1、Paper 1 1. 只有信守诺言的人才能赢得他人的信任(word)。2. 尽管身体不好,但他还是坚守自己的岗位(despite)。3. 别担心,我们有足够的时间在宾馆登记入住(check in)。4. 他太渴望见到久违的朋友了,以至于无法入眠(dying)。5. 专家指出,医疗不能代替饮食平稳在保健中的作用(point out)。Paper 21. 我们必须牢记:语言学习要循序渐进(step by step)。2. 如果你不能将理论和实践结合起来,你的研究将毫无用处(combine)。3. 既然你承认自己错了,我们就就既往不咎了(since)。4. 说实话,第一次与老外交流时,我很紧张(fo
2、r the first time)。5. 老师祝贺我在英语竞赛中取得了成功,这让我很受鼓舞(congratulate)。Paper 3 1. 参加了三个月的培训课程后,它具备了当教授的资格(qualify)。2. 现在熟练掌握英语是找到高薪工作的关键(command)。3. 一些学生在朋友的推荐下报名去辅导中心读书(enroll)。4. 车祸导致一人死亡,两人受伤(result)。5. 最好花店时间在阅读上而不是把时间浪费在去游戏机房打游戏(better .than) 。Paper 4 1. 因为对自己缺乏信心,他在考试中作弊(confidence)。2. 他看来不愿意对这件事作进一步的评论(
3、comment) 。3. 他被父母强迫上了培训班。结果,他整天在课上看漫画书(force)。4. 我们家搬到法国后,孩子们很快适应了那里的环境(adapt)。5. 通过克服这些困难,学生们可以获得一种成就感和满足感(achievement)。Paper 5 1. 作为一名老师,我应该信守诺言(word)。2. 游客乘坐穿梭巴士到度假胜地很方便(shuttle)。3. 在老师的帮助下,我成功地提前完两天完成了这艰巨的任务(manage)。4. 在老师的推荐下,他报名参加了街道对面的培训中心的一个课程(enroll)。5. 他精通英语,这将使他有资格参与这项复杂的工作(command)。Paper
4、 6 1. 年轻人喜欢通过穿着时尚来展现个性(keen)。2. 若果你能立即解决这一问题,我将非常感谢你(appreciate)。3. 如今,越来越多的中国人能承担去国外旅游的费用(afford)。4. 在侦探小说中,现场的脚印似乎总是和犯罪联系在一起(link)。5. 虽然遭到了父母的强烈反对,但他不太可能放弃行医(unlikely)。Paper 7 1. 我向经理投诉电视机的质量问题(complain) 。2. 他买不起他梦寐以求的 iPhone 6(afford)。3. 当地人花了一整天的时间寻找那位失踪的游客(search)。4. 一旦养成坏习惯,就不太可能改掉(unlikely)。5
5、. 正如我们所期盼的那样,失业人数已经减少了 3%(decrease)。Paper 8 1. 应该鼓励学生在课后积极参加各种体育锻炼(participate)。2. 当今一些学生如此热衷于电子游戏,甚至放弃学习(keen)。3. 她出色的日语水平使她轻而易举地获得了那份她梦寐以求的职位(command)。4. 在公立学校校服被认为是促进安全和纪律的有效方式(promote)。5. 无论到哪个国家,他总能很快地适应新的文化和环境(adapt)。Paper 91. 不管你相信不相信,善于倾听并采纳别人的意见是明智的。(advisable)2. 一到机场,玛丽就发现把护照忘在家里了。(Hardly)
6、3. 正是他对我们表现的评价,表明我们已经步入正轨了。(track)4. 虽然经理尽力想挽留他,但看来他去意已决。(seem)5. 有些青少年热衷于网络游戏,有时候竟然连饭都可以不吃,而且他们和家长的关系往往也比较糟糕。(keen)Paper 101. 自从这个店开张后吸引了很多的顾客。(open)2. 医生建议我不要吃垃圾食品而应该多吃健康食物。(suggest)3. 开学第一天,女孩就以她的幽默感和机智给她的新同学留下了深刻印象。(impress)4. 政府正在筹划要开始一个新的项目以帮助那些上不起学的孩子。(launch)5. 为了获得更好的质量,这家工厂引进了一些有技术的员工和新的机器
7、。 (achieve ,as well as)Paper 111. 这本新出版的小说在青少年中很受欢迎。(popular)2. 毫无疑问,信息时代的到来大大影响了我们的生活。(influence)3. 自助餐厅提供各种各样的食物,你可选择任何你想吃的东西。(range)4. 教师应更专注地倾听学生,以便更好地满足他们的需求。(meet)5. 在过去十年,连锁店发展成了改变人们生活方式的一股新生力量。(force)Paper 121. 如今人们非常关注的是食品安全和空气质量。(concern) 2. 她在比赛中表现出色,给评委留下了深刻的印象。 (perform) 3. 多亏父母的理解与支持,他
8、终于实现了当一名宇航员的梦想。 (Thanks to)4. 在你的演讲中增加一些科学数据,听众会更清醒地认识到环境污染的严重后果。(and)5. 随着科技的发展,虚拟现实使我们能不出家门免费看网上展览。(enable) Paper 13 1. 一些家长担忧,虚拟现实对年轻人的影响害处大于好处。(concern) 2. 生物学家发现要区分这两种昆虫真的很困难。(distinguish) 3. 虽然她以前从未接受过电视采访,但她表现得游刃有余。 (perform ) 4. 毫无疑问每个人都有选择自己生活方式的权利。 (doubt)5. 在昨天的会议上,他没有提到他们是否将采取措施来解决空气污染问题
9、。(measure)Paper 141. 第一次看到那个女孩,她的幽默感给我留下了深刻的印象。(impress)2. 如果你方便的话,请帮我带一杯咖啡。 (convenient )3. 无容置疑,学校会尽全力来改进食堂的伙食来满足学生的要求。(doubt)。4. 作为一所现代的学校,我校每个教室都配有空调来帮助学生提高学习效率。(equip)5. 做计划时,你一定要把各类细节考虑在内以免犯了错误。(sure)Paper 1 1. Only those who keep their word can win others trust.2. Despite his poor health, he
10、still stuck to his post.3. Dont worry! We have enough time to check in at the hotel.4. He was so dying to see his friends he didnt meet for a long time that he could fall asleep.5. Experts point out that medical care cant replay a well-balanced diet in keeping healthy.Paper 2 1. We must bear in mind
11、 that language learning must be done step by step.2. Your research will be useless unless you combine theory with practice.3. Since you have admitted your mistakes, we wont blame you carry more.4. To be honest, I felt very nervous when I communicated with foreigners for the first time.5. The teacher
12、 congratulated me on my success in the English competition, which encouraged me greatly. Paper 3 1. Having studied in a training course for three months, he was qualified as an instructor. 2. Nowadays, having a grad command of English is the key to getting a well-paid job.3. On their friends recomme
13、ndations, some students enrolled on/in the tutorial centers.4. The traffic accident resulted in one death and two injuries. / As a result of the accident, one person died and two were injured. 5. It is better to spend more time reading than to waste time playing video games in the video arcade. Pape
14、r 4 1. Because he locked confidence in himself, he cheated on the exam. 2. It seems that he is not willing to make a further comment on it3. He was forced by his parent to attend the training course. As a result, he read comics during the class all the time. 4. After we moved to France, our children
15、 adapted themselves to the environment there quickly.5. Students can gain a sense of achievement and satisfaction by overcoming these challenges.Paper 5 1. As a teacher, I should keep my word/promise.2. It is very convenient for tourists to take a shuttle bus to the resort.3. With the teacher help,
16、I managed to finish/complete the tough task two day ahead of time.4. On the teachers recommendation, he enrolled on a course at the training center across the street/on the opposite side of the street. 5. He has a good command of English, which will qualify him to be involved in the complicated work
17、Paper 6 1. Young people are keen on showing their including by wearing fashionable clothes.2. I would appreciate it very much if you could solve the problem at once.3. Nowadays, more and more Chinese can afford the trips abroad.4. In detective stories, it seems that footprints on the scene are alway
18、s linked to crimes.5. Although he had met strong resistance from his parents, it was unlikely that he would give up practicing medicine. Paper 7 1. I complained to the manager about the quality of TV.2. Tony cant afford iPhone 6 (which/that) he has been dreaming of.3. The local people spent the whol
19、e day searching for the missing tourist.4. Once a bad habit has been developed, it is unlikely that it will be got rid of.5. As we expect, the number of people out of job has decreased by 3%. Paper 8 1. Students should be encouraged to participate actively in various sports after class.2. Nowadays,
20、some students are so keen on video games that they even give up study.3. Her good command of Japanese enabled her to easily get the job that she had dream of.4. Student uniforms are regarded as an effective way to promote safety and discipline in public school.5. Whichever country he visits, he alwa
21、ys quickly adapts himself to the new culture and environment. Paper 91. Believe it or not, it is advisable to listen to others and take their advice.2. Hardly had Mary got to the airport when she found / noticed that she had left the passport at home.3. It was their comment on our performance that s
22、howed we had already been on the right track.4. The manager tried to persuade him to stay, but he seemed to have made up his mind to resign / leave. / The manager tried to persuade him to stay, but it seemed that he had decided to leave.5. Some teenagers are so keen on online games that they sometim
23、es prefer not to have meals, and whats more, they usually have a bad relationship with their parents.Paper 101. Since the shop was opened for business, it has attracted many customers.2. The doctor suggests that I shouldnt / not eat junk food but eat more healthy food.3. The girl impressed her new c
24、lassmates deeply with her sense of humour and intelligence on the first day to school.4. The government is planning to launch a new programme to help the children who cant afford to go to school.5. In order to achieve better quality, the factory has introduced some employees with skills as well as n
25、ew machines.Paper 111. The newly-published novel is very popular with / among teenagers.2. Theres no doubt that the arrival of the Information Age has influenced our life greatly.3. The cafeteria offers a wide range of food, so you can select whatever you would like to eat.4. Teachers should listen
26、to their students more attentively so that they can meet their needs better.5. During / In / Over the past / last decade, chain stores have developed into a new force changing peoples way of life.Paper 121. Nowadays what people are much concerned about is food safety and air quality. 2. She performe
27、d excellently in the contest, which left a deep impression on the judges. 3. Thanks to his parents understanding and support, he finally realized his dream of becoming an astronaut. 4. Add some scientific data to your speech, and the audience / listeners will become more (clearly) conscious / aware
28、of the serious effect of environmental pollution.5. With the rapid development of technology, virtual reality enables us to visit online exhibitions free of charge without leaving home.Paper 131. Some parents are concerned that virtual reality does more harm than good to youngsters. 2. It is difficu
29、lt for the biologists to distinguish the two insects. 3. Although she had never been interviewed on TV before, she performed well.4. There is no doubt that everybody has a right to choose his own way of life. 5. He didnt mention if / whether they would take measures to solve the problem of air pollu
30、tion at yesterdays meeting. Paper 141. The first time I saw that girl, her sense of humor impressed me deeply.2. If it is convenient for you, please bring me a cup of coffee.3. No doubt that the school will make great efforts to improve the food in the canteen to satisfy students requirements.4. As a modern school, every classroom is equipped with the air conditioner to help students to improve their study efficiency in our school. 5. When making plans, be sure to take every detail into consideration to avoid making mistakes.