1、华中科技大学 硕士学位论文 水轮机调节系统的研究与仿真 姓名:罗旋 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:水利水电工程 指导教师:魏守平 20050619 I 1. II Abstract The simulate model of hydro turbine governing system in this article is based on the mathematics model and the delivering function according to internal mold pieces of the system, the author has participated and
2、 finished the design of the system, the trying of the simulate models. The main content is as follows: 1. The theory of hydro turbine governing system has been introduced, such as its definition, the principle of governing, the basic structure of the speed governor and the characteristics of the gov
3、ernor system. 2. Making use of the transfer-function of each module ,the simulate model for hydro turbine governing system has been built up. 3. Making use of the tool of SIMULINK in the software of MATLAB,the simulate models for hydro turbine governing system have been built up,and the simulation f
4、or testing projects such as requency waving of no-load,no-load disturbance ,load shedding and load disturbance have been processed. 4. Do some simulate analysis on parameters in modulatory objects and speed governor for hydro turbine governing system ,the effect about each parameter for dynamic qual
5、ity in governor systemhas been qualitative analysed.Making use of improved othorgonal testing method to choose better parameters in speed governor,and then the best parameter combination has been obtained. 5. Some problems should be paid attention were presented. The advantages and weaknesses of sim
6、ulate models of hydro turbine governing system were concluded. In the end, the places need to be improved were discussed and some authors ideas were presented,too. Key Words: Hydro turbine governing system PID control law SIMULINK, Simulate model Improved Othorgonal testing method 1 1 1.1 1.2 f= 60
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