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类型外研版高中英语必修5 Cultural Corner逐句翻译.doc

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    外研版高中英语必修5 Cultural Corner逐句翻译.doc

    1、外研版高中英语必修 5 Cultural Corner 逐句翻译B5 M1 Cultural Corner 逐句翻译The Man Who Made Spelling Simple 简化拼写的人In English the spelling of words does not always represent the sound. 在英语中,单词的拼写并不总是能表现出发音。 So people say /rait/ but spell it right, or write, or even rite. 因此人们发/rait/的音,却拼写为 right,或是 write,甚至 rite。Comb

    2、inations of letters (like ough) may be pronounced in a number of ways. 字母组合(像 ough)可能会有好多种发音。And some words just seem to have too many letters.有些单词看起来有太多的字母。 For Americans things are a little bit easier, 对美国人来说,情况就较为简单,thanks to the work of Noah Webster, a teacher who graduated from Yale University

    3、in 1778.这多亏了诺亚韦伯斯特的贡献,他是1778年毕业于耶鱼大学的一名教师。 as a young man he had fought against the British in the American War of independence, and he felt that written English in the newly independent United States should have a distinctive “American” look.年轻的时候,他参加了反对英国的美国独立战争,并且他觉得英语的书写在新生的美国应该有一个独特的“美国式”面貌。So

    4、he began his work on American English. 因此他开始了关于美国英语方面的工作。His first book, the Elementary Spelling Book, suggested simplifying the spelling of English words. 他的第一本书基础拼写 ,提出了简化英语单词的拼写。The book was extremely popular. By the 1850s it was selling one million copies a year, making it one of the most popula

    5、r school books ever. 这本书极为畅销。到19世纪50年代,它的年发行量达到100万册,使它成为历史上最流行的校园读物之一。Many of the suggestions were quickly adopted. 书中的很多建议很快就被采纳了。Center instead of centre, program instead of programme, and flavor instead of flavour. 如用center 代替 centre, program 代替 programme, flavor 代替 flavour。Others, however, such

    6、 as removing silent letters like the s in island or the final e in examine, were not.如用 center 代替centre, program 代替 programme, flavor 代替 flavour。Webster is best known for his American Dictionary of the English Language, which first appeared 1828.韦伯斯特最为著名的是他的 美式英语词典 ,这本书是在 1828 年第一次出版的。 it introduced

    7、 lots of new American words, with information about their pronunciation and use, and, of course, the new spelling.书中介绍了很多新的美式单词,并且带有发音和用法,当然还有新式拼写。 The British criticized the dictionary, but it quickly became a standard reference book in the States. Today, Websters dictionary is still the number one

    8、 dictionary for American students.英国人批判这本词典,但是在美国它很快就成为一本标准的参考书。今天,韦伯斯特的词典仍然是美国学生的首选词典。The Man Who Made Spelling SimpleIn English the spelling of words does not always represent the sound. So people say /rait/ but spell it right, or write, or even rite. Combinations of letters (like ough) may be pro

    9、nounced in a number of ways. And some words just seem to have too many letters. For Americans things are a little bit easier, thanks to the work of Noah Webster, a teacher who graduated from Yale University in 1778. as a young man he had fought against the British in the American War of independence

    10、, and he felt that written English in the newly independent United States should have a distinctive “American” look.So he began his work on American English. His first book, the Elementary Spelling Book, suggested simplifying the spelling of English words. The book was extremely popular. By the 1850

    11、s it was selling one million copies a year, making it one of the most popular school books ever. Many of the suggestions were quickly adopted. Center instead of centre, program instead of programme, and flavor instead of flavour. Others, however, such as removing silent letters like the s in island

    12、or the final e in examine, were not.Webster is best known for his American Dictionary of the English Language, which first appeared 1828. it introduced lots of new American words, with information about their pronunciation and use, and, of course, the new spelling. The British criticized the diction

    13、ary, but it quickly became a standard reference book in the States. Today, Websters dictionary is still the number one dictionary for American students.简化拼写的人在英语中,单词的拼写并不总是能表现出发音。因此人们发/rait/的音,却拼写为right,或是 write,甚至 rite。字母组合(像 ough)可能会有好多种发音。有些单词看起来有太多的字母。对美国人来说,情况就较为简单,这多亏了诺亚韦伯斯特的贡献,他是 1778 年毕业于耶鱼大

    14、学的一名教师。年轻的时候,他参加了反对英国的美国独立战争,并且他觉得英语的书写在新生的美国应该有一个独特的“美国式”面貌。因此他开始了关于美国英语方面的工作。他的第一本书基础拼写 ,提出了简化英语单词的拼写。这本书极为畅销。到 19 世纪 50 年代,它的年发行量达到 100 万册,使它成为历史上最流行的校园读物之一。书中的很多建议很快就被采纳了。如用 center 代替 centre, program 代替 programme, flavor 代替 flavour。但是其他的一些,例如去掉单词中不发音的一些字母,像 island 中的s 和 examine 中最后的 e,都没有被采用。韦伯斯

    15、特最为著名的是他的美式英语词典 ,这本书是在 1828 年第一次出版的。书中介绍了很多新的美式单词,并且带有发音和用法,当然还有新式拼写。英国人批判这本词典,但是在美国它很快就成为一本标准的参考书。今天,韦伯斯特的词典仍然是美国学生的首选词典。B5 M2 Cultural Corner 逐句翻译Growing Jobs 日益增长的工作What sort of jobs will people de doing ten years from now? 从现在开始的十年里,人们将会从事什么样的工作?according to a survey published by an American uni

    16、versity, the ten fastest growing jobs will be related to computers and health. 根据美国一所大学发布的一项调查结果,十种增长最快的工作将与电脑和健康有关。They include computer systems analysts, data analysts and database managers. 它们包括电脑系统分析师、数据分析师和数据库管理员。But there will also be a rise in the demand for health care professionals. 但是对健康护理

    17、专业人员的需求也会上升。其中的一些将会是新型职业。Some of these will be new jobs, such as bioinformaticians, who combine computer skills with knowledge of biology. 例如生物信息学人员,这些专业研究人员把电脑技能与生物知识结合起来。 Others will be more traditional. For example, more home care nurses will be needed to look after the rapidly ageing population.

    18、 其他的职业将会比较传统。例如,将会需要更多的家庭护士照看迅速老龄化的人口。But many youngsters will need professional care, too: 但是很多年轻人也需要专业护理:14 million Americans suffer from speech or language problems, and six million of them are under the age of 18. 1400 万的美国人有说话或语言障碍,其中有 600 万人年龄在 18 岁以下。the number of speech pathologists (who hel

    19、p people who have problems speaking) is expected to double by the year 2012.到 2012 年,语言病理学家(帮助有语言障碍的人们的人)的数量有望增加两倍。and social workers will continue to be in demand.对社会工作者的需求将继续增长。Of course there will be plenty of other new jobs, some of which we probably cant even guess.当然,还会有很多其他的新型职业,有些我们可能甚至猜不到。

    20、But for those who love the outdoor life, a good bet could be the leisure industry. 但是对那些喜欢户外活动的人来说,最合适的可能是休闲产业。As more and more countries open up to tourism, more travel agents will be needed, 随着越来越多的国家对外开放旅游业,将会需要更多的旅行社。but the real demand will be for guides to take groups and even individuals on a

    21、dventure holidays. 但是真正需要的将是能带领团队甚至还有为探险度假的个人做导游的人。For people doing this job, common sense, physical fitness and an outgoing personality are likely to be more important than computer skills.对于做这种工作的人,常识、健康的体格和外向的个性很可能会比电脑技能更重要。Growing JobsWhat sort of jobs will people de doing ten years from now? ac

    22、cording to a survey published by an American university, the ten fastest growing jobs will be related to computers and health. They include computer systems analysts, data analysts and database managers. But there will also be a rise in the demand for health care professionals. Some of these will be

    23、 new jobs, such as bioinformaticians, who combine computer skills with knowledge of biology. Others will be more traditional. For example, more home care nurses will be needed to look after the rapidly ageing population. But many youngsters will need professional care, too: 14 million Americans suff

    24、er from speech or language problems, and six million of them are under the age of 18. the number of speech pathologists (who help people who have problems speaking) is expected to double by the year 2012. and social workers will continue to be in demand.Of course there will be plenty of other new jo

    25、bs, some of which we probably cant even guess. But for those who love the outdoor life, a good bet could be the leisure industry. As more and more countries open up to tourism, more travel agents will be needed, but the real demand will be for guides to take groups and even individuals on adventure

    26、holidays. For people doing this job, common sense, physical fitness and an outgoing personality are likely to be more important than computer skills.日益增长的工作从现在开始的十年里,人们将会从事什么样的工作?根据美国一所大学发布的一项调查结果,十种增长最快的工作将与电脑和健康有关。它们包括电脑系统分析师、数据分析师和数据库管理员。但是对健康护理专业人员的需求也会上升。其中的一些将会是新型职业。例如生物信息学人员,这些专业研究人员把电脑技能与生物知

    27、识结合起来。其他的职业将会比较传统。例如,将会需要更多的家庭护士照看迅速老龄化的人口。但是很多年轻人也需要专业护理:1400 万的美国人有说话或语言障碍,其中有 600 万人年龄在 18 岁以下。到 2012 年,语言病理学家(帮助有语言障碍的人们的人)的数量有望增加两倍。对社会工作者的需求将继续增长。当然,还会有很多其他的新型职业,有些我们可能甚至猜不到。但是对那些喜欢户外活动的人来说,最合适的可能是休闲产业。随着越来越多的国家对外开放旅游业,将会需要更多的旅行社。但是真正需要的将是能带领团队甚至还有为探险度假的个人做导游的人。对于做这种工作的人,常识、健康的体格和外向的个性很可能会比电脑技

    28、能更重要。B5 M3 Cultural Corner 逐句翻译The Life of Mark Twain 马克吐温的生平Often the lives of writers resemble the lives fo the characters they create.作家的生活常常与他们所创作的人物很相似。 Mark Twain, who wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, was no exception. 哈克贝利芬历险记与汤姆索亚历险记的作者马克吐温也不例外。To st

    29、art with, the authors name, Mark Twain, is itself an invention, or “pen name”. 首先,作者的名字,或者说“笔名”马克吐温本身就是创造的。Twains real name was Samuel Clemens. 马克吐温的原名是塞缪尔克莱门斯。“Mark Twain”, which means “watermark two”, was a call used by sailors on the Mississippi to warn shipmates that they were coming into shallo

    30、w water. “马克吐温”的意思是“水深二英尺(水深两浔) ”,是密西西比河上水手的一个口号,用来警告同船的伙伴他们到了浅水区。Like Huck, Mark Twain led an adventurous life. 像哈克一样,马克吐温也曾有过冒险的生活。He left school early, and as an adolescent, determined to make his fortune in South America, set off from his home in Hannibal, Missouri, for New Orleans.他很早就离开了学校,青少年

    31、的时候,他决定到南美洲闯一闯,于是他从密苏里州的汉尼拔家里出发去了新奥尔良。 He wanted to take a boat to the Amazon, where he thought he could get rich quickly. 他想坐船去亚马孙河,他认为在那里很快就会富起来。He arrived in New Orleans without a penny in his pocket only to find that there were no boats for South America.他身无分文地到了新奥尔良后才发现那里根本就没有去南美洲的船。 Forced to

    32、change his plans, he worked for several years as a pilot on a steamboat, taking passengers up and down the Mississippi, the great river which flows from the north of the US near the Canadian border, down to the Gulf of Mexico.他被迫改变了计划,在密西西比河的一艘汽船上当了几年的领航员,带着乘客在这条河上来来往往。这条著名的河流从美国北部靠近加拿大边界的地方流出,最后注入墨

    33、西哥湾。Later he became a journalist and began writing stories about life on the river. 随后,他当一名新闻记者,并开始写有关在河上生活的故事。Twains vivid and often amusing descriptions of life on the river quickly became popular, and established the reputation he still enjoys today as one of Americas greatest writers.吐温对河上生活生动幽默

    34、的描述使得他的作品很快受到了欢迎,并且确立了他至今仍享有的美国最伟大的作家之一的美誉。The Life of Mark TwainOften the lives of writers resemble the lives fo the characters they create. Mark Twain, who wrote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, was no exception. To start with, the authors name, Mark Twain, is i

    35、tself an invention, or “pen name”. Twains real name was Samuel Clemens. “Mark Twain”, which means “watermark two”, was a call used by sailors on the Mississippi to warn shipmates that they were coming into shallow water. Like Huck, Mark Twain led an adventurous life. He left school early, and as an

    36、adolescent, determined to make his fortune in South America, set off from his home in Hannibal, Missouri, for New Orleans. He wanted to take a boat to the Amazon, where he thought he could get rich quickly. He arrived in New Orleans without a penny in his pocket only to find that there were no boats

    37、 for South America. Forced to change his plans, he worked for several years as a pilot on a steamboat, taking passengers up and down the Mississippi, the great river which flows from the north of the US near the Canadian border, down to the Gulf of Mexico.Later he became a journalist and began writi

    38、ng stories about life on the river. Twains vivid and often amusing descriptions of life on the river quickly became popular, and established the reputation he still enjoys today as one of Americas greatest writers.马克吐温的生平作家的生活常常与他们所创作的人物很相似。 哈克贝利芬历险记与汤姆索亚历险记的作者马克吐温也不例外。首先,作者的名字,或者说“笔名”马克吐温本身就是创造的。马克

    39、吐温的原名是塞缪尔克莱门斯。 “马克吐温”的意思是“水深二英尺(水深两浔) ”,是密西西比河上水手的一个口号,用来警告同船的伙伴他们到了浅水区。像哈克一样,马克吐温也曾有过冒险的生活。他很早就离开了学校,青少年的时候,他决定到南美洲闯一闯,于是他从密苏里州的汉尼拔家里出发去了新奥尔良。他想坐船去亚马孙河,他认为在那里很快就会富起来。他身无分文地到了新奥尔良后才发现那里根本就没有去南美洲的船。他被迫改变了计划,在密西西比河的一艘汽船上当了几年的领航员,带着乘客在这条河上来来往往。这条著名的河流从美国北部靠近加拿大边界的地方流出,最后注入墨西哥湾。随后,他当一名新闻记者,并开始写有关在河上生活的故

    40、事。吐温对河上生活生动幽默的描述使得他的作品很快受到了欢迎,并且确立了他至今仍享有的美国最伟大的作家之一的美誉。B5 M4 Cultural Corner 逐句翻译The Meaning of Carnival 狂欢节的意义Carnival today is an international, multicultural experience. 今天的狂欢节是一个国际性的、多元文化的体验。But how did it become so? 但是它是如何变成这样的呢?To understand what carnival is all about, we need to look at the

    41、history of America and the meeting of two cultures European and African.想要全面了解狂欢节,我们需要看一下美国的历史和两种文化的碰撞欧洲文化和非洲文化。The arrival of Europeans in America, and the opening of huge farms and plantations to grow cotton, fruit and vegetables,欧洲人到达美洲,开辟了大农场和种植园,他们种棉花、水果和蔬菜, meant there was an immediate need fo

    42、r people to work on them.这意味着那里急需人手干活, This marked the beginning of the slave trade.这标志着奴隶贸易的开始。 For more than two hundred years, until the beginning of the 19th century, when the trade was finally stopped, millions of people were taken by force from their homes in Africa and transported to the New

    43、World to work as slaves.经过200多年,直到19世纪初,当这种贸易最终结束时,有上百万的非洲人被迫离开他们的家园非洲,作为奴隶被运送到了新大陆。 Six million were taken to the Caribbean islands where there were British and French landowners. 有600万人被带到了加勒比海的群岛上,那儿有英国和法国的种植园主。Naturally, the Europeans also imported their own festivals.自然,欧洲人也带来了他们的节日。 So the sla

    44、ves were forced to watch as their masters celebrated carnival with food, drink, and masked dances.所以奴隶们被迫观看他们主人用食物、喝酒,举行戴面具的舞会来庆祝狂欢节。 In Trinidad, the slaves began to hold their own carnival celebrations: 在特立尼达岛,奴隶们开始举行自己的狂欢节庆祝仪式:they painted their faces white, imitating their masters and making fun

    45、 of them.他们将脸涂成白色,模仿并且取笑他们的主人。 But at the same time they were continuing their own African traditions such as walking round a village wearing masks and singing a custom which they thought would bring good luck.但在同时他们还保持他们自己非汴的传统例如戴着面具唱着歌围着村庄行走这是一种他们认为会给他们带来好运的习俗。When the slave trade was abolished in

    46、 1838 the former slaves took over the carnival.当奴隶贸易在 1838 年被废除时,原先的奴隶们把狂欢节保留了下来。 It became more colourful and more exciting than it had been before. 它变得比以前更加丰富多彩、更加激动人心。Magnificent costumes were made and musical bands created.它变得比以前更加丰富多彩、更加激动人心。 Carnival became a celebration of freedom.狂欢节变成一个庆祝自由

    47、的节日。With the passing of time, the white inhabitants of the island began to take part in the carnival, too and they were welcomed by their former slaves.随着时间的流逝这,这个岛上的白种居民也开始参与到狂欢节中并且还受到了他们以前的奴隶们的欢迎。 Carnival became a way to unite different communities, as people forgot their everyday problems and en

    48、joyed themselves eating, drinking, and dancing.狂欢节成为团结不同团体的一种方式,因为人们忘记了他们的日常烦恼,而开心地吃、喝并跳舞。 Today, visitors from all over the world come to this small state in the Caribbean to join in the fun. Carnival has become a celebration of life itself.今天,全世界的参观者来到这个位于加勒比海的小国家来享受这份乐趣。狂欢节已经成为一种对生活本身的庆祝。The Mean

    49、ing of CarnivalCarnival today is an international, multicultural experience. But how did it become so? To understand what carnival is all about, we need to look at the history of America and the meeting of two cultures European and African.The arrival of Europeans in America, and the opening of huge farms and plantations to grow cotton, fruit and vegetables, meant there was an immediate need for people to work on them. This marked the beginning of the slave trade. For more than two hundred years, until the beginning of

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