1、Unit 5 Addition,I. What is addition,Addition, also called amplification, means supplying _ in our translation work on the basis of _ comprehension of the original so as to make the version correct and clear, to make it appear more like the language translated into.,words,accurate,necessary,president
2、ial historian 总统的历史学家研究总统的历史学家For mistakes had been made, bad ones, he was severely criticized. 因为已经犯了错误,很严重,他受到了严厉的批评。因为已经犯了错误,而且是很严重的错误,他受到了严厉的批评。,Histories make men wise; poems witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. -Francis Bacon,
3、 British philosopher历史使人明智;诗歌使人灵秀;数学使人周密;自然哲学使人深刻;伦理使人庄重;逻辑修辞学使人善辩。 英国哲学家 培根.F.,2.Principle of Addition增词不增意是增补译法的原则,即所增之词,其意义虽然在原文字面上没有清楚地表现出来,但却隐藏在原文中,而增补译法并未违背忠实原则。但增词的最终目的还是为了译语读者,所以最终衡量增词法的效果的标准应是“target reader-centered”。,3. Why,GrammarMeaningRhetoric,1. 为了语法上的需要,1.1 增加量词:英语中数词与可数名词直接连用,他们之间没有量
4、词,而汉语必须借助量词,因此,翻译时需要增加量词。a bikea deska computera tractoran apartmenta full moona gift a paper,1)A stream was winding its way through the valley into the river. 一弯溪水蜿蜒流过山谷,汇合到江里去了。2)That was a complete lie. 那是一派胡言。 英语中有些动词或者动作名词,翻译时需要增加一些表示行为、动作量的动量词。Eg. Have a rest, have a wash (洗一下)1)He gave her a
5、sly look. 他狡猾地看了她一眼。2) Please come in and take a look. 请进来看一看。,1.2 增加表达时间的词:由于英汉语言的差异,英语动词随时态的变化而变化,而汉语动词没有词形的变化,但有时为了表达的需要和准确性,需要增加一些表示时间的词如:曾,曾经,已经,过了,了,那时,此时,当时,在,正在, 着,将,将要,就要,就会,便等。1)She came to the school in 1998. She had taught English in two schools. 在那以前2)The old man had taught the boy to f
6、ish and the boy loved him.曾经3)They say his father was a fisherman. Maybe he was as poor as we are. 从前他爸爸是个渔夫,他过去也许跟我们现在一样穷。,1.3 增加表示复数的词:A. 增加重叠词表示复数1)Flowers bloom all over the yard. (朵朵)2)Newsmen went flying off to Iraq to get the latest news. (记者纷纷),B. 增加数词或其他词,1)The lion is the king of animals.
7、(百兽之王)2)The very earth trembled as with the tramps of horses and murmur of angry men.连大地都震动了,仿佛万马奔腾,千夫怒吼。3)She passed the exams with the help of the classmates.同学们4)The US had a brief period of regional feudalism during the period of slavery in the southern states.南方各州,2. 为了意义上的需要,2.1 增补背景知识,世纪伟人邓小平
8、Mr. Deng Xiaoping, one of the great figures in the twentieth century 班门弄斧show off ones proficiency with axe before Lu Ban, the master carpenterVasco da Gama and Columbus enlarged the world and Copernicus enlarged the heavens达伽马绕好望角抵达印度,哥伦布西行发现新大陆,而世界为之扩大。哥白尼立日中心之说,而宇宙为之扩大。,2.2 增补表达词,英译汉有时有必要增加合适的名词、
9、动词、形容词(或是功能相当于形容词的名词)或副词,使译文意思清楚无误。,2.2.1. 增加动词:1) In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of the final communiqu. 晚上在参加宴会、出席音乐会、观看乒乒球表演之后,他还得起草最后公报。 2) Matter can be changed into energy, and energy into matter. 物质可以转换成能量,能量可以转
10、化为物质。3) We wont retreat; we never have and never will. 我们不后退,我们从来就没有后退过,我们将来也绝不后退。,4) My work, my family and my friends were more than enough to fill my time. 干工作,做家务, 交朋友,这些占用了我的全部时间。 5) Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man and writing an exact man. 读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,写作使人准确。 6) Courage in e
11、xcess becomes foolhardiness, affection weakness, thrift avarice.勇敢过度,即成蛮勇;疼爱过度,即成溺爱;俭约过度,即成贪婪。,2.2.2. 增加形容词,1)With what enthusiasm the Chinese people are building socialism.中国人民正在以多么高的热情建设社会主义啊!2)It will make a man of him in the college.在那所大学里,一定能把他造就成堂堂的男子汉。3) What a girl she is! See, she is speaki
12、ng loudly while eating.这女孩子真不礼貌!一边吃,一边大声说话。,2.2.3. 增加副词,根据原文的上下文,有些动词在一定的场合可增加适当的副词,以确切表达原意。1) As he sat down and began talking, words poured out. 他一坐下来就滔滔不绝地讲个没完。2) Now and then, his boots shone. 他的靴子不时地闪闪发光。3)After the thunderstorm, the clouds melted away. 雷雨过后,乌云渐渐散去。4) A seagull saw the light fr
13、om my window and darted up to it.一只海鸥看见从我窗户透出的灯光,一下子扑了上去。,2.2.4. 增加名词To do some shopping 买东西To do some washing 洗衣服1) He ate and drank, for he was exhausted. 由于疲倦了,他吃了些东西,喝了点酒。2) It is really nice and cheap. You will regret for not buying it later.这真是物美价廉,你不买会后悔的。3)She was walking in the street alone
14、, weary and ragged.她独自一人走在大街上,面容憔悴,衣衫褴褛。4)She is extroverted, smiling all the day.她性格开朗,整天面带笑容。,Indeed, the reverse is true.实际情况恰好相反。Older, wiser, calmer.人愈老,智愈高,心愈平。,2.3 词缀法,英语中的词缀特别是后缀本身具有一定的语义,有时在翻译中为了体现词语在语境中的具体含义,不得不根据词缀的基本含义和上下文语境增加释义。,Obamacize像奥巴马那样做事Obamafy使具有奥巴马的特征和色彩 ObamacanObama Republi
15、can,投票给奥巴马党人的原共和党选民或支持者Obamanation奥巴马王国,2.4 增补重复词,有时为了意思明确还必须重复同一词语或是增补连词、承上启下的词、概括词以及上下文需要或背景需要的词语。,2.4.1. 增加概括词,有时候把英语翻译成汉语时,需要把句中的连词省略掉而增加概括词。1)The Americans and Japanese conducted a completely secret exchange of message.美日双方在完全保密的情况下交换了情报。2) Sino-British links have multiplied political, commerci
16、al, educational, cultural, defense, science and technology. 中英两国加强了在政治、商务、教育、文化、国防和科技等方面的联系。3) The thesis summed up the new achievements made in electronic computers, artificial satellites and rockets. 这篇论文概括了电子计算机、人造卫星和火箭三方面的成就。4)Henry Kissinger had slept there before, in July and again in October.
17、这之前,基辛格七月和十月两度在此下榻。,2.4.2. 增加承上启下的词:在翻译时,特别是进行语篇翻译时,更需要目的语的连贯性,以准确表达原文意义,这就需要增加适当的词以起承上启下的作用。1) For mistakes had been made, bad ones. 因为已经犯了许多错误,而且还是很糟糕的错误。2)Yes, I like Chinese food. Lots of people do these days. Sort of the fashion.不错,我是喜欢中国菜。现在很多人都喜欢中国菜,这种情况算是有点赶时髦吧。3) Heated, water will change i
18、nto vapor.水如受热,就会汽化。,3. 为了修辞上的需要,增补适当描述词、语气助词或叠词,为了使译文优美自如、活泼生动或是得到强调,有时需要增补适当的描述词、语气助词,或是使用叠词和四字词组,或是重复词语。,Her room is always kept clean and tidy though she is busy all day.尽管她整天忙忙碌碌,她的房间却保持得干干净净,利利落落。While in Europe, the tourists enjoyed to their hearts content the weather, the food and the theatr
19、e.这些旅游者在欧洲尽情地沐浴阳光,品味佳肴,观赏演出。,增加适当的语气词:汉语中的语气词很多,如:的,吧,呢,啊,呀,嘛,啦,了,罢了,而已,在翻译时,需要在准确理解原文意义和修辞色彩的基础上增加适当的语气词。1)Dont take it seriously. Im just making fun of you. 不要认真嘛,我只不过开开玩笑罢了(而已)。 2)As for her, she did not love him from the very beginning. 她呢,从一开始就没爱过他。3)We think we have freed our slaves, but we ha
20、ve not. We just call them a different name. 我们自以为奴隶已经解放了,实际上并没有。我们只不过用一种不同的名字来称呼他们罢了。,1)Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it.2)His speech was Irish throughout,versatile,witty and occasionally pointed.3)The business of her (Mrs Bernnets) life was to get her daughte
21、rs married; its solace was visiting and news. 4)Competence, Concentration, Comprehension, Conscientiousness, Clarity, Courtesy.5)On the wings of hope, of love, of joy, Miss Meadows sped back to the music hall, up the aisle, up the steps, over to the piano.6) Studies serve for delight, for ornament a
22、nd, for ability. Their chief use for delight is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business. 7) It is well known that laughter has a tonic effect on the mind and body, suffusing the body with a feeling of well-being that
23、 few other activities are able to provide, refreshing, relieving, enlivening, and involving the whole body in its “happy convulsion”.,1)Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it. 要认识时间的真正价值;抓住分分秒秒,享用每一瞬间。 知道时间的真正价值。才能争取每一刻,抓住每一刻,享受每一刻。2)His speech was Irish throughout,
24、versatile,witty and occasionally pointed.他的演说自始至终都带有爱尔兰人的风格:洋洋洒洒,妙语横生,有时则犀利尖刻。3)The business of her (Mrs Bernnets) life was to get her daughters married; its solace was visiting and news. 她(班纳特夫人)生平的大事就是嫁女儿;她生平的安慰就是拜客访友和打听新闻。4)Competence, Concentration, Comprehension, Conscientiousness, Clarity, Cou
25、rtesy.业务过硬,精神集中,理解全面,工作认真,清楚利落,彬彬有礼。5)On the wings of hope, of love, of joy, Miss Meadows sped back to the music hall, up the aisle, up the steps, over to the piano.美多斯小姐仿佛插上了希望的翅膀、爱情的翅膀、欢乐的翅膀,一路飞奔回到音乐厅,她穿过通道,跑上台阶,三步并作两步走到钢琴前。,6) It catered to large appetites and modest purses.它迎合胃口大而钱囊羞涩的吃客。7) It i
26、s like a dream to me now,floating through my mind in slow motion. Many children were playing close to the waters. 当时的情景,现在回想起来,就像是一场梦,在我脑海里缓缓浮动。那一天,许多孩子在靠近水边的地方玩耍。 8) These early cars were slow, clumsy, and inefficient. 这些早期的汽车速度缓慢,行动笨拙,效率不高。,9) Studies serve for delight, for ornament and, for abili
27、ty. Their chief use for delight is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business. 读书足以怡情,足以博采,足以长才。其怡情也,最见于独处幽居之时;其博采也,最见于高谈阔论之中;其长才也,最见于处世判事之际.10) It is well known that laughter has a tonic effect on the mind and body, suffusing the body with a feeling of well-being that few other activities are able to provide, refreshing, relieving, enlivening, and involving the whole body in its “happy convulsion”. 众所周知,笑具有健身作用,身心皆宜。它可以使人体充满一种幸福愉快的感觉。这是别的活动很少能达到的。笑可以使人精神为之一爽,消愁解闷,富于生气,还可以使整个人体在其“愉快的痉挛”中得到运动。,Thank You!,