, has abundant natural resources, such as rich iron, oil and natural gas.31. 过去我们搬用别国的模式,结果阻碍了生产力的发展,在思想上导致僵化,妨碍人民和基层积极性的发挥。
14、We used to copy foreign models mechanically, which only hampered the development of our productive forces, induced ideological rigidity and kept the people and grass-roots units from taking any initiative.32.深圳搞了七八年了,取得了很大的成绩。The Shenzhen Special Economic Zone has achieved remarkable successes since
15、 it was established almost eight years ago.33.大错误没有犯,小错误没有断,因为我们没有经验。However, although we havent made any major mistakes, we have made many minor ones, because we have no experience.34.中国始终不渝地奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,中国对外政策的最高宗旨是和平。Unswervingly pursuing an independent foreign policy of peace, China takes peace
16、 as the ultimate goal of its foreign policy.35.世界在变化,我们的思想和行动也要随之而变化。The world is changing, and we should change our thinking and actions along with it.36.不发达地区大都是拥有丰富资源的地区,发展潜力是很大的。 Most of the less developed areas are rich in resources and have great potential for development.37.电车上十分拥挤,几乎没有立足之地。T
17、he tram was so crowded that there was scarcely sufficient room for you.38. 汤臣大酒店是浦东第一家五星级酒店,接待了一大批国内外宾客。Tomson Hotel, the first five-star hotel in the Pudong New Area, has hosted a large number of domestic and foreign guests. 39. 这位民族英雄没有死,他的故事照亮了千百万人的心。This national hero lives on,his story lighting
18、 up the hearts of millions of people.40. 上海是个充满活力的大都市,上海市民的居住正发生着深刻的变化。Shanghai, a vigorous cosmopolitan city, is witnessing profound changes in the housing conditions for the local residents. 41. 市场格局发生了重大变化,引发了新一轮国产彩电价格大战。A major change in the market disposition pattern has given rise to a fresh r
19、ound of color TV price war among home TV manufacturers.42. 他想到把这件事全都交给他的妻子去办。It occurred to him to leave the whole thing to his wife.43. 上海多年来成功地举办了旅游节,这对拓展旅游市场,促进社会经济的发展,发挥了十分积极的作用。The successful holding of the tourist festivals in Shanghai over the years has played an active role in expanding the
20、tourist market and in turn promoting the economic and social development.44. 在这部小说里看来没有更为有趣的东西了。There appears to be nothing more interesting in this novel.45. 经济全球化深入发展,科学技术突飞猛进,给亚洲的发展带来新的机遇,也带来新的挑战。The further economic globalization and the rapid advance of science and technology have presented bot
21、h new opportunities and challenges to the development of Asia.46. 中国是一个发展中国家,人口多,底子薄,经济不发达,农村尤其不发达。China is a developing country with a large population, a meager heritage and an underdeveloped economy, especially in the rural areas.47. 近年来上海在市政建设方面投入力度较大,使城市交通状况有了较大改善,大大方便了市民的出行。Shanghais heavy inp
22、ut in public works in recent years has contributed to the remarkable improvement of the citys transport, thus greatly facilitating the movement of residents.48. 产品滞销,市场竞争对手密集,这些因素将限制中国市场的发展。The unmarketable products and the intensive rivals will hinder the development of Chinas market.49. 本饭店供应各色海鲜,
23、丰俭随意。This restaurant provides a variety of seafood to suit every pocket50. 去年经济增长加快,综合实力增强。Economic growth speeded up with enhanced comprehensive strength last year. 51. 二十年多来,中国经济体制改革不断深化,综合国力明显增强,对外经贸合作日益扩大。Over the past two decades and more, China has deepened the reform of its economic system, v
24、isibly increased its overall national strength and steadily expanded its foreign economic cooperation and trade. 52. 如果中国加入世贸组织,外国公司就可以进入以往受保护的市场,同时提供更多工作机会。Chinas entry into the WTO will allow the foreign enterprises to enter the previously protected market, meanwhile creating more jobs.53. 经过过去十年开
25、发,浦东新区出现许多观光购物点,吸引了众多游客纷纷涌向浦东。During the past decade of development, the Pudong New Area, where many sightseeing and shopping opportunities have come about, is luring the tourists into flocking there. 54. 星期天早晨他的身体状况仍未好转。Sunday morning found him still unwell.55. 如今,在上海工作的境外人士已达数万人,他们在上海的经济生活中,发挥着相当重
26、要的作用。Now tens of thousands of foreigners working in Shanghai are playing an important role in its economy. 56. 她一手提着竹篮,内有一个破碗,空的。In one hand she carried a bamboo basket, in which there was a broken bowl, empty.57. 本来日子就紧,偏偏又赶上了一场大旱,地撂荒了,他饿倒了。Life was already hard,but then came a searing droughtHis f
27、amily fields were laid waste,and famine took him over.58. 积极推动信息技术在各行业的广泛应用,着力发展电子政务和电子商务。We need to extensively apply IT in enterprises in all industries, with special emphasis on electronic administration and commerce.59. APEC 领导人承诺进行全面合作,加强经济政策与金融部门的相互沟通合作,确保经济与市场不受国际恐怖主义的干扰。Leaders of APEC pledg
28、e to cooperate fully to ensure that international terrorism does not disrupt economies and markets through close communication and cooperation among economic policy and financial authorities.(APEC:Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation : 亚太经济合作组织)60. 他假装诚实,取得了上司对他的信任。He won trust from his boss by pretend
29、ing to be an honest man.61. 调查表明,伴随国家消费信贷的稳步推行,中国城乡居民的电冰箱需求量还将逐步增大。Surveys suggest that with the steady implementation of consumer credit policy, the demand for refrigerators will grow among urban and rural residents in China62. 根据预测,随着网络的广泛应用,电脑的需求量将会大大增加。The demand for computers is predicted to gr
30、own considerably with the wide application of electronic networks.63. 随着各类商业保险逐步进入城市家庭,今年中国保险市场有望进一步升温。The insurance market is expected to boom with the entry of various kinds of commercial insurance into urban families.64. 这个城市的电脑公司、电信公司大部分都是合资企业,投资庞大,技术先进。Most computers, telecommunication companie
31、s in this city are joint ventures with heavy investment and advanced technologies.65. 街角躺着一个病得很重的老人。There lies at the corner of the street an old man who is seriously i1166. 他做实验时心不在焉,几乎引起化学药物爆炸。His absent-mindedness during the experiments nearly caused an explosion of the chemical.67. 泰国是亚洲最大的盗版 CD
32、 生产基地,年产量可达六千万张。Thailand is Asias largest production base for pirated CDs, with an annual production of 60 million copies / with a capacity to make 60 million copies a year/ with 60 million copies produced every year. 68. 上海出台了一项为外地人才办理户口的新政策,宗旨是加快经济建设和社会发展速度。Shanghai government has issued a new pol
33、icy on registered permanent residence for qualified non-Shanghai residents with the aim of accelerating economic and social development.69. 目前全球在使用着4亿多部移动电话,每天又在增加25万户。There are 400 million mobile phones in use globally with another 250,000 new users added every day.70. 随身听已推出20周年,至今畅销不衰,全球已销售了2亿多部随
34、身听。The walkman has been selling well for two decades since its introduction, with 200 million having been sold globally.71. 游行队伍唱着歌,喊着口号,浩浩荡荡穿过广场。Singing and shouting slogans, the parade moved across the square like a flood.72. 到2050年,我国老年人口将达到四亿,约占世界老年人口的五分之一。By 2050, the old people in China will r
35、each 400 million, accounting for one fifth that of the world.73. 封面上印有一个猎人的像。The figure of a hunter was printed on the cover.74. 立刻就要吃饭了,还要吃豆子,吃穷了一家子。We are going to have supper right away, yet theyre still eating roast beans, eating us out of house and home.75. 又下起了大雪了,只有呆在家里。It was snowing heavily
36、, we had to stay at home.76. 经济犯罪与腐败有着千丝万缕的联系。A close relationship exists between economic crime and corruption.77. 他胡思乱想,一夜也不曾经合眼。Indulging himself in wild fancies, he did not close his eyes through the night.78. 批评家的文字,看在不言之中,最为难解。The unsaid meaning in critical essays make them the most difficult
37、texts to be understood.79. 我们的自然科学比较落后,要努力向外国学习。In natural science, we are rather backward and here, we should make a special effort to learn from foreign countries.80. 我到了自家的门外,我的母亲早已迎着出来了,接着便飞出了八岁的侄儿宏儿。By the time I reached the house my mother was already at the door to welcome me, and my eight-ye
38、ar-old nephew, Honger, rushed out after her.81. 太太病了也老是这样,并不加重。His wifes condition remained the same as ever without getting any worse. 82. 当下水果已撤,贾母命两个老嬷嬷带了黛玉去见两个舅母。Now the refreshments were cleared away and the Lady Dowager ordered two nurses to take Daiyu to visit her two uncles.83. 他们一般是在晚上十点左右刷
39、牙洗脸上床睡觉。They often brush their teeth, wash themselves and go to bed about 10:00 at night.84. 这儿够漆黑的,真是伸手不见五指。It is too dark to see my hand in front of my face.85. 大雪纷飞,乡亲们都在家里烤火取暖。It was snowing hard. All the villagers stayed at home and warmed themselves by the fire.86. 他在华东师范大学对外汉语学院办公室工作。He works
40、 at the office of International College of Chinese Studies of China Normal University.87. 这些枯燥无味的法语教材是那对年轻夫妇编写的。These dull French teaching materials are produced by the young couple.88. 他过马路时,左顾右盼,害怕撞到过路的车子上。While crossing the street, he looked right and left, for fear that he might run into some pa
41、ssing car.89. 静静地这乡村躺在月光下面,静静地这小河躺在月光下面。Silently, the village, the small river, lay in the moonlight.90. 我告诉他,家有老母长年患病,我离国已六、七年,想回去看老母,至多两年就出来。I told him that I had been abroad for six or seven years and that I had to go home to see my old mother, who had been ill for a long time. However, I assured
42、 him that I would come back to France in two years.91. 我把医生的电话打通了,她感激地谢了我,回头就走。I made the phone call and got through to the doctor. The girl gratefully thanked me and turned to leave straightly away.92. 在历史上,由于长江不断改道在武汉地区形成了众多的湖泊。The constant change of the course of the Changjiang River in history h
43、elped form a great many lakes in the areas around Wuhan.93. 春天来了,树都绿了。Spring coming on,the trees turned green94. 他们患得患失,生怕丢掉这些东西。Swayed by considerations of loss and gain,they are most anxious not to lose these possession95. 他心里乱糟糟的,又退回门里,用手抓挠着那乱蓬蓬的头发,眉头拧成大疙瘩,在屋里走着。Distraught,he turned back from the
44、 door and paced up and down the small room,running his hands through his unkempt hair,his forehead furrowed96. 许多贫农,则因为生产资料不足仍然处于贫困地位,有些人欠了债,有些人出卖土地,或者出租土地。On the other hand,many poor peasants are still living in poverty for shortage of the means of production,with some getting into debt and others
45、selling or renting out their land97. 附近没有旁人,我得自己干了。There being nobody else at hand,I have to do it by myself.98. 这地方周围都是树丛,一股清澈的溪流从旁边流过。The place was surrounded by clumps of trees,with a clear stream running alongside99. 我们的新产品工艺先进,结构新颖,性能稳定,维修方便,颇受用户好评。Our new product has been well received by the
46、consumers because of its advanced technological design,novel structure, stability in service and simplicity in maintenance100. 最近几年,学校对教学制度进行了改革,最明显的一点是学分制,也就是学生若提前修满预定的学分,就可以提前毕业。We have been undergoing some educational reforms in recent years. An obvious method is to adopt credit system which mean
47、s students can graduate ahead of schedule when they complete the regular credits.101.你们人参酒的质量很好,但包装较差,瓶子易碎,纸盒太薄。The quality of your Ginseng Wine is fine, but its packing is rather poor. Bottles are subjected to breakage and paper boxes are very thin.102.上海大众汽车公司是一家中德合资企业,去年汽车产量为十万辆,预计今年产量可再增加五万辆。Sha
48、nghai Volkswagen, a Sino-German joint venture which turned out 100,000 cars last year, is expected to in crease production by 50,000 this year.103.热烈欢迎世界各地客商来此进一步加强合作,建立和发展贸易关系。Customers from various countries and regions are warmly welcome to establish and develop business contacts.104.当前,我国的职业教育和成
49、人教育正在加快发展。Vocational education and adult education are being pushed on energetically in our country.105. 这种打字机轻便高效、经久耐用又经济实惠,适合高中学生使用。This type of typewriter is portable and durable, economical and practical for high school students.106. 他怎么也说不明白。He cant make it clear no matter how hard he tries to express.107. 还看不出他能挑得起这副担子。Nothing suggests that he will be equal to such a task