1、Unit7 New Waves of Technologyvocabulary 教案Before opening the text, write the word technology on the board. Ask for a definition and /or examples of the word. Talk about the root word and suffix: technology.Draw a graphic organizer on the board to further discuss the many kinds of technologies. Encou
2、rage the Ss to provide examples of technologies and how these technologies have changed their lives .Also expand on the categories, i.e. sports, household, ect.Vocabulary review: inventor and invent. ask how these two words are related to technology.TechnologyElectronic communication media transport
3、ationPeoples Report On New Technology Using the directed readingthinking activity process, the teacher will guide the Ss through the text.Teaching tipThrough the DR-TA teaching strategy, the teacher asks Ss to make and support predictions, makes sense of concepts and vocabulary and draw conclusions.
4、 IT encourages Ss to construct meaning collaboratively and creates student talk in the classroom.before the class,there is some preparation.1 Determine stop-points. the teacher stops after the title, then chooses about 3or 4 logical breaks, for ecample,after a subheading,chapter,introduction etc.2 P
5、repare questions to be asked at stoppoints.Try to ask openended questions .These type of questions encourage discussion.3 If needed, provide the Ss with cover sheets to avoid Ss reading further when a stoppoint has occurred.Step 1 Begin by asking prediction type questions about the title, for exampl
6、e.What about the title tell us about this story?Can you predict what type of new technology Peter will report on?What are some other words that have a similar meaning as “report”?Step 2Before the Ss silently read the first section, introduce new vocabulary to Ss. The purpose is for the Ss to easily
7、comprehend the text.The new vocabulary needs to be presented to the class in the actual context used in the text so that Ss can try to construct the meaning of the surrounding of the word from the meaning of the surrounding text. The Ss are encourage d to contribute ideas about each words meaning in
8、 this context.NEW WORDS: humanity, snowboarding, blur, scolding.For example, write these sentences on the board and discuss with the class.“today her friend Peter is supposed to give a report on new technology and how it helps humanity”.Discuss the word humanity .Have the Ss look at the word parts.
9、Have Ss compose a question about new technology and humanity. How can a new technology help humanity?He was more like a blur than a person, she thought.In this sentence, on the board is it an adj. Or noun? What does a blur look like?One of her favorite plans was to send a student to the principals o
10、ffice for scolding Discuss why someone would get sent to the principals office. What other word could replace the word “scolding”?Surely you didnt go snowboarding every nightAsk if anyone has heard of snowboarding .Look at the word parts. What other words could replace snowboarding and the sentence
11、would still make sense?Step 3Ask the Ss to read silently to the bottom of the first column, ending at the word scolding. Give the Ss a purpose for reading, for example, read to the bottom of the first column to find out why peter did not finish his report?Step 4 Now it is time to discuss the text wi
12、th the Ss .The teacher begins the discussion with having the Ss share the image in their minds as they were reading the text.Teaching tipImagining is a tool for understanding .when Ss can imagine the scene that is being described in the text, it indicates that they are be able to comprehend the text
13、.Have Ss answer the purpose for reading question. Ask more questions about Peter. Do you think snowboarding is a good excuse not to have your work completed? What is important in his life right now? Is he honest person ? do you like Peter? Why or why not?Dramatize with the class this first section.C
14、reate the scene through dramatization. Ask for volunteers for Peter, Jenny, and Mrs. Fitzpatrick.Ask questions about Peter.Have the class predict what Mrs.Fitspatricks plan will be about Peter not having his report finished.Step 5Before beginning the silent reading,introduce new vocabulary: detentio
15、n, skateboarding, surfboarding , cement. Dont forget to write the sentence or phrases taken directly from the text. Discuss the meaning with the Ss.Step6 Have the Ss silently read from the top of column two to the end of the first paragon page 81. give the Ss a purpose for reading, for example, read
16、 the next section to find out if Peter completes his reportDiscuss the reading / have the Ss answer the purpose for reading question. Ask question about the teacher. Why do you think she gave Peter a chance to talk about snowboarding?Why is the imagine of starting down a steep hill the same as Peter
17、 taking a deep breath and talkingHow does it feel when you are talking in front of people?Step 7Before beginning the silent reading, introducing new vocabulary :imagine,curve,wonderedDont forget to write the sentences or phrases taken directly from the text. Discuss the meaning with the Ss.Give the
18、Ss a purpose for reading, for example. In what ways has the technology of a snowboard improved?Step 8Discuss the reading and the purpose for reading question. Draw a time line, with each line on the timeline ask the Ss to describe the stages of how the snowboard developed into what it is today.Discu
19、ss the word image and imagine. What image did Peter have of Mrs.Fitspatrick? why did he imagine her snowboarding?Step 9 Give the Ss a purpose for reading, for example, why do you think Mrs.Fitzpairick wants to sign up for snowboarding lessons? Have the Ss read the conclusion.Discuss the conclusion with the class .did peter enjoy talking about snowboarding ? How do we know? What did the teacher do when the bell rang?In groups have the Ss write the story in their own words using only six sentences. The Ss must focus on the main idea only.