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外企英文报告 电子写作模板.doc

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1、1目录便条 .3启事 .3会议记录 .3备忘录 .4协议备忘录 .4建议报告 .5工作进度报告 .6例行报告 .6问题报告 .7述职报告 .7说明报告 .8总结报告 .8可行性报告 .9评估报告 .10市场调查报告 .10内部调查通知 .11调动通知 .11会议通知 .11面试通知 .12业务通知 .12新任命通知 .12团体通知 .13活动通知 .13集会通知 .13拜访通知 .14扩张营业通知 .14建立新公司通知 .14收购通知 .15展销会通知 .15问卷调查 .15晋升公告 .162感谢信 .16抱怨信 .16祝贺信 .17介绍信 .17接受信 .18道歉信 .18推荐信 .19告别

2、信 .19慰问信 .20通知信 .20鼓励信 .21探病信 .21吊唁信 .21加薪申请 .22申请调动工作 .22申请辞职 .22晋升申请 .23下订单 .23投诉货物未寄达 .24投诉货物质量 .24便条NoteTo:_(便条接收人姓名) _(便条接收人职位) _(人名) called from_(地名), wanted you to call him today before_(时间) or any time_(其他时间) on_(电话号码).Message taken by:(留言者姓名)3启事Announcement_(启事的标题) NoticeAs a result of_(搬迁原

3、因) , our company has decided to move from_(原来地址) to_(新地址)on_(日期). The changes in_(搬迁后的变化) are as follows:Address:_(新地址,从小到大排列)Post Code:_(新邮编)Fax:_(新的传真号码)Tel. of Front Desk:_(新的前台电话号码)Tel. of HR Dept.:_(新的人事处电话号码)Tel. of Account Dept.:_(新的财务处电话号码)Tel. of Sales Dept.:_(新的销售部电话号码)_(公司名称) _(启事日期)会议记录M

4、eeting MinutesMinutes of_(会议性质)Meeting_(会议名称)Time:_(会议日期) , _(会议起止时间)Place:_(会议地点)Present:_(出席者姓名 1)_(出席者姓名 2)Absent:_(缺席者姓名) (_缺席原因)Presided by: _(主持人)Taken by: _(记录人)Summary of the meeting: The_(主持人)opens the meeting at_(时间)and he/she announces that_(宣布的内容) and all the people present discuss the d

5、etails to make preparations for_(准备项目). They think its better to_(发言总结 1). As the Blue Restaurant is fully reserved, they decide to_(发言总结 2). In the Exhibition Summary at_(时间)as scheduled, all the participants are required to_(发言总结 3). Any other business:_(会上提到的其他事情,一般是与会议议题有关但关系不大的事)Adjournment: Th

6、e _(主持人)thanks all participants for their presence and demands that_(对与会者提出要求)and concludes the meeting at_(宣布会议结束的时间). Signature:_(记录人签名) Date:_(日期)备忘录4Memoon (备忘内容)In response to (备忘目的) I have drew the outline of the communication contents as the following: 1. In favor of (备忘目的 1), (相关方)should be

7、informed (备忘内容 1). 2. Furthermore, we should also notify (相关方)of (备忘内容 2). 3. The last but not the least, (备忘内容 3)should also be communicated with (相关方). Obviously and undoubtedly, (备忘理由). It is no secret that I am weak in (提出己方弱点), so I would like to seek your suggestions. If therere things not inc

8、luded above, please let me know and you can reach me at any time.协议备忘录Memorandum of Agreement(MOA)Between (协议方 1) and (协议方 2)Background: (协议方 1)and (协议方 2)are engaged for (协议工作). (协议方 1)is responsible for (协议方 1 职责), and (协议方 2)is responsible for (协议方 2 职责). There has never been an agreement between

9、 (协议方 1)and (协议方 2)on the roles and responsibilities of each respective team in terms of (达成的协议). This MOA identifies roles and responsibilities for both (协议方1) and (协议方 2). Some of what is set below reflects work that has already begun, and this document memorializes those actions. Objective:(协议方 1

10、)and (协议方 2)share a single objective of (工作目标), in a timely and efficient manner. To achieve this objective, both (协议方 1) and (协议方 2) agree that (达成协议). Agreement: In order to (协议目的), (协议方 1) and (协议方 2)agree to work together to: (协议 1) ; (协议 2) ; (协议 3)As partners, (协议方 1) and (协议方 2) recognize the

11、 need to collaborate on (协议工作). As individual teams, each has specific responsibilities in all parts of this agreement to ensure that (协议目的). Collectively, the two teams have the capability and expertise to ensure that all contracting actions are done properly, in compliance with law, regulation and

12、 policy and in the best interests of both (协议方 1)and (协议方 2). Acceptance of Agreement:Signature (协议方代表) Signature (协议方代表)Date (协议达成日期) Date (协议达成日期)建议报告Proposal ReportINTRODUCTIONOur company has recently_(发生了什么事,即写作背景) ._(何人,多是上级) has asked me to write a report to_(写给何人) on_(何时). This report_(关于何事)a

13、nd is to_(为了什么,即写作目的).FINDINGSAfter looking into all the complaints, _(指出问题都出现在哪些方面). _ (问题 1) _ (问题 2)5 _ (问题 3) _ (问题 4)CONCLUSIONSIn a word, there are_(需要改进的地方)that are in need of improving.RECOMMENDATIONSBased on those findings mentioned above, the following_(解决方法)are firmly recommended: _ (方法 1

14、). _ (方法 2). _ (方法 3). _ (方法 4)._ (报告撰写人签名,职务)_(报告撰写日期)工作进度报告Progress ReportTo:_(向谁报告), _(该人的职务)From:_(写报告的人), _(职务)Date:_(写报告的当天日期,注意英美格式的区别)Subject:_(报告的主题、大体内容)Period: From _to_(起止时间)INTRODUCTION:Last month, as you_(要求), I was_(背景介绍). They were reported to_(出现什么情况).ACTIVITIES DONE IN THIS PERIOD:

15、During the last month, Ive been_(完成的工作 1).After observing other machines for several days, I find that_(完成的工作 2).I have also been to_(地点), and find that_(完成的工作 3).PLANS FOR THE NEXT PERIOD:Ill_(采取的措施)and try to_(计划 1).If the problems remain the same or cant be solved, I have to_(计划 2).If thats the c

16、ase, I have to _(计划 3)例行报告 Routine ReportI am writing to report to you on (报告主题). Up to now, the following steps have been taken.1. (调查步骤).2.A careful study of (研究内容) (开展研究的时间). As a result of the investigation, I believe that a noticeable saving can be achieved by adopting the following recommendat

17、ions:(解决方法).In closing, Id like to report that my next step is to 6(下一步工作内容) to (下一步工作目标). I shall be glad to further discuss this matter with you if you wish.问题报告 Problem ReportI received a complaint from (投诉者). He claimed (投诉内容). In view of the present condition of the goods, he asks for (相关赔偿) .(

18、问题的原因).Unavoidably, the damages were caused. Considering (提出建议的出发点), I suggest (提出解决问题的建议).I look forward to receiving (期待对方回复的内容).述职报告Work ReportTo:_(报告写给谁), _(该人的职务)From:_(写报告人) , _(职务)Date:_(写报告的日期)Introduction: Being promoted as_(职务名称)_(时间), I have been in charge of_(主要职责) for_(工作部分) in_(地点), in

19、cluding_ (管辖的工作). Conclusions of work done so far:1._(业绩 1)In order to make more clients know and use our_(产品名称), I have_(具体完成情况 1).I have managed to_(具体完成情况 2). Our slogan is“Client is the answer”and their satisfaction is our goal. Through personal, emotional and effective communication, we have_(做

20、了什么), so as to_(取得的效果).2._(业绩 2)By the end of the year_(年份), our Section has_(具体完成情况). While at this time of the year 2008, the sum of_(具体名称,如产品等) has_(用具体数字来说明).During the year 2008, more than_(具体数字)are being opened and_(具体数字)are added to our account.Problems and Obstacles:Due to the lack of_(问题出现的

21、原因 1), despite the rise in_(具体名称,如销量), it hasnt_(具体问题 1).Due to the new systems failure to_ (问题出现的原因 2), some big clients_(具体问题 2).Plans for the future:To attract_(工作设想 1).To enhance_(工作设想 2).To intensify_(工作设想 3)说明报告Introduction ReportTo:_(报告写给谁)From:_(写报告人)7Date:_(写报告的日期)Overview of the product:Th

22、e_(公司名称) Corporation has launched its latest brand-new product _(产品名称). This set makes it possible for you to_(产品用途). Its_(描述总体特征 1) for the home, for the office or for the business trip. Its easy to_(总体特征 2). All you need is_(总体特征 3), and neither a computer nor any special software is required. Its

23、 also very_(总体特征 4), as easy as making any normal telephone call.Main features:_ (特点 1): With this, you can_(给您带来的好处). You can get_ (给您带来的好处)and_(给您带来的好处)is guaranteed by_(保证措施) ._ (特点 2): This means that you can_(给您带来的好处)._ (特点 3): Its an important treat which means that you can_(给您带来的好处).How to us

24、e:See the attached_(文件名称) .Attentions: Make sure that_(注意事项) .Do not use_(设备名称) with_(其他设备), for_(原因、理由)总结报告Final ReportTo:_(报告写给谁)From:_(写报告人)Date:_(写报告的日期) Introduction: This years_(活动或事件名称)was held in_(举办地点) from _to_(活动的起止时间). The_(活动或事件名称)attracts_ (人数)from all over the world, _(对此活动或事件做简单介绍).

25、We feel_(感受、体会)and at the same time, _(感受、体会). Findings: Since this is the first time for us to_(做了什么事), we find that_(产生了什么想法)._(问题 1)._(问题 2).Conclusions:During_(活动), we feel its so_(描述你的体会)to participate in such fairs, so as to_(以期达到的效果). Recommendations: Based on_(提出建议的依据), wed like to make the

26、following suggestions:_ (建议 1). We should_(给出具体理由或做法)._ (建议 2). The promotion campaign should_(给出具体理由).可行性报告Feasibility Report To:_(报告写给谁)From:_(写报告人)Date:_(写报告的日期) INTRODUCTION8_ (时间)ago, I_ (背景介绍)to see whether we could_(项目名称). This report is to_(此报告的目的) and to make recommendations about_(与项目有关的活动

27、).METHODOLOGY The information was mainly achieved by_(调研方法) .FINDINGS_ (对方名称)is already working on_(对方已经在做的工作) .They are very positive about_(对方的态度).They propose an idea of_(对方提出的合理化建议)CONCLUSIONS The_(方案类型) program is very_(对项目前景做简单描述). This project looks_ (可行与否), and it shows a_(成功率高还是低)possibilit

28、y for success. RECOMMENDATIONS Thus, we should_(对后续工作的建议)and_(对后续工作的建议)as soon as possible, and_(对后续工作的建议) with their manages.评估报告Appraisal ReportINTRODUCTION:Due to_(评估发生的背景), _(何人,上级) has asked me to investigate and check out_(评估对象) and_(评估结果) should be taken to handle them.METHODOLOGY:I, therefor

29、e, _and_(调研方法)for_(调研时间段), from _to_(调研起止时间). After a thorough and careful examination, I got the most common problems and gave my suggestions accordingly below. APPRAISAL SUGGESTIONS: _ (调研结果 1). _should_, so that_(评估建议 1)._ (调研结果 2). This should _ so as to _(评估建议 2)._ (调研结果 3). We should _ to _(评估

30、建议 3). _(调研结果 4).The technical department should _(评估建议 4).市场调查报告Investigation ReportINTRODUCTIONAs_(原因), more and more people_(现象). As a result, _(调查背景介绍). _(时间), _(颁布规定单位) launched_(新颁布的规定的名称), and as reinforcement, this regulation is approved to continue for another period this year. What will th

31、is regulation impact_(调查对象)here?METHODOLOGYFrom _till_(调查起止时间), we have been_(调查方法)investigation on_(调查对象), by_(调查方法), through _and_(调查方法), with people in_(调查范围)to see_(调查意图). FINDINGS The impact on_(主体名称): the survey result shows that_(调查结果). They argue that_(原因分析).The impact on_(主体名称): as the surv

32、ey suggests, _(调查现象)in the surveyed people. Most of them choose to_(采取的对策), _(给出原因).CONCLUSIONS9From the above findings, we tend to_(总结上面得出的结果). Therefore, its safe to come to the conclusion that_(给出结论) .内部调查通知Internal Survey Noticefor (调查的内容)Dear (调查的对象), We are pleased to announce that we will (开展

33、的活动) . As we all know, (活动的目的) . In general, (活动的步骤). Additionally, (活动的细节的补充) . What I should mention here is that, (对参与者的影响). Please use the link below to (调查的渠道). To (调查的内容)through the website, please clink: (调查的网址) website For helps and more information on (调查的内容), please click: (调查的内容)helps I a

34、m expecting all of you to participate in this meaningful program so your voice can be heard. Many thanks.调动通知 Transfer NoticeIm glad to inform you that you are officially appointed as (新的岗位职务)at (薪酬标准) .Your new position begins from (新岗位任职起始时间). In your new post, you will (新岗位职责).We do appreciate yo

35、ur loyal service in (原岗位部门) for (原岗位任职持续时间). We are sorry that we have to move you from a department you are so familiar with due to (调任原因).In your new post you will find (新岗位优势). Wish you more success in your new post!会议通知Meeting NoticeI am informing you of (会议名称)which will be held (会议地点) (会议时间). 参

36、会人员) are requested to attend the meeting to (会议内容).At the meeting you are expected to give (报告内容). Please let me know if you will need (会议设备). (附件内容)is attached. Please send me a reply to confirm the attendance of (参会人员).I am looking forward to hearing from you.10面试通知The Interview NoticeDear_,Thank

37、you for applying for a job in our company. Your_(知识、经验等)gave us a good impression, in order to our further understanding of each other, please come to our company_(时间日期)to take part in_(参加的项目). If you arent convenient in time, please contact with_(人名) beforehand. Hereby notified. Yours sincerely, Mi

38、nistry of Personnel Address:_Tel.: _业务通知Business NoticeDear_,_(现象)has made_(结果)in the membership of the firm and it is with much pleasure that we announce the admission of the_(姓名) as a partner. _(人名) has been_(身份)for the past years and is well acquainted with every aspect of the firms policy. His e

39、xpert knowledge and wide experience will continue to be of great value to the firm. The firms present name will remain unchanged and we shall continue to do business and to sign ourselves as:_(公司名称). We look forward to continuing with you the happy business connection that has been so much to our mu

40、tual advantage in the past.Yours sincerely,新任命通知Newly Appointed NoticeCompany headquarters,Research by_(由谁决定), the new appointed relevant personnel as follows: Appoint_(人名) as_(职位、工作). Appoint_(人名)for_(职位、工作).The above appointments decided on the date of issuance that is beginning to be implemented.

41、Hereby appoint. _(公司名称)_(日期)团体通知11Groups Notice_(通知的主题)Notice_(通知主题)will be held on_(时间). All staff must observe the following procedure: 1._(程序一). 2._(程序二). 3._(程序三). 4._(程序四).If anything is unclear, inform_(号码).活动通知Activity NoticeI am writing to inform you of the celebration we will hold to (活动目的)

42、. (活动类型)will be held (活动地点). The regular bus of our company will take us to the hotel at (班车出发具体时间). You can also drive your own car there. All of you are kindly requested to be present on time. To mark the special occasion ,the board of directors has decided that (节目表演部门名称) is to (表演节目).Please get

43、well prepared for that.If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact (联系人).I look forward to seeing all of you at the celebration.集会通知Gathering NoticeI am writing to inform you that we will hold a (集会名称) in (集会地点) (集会时间).You are welcome to attend it if you feel convenient. There will be (集会活动内容).(集会原因) (集会目的).Id like to thank you for your smooth cooperation with us during the past year. Id also like to thank you for your contribution to the development of our company. I look forward t


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