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1、20162017 年度苏州市自然科学优秀学术论文拟获奖论文公示根据苏州市自然科学优秀学术论文评选暂行办法的有关规定,2018 年 2 月 6 日,市政府在全市范围下发了苏府办201830 号文件,开展 20162017 年度苏州市自然科学优秀学术论文申报评选工作,截止到2018 年 4 月上旬申报工作结束,共有 300 多个单位的 3000 多位论文作者申报了 2042 篇论文,涵盖了理、工、农、医等各个专业。经学会初评,市级专业评审,拟推荐一等奖论文 19 篇,二等奖论文 97 篇,三等奖论文266 篇,现予公示。公示时间为 7 天(8 月 30 日9 月 5 日)。公示期内接受社会各界的监

2、督,如有意见或情况反映,请实名与苏州市自然科学优秀学术论文评选工作领导小组办公室联系。联系电话:65226421来访来电时间:正常工作日接待地址:人民路 979 号市科协学会工作部(科技大楼二楼)邮政编码:215002(来信日期以邮戳为准)苏州市自然科学优秀学术论文评选工作领导小组办公室2018 年 8 月 30 日20162017 年度苏州市自然科学优秀学术论文目录一等奖(19 篇)序号 论文题目 作者 工作单位1 Planar gradient metamaterials 徐亚东、伏洋洋 苏州大学2 Room-temperature continuous-wave electrically

3、 injected InGaN-based laser directly grown on Si孙逸、周坤 中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所3 Biaxially strained PtPb/Pt core/shell nanoplate boosts oxygen reduction catalysis卜令正、黄小青 苏州大学4 YAP antagonizes innate antiviral immunity and is targeted for lysosomal degradation through IKK-mediated phosphorylation王帅、谢枫 苏州大学

4、5 Prognostic Value of Plasma Soluble Corin in Patients With Acute Myocardial Infarction周祥、陈建昌 苏州大学附属第二医院6 Ambient Aqueous Synthesis of Ultra-small PEGylated Cu2xSe Nanoparticles as a Multifunctional Theranostic Agent for Multimodal Imaging Guided Photothermal Therapy of Cancer张少华、孙彩侠 苏州大学7 Photoconv

5、ersion-Tunable Fluorophore Vesicles for Wavelength-Dependent Photoinduced Cancer Therapy何慧、计双双 苏州大学8 Chemo- and Regioselective Distal Heteroaryl ipso-Migration: A General Protocol for Heteroarylation of Unactivated Alkenes朱晨、吴镇 苏州大学9 The ubiquitin ligase HERC4 mediates c-Maf ubiquitination and delay

6、s the growth of multiple myeloma xenografts in nude mice张祖斌 苏州大学10 The disulfide isomerase ERp72 supports arterial thrombosis in mice周俊松、武艺 苏州大学11 Protein kinase A determines platelet life span and survival by regulating apoptosis赵丽丽、刘俊 苏州大学附属第一医院12 An essential role of high-molecular-weight kininog

7、en in endotoxemia阳艾珍、谢展利 苏州大学13 One-Dimensional Fluorescent Silicon Nanorods Featuring Ultrahigh Photostability, Favorable Biocompatibility, and Excitation Wavelength-Dependent Emission Spectra宋斌、钟旖菱 苏州大学14 Ultratransparent media and transformation optics with shifted spatial dispersions罗杰、杨玉婷 苏州大学1

8、5 Investigation of the thermal hazardous effect of protective clothing caused by stored energy discharge何佳臻、卢业虎 苏州大学16 基于 SNA 的新型集中社区公共空间网络结构优化邹晴晴、王勇 苏州科技大学17 Astragaloside IV ameliorates allergic inflammation by inhibiting key initiating factors in the initial stage of secsitization江国荣 苏州市中医医院18 Bi

9、omimetic synthesis of cerium oxide nanosquares on RGO and their enhanced photocatalytic activities钱君超、陈志刚 苏州科技大学19 Tumour-associated mesenchymal stem/stromal cells: emerging therapeutic targets.时玉舫 苏州大学二等奖(97 篇)1 Planar Hot-Electron Photodetection with Tamm Plasmons张程、吴凯 苏州大学2 Photovoltaic Devices:

10、OptoElectroThermal Physics and Modeling尚爱学、李孝峰 苏州大学3 Toward Scalable Flexible Nanomanufacturing for Photonic Structures and Devices乔文、黄文彬 苏州大学4 Structured Latent Label Consistent Dictionary Learning for Salient Machine Faults Representation based Robust Classification张召、江威明 苏州大学5 Deep TSK Fuzzy Clas

11、sifier with Stacked Generalization and Triplely Concise Interpretability Guarantee for Large Data周塔 江苏科技大学苏州理工学院6 Fisher-regularized support vector machine张莉、周伟达 苏州大学;苏州思必驰信息科技有限公司7 Aligned Single-Crystalline Perovskite Microwire Arrays for High-Performance Flexible Image Sensors with Long-Term Stab

12、ility邓巍、张秀娟 苏州大学8 Enhanced Light Harvesting in Perovskite Solar Cells by a Bioinspired Nanostructured Back Electrode魏健、许瑞鹏 苏州大学9 High Efficiency PbIn Binary Metal Perovskite Solar Cells王照奎、李萌 苏州大学10 Self-supported nanotube array of sulfur-doped TiO2 enabling ultrastable and robust sodium storage倪江锋、

13、傅士栋 苏州大学11 Ultra-High Pyridinic N-Doped Porous Carbon Monolith Enabling High-Capacity K-Ion Battery Anodes for Both Half-Cell and Full-Cell谢易昊、陈煜 苏州大学12 Metamaterial absorber integrated microfluidic terahertz sensors胡鑫、徐盖奇 中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所13 Stimuli-Responsive Shape Switching of Polymer Colloids

14、by Temperature-Sensitive Absorption of Solvent王华光、李炳辉 苏州大学14 Generalized Hybrid Constructive Learning Algorithm for Multioutput RBF Networks钱旭升、黄鹤 中国科学院苏州生物医学工程技术研究所15 Trap Healing for High-Performance Low-Voltage Polymer Transistors and Solution-Based Analog Amplifiers on FoilVincenzo Pecunia苏州大学功能

15、纳米与软物质研究院(特聘副教授)16 Model AC-AC Converter With Controllable Phase and Amplitude张友军 苏州大学17 Freestanding transparent metallic network based ultrathin, foldable and designable supercapacitors刘艳花、徐建龙 苏州大学18 A Superhydrophobic Smart Coating for Flexible and Wearable Sensing Electronics李连辉、白元元 中国科学院苏州纳米技术与

16、纳米仿生研究所19 Enhanced photoelectric and photothermal responses on silicon platform by plasmonic absorber and omni-schottky junction文龙、陈义富 中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所20 Giant spin-torque diode sensitivity in the absence of bias magnetic field方彬 中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所21 Identification and Robust Control of the Nonl

17、inear Photoelectrothermal Dynamics of LED Systems董建飞 中国科学院苏州生物医学工程技术研究所22 Eye tracking data guided feature selection for image classification周烜、高欣 苏州大学;中国科学院苏州生物医学工程技术研究所23 Interfacial Design of Mixed Matrix Membranes for Improved Gas Separation Performance王正宫、王栋 中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所24 Unique Four-El

18、ectron Metal-to-Cage Charge Transfer of Th to a C82 Fullerene Cage: Complete Structural Characterization of ThC3v(8)-C82王姚峰、谌宁 苏州大学25 Non-fullerene polymer solar cells based on a selenophene-containing fused-ring acceptor with photovoltaic performance of 8.6%蒋佐权、李永玺 苏州大学26 A Robust Polyionized Hydro

19、gel with an Unprecedented Underwater Anti-Crude-Oil-Adhesion Property高守建 中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所27 Sustainable Route from Biomass Byproduct Okara to High Content Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Sheets for Ef cient Sodium Ion Batteries杨庭舟、晏成林 苏州大学28 Thermodynamic Stability Trend of Cubic Perovskites孙庆德、尹万健 苏州大学29

20、High-efficiency robust perovskite solar cells on ultrathin flexible substrates李耀文 苏州大学30 In situ wrapping of the cathode material in lithium-sulfur batteries胡晨吉、陈宏伟 中国科学院苏州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所31 Combining Orthogonal Chain-End Deprotections and ThiolMaleimide Michael Coupling: Engineering Discrete Oligomers

21、by an Iterative Growth Strategy黄智豪、张正彪 苏州大学32 Hollow MnO2 as a tumor-microenvironment-responsive biodegradable nano-platform for combination therapy favoring antitumor immune responses杨光保、许利耕 苏州大学33 Nanobubbles: An Effective Way to Study Gas-Generating Catalysis on a Single Nanoparticle李淑萍、杜营 中国科学院苏

22、州纳米技术与纳米仿生研究所34 Control of silk microsphere formation using polyethylene glycol (PEG)吴建兵、郑兆柱 苏州大学35 Bending behaviors of fully covered biodegradable polydioxanone biliary stent for human body by nite element method刘延辉、朱国庆 苏州市纤维检验所36 小筑春深-当代苏州园林的继承与创新 刘仰峰、谢爱华 苏州园林设计院有限公司37 Control of Single-Cell Migr

23、ation Using a Robot-Aided Stimulus-Induced Manipulation System杨浩、李相鹏 苏州大学38 Fast Discrepancy Identification for RFID-enabled IoT Networks顾才东 苏州市职业大学39 Noether theorem and its inverse for nonlinear dynamical systems with nonstandard Lagrangians张毅、周小三 苏州科技大学40 社会经济转型背景下城市住宅用地规模预测思路与方法研究以苏州市吴中区为例陆丽、杨新海

24、 悉地(苏州)勘察设计顾问有限公司;苏州科技大学41 Traffic Multiresolution Modeling and Consistency Analysis of Urban Expressway Based on Asynchronous Integration Strategy张丽岩、马健 苏州科技大学42 振动频率与龄期对河道淤泥气泡混合轻质土动力特性影响及机理刘增祥、顾欢达 江苏省纺织工业设计研究院有限公司苏州勘察分公司;苏州科技大学43 Geospatial knowledgebased verification and improvement of GlobeLand3

25、0张委伟 苏州科技大学44 Particulate characteristics during a haze episode based on two ceilometers with different wavelengths袁静 吴江区气象局45 HSR Mechanisms and Effects on the Spatial Structure of Regional Tourism in China汪德根 苏州大学46 叙事视野下墙的语义及空间建构策略探析 邱德华、陈潇 苏州科技大学;苏州建设(集团)规划建筑设计院有限责任公司47 Cyclic tests of steel fra

26、mes with concealed vertical slits in reinforced concrete infill walls孙国华 苏州科技大学48 苏州市降成本实施情况调研报告 钱金泉、徐玉 苏州市财政局49 机插方式对杂交粳稻碳氮调节与颖花形成及产量的影响董明辉 苏州市农业科学院50 Expansion and Functional Divergence of AP2 Group Genes in Spermatophytes Determined by Molecular Evolution and Arabidopsis Mutant Analysis王鹏凯 苏州农业职业

27、技术学院51 Germination Response of Four Alien Congeneric Amaranthus Species to Environmental Factors郝建华、吕双双 常熟理工学院;苏州市相城区望亭中心小学52 水生植物堆肥替代部分氮肥提高水稻产量与稻田土壤肥力陶玥玥、金梅娟 苏州市农业科学院53 Distinct Patterns of Gene Gain and Loss: Diverse Evolutionary Modes of NBS-Encoding Genes in Three Solanaceae Crop Species钱兰华 苏州农业

28、职业技术学院54 New Alkaloids from Green Vegetable Soybeans and Their Inhibitory Activities on the Proliferation of Concanavalin A-Activated Lymphocytes王桃云 苏州科技大学55 Deubiquitinase USP2a Sustains Interferons Antiviral Activity by Restricting Ubiquitination of Activated STAT1 in the Nucleus任莹、赵鹏 苏州大学56 Calre

29、ticulin Fragment 39-272 Promotes B16 Melanoma Malignancy through Myeloid-Derived suppressor cells In Vivo贺晓燕、龚方苑 苏州大学57 Angiopoietin receptor Tie2 is required for vein specification and maintenance via regulating COUP-TFII储蔓、李桃桃 苏州大学58 Plasma microRNAs characterising patients with immune thrombocyto

30、penic purpura左斌、尤莉芳 苏州大学;苏州大学附属第二医院59 PD-Ll mediated the differentiation of tumor-infiltrating CD19+ B lymphocytes and T cells in Invasive breast cancer谢芳 苏州大学60 Evaluation of COD effect on anammox process and microbial communities in the anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR)陈重军 苏州科技大学61 Startup and opera

31、ting characteristics of an external air-lift reflux partial nitritation-ANAMMOX integrative reactor李祥、黄勇 苏州科技大学62 Multiple Roles of Cu (II) in Catalyzing Hydrolysis and Oxidation of -Lactam Antibiotics陈家斌 苏州科技大学63 Scalable fabrication of core-shell structured Li4Ti5O12/PPy particles embedded in N-do

32、ped graphene networks as advanced anode for lithium-ion batteries顾海东、陈丰 苏州科技大学64 乡村湿地生态保护与恢复模式研究:以常熟市为例康晓光、霍惠明 南大(常熟)研究院有限公司;常熟市农业委员会65 Neutrophil gelatinase associated lipocalin predicts myocardial dysfunction and mortality in severe sepsis and septic shock王标、陈刚 苏州市立医院66 3D bioprinted glioma stem c

33、ells for brain tumor model and applications of drug susceptibility代兴亮 苏州大学附属第二医院67 Size-tunable Gd2O3albumin nanoparticles conjugating chlorin e6 for magnetic resonance imaging-guided photo-induced therapy周丽娟、杨涛 苏州大学附属第二医院;苏州大学68 Polydopamine Coated Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes as a Versatile Plat

34、form with Radionuclide Labeling for Multimodal Tumor Imaging and Therapy赵赫、巢宇 苏州大学附属儿童医院;苏州大学69 Membrane IL1 inhibits the development of hepatocellular carcinoma via promoting T- and NK-cell activation林丹丹、雷蕾 苏州大学附属第一医院;苏州大学70 Cytokine Signaling in Skeletal Muscle Wasting周进 苏州大学附属第一医院71 CD73/NT5E is

35、a target of miR-30a-5p and plays an important role in the pathogenesis of non-small cell lung cancer朱健洁、曾园园 苏州大学附属第一医院72 FeSe2-Decorated Bi2Se3 Nanosheets Fabricated via Cation Exchange for Chelator-Free 64Cu-Labeling and Multimodal Image-Guided Photothermal-Radiation Therapy程亮、沈斯达 苏州大学73 Bifunction

36、al Platinated Nanoparticles for Photoinduced Tumor Ablation郭正清、邹烨璘 苏州大学74 Light-Triggered Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles for Photothermal Therapy and Photoacoustic Imaging of Tumors In Vivo程侠菊、孙瑞 苏州大学75 Ultra-small Biocompatible Bi2Se3 Nanodots for Multimodal-Imaging-Guided Synergistic Radio-Phototh

37、ermal Therapy against Cancer毛芳欣、文玲 苏州大学76 Inhibition of MicroRNA-21-5p Promotes the Radiation Sensitivity of Non-small cell Lung Cancer through HMSH2. 宋宇、左云 张家港市第一人民医院77 Sequential and sustained release of SDF-1 and BMP-2 from silk fibroin-nanohydroxyapatite scaffold for the enhancement of bone rege

38、neration沈晓峰、张燕霞 苏州市中医医院;苏州大学78 Combined NADPH and the NOX inhibitor apocynin provides greater anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective Free Radic Biol Med effects in a mouse model of stroke秦媛媛 苏州市中医医院79 Vitamin E TPGS modified liposomes enhance cellular uptake and targeted delivery of luteolin: an in v

39、ivo/in vitro evaluation李金利、魏明刚 苏州大学附属第一医院80 Prevalence and associated factors of cancer related fatigue among cancer patients in China田利 苏州大学附属第一医院81 The role of osmolality in saline fluid nebulization after tracheostomy:time for changing?沈梅芬 苏州大学附属第一医院82 Meta-Analysis of Effects of Voluntary Slow B

40、reathing Exercises for Control of Heart Rate and Blood Pressure in Patients With Cardiovascular Diseases汪小华、邹焱 苏州大学附属第一医院;苏州大学83 胰十二指肠切除术后感染的病原学与危险因素和预防对策赵建琴、危少华 苏州大学附属第二医院84 握力测试在评估稳定期慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者活动能力中的应用研究钮美娥 苏州大学附属第一医院85 极低出生体重儿开放式探视的可行性研究 沈婷、冯世萍 苏州市立医院本部86 不同皮肤护理措施预防重症患者失禁相关性皮炎的对比研究宋娟 昆山市第一人民医院87

41、Nucleus accumbens-associated protein-1 promotes glycolysis and survival of hypoxic tumor cells via the HDAC4-HIF-1 axis张熠 苏州大学88 Multifunctional nanoparticles co-delivering EZH2 siRNA and etoposide for synergy therapy of orthotopic non-small-cell lung tumor张学农、袁志强 苏州大学89 Knockdown of Cathepsin L pro

42、motes radiosensitivity of glioma stem cells both in vivo and in vitro王文娟、龙林梅 苏州大学附属儿童医院;苏州大学90 Ultrasensitive GSH-Responsive Ditelluride-Containing Poly(etherurethane)Nanoparticles for Controlled Drug Release王杨云 苏州大学91 Inhibitory effects of melatonin on titanium particle-induced inflammatory bone re

43、sorption and osteoclastogenesis via suppression of NF-Kb signaling顾叶 常熟市第一人民医院92 Involuntary orienting of attention to a sound desynchronizes the occipital alpha rhythm and improves visual perception冯文锋 苏州大学93 Serum matrix metalloproteinase-9 levels and prognosis of acute ischemic stroke仲崇科、杨敬源 苏州大学

44、94 25-Hydroxycholesterol Protects Host against Zika Virus Infection and Its Associated Microcephaly in a Mouse Model李春峰 苏州系统医学研究所95 Relation of body mass index (BMI) to the prevalence of hypertension in children: A 3years school-based prospective study in Suzhou, China.胡佳、褚光萍 苏州市疾病预防控制中心;苏州市姑苏区妇幼保健所

45、96 stress kinases,endoplasmic reticulum stress,and alzheimer disease related markers in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from subjes with increased body weight雷婷、俞璐刚 苏州工业园区疾病防治中心97 Cognitive dysfunction and health-related quality of life among older Chinese潘臣玮 苏州大学三等奖(266 篇)1 some new classes of2-

46、fold optimal or perfect splitting authentication codes梁淼 苏州市职业大学2 Transverse free vibration and stability of axially moving nanoplates based on nonlocal elasticity theory 刘金建、李成 苏州大学3 Piecewise shooting reproducing kernel for linear singularly perturbed boundary value problems耿发展、唐志强 常熟理工学院4 A numer

47、ical for solving distributed order diffusion equations李秀英 常熟理工学院5 一种基于临界锐孔的动态配气系统设计 朱兰、陈海 苏州市计量测试研究所6 Optoelectronic investigation of monolayer MoS2/WSe2 vertical heterojunction photoconversion devices曹国洋、尚爱雪 苏州大学7 Silicon-gold core-shell nanowire array for an optically and electrically characterize

48、d refractive index sensor based on plasmonic resonance and Schottky junction秦琳玲、张程 苏州大学8 Large-Area Wide-Incident-Angle Metasurface Perfect Absorber in Total Visible Band Based on Coupled Mie Resonances钱沁宇、王钦华 苏州大学9 Metasurface integrated high energy efficient and high linearly polarized InGaN/GaN l

49、ight emitting diode王淼 苏州大学10 Zero index metamaterials with PT symmetry in a waveguide system伏洋洋、徐亚东 苏州大学11 A personalized design for progressive addition lenses唐运海、吴泉英 苏州科技大学12 Discrimination of human and nonhuman blood using Raman spectroscopy with self-reference algorithm卞海溢、王鹏 中国科学院苏州生物医学工程技术研究所13 Generation of a 578-nm Yellow Laser by the Use of Sum-Frequency Mixing in a Branched Cavity杨建明、檀慧明 中国科学院苏州生物医学工程技术研究所14 First-principles prediction of a rising star of solar energy material: SrTcO3陈达、马春兰 苏州科技大学15 Cathodoluminescence properties of Pr, Tm co-implanted Ga


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