1、Explanation Letter Dear Sir or Madam, My name is /( Sex: Female; ID No: /; Passport /). My first application to Canada as a visitor on December 14th 2010 was unfortunately rejected. My second application to Canada as a visitor on June 20th 2011 was rejected again. I would appreciate your time in rea
2、ding reasons of rejection before making your decision.At the first time, I was not quite familiar with the requirements for a temporary resident visa and I made preparations too hurriedly. My application was rejected just three days after my handing in my materials because of my inadequate preparati
3、on.At the second time, my application was rejected because I didnt offer detailed information about my travel and identity documents, reason for travel to Canada, contacts in Canada, financial means for the trip and ties to country of residence. This time I can assure you that I will take my ID card
4、 and household book the original with me at the interview. In addition, I will show clear information of my reason for travel to Canada and financial means for the trip. A certificate will also be given to prove my ties to country of residence.Honorific visa officers the above are my explanations of
5、 my last two failed applications. I sincerely hope that you can believe the plausibility, validity and reliability of my explanations. I also hope my application can pass this time. So I can have the chance to visit family of my son. I truly miss them so much. Thank you!Wang ShuqingSeptember , 2011