1、1布朗英语外籍教师管理建议(用户可跟据实际情况进行修改)Measures for the administration of foreign teachers 主要岗位职责Job Responsibility 1、Love child education career.喜欢少儿教育行业2、The mother language of the foreign teacher is English. 外教母语为英语 3、With strong sense of responsibility, loving children, good at communication with preschool
2、 children. 要具有责任心,爱心,以及擅长跟学龄前的孩子沟通4、Experience in child education preferred. (Children aged 2.5-6). 具有教授 2.5 岁到 6 岁孩子的教学经验5、To cooperate with Chinese teachers about daily teaching activities.能够与中教完成日常教学活动。6、Have sense of humor, and long term cooperation intentions, highly motivated and goal orientat
3、ion.具有幽默感,长期合作意识,以及高效执行能力和强烈目标感。7、obey the order from your supervisor遵从上级安排8、To give a demo class at the end the study period.学期末上一堂公开课2具体要求园所方1、教学部对外籍教师实施统筹聘用,依据外教聘用合同,管理过程中要注意了解和尊重各国的文化,但,无论哪个国家都没有与我国教师不同的特权;1 Teaching Department carries out over-all hiring for foreign teachers, according to the e
4、mployment contract, we should pay attention to each others culture in the process of management. But no matter which country, teachers never enjoy special privileges.2、有专门的老师负责外教日常考勤、工资、教学及园所规章制度遵循的管理工作、对外籍教师的教学情况进行进班观察并记录;2 Each department has over-all responsibility for the management of foreign t
5、eachers daily attendance, wages, teaching and rules and regulations of the park in addition; the teaching situation of foreign teachers is observed and recorded by turns;3、教学部开展外籍教师日常教学评定,定期进行观摩、评课;3 The Teaching Department carries out daily teaching assessment, regular observation and teaching eval
6、uation of foreign teachers.4、每月进行外教教学情况检查或者外教工作会,每学期进行至少一次的园所管理人员连同外教一起的沟通管理会议,协调统一管理要求;4 Inspection of foreign teachers teaching work or working 3conference should be carried out monthly , communication management conference be gone on once each semester at least in order to harmonize regulatory re
7、quirements;5、园所开展各项节日活动、外出实践或者员工福利、竞赛等活动要通知外籍教师。5 If the garden carries out various activities, such as practical activities, festival activities and employee benefits contest and so on, it should inform foreign teachers.具体要求外教方Specific rules:1. 早上接园时间,外教要与已入园的孩子进行互动,也可以和家长进行简单的交流,与孩子和家长建立良好的双向互动关系。
8、1. In the time of morning picking time, foreign teachers should interact with children entered the garden or communicate with their parents so that they could establish a good interactive relationship with children and parents;2. 在日常生活中,外籍教师可以与班级教师多进行沟通和交流,为孩子们创造一个互相尊重、和谐的环境。2. In the daily life, fo
9、reign teachers could communicate and exchange with the teachers in the same class in order to create a mutual respect and harmonious environment for children;43. 外籍教师要与班级中教老师就班级孩子情况进行讨论,探讨教学计划的制定,并随时注意根据孩子的发展情况作相应的教学调整。3. Foreign teachers should discuss the situation of the students with the teacher
10、s in their class, exploring the Teaching Program, and pay attention to the adjustment of the program according to the development of students.4. 外籍教师每月制定教学计划,每周向园所教学管理人员上交备课记录。在进行教学活动准备过程中,如果需要有教学材料,则可请班级教师或园所行政人员进行协助。4. Foreign teachers need to make out a teaching plan monthly, and hand in lesson r
11、ecords to the management staffs. In the process of preparing the lessons, if the teaching materials are required, both the teachers in the same class and the administration staffs can help you.5. 外籍教师和班级教师每周进行一次班级会议,制定本周教学计划,教学周计划的制定必须依据幼儿园主题活动或班级主题活动进行,并讨论如何从旁协助孩子学习英文。5. Foreign teachers and the te
12、achers in the same class should have a class meeting each week to develop teaching programs that week, which must be in accord with the theme of the kindergartens or classs activity, and discuss how to improve students English.56、教案中必须包括日常英语表达,包括简单的英语对话,节奏或律动,歌曲和童话故事。还必须创造各种游戏和有趣的户外活动,提高孩子理解外国文化的能力。
13、6. The teaching plan should be composed of various games and interesting outdoor activities, the everyday English expression, including simple English dialogue, rhythm, songs and fairy tales, aiming to improve students ability of understanding the foreign culture.7、外籍教师要请班级教师协助进行英文教学活动,不要独自教学,要鼓励班级教
14、师和孩子说英文,并随时注意利用边角时间对孩子们英文的学习进行复习。7. Foreign teachers need to assist the teachers in the same class in English teaching rather than teach independently, encourage students speaking English with their teachers and make use of available time to review what they have studied.8、班主任协助外籍教师每周都要把孩子在园学习的内容发放给
15、家长。8. Head teachers should assist foreign teachers to distribute students learning content to their parents each week9、当孩子的表现不是很好时,要寻找方式鼓励孩子。可以先给孩子看到你的关心,或是给予孩子小礼物。69. When students performance is not very good, good methods should be searched to encourage them, such as showing your care to them or
16、giving them a small gift.10、外籍教师要时刻注意自己的言行:不粗口、不诅咒、不对孩子发怒、尖叫,决不打孩子。10. Foreign teachers should always conduct themselves with prudence and reticence:No swearing, no cursing, no screaming to children. In addition, they should never beat children.11、外籍教师每学期开一次家长会,开放教室的同时,并和家长们讨论孩子们学习英文的情况。11. Foreign teachers hold a parents meeting once a term while opening the classroom and discuss childrens English studies with parents 12、外籍教师需协助园所开展各项节日、社会实践等课程活动。12. Foreign teachers need to assist the kindergarten to carry out various curricular activities such as festival activities and social practice.