1、BBC 蓝色星球 Blue Planet 中英对照剧本 第一集Dialogue:海洋 似乎了无边际 The oceans, seemingly limitless,Dialogue:让我们充满敬畏和惊叹 有时也让我们心生畏惧 invoke in us a sense of awe and wonder and also, sometimes, fear.Dialogue:它们占据了地表的% 然而我们却依然对其 They cover % of the surface of our planet and yet they are stillDialogue:知之甚少 the least explo
2、red.Dialogue: 隐藏在波涛之下 就在我脚下的水里 Hidden beneath the waves, right beneath my feet,Dialogue:生活着我们想象不到的生物 there are creatures beyond our imagination.Dialogue:在新技术的帮助下 我们能够进入崭新的世界 With revolutionary technology, we can enter new worlds.Dialogue:以前人不可能完成的方式and shine a light on behaviours in ways that were i
3、mpossibleDialogue:探究海洋生物的行为 just a generation ago.Dialogue:我们也意识到一个不安的现实 Weve also recognised an uncomfortable fact.Dialogue:我们的海洋正受到健康威胁 The health of our oceans is under threat.Dialogue:它正以人类历史上前所未有的速度改变着 They are changing at a faster rate than ever before in human history.Dialogue:趁现在来揭示海面下发生的一切
4、Never has there been a more crucial time to reveal what is going onDialogue:比任何时候都更为重要 beneath the surface of the seas.Dialogue:在第一集中 In this first episode,Dialogue:我们将抵达地球的各个海域 we will journey across the globeDialogue:从温暖的热带水域 from the warm waters of the TropicsDialogue:一路到最寒冷的极地水域 to the coldest a
5、round the poles.Dialogue:让我们对海面下的生命有一个全新的认识to bring us a new understanding of life beneath the waves.Dialogue:这里是蓝色星球This is Blue Planet II.Dialogue:许多生物潜藏在海面之下 The surface of the ocean conceals many creatures that live beneath.Dialogue:但也有例外 But not all.Dialogue:宽吻海豚 Bottlenose dolphins.Dialogue:它们
6、极其聪明 They are extremely intelligent.Dialogue:伴随智慧而来的是顽皮 And with this intelligence comes playfulness.Dialogue:它们喜欢冲浪 而且据我们所知 They surf and, as far as we can tell,Dialogue:它们这样做完全是为了好玩 they do so for the sheer joy of it.Dialogue:但要想真正了解他们的性情 But to properly appreciate their true character,Dialogue:你必
7、须跟着他们 进入它们的世界 you have to travel with them into their world.Dialogue:一群宽吻海豚 A pod of bottlenose dolphinsDialogue:正拜访一处位于红海的珊瑚礁 is visiting a coral reef in the Red Sea.Dialogue:对小海豚来说 学习的时候到了 For the youngsters, there are things to be learned here.Dialogue:成年海豚领着一只小海豚来到一个灌木形状的珊瑚旁 The adults lead a ca
8、lf to a particular bush-like coralDialogue:这是柳珊瑚 called a gorgonian.Dialogue:在这里 成年海豚做出了一个奇怪的举动 And here the adults behave rather strangely.Dialogue:他们故意从珊瑚上擦过 They deliberately rub themselves through the fronds.Dialogue:小家伙似乎不愿意这样做 Their calf seems reluctant to do so.Dialogue:但看见长辈们都这样做 By watching
9、 his elders,Dialogue:他也许意识到了自己也必须这样做 he may be realising that this is something he ought to do.Dialogue:实际上 柳珊瑚表面 Gorgonian fronds, in fact,Dialogue:覆盖着一层粘液 are covered with a mucus that can have anti-inflammatoryDialogue:具有消炎抗菌的功效 and antimicrobial properties.Dialogue:所以成年海豚这样做也许是为了 So maybe the ad
10、ult dolphins are doing thisDialogue:防止皮肤感染 to protect themselves from infection.Dialogue:海豚关于珊瑚礁的丰富知识 The dolphins intimate knowledge of the reefDialogue:也启发我们在这里寻找新药物 is spurring us to search for new medicines here, too.Dialogue:热带珊瑚礁只占海床总面积的.%Tropical coral reefs occupy only a tenth of % of the oc
11、ean floor.Dialogue:但这片有着全年稳定条件的温暖浅水区 But their shallow warm waters and stable year-round conditionsDialogue:却供养着海洋里最丰富多样的 support some of the most crowded and varied communitiesDialogue:生物群落 to be found anywhere in the oceans.Dialogue:每一个物种都有待研究 And there are new discoveries to be made on every one
12、of them.Dialogue:在澳大利亚的大堡礁 生活着一种鱼 One creature on Australias Great Barrier Reef is challenging ourDialogue:它颠覆了我们对鱼智慧的认识 understanding of fish intelligence.Dialogue:一只猪齿鱼 A tuskfish.Dialogue:你很快就会明白它名字的由来 And you can see why it gets its name.Dialogue:他做的事很少有人相信鱼能做到 He does something few would have b
13、elieved a fish could do.Dialogue:每天早晨他游到珊瑚礁边缘 Every morning he travels to the edge of the reef.Dialogue:他在珊瑚残骸和沙子中 He is searching for something special to eat amongst the coralDialogue:寻找一种特殊的食物 rubble and sand.Dialogue:找到了一个 Here is one.Dialogue:一只小蛤蜊 A small clam.Dialogue:但怎样才能把它打开 吃到里面的肉呢 But ho
14、w to crack it open and get to the meat?Dialogue:他把它一路带回自己的私人厨房 He takes it all the way back to his special kitchen.Dialogue:一个碗状珊瑚 A bowl-shaped coralDialogue:里面有处可以用于故技重施的凸起 that has a particular bump on the inside that he always uses.Dialogue:没有手的话这将是件很困难的事 Its not easy if you have no hands.Dialog
15、ue:喔 又没中 Whoops, there he goes again.Dialogue:但他有极大的决心 But hes got great determination.Dialogue:和惊人的准确性and surprising accuracy.Dialogue:终于 At last!Dialogue:所以这是一只会使用工具的鱼 So here is a fish that uses tools.Dialogue:有些鱼比你想象的聪明得多 Some fish are much cleverer than you might suppose.Dialogue:热带珊瑚礁里密集的生物群落
16、The density of the animals on tropical reefsDialogue:使得竞争不可避免而异常激烈 makes competition inevitable and extreme.Dialogue:不只是对于那些居住在珊瑚礁里的生物 Not only for those that live within the reefs.Dialogue:对在上面飞着的鸟儿也是一样but for the birds that fly above them.Dialogue:在旱季 During the dry season,Dialogue:超过五十万只乌燕鸥飞到这个偏远
17、的 over half a million terns crowd onto this remote atollDialogue:印度洋环礁岛上 in the Indian Ocean.Dialogue:它们的雏鸟还披着未长成的黑色绒羽 Their chicks are still in their dark juvenile plumage.Dialogue:它们年龄大小各不相同 They vary in age.Dialogue:当大些的飞向天空时 Whilst the more advanced chicks take to the airDialogue:小点的还飞不起来others
18、arent quite ready yet.Dialogue:岛屿中心浅浅的环礁湖成为了 Those just starting to learn to fly use the shallow lagoon that occupiesDialogue:这些幼鸟的飞行训练场 the centre of the atoll as their training ground.Dialogue:对部分幼鸟而言 长时间停留在空中还很困难 Its difficult for some of them to stay aloft for long.Dialogue:珍鲹 Giant trevally.Dia
19、logue:它们通常单独捕食 Usually they are solitary hunters.Dialogue:但在天降美食的诱惑下 会有只左右的珍鲹 But about of them have come here from neighbouring reefs,Dialogue:从附近的珊瑚礁赶来赴宴 attracted by this abundance of potential prey.Dialogue:幼鸟尽量不在水面做任何停留 The fledglings stay out of the water if they can.Dialogue:连喝水的时候也不落下来 They
20、even drink on the wing.Dialogue:如果珍鲹现在要抓到它们 If the trevally are to catch one now,Dialogue:就必须加大筹码 they have to up their game.Dialogue:所以一只鱼 能够不可思议地 So there was a fish here that, amazingly,Dialogue:计算出空气的流速 has a brain capable of calculating the airspeed,Dialogue:鸟的飞行高度和轨迹 altitude and trajectory of
21、 a bird.Dialogue:幼鸟们飞向天空 The time comes when every fledgling has to take to the airDialogue:独立觅食的时候到了 and collect food for itself.Dialogue:它们的父母把它们领到训练场 Their parents lead them to the training grounds.Dialogue:要想活下去 If they are to survive,Dialogue:它们必须尽快学会飞翔 they must learn quickly.Dialogue:在环礁湖上训练一
22、个月后 After a month of practising over the lagoon,Dialogue:幼鸟们便开始离开 踏上翻洋过海的征程 the youngsters start to leave and take their chances over the open sea.Dialogue:海洋中的水占地球总水量的%The oceans hold % of all the water in the world.Dialogue:当太阳照到水面 水分蒸发 As the sun warms the surface, water evaporates.Dialogue:蒸气升腾到
23、空中 It vaporises into the sky until it cools and condensesDialogue:直到遇冷凝结成云 into towering clouds.Dialogue:它们产生巨大的风暴 And they generate huge storms.Dialogue:地球自转使这些气旋向南北分散 The spin of the Earth deflects these storms north and southDialogue:进入高纬地区 into cooler latitudes.Dialogue:它们经过海面时 As they travel ac
24、ross the sea,Dialogue:风暴掀起万丈狂澜 storm-driven winds create huge swells.Dialogue:当波澜到达浅水区 When the swells reach shallower water,Dialogue:就会变成滔天巨浪 they rise into gigantic waves.Dialogue:一次大风暴释放的能量 In it lifetime, a large storm can release energyDialogue:相当于一万颗核弹的威力 that is the equivalent of , nuclear bo
25、mbs.Dialogue:这些是季节性海域 These are the seasonal seas.Dialogue:当春暖人间时 它们就会爆发出蓬勃的生命力 And when they warm in spring, they can suddenly explode with life.Dialogue:大量的蝠鲼聚集在墨西哥的科斯特湾 Mobula rays have gathered in Mexicos Sea of Cortez in vast numbers.Dialogue:它们为什么跃出水面 Why do they leap?Dialogue:是要告诉同类自己在这吗 Is i
26、t to tell others that they are here?Dialogue:没有人知道 No-one knows.Dialogue:他们大多在晚上觅食 They feed mostly at night,Dialogue:因为那时 大量的浮游生物会从海底涌上来 for that is when vast swarms of plankton rise from the depths.Dialogue:海水的扰动 The disturbance in the water stimulates manyDialogue:使得许多浮游生物发出微光 of the planktonic c
27、reatures to luminesce.Dialogue:现在我们可以借助新的摄影技术 拍到这些微光 Only now do we have the technology to record their faint glow.Dialogue:觅食的蝠鲼在这些微光间穿梭 The feasting rays swim through them,Dialogue:演绎一支生与死的芭蕾 creating an extraordinary ballet of life and death.Dialogue:这些海域的富饶得益于丰富的微生植物 The richness of these waters
28、 is based on microscopic plants -Dialogue:浮游植物 无比繁盛的它们造福了整个生物圈 phytoplankton - which bloom on such a massive scale they benefit us all.Dialogue:它们 连同海草和海藻 They, together with seaweeds and sea grasses,Dialogue:制造的氧气足以胜过于陆地上所有森林和草场的总和 produce as much oxygen as all the forests and grassy plains on land
29、.Dialogue:每年春天 新西兰沿岸季节性的富足 Every spring, off New Zealand, the seasonal bountyDialogue:引来了难得的访客 draws in rare visitors.Dialogue:伪虎鲸 False killer whales.Dialogue:它们和虎鲸有亲缘关系 They are relatives of the orca,Dialogue:身长六米 体重超过一吨 six metres long and weighing over a tonne.Dialogue:它们似乎正在搜寻海豚 They appear to
30、be searching for dolphins.Dialogue:沿岸的水域有很多 And there are many in these coastal waters.Dialogue:这里 一群宽吻海豚在一起游动 Here, bottlenose dolphins stick together,Dialogue:不断地用超声波相互交流 constantly chattering with whistles and clicks.Dialogue:这种声音在水下能传到几英里外的地方 Such a din carries for miles underwater.Dialogue:伪虎鲸侦
31、查到了它们 The false killers have detected them.Dialogue:十个一群 这些杀手朝他们围拢过来 Travelling at ten knots, the killers quickly close in on them.Dialogue:但突然 神奇的事情发生了 But then, something truly extraordinary happens.Dialogue:海豚转过身来 就像问候这些伪虎鲸一样 The dolphins turn, as if to greet their pursuers.Dialogue:它们似乎改变了方向 The
32、y seem to change their course.Dialogue:他们是否有可能是在尝试交流呢 Could it be that they are attempting to communicate?Dialogue:研究它们这一行为的科学家现在认为 Scientists studying this annual encounter now think thatDialogue:它们个体之间可能相互认识 individuals may recognise one another.Dialogue:出乎意料地 Almost unbelievably,Dialogue:两个不同的物种居
33、然是老相识 it seems that these different species appear to be old friends.Dialogue:他们一起组成一支大军 数量达一千之多 Together they are gathering as one unified army, up to ,-strong.Dialogue:这个巨大的捕猎队伍现在要去收获 This formidable hunting party now harvests the richesDialogue:伴随新西兰夏季而来的自然馈赠 that come with New Zealands summer.Di
34、alogue:在中纬度地区 All across the higher latitudes,Dialogue:季节性海域在夏日的阳光下焕发出蓬勃生机 seasonal seas flourish under the summer sun.Dialogue:在阿拉斯加 Here in Alaska,Dialogue:海獭在海底森林的树冠上晒太阳 sea otters lounge in the canopy of great submarine forests.Dialogue:巨藻 世界上最大的藻类 是各种海洋生物的家 Giant kelp, the biggest seaweed of al
35、l, is home to all kinds of life.Dialogue:在这片森林的地面上 浑身带刺的海胆啃食着巨藻 On the forest floor, spiny sea urchins munch through the kelp.Dialogue:另一处 是不断进食的海参 Elsewhere, there are continuously hungry sea cucumbers.Dialogue:在下面缠绕的水草中间 是伪装自己的叶海马 And in the tangled undergrowth, wonderfully camouflaged sea dragons
36、.Dialogue:在日本北部的海底森林 In the underwater forests of northern Japan,Dialogue:一艘沉船上的居民们 the residents of the sunken wreckDialogue:正等待着水温上升到 are waiting for the summer temperaturesDialogue:十六摄氏度 to reach Celsius.Dialogue:对于一些居民来说 那意味着交配的时间到了 That, for some, is the time for mating.Dialogue:金黄突额隆头鱼 当地叫它 Ko
37、budaiA kind of giant wrasse called a Kobudai.Dialogue:这是一只雄性 This is a male.Dialogue:以雌鱼的眼光来看 他非常英俊 And in female terms, he is particularly handsome.Dialogue:他身长一米 体重十五公斤 Hes a metre long and weighs kilos.Dialogue:比身边的雌鱼大很多 Much larger than the diminutive female.Dialogue:他准备好交配了 And he is ready to b
38、reed.Dialogue:他试图和她交配 He attempts to mate with her -Dialogue:还有住在他领地里的另外十多只雌鱼 and with any of the other dozen or so females that live in his territoryDialogue:只要他逮着机会 whenever he gets the chance.Dialogue:但年约十岁的雌性 But females from around ten years oldDialogue:却不为所动 take little notice of his advances.
39、Dialogue:这是因为当雌鱼的体型达到一定程度 This is because when any large female reaches a critical body size,Dialogue:就会经历身体上的巨大转变 she could begin a dramatic transformation.Dialogue:几个月内 Over just a few months,Dialogue:她体内的某些酶停止工作 particular enzymes inside her body cease to work.Dialogue:雄性荷尔蒙开始分散到全身的各个部位 And male
40、hormones started to circulate.Dialogue:一段时间后 As time passes,Dialogue:她的头部隆起 下巴变长 her head expands and her chin gets longer.Dialogue:她变成了他 A she has changed into a he.Dialogue:性情也随之大变 And with this comes a change in temperament.Dialogue:以前统领这里的雄鱼 The old male who ruled all the females here.Dialogue:受
41、到了挑战is challenged to a face-off.Dialogue:头越大 越能吓住对手 The more bulbous the head, the more it intimidates an opponent.Dialogue:这片领地有了新主人 The territory has a new ruler.Dialogue:只有体型最大的雌鱼才会经历这种转变 Only the largest females transform themselves in this way.Dialogue:这种转变使得它们获得更多的交配机会 But the change enables t
42、hem to have more mates,Dialogue:所以就会有更多的后代携带它们的优良基因 so they will have many more offspring carrying their genes.Dialogue:但新主人也不能掉以轻心 But a new male cant afford to be complacent.Dialogue:因为在每一只雌性 Kobudai 的身体里 Inside the body of every Kobudai female,Dialogue:都蛰伏着一个新的雄性 there is a new male in waiting.Di
43、alogue:越往两极 海水的温度越低 The closer we travel towards poles, the colder the seas become.Dialogue:海面开始出现冰山 Icebergs appear,Dialogue:从冰川上崩落到海里的 huge slabs that have broken awayDialogue:巨大冰块 from glaciers that are sliding into the sea.Dialogue:然后海面开始结冰 And then the surface starts to freeze.Dialogue:当极光在空中舞蹈
44、 While the lights of the aurora play above,Dialogue:即使在冬季最冷的时候 even in the depths of midwinter,Dialogue:北极圈内的某些地方 there are a few places well north of the Arctic CircleDialogue:海面依然没有封冻 that are still open.Dialogue:一股巨大的洋流使得挪威北部的峡湾没有结冰 The fjords of northern Norway remain ice-free because a giant cu
45、rrent,Dialogue:从南部的加勒比海带来热量 flows up here from the south, bringing warmth all the way from the Caribbean.Dialogue:每年冬天 数以亿计的鲱鱼来这里越冬 And every winter, billions of herring come here for shelter.Dialogue:紧随其后的是 And following them.Dialogue:虎鲸orca.Dialogue:有只之多 There are up to , of them.Dialogue:这也许是世界上规
46、模最大的虎鲸集体活动 Its possibly the greatest gathering of orca on the planet.Dialogue:虽然鲱鱼很多 The herring may be plentiful,Dialogue:但要想在广阔的峡湾地带抓住它们可不容易 but in these widening fjords theyre not always easy to track down.Dialogue:但这些虎鲸可是专业的捕鱼能手 These particular orca, however, are fish-hunting specialists.Dialog
47、ue:它们团结组队 They work as a team,Dialogue:相互之间通过声音交流协作 coordinating their approach by calling loudly to one another.Dialogue:把鲱鱼群赶得越来越密 They herd the herring into tighter and tighter shoals.Dialogue:然后游到它们下方 把它们赶向水面 They swim below them, trapping them against the surface of the sea.Dialogue:现在虎鲸使出了它们的杀
48、手锏 And now the orca deploy their special weapon.Dialogue:他们振尾一甩 冲击波将鲱鱼击昏 They beat their tails with such force that the shockwaves stun the herring.Dialogue:然后它们不费吹灰之力地将毫无知觉的鲱鱼吃进肚里 And then the senseless victims are easily collected.Dialogue:水下巨大的动静也引来了其他的捕食者 But all this underwater noise attracts o
49、thers.Dialogue:座头鲸 Humpback whales.Dialogue:他们也加入进来 They move in on the action.Dialogue:它们从下方靠拢鱼群 然后猛冲上来 They approach the shoal from beneath and then lunge upwards.Dialogue:一口能吞下公斤的鲱鱼.gathering up to kilos of herring in a single mouthful.Dialogue:座头鲸相对算是此地的新住户 The humpbacks are comparative newcomers.Dialogue:它们是近十年才开始来这里的 They only started coming here within the last decade.Dialogue:但这些鲱鱼数量如此庞大 But these policies are so richDialogue:似乎没有出现争抢食物的局面 that there appears to be enough food for everyone.Dialogue:但是 要是没有这支洋流 Nonetheless, few, if any,of these riches would be hereDialogue: