1、中央大學物理系-助教同意切結書National Central University Department of PhysicsTA agreement affidavit本人同意擔任物理系課程助教。擔任期間由物理系支付薪資,但若學期中經授課老師評定為不能勝任該項工作時,物理系可中止其助教工作,同時中止支付薪資,由其他合格的助教來擔任,不得有異議。I agree to serve as teaching assistant for this Physics course. I agree to accept the salary offered by the Physics Departmen
2、t during this TA period, but if during the semester the responsible teacher deems I have not been fulfilling the job requirements, the Physics Department can suspend the contract, and at the same time stop the payment of salary, while allowing another qualified TA to take over my responsibilities. 同
3、時,若修物理教學研習的成績不合格,重修課程時便不能再支領薪資。At the same time, if I do not meet the requirements to pass or complete the course, and have to take it over, the salary will no longer be paid to retake the class.本人已明白擔任課程助教之權利與義務,並同意其內容。I understand the rights and obligations of being a Course Teaching Assistant and agree to the requirements.課程名稱 Course Title: 簽名 Signature: 日期 Date: