1、上海高考口语详细应对策略、技巧、练习一:2011 年上海口语基础规则二:各个题型详解及应对策略,附带答题模式三:试题练习2011 年上海市高考英语口语考试说明一、考试性质上海市高考英语口语考试是为高校外语及相关专业招生提供录取参考依据而进行的考试。它的指导思想是有助于高等学校选拔新生、有助于中学深入实施英语教育改革和对学生语言实践能力的培养。考试对象为 2011 年报考外语专业及相关涉外专业的考生。二、考试目标上海市高等英语口语考试主要测试考生的英语口语表达能力。其考核目标为:1、能掌握基础语言知识和技能,用清楚、正确的语音、语调朗读中等难度的文章。2、能运用语言功能和意念正确、流利地来进行询
2、问和回答问题,提出请求和要求,提供解释,表明态度等。(考生需要掌握的语言功能和意念见 2011年上海卷考试手册。)3、能根据自己的经历和经验,对熟悉的话题表达观点和看法。4、能叙述和描述生活中一些常见的活动和现象,并对它们进行简单的评论。三、考试形式上海市高考英语口语考试采用电脑辅助的形式,在相应考点实验室内进行。考生从电脑屏幕上看到或从耳机中听到试题,然后对着话筒答题。试卷分为 5 大部分,共 12 题。考试时间约 10 分钟,包括听答题指令、听或阅读试题、准备答题和答题的时间,各大题之间有 10秒钟的音乐。四、考试成绩考试总分为 100 分,成绩分为 A、A-、B、B-、C、C-、D 七个
3、等级。五、试卷结构题号 题型 题量 分值 答题时间 Part One 短文朗读 1 题 10 分准备 1 分钟 朗读 30 秒 Part Two 快速应答 5 题10 分(每小题 2 分)每小题 4 秒Part Three 情景提问 4 题20 分(每小题 5 分)每小题 10 秒Part Four 谈话 1 题 30 分准备 1 分钟 答题 1 分钟 Part Five 看图说话 1 题 30 分准备 1 分钟 答题 1 分钟 总计 12 题 100 分 2011 年上海市普通高校招生考试英语口试采用电脑辅助形式进行,整个答题过程约 10 分钟左右,因此考生在考前必须十分熟悉试卷结构,才能把
4、握好考试时间,顺利完成考试。第一部分短文朗读屏幕上显示一篇英语短文。考生有 1 分钟的时间准备,然后有 30 秒的时间朗读。(注意:不要求考生在 30 秒内将短文全部读完,考生应以正常的语速朗读。)第二部分快速应答要求考生针对所听到的情景在规定的时间内进行应答。考生将从耳机中听到 5 道题目的录音(屏幕显示对话者,但不显示题目),考生应根据各题的内容,给予适当的应答。每题的答题时间为 4 秒。第三部分情景提问这一部分将提供给考生两个情景,考生根据所给情景的要求,对每个情景分别提两个问题(第 1-2 题为一个情景,第 3-4 题为一个情景),所提的问题中至少要有一个特殊疑问句(注意:不必回答问题
5、),每个小题的答题时间为 10 秒,每个情景的答题时间为 20 秒。第四部分谈话要求考生针对所给的话题讲述自己的观点。此类话题往往涉及到社会、家庭、学校、环保、道德、网络等方面。这些都是与日常生活密切相关的或比较热门的话题。考生根据屏幕上显示画面及话题,准备 1分钟,然后答题,答题时间为 1 分钟。要求考生根据所给话题,至少讲出 6 句话。第五部分看图说话考生将在屏幕上看到一组图片和描述图片的第一句话。然后屏幕依次显示放大的每一副图片,最后再回到总画面。考生有 1 分钟时间准备,然后有 1 分钟时间对图片进行描述。要求考生至少讲 6 句话(不包括已给的句子)。 高考英语口试的目标是测试考生的语
6、言口头表达能力,其中包括朗读能力、会话能力、描述能力和表达思想的能力。 一、高考英语口试由下列五大题组成: (1)朗读 10% (2)快速应答 10% (3)情景提问 20% (4)谈话 30% (5)看图说话 30% 二、各大题如何准备 1朗读 Part 1 Reading aloud (10%) 这部分称为 Passage reading。你将从荧屏上看到你所要读的文章。你可以有一分钟时间准备,然后,只用 30 秒钟朗读该短文。你也许会认为 30 秒钟读完这篇文章是不可能的,因此你就会加快速度,抢时间,将文章读完。其实,这是错误的判断。你应该按正常的速度朗读,按规定的朗读要求读短文。 本大
7、题的考查要求:朗读短文测试学生的语音基础、意群停顿、语气转换、自然流畅的连读、失爆等朗读技巧。 现将短文朗读考查要求分析如下: (1)语音的基础问题。根据我本人的学习体会与教学中的观察,中国学生如果对英语国际音标中下列四个元音的发音掌握得较好,则其他元音音素的掌握也不会有大问题。这四个元音是/i:,i,e, /。少数学生由于在初学时没有掌握其发音的要领,以致他们到了高考口试中有些读音与标准的要求相差甚远。有人甚至将/i:,i/ 分别误读为汉语的“衣”,“一” 。在发/e/时口型过大。如 say 的过去式 said,这里字母组合 ai 应读/e/。不少学生错读成/,这样 said 读成了/sd/
8、,成了 sad(形容词“悲伤的” )。又如 say 的读音应是/sei/,而 says 的读音是/sez/,这里字母组合 ay 的读音应是/e/。此外,the 的读音也是一个问题。大家都清楚字母组合 th 的读音是/或/ /。发这两个音素最重要的“技巧”就是将舌尖放在上下牙齿之间(并轻触上下齿),然后,送气,这种发音方法在汉语的发音中是没有的。但由于平时朗读时马虎了事,养成了这种错误习惯。 (2)意群和停顿。句子可以按照意思和结构分为若干段,每一段称为一个意群,英语中称为 sense group.每一个意群有其特殊的意义。在朗读每一篇短文前,你应找准意群。这样你可以在说话和朗读时,意群和意群之
9、间可梢作一定的停顿,也可以在此处换气,使意思表达更为清楚。如果你停错地方,你的“听众” 就听不懂。这也就是你经常听到老师评论说“读破句”,英语称为 broken English。你还须注意在同一意群中各个单词之间应一口气念完而不可停顿。同时,意群和意群之间根据需要而停顿,也不是非停顿不可。 朗读样题: A four-year-old girl / is lying / in the arms of a doctor. /She has just become motherless./ Her pink clothes are bloodied / and her eyes stare atso
10、mething / only she can see. /She has suffered from a bombing/ near her home / in southern Iraq. (3)语调。主要有升调与降调两种。升调一般用于句首状语和一般疑问句,在一个完整句子中各并列成分在最后一个并列成分前者应用升调。如:I have three English books,two Chinese dictionariesand five pens . 降调用在陈述句句尾和特殊疑问句中,尤其应注意的是一般疑问句的回答。如:Do you have a map in your hand?该疑问句的肯
11、定回答:Yes,I do.这里的 Yes,必须是降调, I do 也必须是降调。(4)连读与失爆。连读较容易掌握。在一个意群中,将前一个单词最后的辅音与后一个单词开头的元音连在一起读。如:half an hour, ran out of the room, not at all。 而失爆是朗读中较难掌握的一种技巧。当相邻两个爆破音在一起时,往往给前面一个爆破音留一个位置,但不爆破,稍停随即发后面的爆破音,这种现象称为失去爆破。如:hot bath,(加下划线的字母不发音)the next day,/a good deal of, I dont believe.等。试读样题 Part One 请
12、注意用正常速度朗读,并练习上面提到的一些朗读技巧及基本功。 2快速应答Part 2 : Quick Responses. (10%)主要测试考生对功能性语言的掌握。考生将从耳机里听到 5 个句子,要求考生对这 5 个句子进行快速应答。每个句子的答题时间为 5 秒。首先学生应搞清这题不是回答问题,而是对你所听到的句子作恰当的反应。这部分的难点是没有情景提示,考生必须在听到句子后的瞬间判断这句子应在什么情景下使用,其前后呼应的句子应该是什么。然后,再确定一个正确的应答句。 如你听到的句子为:“How are you going to station?”你会想到这是两人相遇时,一人要去火车站,另一人
13、想知道对方去火车站的方式。你的应答句应是:“I am going to station by bus/by taxi/on foot” 在听到考题时,应搞清这个句子的类型:是一般疑问句,还是特殊疑问句;是陈述句,还是祈使句。对特殊疑问句应抓住:第一个词疑问词,这决定了你的应答句的内容。第二个词 助动词,它决定了你的应答句的时态或语态。当然,其他的词也起了不同的作用,但相比之下,这两个词所提供的信息尤为重要。如上述例句:“How are you going to station?”第一个词 how 告诉了你应答句的内容有关“方式” 去车站的方式。第二个词 “are you going to”告诉
14、了你的应答句应用 be going to 作动词谓语。 再如:“Dont forget to post the letter for me!”这是一句祈使句。情景是:别人请你做事,但又担心你会忘记。你的应答句要告诉对方“我不会忘记的” 。由于汉语思维的干忧,不少学生会讲成:“Yes, I wont.”大家都知道,这是错句。既然你不会忘记做某事,那就应该是否定形式。这样你的应答句就必须是:“No,I wont.” 考点:1. GreetingHow do you do? How do you do?Whats up? Not much!/Nothing much!2. asking introd
15、uctionHi, Tom, this is Mary, my best friend. Hi, nice to meet you! 3. saying good-byeGood bye, Tom! Good- bye, Mr. Li! 4. making requests and giving instruction 请求Hello, may I speak to Mr. Johnson, please! Speaking/ Hold on please.Behave yourself! Yes I will. Dont sit on that chair. It is broken! Lu
16、cky you warned me./ Thank goodness you reminded me.Smoking is a bad habit. You had better quit smoking. Thank you for your advice. I will try.5. giving thanksBe careful! The floor is so slippery. Thank you for your advice!Congratulations (on) ! Thank you!It is very nice of you to show me around the
17、school. It is my pleasure.6. asking for permissionI really must go now. Why so soon!/ Can you stay a little longer?Let me have the photo, would you? Sure, here you are.7. showing agreement or disagreementThe movie is OK, but I dont like the action. I agree with you. I like summer because I can wear
18、lightweight clothes. So do I.8. giving invitationsWe ll have a dance on Sunday. I hope you can make it. Yes, I can./ Sorry, Im afraid I cant.What about going for a walk? That is a good idea! I have two tickets for the concert, wanna go with me? Sure, why not? 9. asking questions 问题Whats the matter w
19、ith you, Tom? You look pale. I have a cold. Where have you been? I havent seen you in class all week. Oh, I caught a cold, so I had to stay in. Can you tell me how to get to the nearest bank? Turn right at the first crossing. You cannot miss it.10. expressing good wishesGood luck! Thank you!Have a n
20、ice weekend! Thank you! The same to you!11. requesting and offering helpIs there anything I can do for you? No, thanks.12. making apologiesI am sorry that I forget to return the book to you. Never mind!3情景提问 Part 3: Question Raising (20%)主要测试考生对所给情景中不同信息进行提问的能力。 考生在屏幕上看到,同时从耳机里听到所给的两个情景,考生假设自己正处于此情景
21、之中,根据要求对每个情景分别提两个问题,每两个问题中至少有一个特殊疑问句(注意:只要求提问,不用回答或作任何解释。)每个情景的提问时间为 10 秒。 Ask 2 questions about each situation given below, at least one special question.既然题目中给你情景,必须从所给的情景中搞清几个要素:这个情景的主角是谁,谈话的对象是谁,该情景发生的时间、地点及内容等信息。在英语中也就是when, where, whats happening, whom are you talking to? 考生从屏幕上看到和耳机里听到的情景: 例1
22、Your friend invites you to his birthday party, which is to be heldin a restaurant. 分析 Your friend is having a birthday party. You are invited to the party, but you dont know the exact date or time. Besides, you need to know where the restaurant is. The possible 2 questions will be: (1) Thank you ver
23、y much for your invitation. But could you please tell me where the restaurant will be? (2)When shall we be there? 例2Something is wrong with your mobile phone. You go to the shop to have it repaired. 分析:This is a very typical situation happened in a repairing store. 结论:The possible 2 questions will b
24、e: (1) How much shall I pay for the repairing? (2) Shall I come back to pick it up tomorrow? 注意:(1)考生所提的两个问题其中一个必须是特殊疑问句。 (2)如果考生所提出的两个问题的答案是同一个内容,则其中一个问题不得分。 例如:针对例 2 的情景,考生的 2 个问题: (1) When shall I come back to pick it up? (2) Shall I come back to pick it up tomorrow? 这样 2 个句子中的一个不得分。More Practice
25、:1. Ask the way to Jingjiang Hotel.Where is the .?/ How can I get to ? /Do you know ?2. Ask your classmate about the maths lesson/ test youve missed.What did the teacher teach?/ Is difficult (or easy)?3. Ask your friend about sth. about sports.Whats your favourite sport?/ Do you like?4. You are pers
26、uading Mike to go to a concert on Saturday evening?Will you go with me?/ Why not go with me?5. Ask your teacher how to learn English well.How can I learn English well? / Can you give me some tips on how to learn English?6. At a restaurant /snack bar, you are discussing what to eat?Would you like ?/
27、What would you like? /Which would you prefer, or ?7. Ask Peter about a photo of his family.Who is the man? / Is he/ she your?8. Ask Alice where she lives.Where do you live?/ Is your home far from here?9. At a supermarket/shop, you ask customers questions.Can I help you?/ What would you like?10. Ask
28、questions to your friend who is in hospital.Are you feeling well?/ When can you leave hospital?11. At a booking office of Shanghai Railway Station, you ask a maninside questions.Do you still have the tickets to Xian?/ How much is the ticket?12. Ask about the postage of a packet to the U.S.Whats the
29、postage?/ How long does it take to get to the U.S.?13. You want to know how Chinese people celebrate the Chinese New Year.How do Chinese people celebrate the Chinese New Year?/ What do you do on the Chinese New Year?14. Ask your friend John about the journey from Britain.Did you enjoy the journey?/
30、What do you think of?15. You want to know your friends life in Europe.Did you enjoy the life in Britain?/ What do you think of?16. Youd go and buy a TV set to decorate the room. You ask the shop assistant.How much is the TV set? / Which one is better?17. Peter has a toothache and wants to make an ap
31、pointment to see Dr. Brown. Now the nurse answers the phone and asks questions.Can you come on Wednesday morning? / When can you come?18. You are shopping for a pair of shoes at a shoe store. She asks the assistant.How much is ?/ Which pair is better?19. You and Jackie are discussing which TV progra
32、m to watch on aSaturday night.Which program do you like? / Do you like cartoons (or plays)?20. Your class will have picnic. Ask your classmates opinion of it.Whats your opinion?/ Shall we go together?21. Your friend looks excited. Ask him sth.Whats happened?/Why are you so excited?22 Your friend has
33、 studied in university for a year. Ask him questions about the law. What do you think of ?/Do you like life there?23. You want to buy an English reference book. Ask questions to the shop assistant.Where can I find an English reference book?/Can you help me?24. Your friend received some stamps from a
34、n Australian teacher. Ask two questions about the teacher.Is he your former English teacher?/Where is he working now? /What else is he interested in? 25. One more underground line has been built recently in Shanghai. How many stops does this new line have?/Where is the terminal of this new line?Can
35、we go to Pudong by this new line?26You lost your keys. Ask your deskmates two questions.Have you seen my keys? Can you help me to find it?27 You are asked to give a speech. You want to know more about the audience and the speech.Are there many people there?/ What time will it begin?28. Your friend i
36、s planning to go abroad. Ask him two questions.When will you go? /How long will you stay there?29.You are going to buy a birthday present for your mum. You go to your friend for advice.What present should I buy for my mum? / May I buy some flowers?30.You friend has just come back from Japan ,and you
37、 are interested in Japanese food.Do you like Japanese food? What do you think of Japanese food?31.You are talking about Thanksgiving Day with an American student on your school campus.Can you tell me sth about Thanksgiving Day?/What do Americans do on that day?32.The Students Union needs some volunt
38、eers to help the old in the neighborhood.What should I do there?/ Can you tell me their address?33.One of your classmates has made great improvement in spokenEnglish. Ask him questions.How did you learn spoken English?/ Did you go to an evening school?34.Youre not clear about todays homework. You as
39、k your classmate questions.Whats todays homework? Do we have maths exercises?35.An astronaut gives a lecture in your school. After the lecture, you ask him questions.Would you come to our school again ?/ May I have your signature?36.Your classmate has just played a basketball match against another s
40、chool. You ask questions.Did you win the match?/Whats the score?37.You have heard your classmate has published short article in the students English newspaper.Whats your article about?/How much did you get for the article?38 A teacher will come to teach your class .Ask your class teacher about him.I
41、s he a young teacher?/Does he come from another school?39. One of your classmates won the first prize in a maths contest. Ask him questions.Was the maths contest difficult?/When did you take part in the contest?40.You are going to invite a friend of yours to have dinner with you. You ask questions.C
42、an you come tomorrow?/Are you free tomorrow?41. Next Wednesday is your teachers birthday. You want to do something for her.You ask your classmate questions.Will you buy a present for her?/ Should we go and visit her?42. Youve just bought a new TV set and want it to be delivered toyour home .You ask
43、the shop assistant questions.When can I get the TV set?/ Are you sure of my address?43. Jack has just received a scholarship from one of the universities in Australia.Is it easy to get a scholarship?/ How much did you get?44. Your friend watched the musical the Phantom of the Opera? Ask him for opin
44、ion.Did you enjoy it?/ How much is your ticket?45.Your classmate has just bought a new bicycle. Ask her questions.How much is your bicycle? /Whats the brand of it?46. Your desk mate is absent for school today. Ask your class teacher questions about it.Is she ill?/ Can she come tomorrow?47. Your cous
45、in looks excited because this is her first time to take a plane.Why are you so excited?./ Are you afraid to take a plane?48. You are working as a receptionist at a hotel. Someone calls to book a room, Ask questions.Jingjiang Hotel. Can I help you?/When will you arrive?49. Your friend is inviting you
46、 to see a film. Ask him two questions.What film is it? / What time does it begin?50. You have a friend who is working in a company. Ask him two questions.Where is the company?/ What is your job engaged in? 4谈话 Part 4: oral composition (30%) 考生将在屏幕上看到,同时从耳机里听到谈话的题目。话题通常与第三部分的短文内容有关,但无须记忆短文内容,要求考生对所给的
47、话题准备 60 秒,谈话时间 60 秒,谈话所用句子至少 6 句。 根据 05 年口试情况,考生在屏幕上看到题目的同时还会看到与其配套的录像,这是为了给考生提供更多的信息。考生可以根据情况采用与否。 在这一部分,你将根据所给的题目作一分钟准备,并且用一分钟时间谈这个题目。这部分考核的内容实际上就是一篇口头小作文oral composition。既然它被称为 Composition,就必须按段落写作的要求来准备。(1)从 structure 来考虑,文章必须要有beginning, body and conclusion。在 beginning 里要开门见山地提出该短文的 topic sente
48、nce.在 topic sentence 中必须含有关键词。有了关键词后,则在 body 部分可以根据关键词写出support details。这是全部短文的重点,而且篇幅在全文中比例最大。如果全文只有 10 个句子,那么,这部分应有 78 句。最后一部分是 conclusion,在结尾部分中你应再次重申你的观点,但不能将主题句作简单的重复。 第二个要讲明的是:短文必须有内容。如题目为An unforgettable after Class Activity 的短文,那就应该描述一个具体的活动。使评卷老师听到你讲的短文后,感觉到你参加的活动确实吸引人,令人难忘。不能靠堆积许多形容词,而没有一个具体的情节来证实你讲的活动让人难忘,这个 topic 学生写得最多的内容是下乡、学军、学农等。 例文:It was a very hot night. We tried to go to sleep, but I couldnt, because there was no air conditioning in our bedroom. Besides, we hated to hear the noise of the flying mosquitoes around us. Some of us had to give up sleeping. They went o