1、外国语学院 张维友,如何处理课后作业和巩固所学,如何处理课后作业和巩固所学,一、课后作业的重要性 二、课后作业的形式 三、教材与作业的关系 四、如何设计课后作业 五、如何处理课后作业,一、课后作业的重要性,1. 及时复习增强记忆遗忘的速度是先快后慢。 对刚学过的知 识,趁热打铁,及时温习巩固,是强 化记忆痕迹、防止遗忘的有效手段。 课后作业是及时复习一种方法。,一、课后作业的重要性,2. 理解强化记忆理解是记忆的基础。只有理解的东西才 能记的牢、记得久。仅靠死记硬背, 则不容易记住。课后作业能加强理解。,一、课后作业的重要性,3. 经常回忆增强记忆学习时,不断尝试回忆,可使记忆错误 得到纠正,
2、遗漏得到弥补,使学习内容 难点记的更牢。课后作业是回忆的最佳 选择。,一、课后作业的重要性,4. 读、想、视、听相结合增强记忆可以同时利用语言功能和视听觉器官的 功能,来强化记忆,提高记忆效率。课 后作业可以利用视听手段,加强记忆效 果。,二、课后作业的形式,1. 思考题思考题是大多理论知识课程的习题形 式。其优点是能激励学习者就讲过的某 些内容进行思考。如果题目设计巧妙, 能引起学生发散思维,有利于创新。弊 病是这种题做起来较难,很多时候学生 不做。,二、课后作业的形式,2. 操练题这类题往往是针对某些具体内容设计的 练习题,如判断正误、填空、匹配等。 由于这些形式具体,答案比较客观,相 对
3、容易做,学生往往愿意做。,二、课后作业的形式,3. 纸质题顾名思义,纸质题是印刷出来的习题。 教科书一般附在每个章节或单元的后 面,也有的统一编排在整部书后,还有 的专门配备练习手册。,二、课后作业的形式,4. 电子题电子题是利用多媒体技术编织出来的, 多以题库形式出现,做完后立马能获得 答案。不过电子题库主要是客观题,一 般没有思考题或问答题。,三、教材与作业的关系,一般说,一门本科课程应该有一本主打教材,同时配有若干部参考书目。参考书目可以是教材,也可以是专著。教材和专著是有区别的。教材以阐释介绍为主,内容全面,每个单元后都配有一定的习题,只是形式繁简多寡不同而已。专著往往是更深层次的研究
4、结果,内容上求专不求全,只探究问题,不配习题。,三、教材与作业的关系,作为本科课程,最好能挑选一部内容全面,编排合理,富有特色的教材。教材后一定要附习题(目前有的教材专门配有习题集)。,四、如何设计课后作业,如果是自编讲义,没有现成的课后作业,那么就需要自行设计练习。另外,即使选用现有教材,根据各校学生学习的实际情况,教师也应该适当设计一些补充练习。,四、如何设计课后作业,1. 思考题What is word? What is the relationship between sound and meaning?How would you account for the role of bor
5、rowing in contemporary English vocabulary?,四、如何设计课后作业,2. 选择题(单选)Non-basic vocabulary includes all of the following except .A. slang B. Anglo-Saxon wordsC. argots D. neologisms,四、如何设计课后作业,选择题(多选)The characteristics of complementaries include A. non-gradable B. mutually exclusive C. of semantic relati
6、vity D. relational E. gradable F. reversative G. of semantic polarity,四、如何设计课后作业,3.填空题名词解释a minimal meaningful unit of a language ( )定义The relationship between sound and meaning is arbitrary and _.,四、如何设计课后作业,3.填空题词的结构分析headache ( )laser ( ),四、如何设计课后作业,4. 配伍题(匹配题)affixation brunchcompounding amoralc
7、lipping authacronymy overallbackformation advert,四、如何设计课后作业,5. 判断题Word is a minimal meaningful unit of a language. Morpheme is the smallest free form of a language.,四、如何设计课后作业,要注意的是,设计的作业一定是与要求学生理解或掌握的理论、知识点或技巧相关,不能设计成检测学生词汇量的形式。 Give the Chinese equivalents to the following:dragonflytake to heart,五
8、、如何处理课后作业,1. 电子题库。如果作业是网站上的题库,学生在网上 处理。学生做没做,网站上有记录。 2. 书后纸质作业。课后提出要求,下次课抽查。也可让学 生做在作业本上,上交批改。也可让学 生提交电子答案,教师可以在网上回 复。,四、如何设计课后作业,3. 课堂附加作业。堂上现场作业是一种行之有效的方法。 每个单元或知识板块学完后,教师可以 适当补充一些习题,以PPT的形式在 课 堂上现做。学生可以商量,可以翻书, 翻词典。目的是让学生掌握。说它行之 有效,是因为针对性强,而且是在学完 课程内容后的一周,可以起到温习巩固 的作用。下面举些案例:,Give a term for each
9、 of the following definitions.,关于词汇的分类 1. sub-standard words often used on informal occasion 2. specialized vocabulary common in certain professions 3. words used by sub-cultural groups particularly by underground society 4. words that have clear notions 5. words of Anglo-Saxon origin,slang,jargon,a
10、rgot,native W,content W,Decide whether the statements are true or false.,关于词汇的发展演变 1. English is more closely related to German than French. 2. Scandinavian languages refer to Icelandic, Norwegian, Danish and Swedish. 3. Old English was a highly inflected language. 4. In early Middle English period,
11、 English, Latin, and Celtic existed side by side.,T,T,T,F,5. The introduction of printing into England marked the beginning of Modern English period. 6. Modern English is considered to be an analytic language. 7. The four major foreign contributors to English vocabulary in earlier times are Latin, F
12、rench, Scandinavian and Italian.,T,T,F,8. In modern times, borrowing brings less than ten per cent of modern English vocabulary. 9. The most important mode of vocabulary development in present-day English is creation of new words by means of word-formation. 10. Old English vocabulary was in essence
13、Germanic with a small quantity of words borrowed from Latin and Scandinavian.,T,T,T,Think of a word to fill in each blank.,多义关系 Polysemy is the of long semantic development of a word. Diachronically, a polysemant was when it was first created and it becamegradually when it acquired more and more mea
14、nings later on. The first meaning was the meaning and the rest were from it.,result,monosemous/monosemic,polysemic/polysemous,primary,derived,Synchronically, a has a number of meanings that at the same time. Among them there is a meaning which is the meaning, and the rest are all to it in one way or
15、 another and can be back to the central meaning.,polysemant,coexist,central,primary/first,related,traced,Guess the word meaning and write out the clue.,词义与语境 1. John had left his wet clothes in the dark closest for over a week. Of course they had begun to mildew.relevant details 2. A nomadic life is
16、 simple but happy. Thats why a lot of people appreciate the life style of gypsies.exemplification/example,3. His uncle was a roamer, an incurable wanderer who never could stay in one plane.synonymy/ synonyms 4. The Asian chimpanzee, like other apes, is specially adapted for life in trees.hyponymy/su
17、bordinate,6. Most dentists offices are drab places, but Emilios new office is bright, cheerful place.antonymy/antonym 7. It is difficult to list all of my fathers attributes because he has so many different talents and abilities.hyponymy/ superordinate,Tell the rhetorical feature of each of the following idioms.,英语习语 word for word by hook and crook right and left shoulder to shoulder bits and pieces by leaps and bounds might and main,(repetition),(rhyme),(juxtaposition),(repetition),(reiteration),(reiteration),(alliteration),Thank you,