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1、第一集情景 1:Monica 和 Chandler 掷色子掷到了 8 决定结婚,两人来到教堂,chandler 兴奋的跳起来搓了搓手说:“ 好,该结婚了!” (This is it!)This is itThats it非常口语化的两句话,通常用在几句话的末尾,表示就这么决定了。应用情景:专横领导在开完会后不太理会各与会者的意见:Thank you for your opinions, but i think ive already made my decisions.Thats it.(小八一卦:周星驰即是此类领导,他“听取”众人意见的目的既是排除这些建议,因为觉得此等普通人都能想出的主意一

2、定没有什么可取的地方)情景 2:众人赶到教堂却错过了 Ross 和 rechal 的婚礼, pheobe 握紧拳头冲教堂管理员喊:“都是因为你不准我们在教堂里跑,要不然没准我们就赶上了!”Maybe you wouldnt have missed the wedding if you could run in the chapel.wouldnt have +if (后接过去式,表示虚拟语气):如果 就不会shouldnd have:本不应该做但是做了应用情景:今年高考人数急降,很多高中生觉得本科生现在都不吃香了还不如早点出去打工,但若干年后或许会后悔的表示:Maybe i wouldnt h

3、ave been earning this little money if i went to a college.(如果当年去读大学的话我现在可能就不只挣这么点钱了)i really shouldnt have quited school that early.(我真不该那么早就辍学了)情景 3:大家都觉得 ross 和 rechal 突然结婚有些不可思议,Joey 说:“是啊,我都不知道他们复合了” (i know, i dont even know they are dating again).chandler 本来兴致勃勃要和 monica 去注册的,被他们这么一闹着实有些郁闷,说:“

4、与其说他们复合了,还不如说他们被两瓶伏特加酒给附身了!” (呵呵,ross 和 rechal 确实醉得不轻,形象!)i dont think they are as much dating as they are two bottles of vodka walking around in human form.not as much as: 与其说是还不如说是应用情景:舞艺不高的男生与心仪女孩跳舞,旁观者说:“哈,与其说他在和她跳舞,还不如说他一直在努力的避免踩她的脚”Aha,i dont think hes as much dancing with her as he is strivin

5、g to avoid trampling her toes.情景 4:天真的 pheobe 觉得在拉斯维加斯注册的话婚姻就只在这里有效,所以她很无所谓的说“有什么大不了的嘛,又不是真结婚” (whats the big deal? its not like its a real marrige.)- its not a big deal 普通句,没什么大不了的。whats the big deal 进阶句,有什么大不了的?!its not that big a deal 黄金句,哪有那么严重啊! (注意一下 a 的位置)第 2 集中 pheobe 安慰 ross 说离婚 3 次也没什么的时候用

6、的就是黄金句:its not that big a deal, this embarrassment thing is all in your head.(哪有你说的那么严重,所谓你的人生十分难堪完全是你自己想出来的)-its not like its a real marriageits not like were married (本集后部分 monica 发飙说了很长一段话后 Chandler 的台词:又不是说我们结婚了,怎么弄的跟妻管严一样)its not like:又不是说。老友记中经常出现的句型,表示强调,并不是这么回事应用情景:有了新玩具的小盆友不愿意借给别人玩,其他小盆友一嘟嘴

7、说:干嘛这么小气嘛,又不是不还你! why are you so mean, its not like im not gonna give it back to you.-情景 5:ross 和 rechal 第 2 天早上酒醒后发现睡在一张床上,俩人纠结了半天到底有没 have sex,最后得出一个共同结论是没有,呵呵。rechal 说“我很高兴我们没有干什么蠢事 ”(im just glad we didnt do anything stupid),ross也附和着说“可不是吗” (tell me about it)tell me about it:可不是吗,表示非常理解对方啥意思,严重同

8、意。以下是托福的一个听力题,大家可以看看选什么:A: sorry Im late. There was road construction on highway 9 and traffic was bucked up for a mile. B: tell me about it. I take that road. And it took me two hours to get home last night .Q: what does the man mean? (A) He wants to go home early today. (B) He wants the woman to r

9、epeat what she said. (C) He understands why the woman was late. (D) It often takes him two hours to get home. 情景 6:2 流演员 Joey 沮丧的告诉 pheobe 自己好不容易得到一个演戏的机会,谁知道戏又被正式取消了:My movie has been officially canceledJoey,im so sorry中美文化差异问题:当听到不好消息时,只需要说 im sorry 或 im sorry to hear that 即可中国留学生听到导师身体不太舒服时说:“oh,

10、 you should go see a doctor immediately”, 此时导师的反应只会是:im sorry,what do you mean? 中美思维方式的差异使得这种回答让中国人觉得对方很关心自己,但外国人的反应却是我的病是不是已经非常严重了。情景 7:经过 ross 和 rechal 一闹,Chandler 和 Monica 都觉得这么快就结婚有些草率了,于是 Chandler 和Monica 分别向自己的好友 Joey 和 Phoebe 说出自己的担心。 Chandler 说:seeing ross and rachel come out of that chapel

11、was like a wake-up call that monica and i are moving so fast.(看到 ross 和 rechal 从教堂里出去使我突然警醒,Monica 和我是不是进展的太快了)wake-up call:睡得昏天暗地时闹钟突然把你叫醒了那种感觉,是不是觉得从迷雾到清晨哈应用情景:苏珊大妈参加英国达人初选,当其貌不扬的她走上台傻笑着说自己想成为一名著名歌手时,所有人都在嘲笑她喝她的倒彩,评委 Simon 甚至翻起了白眼。但一曲完毕,女评委和全场观众都起立为她鼓掌! 女评委激动的说了一番话:when you stood there saying you

12、want to be a famous singer,everbody was against you,everyone was laughing at you, but your performance just now was the biggest wake-up call ever!(你刚才的表现就如暮鼓晨钟般发人深省)此情此景,这个 wake-up call 用的实在恰到好处!Looking at my score in the final exam was like a wake-up call that i should really work harder.情景 8:pheob

13、e 听到 Joey 的电影被取消的消息后说你要尝尝我的早餐么,joey 有些难过的说:唉,我太沮丧了,吃不下(Too depressed to eat ) 。tooto : 太以至于不能 高中时被考焦的一个知识点。应用情景 1:5941 学员在 NJ 们大声疾呼使劲忽悠下仍然不敢用麦克风说话,他们可能会在心里默想:im too nervous to speak in front of the microphone.应用情景 2:九月份大学新生开学,面对热情的学长学姐迎新队伍,又瞅瞅自己那个几乎包含了全部家当的巨型皮箱,嘴角一咧对他们不好意思的笑笑说:Im afraid the box is t

14、oo heavy for you to carry it, but thank you all the same.应用情景 3:谚语,改过不嫌晚:its never too late to mend. 情景 9:monica 对 pheobe 说出自己不想这么快结婚的顾虑时担心 chandler 会伤心:its gonna break his heart.hes gonna think i dont love him anymore.be gonna do:非常口语化的句型,正式文本中不会见到。口语中表达将来式的句子中,10 句话有 8 句话用的是这个句型。 (另外两句就是大家已经很熟悉的 w

15、ill do 和 be going to do 了)应用情景:准大学新生们:im gonna be a freshman of our university in the coming month.情景 10: ross 在朋友们刚告诉他昨天晚上注册了时还不太相信,但马上反应过来:等等,我记得昨天曾去过教堂(i remember being in a chapel); ross 和 Rachel 第 2 天早上刚醒时 ross 说,我不怎么记得昨天晚上的事了,很模糊(i dont remember much about last nigt,its was such a blur),rachel

16、 想起了昨天晚上她似乎一直在笑(i remember laughing, i laughed a lot) 。remember/forget+doing/to do应用情景:贾君鹏,你妈妈喊你去书房上网前把客厅的灯关了! Remember to turn off the lights when you leave the living room. 在你离开客厅之前,记得把灯关了(现在还没有关灯) I remembered tuning off the lights when I left the living room. 当我离开客厅的时候,我记得我关灯了(灯已经关了) sorry, i fo

17、rgot to turn off the lights when i left the living room(灯没关)i forget turning off the lights when i left the living room(灯其实关了,只是我自己忘记了做过这回事)miss doing:错过,想念剧中涉及:monica:we werent gonna miss our friends getting married.joey:im gonna miss living with you.(第 2 集中)情景 11:chandler 和 Monica 互相试探对方的看法时又怕对方觉得

18、自己变心了,在讨论到底应该怎么办时Monica 提议说,还是按昨天晚上的方法吧,交由命运决定好了。 (Last night we let the dice decide,maybe we should leave it up to fate again)leave it up to : 交给决定its up to you: 你说了算应用情景 1:后街男孩中金发 NICK 的弟弟 Aaron carter 有一首动感的歌曲便是“leave it up to me“(由我掌控)。应用情景 2:非宿命论者:i gotta take control of my life, i would never

19、leave it up to fate!自己的命运由自己掌控情景 12:Rachel 听到 ross 说不打算去办注销婚姻时还以为他在开玩笑,于是也开玩笑的符合说好。 ross 看到她这么爽快就答应了很是高兴的说,太好了,我开始还以为我得加把劲说服你呢。 (This is so amazing, i really thought id have to talk you into this more)talk sb. into sth/doing sth :说服某人做某事talk sb. out of sth/doing sth :说服某人不要做某事应用情景 1:大学各协会在招新看到本方面人才时

20、眼里放光:hes got great potential. ill try my best to talk him into this association.应用情景 2:在父母一个劲的用“我吃过的盐比你吃过的饭还多”说这件你很久之前就想做的事有这样那样的不妥时,you could say:i know that you want to talk me out of this, but this is what i always wanted to do.情景 13:Rachel 意识到 ross 不是在说笑时觉得很不可思议,说难道我们以后就这样一直下去吗。 ross 回答说,我也不知道,我

21、还没想好到底该怎样办才好。 (i dont know , i havent worked it out yet) (或者:i dont have it all worked out quite yet. 第 2 集中)第 2 集最后 pheobe 设想她和 joey 在一起的过程时说 chandler 和 monica 的婚姻不会到头时说:it wont work out. work out:理解,弄懂; 成功,产生结果应用情景:服务生一直含情脉脉的盯着你催你快点菜时(can i take your order now?) ,你可以先不急不紧的抿小口茶再把小手一挥说:i havent work

22、ed it out quite yet/im still working on it.情景 14:ross 一直使劲忽悠 Rachel 干脆不注销算了嘛, Rachel 气结摆出了自己的底线:The bottom line is we can not stay married.“bottom line“原义指财务帐目表上最下面的一行或那一行上写的表示盈亏的数目对公司来说,盈亏是大事,这里强调两点:一是重要,关键,二是无法回避,必须考虑或接受。 bottom line:基本立场或原则;必须面对的现实;最低价格应用情景 1:一个中国原则是我国外交的一个基本立场:The one-china prin

23、ciple is the bottom line.(if you want to have further disscusion with us,you gotta admit that Taiwan is part of china)应用情景 2:高中生需面对的一个现实:不能上大学的话,就必须开始以自己的能力生存了。if you dont perform well in National College Entrance Examinations, youll have to live on your own right away: that is the bottom line.应用情景

24、3:面对漫天喊价的小摊贩甩出杀手锏:说吧,最低价多少,合适的话我就买了:Whats your bottom line for selling this T-shirt? ill take it if the price is reasonable, or ill just pass. 最低价 20 元:I can go down to 20 RMB.情景 15:pheobe 和半路上车的男人相谈甚欢,临下车时那男的说: i have your address and phone number,pheobe答道:i have your name and the fact that u r a d

25、rifter. so balls pretty much in your court.(主动权在你手上)来源于 now the ball is in your court:从字面上来解释,它的意思是:现在球在你那边的场地上了。实际上,这是打网球时用的一句话,也就是你已经采取了行动,把球打过了网,到了对方的场地,现在是对方采取行动的时候了。应用情景:商务谈判中说出我方最大让步底线后:now the ball is in your court:please let me know whether you agree to this.同意不同意的,赶紧的:)情景 16:pheobe 对 Joey 睡

26、得跟死猪似的颇为不满,Joey 后来见她不理自己了忙给她道歉:pheobe,im really sorry.i know i promised you a fun road trip,but i didnt deliver.deliver:投递;发表演讲;履行诺言;应用情景 1:邮差准时地投递信件:The mailman delivered the letters promptly. 应用情景 2:老板在会上作了重要报告:The boss delivered an important report at the meeting. 应用情景 3:我们对言出必行的朋友甚是信任,他要么就不答应,答应了就一定不会让你失望。 im quite sure that he will deliver on his promise.


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