1、露珠英语工作室 新概念互动学习读物-第 1 册-第 015 课-课文与词汇表.txt 我不奢望什么,只希望你以后的女人一个不如一个。真怀念小时候啊,天热的时候我也可以像男人一样光膀子!銆婃柊姒傚康鑻辫銆嬩簰鍔涔犺鐗厤濂楁枃鏈?绗?鍐岋紝绗?5 璇?锛濓紳锛濓紳锛濓紳锛?Your Passports, Please.璇峰嚭绀轰綘浠殑鎶収銆?璇俱鏂?锛濓紳锛?Is there a problem with the Customs officer?娴峰叧瀹樺憳鏈変粈涔堢枒闂悧锛?Are you Swedish?浣犱滑鏄憺鍏镐汉鍚楋紵No, we are not.涓嶏紝鎴戜滑涓嶆槸鐟炲吀浜恒?We a
2、re Danish.鎴戜滑鏄腹楹汉銆?Are your friends Danish, too?浣犱滑鐨勬湅鍙嬩篃鏄腹楹汉鍚楋紵No, they arent.涓嶏紝浠栦滑涓嶆槸涓归害浜恒?They are Norwegian.浠栦滑鏄尓濞佷汉銆?Your passports, please.璇峰嚭绀轰綘浠殑鎶収銆?Here they are.缁欐偍銆?Are these your cases?杩欎簺鏄綘浠殑绠卞瓙鍚楋紵No, they arent.涓嶏紝瀹冧滑涓嶆槸銆?Our cases are brown.鎴戜滑鐨勭瀛愭槸妫曡壊鐨勩?Here they are.缁欐偍銆?Are you to
3、urists?浣犱滑鏄潵鏃呮父鐨勫悧锛?Yes, we are.鏄殑锛屾垜浠槸鏉梾娓哥殑銆?Are your friends tourists too?浣犱滑鐨勬湅鍙嬩篃鏄潵鏃呮父鐨勫悧锛?Yes, they are.鏄殑锛屼粬浠篃鏄?Thats fine.濂戒簡銆?Thank you very much.闈炲父鎰熻阿銆?璇嶃姹?锛濓紳锛?brown /braun/a. 妫曡壊鐨?customs /k 蕦 st 蓹 mz/n. 娴峰叧Danish /藞 den 瑟蕛/a.& n. 涓归害浜?friend /fr 蓻 nd/n. 鏈嬪弸Norwegian /n 蓴 r 藞 wid 蕭蓹 n/a.& n. 鎸浜?officer /蓴 f 蓹 s 蓺/n. 瀹樺憳passport /p 忙 s 藞 p 蓴 rt/n. 鎶収tourist /tur 瑟 st/n. 鏃呮父鑰?锛匡伎锛匡伎锛匡伎锛匡伎锛匡伎锛匡伎锛匡伎锛匡伎锛?漏 2011 闇茬彔鑻辫宸綔瀹?http:/