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    2017年秋三年级英语上册 unit 7 it’s a dog教案 湘少版.doc

    1、1Unit 7 Its a dog.课时安排教学内容 课型 课时安排A、 B部分 听说课 1课时C、 D部分 操练课 1课时E、 F、G 部分 语音教学 1课时教学目标语言功能:能用 Whats it?询问物体,并回答 Its a 语言结构: Whats it? Its a 词汇:掌握:dog, cow, duck, hen, cat, horse理解:make, cake, mouse语音:字母 Aa在单词中的发音。曙光学校 3 年级上英语 学科电子教案日期 课题 Unit 7 Its a dog. 第 1 课时 总 3 课时教学目标1、 能听懂,会说单词“cow, dog, duck”,并

    2、能辩认模仿这几种动物的叫声:Moo! Quack! 2、能用句型“What is it ?” “Its a ”谈论动物。重点 单词:a cow, a duck, a dog; 能够运用“What is it ?” “Its a ”谈论动物。难点 Take card 1教材分析 教具 “cow, duck, pig”图片。师生活动预设 反思与调整Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings2. Listen to a song: Old Macdonald 2教学过程教学过程Step 2 Presentation and drill1 Learn to read.教师出示 cow的

    3、眼睛、鼻子等图片。T:What is this? Can you guess?Ss:This is将这些图片贴在黑板上组成 cow.T: What is it?教师帮助学生回答:T: Its a cow. 出示单词卡片“a cow”.示单词卡片“a cow”板书“a cow”和句型“What is it?” “Its a ”教授新单词和句型,学生单个练习,分组练习。T: Read after me. A cow, a cow. c-o-w, cow.T: (指图) What is it?Ss: Its a cow.2 Learn to act.教师叫一学生上台表演 cow的声音及动作。T:Wh

    4、o can act a cow?(放录音 cow的叫声,学生模仿)Ss: Moo! Moo!T: What is it?Ss: Its a cow.3 以同样的方法教授“a duck” , “a dog”.4操练新单词和句型。Step 3 Practice1 play a game教师模仿动物叫声,学生快速说出该动物单词;教师说出动物名称,学生快速模仿该动物叫声。T:Now, play a game. I say a word, you act it . I act, you say.2 Gussing game.将背面标有数字的动物图片反贴在黑板上,如书 P33。T:Ill ask some

    5、 of you to come here and take card 1(Learn “card”), please act an animal, others guess,what it is. S1: What is it ?S2: Its a 若猜对了,T: Yes, it is a 教师在游戏过程中可引导学生用“Is it a ?”来猜。3 Listen and actT: Now, listen to the tape.听录音T: Open your books and turn to page 33, read after the tape.Step 4 Consolidation

    6、31 教师出示一幅农场的图片T:This is a farm. Therere some lovely animals here. Lets see!指动物问学生 T: What is it?Ss: Its a 教师指 duck问:Is it a dog?Ss: No. T: No, it isnt. Its a duck.T: Please practise in pairs.两人一组以问答方式谈论农场里的动物。2 Homework板书设计教学后记曙光学校 3 年级上英语 学科电子教案日期 课题 Unit 7 Its a dog. 第 2 课时 总 3 课时教学目标1、巩固前课所学单词,能听

    7、懂,会说“a hen”, “a cat” ,”a horse”, “a mouse”,能够分辨并模仿动物的叫声, Squeak!2、能用句型:What is it? (Whats it?) Its a交流有关动物信息;3、能够看懂、会读 D部分内容。重点 会说单词“a hen”, “a cat” ,”a horse”, “a mouse”,能用句型:“What is it? Its a ”进行交谈。 难点 “Is it a?” “No, it isnt. Its a ”教材分析 教具 动物图片、磁带师生活动预设 反思与调整Step 1 Warming up1 Greetings.2 Liste

    8、n to a song: Old MacdonaldStep 2 Presentation and drill1游戏:Guessing game将反面标有数字的动物图片贴在黑板上,再玩书上 33页的游戏。(教师指着第一张)T:What is it?Ss: Its a4教学过程教学过程若猜对了,教师将图片翻过来。 T: Is it a ?Ss: Yes its a若猜错了,T:No, it isnt. What is it? 让学生继续猜,可鼓励帮助学生用问句:“Is it a”来猜。S1: Is it a ? S2: Is it a ?T:Yes, its a / No, it isnt. I

    9、ts a (公布正确答案)2 以同样的方式来猜“a hen”T: What is it?Ss: Its a cow. / dog. / duck.T: No, it isnt (出示图片) T: Its a hen.板书“a hen ” ,教授新单词。T: Read after me. A hen, a hen,单个练习,分组练习.T: Whats it?Ss: Its a hen.板书:Whats it? Its a ,解释“Whats it?” 是“What is it ”的缩写形式。3 操练“Whats it?” “Its a hen”,分男女生两组练习,一问一答。T:Cluck! cl

    10、uck! Can you act a hen?4 以同样的方法教授“a cat” ,”a horse”, “a mouse”,.Step 3 practice1 play a game:玩游戏,听动物叫声猜动物,请部分小朋友模仿一种动物,其他同学猜他模仿的是什么?S1:Whats it?Ss: Its a S1:Yes ,its a /No, it isnt. Its a S2:Whats it?Ss: Its a 2 教师出示动物图片,学生大声念出单词,并模仿该运动叫声。T: Ill show you some pictures, please guess and act.3 Listen

    11、and read听录音,跟读,模仿 T: Listen to the tape and repeat.4 Play a game. 游戏。教师将学生分为五人一组玩“猜猜看”的游戏,五人轮流做动作,学叫声,让其他四人猜。练习:Whats it?Its a Step 4 Consolidation1 T: Read the story on page 35 Part D. 学生阅读 D部分,理解故事5内容。2 T: Listen to the tape 听录音3 T: Read after the tape. 跟读、模仿4 Homework.板书设计教学后记曙光学校 3 年级上英语 学科电子教案日

    12、期 课题 Unit 7 Its a dog. 第 3 课时 总 3 课时教学目标1、掌握字母 Aa在单词中的读音;2、熟练运用“What is it?” “Its a ”进行交流;3、会拼单词:dog重点 字母 Aa在单词中的读音 难点 句子的朗读,唱歌曲。教材分析 教具 字母卡片,骰子,磁带等师生活动预设 反思与调整教学过Step 1 Warming up1 Greetings2 Listen to a song: Old Macdonald Step 2 Presentation and drill1教师出示字母 DdT:Look at this letter, whats it?S1:

    13、Its a Dd.T: Yes, its a Dd.同样的方式出示 Oo和 Gg2把字母 Dd, Oo, Gg拼到一起,让学生读出来是什么单词,并画出图片。T:Look, I put them together. Whats itSs: Its a dog.T: Can you draw a picture of dog? Please draw a picture.3 Lets listen, read 书 35页 E部分。6程教学过程听录音,跟读,体会字母的魅力4 学生自己根据 E部分,写出字母,拼出单词,并画出来。5 听磁带 E部分,感受字母 Aa在单词中的发音6 学习字母 Aa的发音/ei/Step 3 PracticePlay a game学生两人一组玩“丢骰子”游戏,B 部分每个单词代表一个点数,丢到哪个,马上表演出来,其他学生猜。“What is it?”“ts a”Step 4 Consolidation1 Teach Ss an English song.教唱英文歌曲“Old McDonald”2 做练习。3 Homework板书设计7教学后记

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