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1、1胡宝清简历(2017 年版)性别:男 数学与统计学院出生日期: 22/03/62 武汉大学,武汉 430072, Tel: 86-13627130958 E-mail:Fax: 86-27-87640256 Education 博士(Ph.D): 2001 年 7 月,武汉大学 硕士(MS): 1987 年 7 月,武汉水利电力大学 学士(BS): 1982 年 7 月,武汉水利电力大学Research Experience 国外学习与研究访问:1. 香港城市大学(City University of Hong Kong) 建筑工程系,Research Associate (2002 年 0

2、7 月 2002 年 09 月)2. 香港理工大学 (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) 应用数学系,Research Associate (2003 年 01 月2003 年 03 月,2005 年 01 月2005年 02 月,2007 年 01 月2007 年 03 月,2007 年 12 月2008 年 02 月,2008 年 07 月2008 年 09 月,2009 年 07 月2009 年 9 月,2011 年 07月2011 年 09 月,2013 年 01 月2013 年 02 月,2014 年 01 月2014年 02 月,2014 年

3、 12 月2015 年 02 月)3. 澳大利亚西澳大学(The University of Western Australia)数学与统计学院,访问教授 (2003 年 09 月2004 年 03 月)4. 香港理工大学(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)工业与系统工程系,Research Fellow (2010 年 07 月 02 日2010 年 9 月 01 日)5. 新加坡国立大学统计系,Research Fellow (2011 年 01 月2011 年 02 月)6. 悉尼科技大学, 访问教授(2012 年 07 月2012 年 09 月)

4、7. 香港理工大学应用数学系,Visiting Professor (2016 年 01 月2016 年 02月,2016 年 12 月2017 年 02 月) 博导2004 年 6 月现在 教授1997 年 9 月现在 副教授1992 年 7 月1997 年 8 月 讲师1987 年 7 月1992 年 6 月2Research Directions1. 不确定性的数学理论2. 软计算Research Projects 在研项目:国家自然科学基金:三支决策空间理论研究, 2016/1-2019/12, 53.6 万元(主持)十三五专项: 多水源格局下城市供水安全保障技术体系构建项目 , 南水

5、北调中线输水水质预警与业务化管理平台课题, 子课题 3:中线水质预报与风险评估预警关键技术, 研究内容 3: 基于大数据的中线输供水系统水质预报和风险智能预警技术, 2017/1-2020/12, 50 万元(主持)完成项目:1. 国家自然科学基金:区间值二型模糊信息的变精度粗糙集理论及其应用,2012-2015,52 万元(主持)2. 国家自然科学基金:可持续水资源管理的可拓模糊量化方法研究,2008-2010,19 万元(主持)a) 教育部高等学校骨干教师基金:水文水环境不确定性区间可拓集理论与方法研究,2000-2002(主持,12 万)b) 东北电力集团合作项目:东北电网水库调度自动化

6、系统洪水预报系统专项研究开发,80 万元,子课题:中长期来水预报模型研究开发,2000-2003(主持,8 万)c) 国家自然科学基金青年基金:系统识别和灰色系统理论在水文水资源分析中应用的研究,1991-1993(第二)d) “八五”国家重点科技攻关项目:黄河三花河段及伊洛河水污染控制优化模型研究,1992-1995(第二)e) 国家自然科学基金:水文循环生物圈方面中的天气发生器聚解问题研究,1999-2001(第三)f) 国家教委博士学科点基金:灰色系统水文学的理论与方法研究,1993-1996(第二)g) 水利部水利科技重点项目:区域水环境质量评价灰色系统方法及其应用研究,1995-19

7、97(第三)h) 广东顺德水电局合作项目:珠江三角洲河口网河水文环境变化分析及防洪对策研究,1997-1998(第三)i) 国家教委跨世纪优秀人才计划基金:不同尺度水文 生态模式藕合研究,1997-2000(第二)j) 国家自然科学基金:水文循环系统的时空变异性研究,2000-2002(第三)k) 香港政府研究资助局项目:高层建筑火灾风险评估,2000-2001(第三)3Publications (书)1. 胡宝清. 模糊理论基础,武汉:武汉大学出版社, 2004 (第 1 版); 2010 (第 2版)Publications (书中章节)1胡宝清,云模型与相近概念的关系/王国胤,李德毅,姚

8、一豫等,云模型与粒计算,北京:科学出版社,2012,40-73.2胡宝清,不确定性研究中若干问题的探讨/王国胤,李德毅,姚一豫等,云模型与粒计算,北京:科学出版社,2012,254-272.3胡宝清,基于区间集的三支决策粗糙集, 北京:科学出版社,2013,163-195.4胡宝清,三支决策空间, 北京:科学出版社,2015,20-48.Publications (Articles & Papers 共 148 篇,以下是近期的代表作 ) 模糊数学与粗糙集理论1. Feng Li, Bao Qing Hu, A new approach of optimal scale selection t

9、o multi-scale decision tables, Information Sciences 381 (2017) 193208. (SCI)2. Bao Qing Hu, Three-way decisions based on semi-three-way decision spaces, Information Sciences 382383 (2017) 415440. (SCI)3. Bao Qing Hu, HeungWong, Ka-fai Cedric Yiu, On two novel types of three-way decisions in three-wa

10、y decision spaces, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 82 (2017) 285306. (SCI)4. Junsheng Qiao, Bao Qing Hu, A short note on L-fuzzy approximation spaces and L-fuzzy pretopological spaces, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 312 (2017) 126134. (SCI)5. Bin Yang, Bao Qing Hu, On some types of fuzzy cove

11、ring-based rough sets, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 312 (2017) 3665. (SCI)6. Bao Qing Hu, Three-way decision spaces based on partially ordered sets and three-way decisions based on hesitant fuzzy sets, Knowledge-Based Systems 91 (2016) 16-31. (SCI)7. Xue Rong Zhao and Bao Qing Hu, Fuzzy probabilistic roug

12、h sets and their corresponding three-way decisions, Knowledge-Based Systems 91 (2016) 126-142.8. Van Thien Le, Bao Qing Hu, Three-way decisions based on covering rough set, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 30 (2016) 1763-1772. (SCI)9. Wan Li, Bao Qing Hu, Prime fuzzy (implicative) MP -filters

13、of R0-algebras, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 30 (2016) 1915-1925. (SCI)10. Ning Lin Zhou, Bao Qing Hu, Axiomatic approaches for approximation operators on complete completely distributive lattices, Information Sciences 348 (2016) 227242. (SCI)411. Bao Qing Hu, Heung Wong, Ka Fai Cedric Yiu

14、, The aggregation of multiple three-way decision spaces, Knowledge-Based Systems 98 (2016) 241249. (SCI)12. Wen Sheng Du, Bao Qing Hu, Dominance-based rough set approach to incomplete ordered information systems, Information Sciences 346347 (2016) 106129. (SCI)13. Van Thien Le, Bao Qing Hu, L-fuzzy

15、multigranulation rough set based on residuated lattices, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 30 (2016) 28212831. (SCI)14. Bo Wen Fang, Bao Qing Hu, Probabilistic graded rough set and double relative quantitative decision theoretic rough set, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 74 (2

16、016) 112. (SCI)15. Bao Qing Hu, Xue Rong Zhao, Erratum to Three-way decisions space and three-way decisions Information Sciences 281(2014)21-52, Information Sciences, 357 (2016) 218220. (SCI)16. Wen Sheng Du, Bao Qing Hu, Attribute reduction in ordered decision tables via evidence theory, Informatio

17、n Sciences, 364365 (2016) 91110. (SCI)17. Bin Yang, Bao Qing Hu, A fuzzy covering-based rough set model and its generalization over fuzzy lattice, Information Sciences, 367368 (2016) 463486. (SCI)18. Yuan Chun Xiao, Bao Qing Hu, Xue Rong Zhao, Three-way decisions based on type-2 fuzzy sets and inter

18、val-valued type-2 fuzzy sets, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 31 (2016) 1385-1395. (SCI)19. Xue Rong Zhao and Bao Qing Hu, Fuzzy variable precision rough sets based on residuated lattices, International Journal of General Systems, 44 (7-8) (2015) 743-765. (SCI)20. Chun Yong Wang, Bao Qing H

19、u, Granular variable precision fuzzy rough sets with general fuzzy relations, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 275 (2015) 3957. (SCI)21. Bao Qing Hu, Generalized interval-valued fuzzy variable precision rough sets determined by fuzzy logical operators, International Journal of General Systems, 44 (7-8) (2015)

20、849-875. (SCI)22. Wen Sheng Du, Bao Qing Hu, Aggregation distance measure and its induced similarity measure between intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Pattern Recognition Letters 6061 (2015) 6571. (SCI)23. Chun Yong Wang, Bao Qing Hu, Generalized extended fuzzy implications, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 268 (201

21、5) 93109. (SCI)24. Chun Yong Wang, Bao Qing Hu, On fuzzy-valued operations and fuzzy-valued fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 268 (2015) 7292. (SCI)25. Juan Han, Bao Qing Hu, Generation of partial orders for intervals by means of the slope function, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 266 (2015) 6783. (SCI)26.

22、Xue Rong Zhao, Bao Qing Hu, Fuzzy and interval-valued fuzzy decision-theoretic rough set approaches based on fuzzy probability measure, Information Sciences 298 (2015) 534554. (SCI) 527. Ning Lin Zhou, Bao Qing Hu, Rough sets based on complete completely distributive lattice, Information Sciences 26

23、9 (2014) 378387. (SCI)28. Wen Sheng Du, Bao Qing Hu, Approximate distribution reducts in inconsistent interval-valued ordered decision tables, Information Sciences, 271 (2014) 93114. (SCI)29. Hai Xie, Bao Qing Hu, New extended patterns of fuzzy rough set models on two universes, International Journa

24、l of General Systems, 2014, Vol. 43, No. 6, 570585. (SCI)30. Zhen Ming Ma, Bao Qing Hu, Characterizations and new subclasses of I-filters in residuated lattices, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 247 (2014) 92107. (SCI)31. Bao Qing Hu, Three-way decisions space and three-way decisions, Information Sciences 281

25、 (2014) 2152. (SCI)32. Bao Qing Hu, Heung Wong, Generalized interval-valued fuzzy variable precision rough sets, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 16(4) (2014) 554-565. (SCI)33. Bao Qing Hu, C.K. Kwong, On type-2 fuzzy sets and their t-norm operations, Information Sciences 255 (2014) 5881. (SCI

26、)34. Bao Qing Hu, Chun Yong Wang, On type-2 fuzzy relations and interval-valued type-2 fuzzy sets, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 236 (2014)132. (SCI)35. Bao Qing Hu and Heung Wong,Generalized interval-valued fuzzy rough sets based on interval-valued fuzzy logical operators,International Journal of Fuzzy Sy

27、stems 15(4) (2013) 381-391. (SCI)36. Chun Yong Wang, Bao Qing Hu, Fuzzy rough sets based on generalized residuated lattices, Information Sciences, 248(1) (2013) 3149. (SCI)37. Zhen Ming Ma, Bao Qing Hu, EQ-algebras from the point of view of generalized algebras with fuzzy equalities, Fuzzy Sets and

28、Systems, 236 (2014) 104112. (SCI)38. Zhen Ming Ma, Bao Qing Hu, Topological and lattice structures of L-fuzzy rough sets determined by lower and upper sets, Information Sciences 218 (2013) 194204. (SCI)39. Wen Sheng Du, Bao Qing Hu, Yan Zhao, The necessary and sufficient conditions when a fuzzy rela

29、tion to be -Euclidean, Information Sciences 222 (2013) 727736. (SCI)40. Kit Yan Chan, C.K. Kwong, B. Q. Hu, Market segmentation and ideal point identification for new product design using fuzzy data compression and fuzzy clustering methods, Applied Soft Computing 12 (2012) 13711378. (SCI)复杂网络1. Min

30、Wang and Bao Qing Hu and Xia Wu and Yan Qing Niu,The topological and statistical analysis of public transport network based on fuzzy clustering,B. Cao, T.-F. Li, C.-Y. Zhang (Eds.): Fuzzy Info. and Eng., Volume 2, AISC 62, pp. 11831191. pringer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009(ISTP).62. Y.Q. Niu, B.Q.

31、 Hu, W. Zheng, M. Wang, Detecting the community structure in complex networks based on quantum mechanics, Physica A, 387(2008) 6215-6224 (SCI).3. 刘婷,胡宝清,基于聚类分析的复杂网络中的社团探测,复杂系统与复杂性科学,1(2007), 28-35 支撑向量机,统计学习理论1. B.Q. Hu, J. Yang, J.L.He, A Multiclassification Model Based on FSVMs, Proceedings of the

32、 24nd International Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society-NAFIPS, 2005 (EI, ISTP) 2. Xia Hong, Hu Bao Qing, Feature selection using fuzzy support vector machines, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, (2006)5:187-192 (EI) 3. 牛艳庆,胡宝清,基于 Adaboost 算法的模糊支持向量回归机,模糊系统与数学,

33、 Vol. 20, No.2 (2006),140-145 演化计算1. Liu Min, Hu Bao Qing, Modeling Dynamic Systems by Using the Nonlinear Difference Equations Based on Genetic Programming, Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, Vol.8, No.1B, 2003, 243-248 (EI) 应用1. Heung Wong and Bao Qing Hu, Application of improved extens

34、ion evaluation method to water quality evaluation, Journal of Hydrology 509 (2014) 539548. (SCI)2. H. Wong, B.Q. Hu, Application of interval clustering approach to river quality evaluation in China, Journal of Hydrology,491 (2013) 112. (SCI)3. Ip W.C., Hu B.Q., Wong H., Xia J., Applications of Grey

35、Relational Method to River Environment Quality Evaluation in China, Journal of Hydrology, 2009. (SCI)4. H. Wong, B.Q. Hu, W.C. IP, J. Xia, Change-point analysis of hydrological time series using grey relational method, Journal of Hydrology, 324(2006) 323-338 (SCI) 5. S.M. Lo, B.Q. Hu, M. Liu, K.K. Y

36、uen, On the Use of Reliability Interval Method and Grey Relational Model for Fire Safety Ranking of Existing Buildings, Fire Technology, 41 (4): 255-270 OCT 2005 (SCI) 6. C.Y. Yiu, H.K. Ho, S. M. Lo and B.Q. Hu, Performance Evaluation for Cost Estimators by Reliability Interval Method, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management,131:1(2005), 108-116. (SCI, EI) Professional Societies 中国运筹学会理事7 中国系统工程学会 模糊数学与模糊系统专业委员会 副秘书长 模糊系统与数学杂志 编委 中国运筹学会 模糊信息与工程分会 常务理事 运筹与模糊学杂志 副主编 中国人工智能学会 可拓工程专业委员会 常务理事 湖北省(武汉市) 数学学会理事


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