1、MicroStation 打印配置作 者:博超 一、打印出图也就是“出图”命令,当绘图驱动选择“系统打印机”时,点这个按钮可直接控制打印机(绘图仪)打印绘图。当绘图驱动选择 MICROSTATION 的绘图仪配置文件时,点这个按钮可生成绘图文件(.000 文件)。二、出图预览可对图纸的打印效果进行预览。三、页面设置绘图驱动选择“系统打印机”时,点这个按钮则弹出 WINDOWS 标准的打印设置对话框,这里就不多说了。当绘图驱动选择 MICROSTATION 的绘图仪配置文件时,点这个按钮可弹出“页面设置”对话框,在这个对话框中,我们可以选择图面的尺寸以及是否旋转。四、图面布置在图面布置对话框中,
2、我们可以调整图纸的页边距及出图比例。五、出图选项在这个对话框中,我们可以对出图的一些外观效果进行设置,通常在这一对话框中采用缺省值。六、选择驱动点这个按钮,弹出打印驱动程序列表,我们可以选择相应的驱动程序来驱动我们的打印机(绘图仪)。通常情况下,HP 的喷墨绘图仪应选择“HPGL2.PLT”文件驱动。另外一个重要的驱动文件是“PRINTER.PLT” ,即我们上面说的“系统打印机”。选择了这个驱动,软件就会调用 WINDOWS 的打印驱动程序,而与软件无关。当我们使用打印机出图时,应选择这一驱动。在我们平常的使用中,对于最常见的 HP 喷墨绘图仪 ,我们可以选择“系统打印机”以使用 HP 自带
3、的WINDOWS 驱动程序,也可以选择 MICROSTATION 的驱动“HPGL2.PLT”,由于在实际操作中我们需要对绘图效果进行调整,所以建议用户使用后者出图。下面,我们将“HPGL2.PLT”文件中的语句结合一些用户的问题进行说明。; HP-GL/2 Plotter configuration file - Generic HP-GL/2 plotters/printers; $Logfile: I:/mgds/plot/pltcfg/hpgl2.plv $; $Workfile: hpgl2.plt $; $Revision: 6.2 $; If you change this fi
4、le, please do not disturb the above source control; information. It will prove useful in the event that a future release; changes this file.num_pens=8 ;定义绘图仪的笔数,最大值为 255,当我们只出黑白图纸时,这个值最好设为为 1。有些用户反映出图时线条很淡,一般调整这里就会解决。change_pen=color ;选择按颜色、层、或宽度换笔。选项为 color(颜色), weight(宽度)level(层)或 both(都有)。当我们只出黑白
5、图纸时,这个值最好设为 weight有时一些图纸在预览时是彩色,绘图时有些线条出不来,而设为白色就能打出来,通常是由这个选项引起的。end_plot=eject ; force page ejectrotate = cw; clockwise rotationmodel=HPGL2 ; plotter model numberdriver=hpgl2 ; MDL driver to useautocenter ; Automatically center plot on pageborder/pen=1/filename/time ; leave this out for no borderd
6、efault_extension/auto_incExt = 000 ; default extension for plotfiles; To configure a default output file name comment out the default_extension; line above and uncomment this line. “lpt1“ may be substituted with any; desired filename - e.g. “$(MS_PLTFILES)plotfile.000“;default_outFile/auto_overwrite
7、 = “lpt1“; communication=(handshake=0,baud=9600,par=none,data=8,stop=1); The SIZE records defines the plotting area of page. The .27 offset; given is to allow room for the border record.; Use the first set when using roll paper and the second set for cut paper.; Only 5 SIZE records can be defined at
8、 one time; Metric size records 设置图纸的页面尺寸,最多设置五个值。但我们可以通过定义多个配置文件来解决尺寸规格多的问题。size=(210,297)/num=0/off=(0,7)/name=a4size=(297,420)/num=0/off=(0,7)/name=a3size=(420,594)/num=0/off=(0,7)/name=a2size=(841,594)/num=0/off=(7,7)/name=a1size=(1189,841)/num=0/off=(7,7)/name=a0resolution(MM)=(0.025,0.025) ; Me
9、tric resolution 基本笔宽; stroke_tolerance determines tolerance for arcs and circles. Value is; between 0 and 10 with 10 being the greater tolerance. Large value also; creates a larger .000 file.stroke_tolerance=4.5; Units for weight stroke are multiples of .025 mm. Weights may appear; thicker than norm
10、al when plotter is set to “draft“ mode. Set plotter; on “final“ setting to see true weight thickness.下面这一行很关键,它指定了 0 号到 15 号线的宽度。数值代表以一个基本笔宽描几笔,5 就是 5 笔,10就是 10 笔当然描得越多笔画越粗。有时可能会出现这样的情况:笔画的粗细很正常,但粗线好象由几条细线画出的,一条一条很清楚。这时我们就要加入这样一条语句:pen_width(1) = 10这样,基本笔宽就变成了 0.025X10=0.25MM。注意,定义了几只笔,就要定义几条语句。具体见
11、EXAMPLE.PLTweight_strokes=(1,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95,100,105,110,115,120,125,130,135,140,145,150,155); The style records defines how the design file line codes (styles); are to be plotted. Values are in plotter units (resolutions).; Values determine pen down/up moveme
12、nts, where (14,42) for a dot; pattern leaves the pen down for 14 units and up for 42 units. The; /nohardware switch causes software stroking with these values.style(1) = (14,42)/nohardware; style = dotstyle(2) = (70,42)/nohardware; style = med dashstyle(3) = (168,56)/nohardware ; style = long dashst
13、yle(4) = (112,42,28,42)/nohardware; style = dot-dashstyle(5) = (56,56)/nohardware; style = short dashstyle(6) = (84,28,28,28,28,28)/nohardware ; style = dash-dot-dotstyle(7) = (112,28,56,28)/nohardware; style = long dash - short dash; linecap, linejoin and miter_limit values may differ between plott
14、ers.; Check your plotter manual for their definition.linecap = 1 ; 1=butt, 2=square, 3=triangle, 4=roundlinejoin = 2 ; 1=mitered, 2=miter/bevel, 3=triangle,; 4=round, 5=beveled, 6=no joinmiter_limit = 2.5 ; larger values mean longer spikes; Construction/active points are not plotted by default. Unco
15、mment the; next line if you want points plotted. Points are plotted 0.1 cm dia.; point_size = .1; software_raster allows for plotting of type 87/88 raster elements. Value; for resolution can be as high as your plotters resolution. Lower values; will produce grainier images. Remove comment to plot raster image.; software_raster/res=300; largest_polygon is used only for element filling. The value defines; the point at which software filling takes over in place of hardware; filling. The value relates to number of vertices used to draw the; element.largest_polygon=2048