1、 毕业设计(论文)译文题目名称:(写译文题目)院系名称:班 级:学 号:学生姓名:指导教师:中原工学院学院毕业设计(论文)外文译文1200 年 月指导教师批改要求:1译文工作是把外文翻译为中文,选题必须与论文方向一致,外文作者应为外国作者,中英文内容相互对应。2在中英文结尾处均标明原文出处,标注方法见附例。3字数要求:3000 汉字或 15000 个印刷符号。4排版要求:按照毕业论文正文要求格式排版。5装订顺序:汉语翻译在前,英文原文在后,英文部分也可以是原文复印件。6教师应根据译文内容是否与毕业论文相关、翻译是否准确、语言是否通顺、逻辑是否合理等方面对毕业生的翻译工作质量给出评价,写出 10
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12、素,而且在不同审计阶段给各风险要素赋予了不同的内涵。(三) 审计模式转变为以风险为导向的模式。制度基础审计是以内部控制制度评审为基础所进行的审计,虽然制度基础审计也以审计风险理论为指导,但在实务中,审计人员分不清固有风险和控制风险的各自程度是多少,在这种情况下,审计师更偏重利用控制风险的评审作用。在制度基础审计中,审计是以制度为导向,即整个审计的重心是评价内部控制制度,以内部控制制度的评价确定审计的重点,为进一步审计指明方向。而在风险导向审计中,审计却是以风险为导向。两者的区别在于制度基础审计只注重影响经济业务的内部环境,即内部控制制度,而风险导向审计除注重影响经济业务的内部环境以外,还注重外
14、此形成风险的因素很多,职业风险也很大。特别是随着市场经济的不断发展,会计舞弊事件时有发生,给注册会计师行业造成了很大的冲击,也对注册会计师行业提出了新的要求,改变审计模式迫在眉睫。实施风险基础审计是有效减少审计风险、恰当分配审计资源、提高审计效率的途径。在我国实行风险基础审计不仅是必要的而且是可能的,虽然应用风险基础审计,还有许多具体问题有待解决,但是,只要广大注册会计师转变观念,切实按照风险基础审计的思路组织审计工作,就一定会加快我国审计实践及注册会计师事业的发展,风险基础审计也将在实践中得到完善。中原工学院学院毕业设计(论文)外文译文6来源:Pie Pierce, B., Sweeney,
15、 B. “Cost - quality conflict in audit firms: An empirical investigation”. European Accounting Review, 2006, Vol. 13 (3): 415- 441Risk-based audit study(另起一页)Pie Pierce, B., Sweeney, B. In recent years, the auditing industry has been being challenged by rising risks, as evidenced by the fraud account
16、ing at home and abroad such as American Enron and XEROX, and domestic Yuanye, Qingmingyuan, Hongguang etc. The auditing personnel have been involved in tens of thousands of criminal cases, let alone the inestimable damages. It is even said that the auditing profession has entered into the era of “li
17、tigation explosion”, which has seen the bankruptcies and troubles of many CPA firms due to the litigations. This brings it home to the auditing personnel that the auditing profession has been brought to face increasing commercial risks in the fiercely competitive market economy and has to try every
18、means to lower such commercial risks. In this context, western countries led by the U.S.A. have revised a large number of auditing standards since the 1980s. They created an auditing model centering on risk assessment in practice, which has been widely put into practice.1、Risk-oriented basis of the
19、social audit(1)Practising high-risk audit risk-oriented environment is the direct cause of the audit. The closure of a large number of enterprises have statements of the trial users will be tantamount to failure audit failure. They believe that enterprises verge of bankruptcy, a certified public acc
20、ountant to audit the financial statements should be early warnings, such audit and the public expect the gap is growing. Increase the gap between the expectations that the public audit of the growing demand to make up for 中原工学院学院毕业设计(论文)外文译文7the gap between expectations of the audit must find ways t
21、o take the initiative to meet this demand, they must bear some legal responsibility - to assume greater anti-Zhaxi UNITED responsibility. With the continuous expansion of the scale, the complexity of business and computer applications, accounting, auditing, business tends complicated and sinister bu
22、siness environment necessarily mean grim, high-risk audit professional environment, there is an urgent need for a new audit Technology - Risk-based audit.(2)Strict legal environment is risk-oriented audit of the external drive. Modern society in the economy to some extent is a lease, the lease of pe
23、ople defined the relationship between the legal protection of contract and that all disputes be dealt with through legal means. Securities Law to protect the interests of investors increasingly strong sense of responsibility, so that when the interests of investors hurt when he was invested enterpri
24、ses bankruptcy, investors unable to invest no more hope for the debtor to recover the debt, most likely litigation registered accountants.(3)Economic pressures and accounting firms are risk-oriented organizational forms the internal audit driving force. As market competition intensifies, accounting
25、firms to survive must reduce audit costs, looking for a small and cost-effective method of mode. Facing a serious professional environment audit, the audit staff had to choose a new audit model - Risk-based audit. Risk-based audit will reduce audit risk throughout the audit process, rational analysi
26、s of audit risk and the importance of the various important links, once that the audit risk control can be tolerated in the context of, the audit opinion. Risk-based audit for more effective control and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the audit to provide a complete structure, and help t
27、o further bridge the gap between public expectations and reduce the responsibility of the personnel audit to identify staff from passive trial to sustain the initiative to audit risk control audit risk .2、The main risk-oriented audit procedures(1) The implementation of analytical procedures. Determi
28、ne the importance of standards, preliminary evaluation of the audit risk and acceptable risks inherent understanding of the internal control structure and evaluation of risk control. (2) Based on the audit risk model to determine risk level of inspection, audit master plan and specific plans.(3) If
29、the preliminary evaluation of a lower level of risk control, the control 中原工学院学院毕业设计(论文)外文译文8testing, based on the results determine whether to expand the substantive test transactions. If the preliminary evaluation of the higher level of risk control should be transferred directly into the transact
30、ions of the substantive test, evaluation of the possibility of financial statements. (4) Implementation of procedures and the substantive account balance test. In that mode, in addition to making use of audit and guidance system under the guidance audit model audit methodology, but also a large numb
31、er of analytical procedures used methods, such as trend analysis, ratio analysis, the absolute value of comparative law, such as vertical analysis .3、Risk-oriented features of the audit(1)Risk-based audit of the accounts with the traditional basis of the audit, the audit system basis, compared with
32、the following four characteristics.Comprehensive, dynamic risk factors to consider. The entire process of audit operations can be divided into general acceptance commissioned audit, the audit plans, audit and the implementation of the audit report in four phases. In the institutional basis of the au
33、dit, auditors usually identified in the planning phase expectations audit risk and the risks inherent in the implementation phase in the testing phase of determining risk management, and consistent with the end of the test before the start and substantive test, in accordance with established the exp
34、ectations of audit risk, inherent risks and risk control value calculated risk check the value of substantive tests to determine the nature, timing and scope. In that mode, the expectations of audit risk, inherent risks, risk control and check account balances are directed at the risk of a defined l
35、evel, and in various stages of the audit, auditors at most only one or two evaluation of risk factors, such practices does not make the auditors in auditing the various stages of the entire process of comprehensive analysis and control of audit risk. Audit risk-oriented mode, the audit risk of all e
36、lements in the balance of accounts and financial statements by the two levels were assessed fully embodies the three-dimensional distribution of risk factors characteristics. Auditors were in various stages of the audit evaluation sheet items account the expectations of audit risk, inherent risks, r
37、isk control and inspection risk. In the evaluation of various risk factors, the auditors in various stages of consideration is not the same as the content, as in the first, 42 stage auditors only for the overall evaluation of the financial statements audit risk, and in the second, third two stage wi
38、ll be tailored to specific account balances or 中原工学院学院毕业设计(论文)外文译文9transactions subject to evaluation and audit work with the deepening of the audit staff to be risk factors associated with more and more information on matters related to inspect the extent of the need also has deepened, to the evalu
39、ation of the level of risk factors are more accurate and objective. We can see that the basis of the audit system in the audit of the entire process of the elements of risk assessment and control is isolated, static, and the risk-oriented elements of the audit of risk assessment and control is a com
40、prehensive and dynamic.(2) In various stages of the audit risk model for decision-making. In the institutional basis of the audit, auditors simply by expectations of audit risk assessment, control risk inherent risks and to determine the account balance check acceptable level of risk, so as to deter
41、mine the substantive stage of testing required for the collection of evidence in the audit mode the application of the model was limited to a single substantive decision to test evidence in the audit decision-making, unable to play a bigger role. And the risk-oriented audit, the auditors in various
42、stages of the audit, the audit risk model were mainly the expectations of their analysis and evaluation audit risk, inherent risks, risk control and inspection of risks, and on this basis to the decision-making, to enable full control of audit risk. In the audit commissioned by the stage, auditors n
43、eed to be made concerning the overall situation. Accept or reject the audit commissioned by the strategic decision-making, decision-making is the key to an acceptable level statements and audit risk inherent risk analysis, risk control and inspection after the estimated risk that the audit statement
44、s can be achieved levels of the audit to compare the level of risk in the audit planning stage, the main task of auditors on the accounts through the balance of acceptable audit risk, inherent risks and control risks can be assessed to determine the risk tolerance inspection level, and through analy
45、sis and comparison of risks and control risks to check the appropriate choice of the auditing methods in the implementation phase of the audit, auditors determined in accordance with the planning stages of the audit methods of control testing and substantive test. In control testing at the same time
46、 the account balance control risk re-evaluation, if the results of the revaluation and the previous result of the assessment inconsistencies, auditors should also revise and improve the auditing methods have been identified. In all the tests after the completion of the audit, auditors need to use th
47、e audit risk model on a balance of the account could reach the level of audit risk assessment, and the balance of their 中原工学院学院毕业设计(论文)外文译文10accounts and audit acceptable level of risk compared to determine whether reasonable assurance that the account balances that of the real fair. Audit reports s
48、tage is a risk auditor control of the final links, as well as for audit quality and the extent of the risks the final say. At that stage, the need for risk-based auditors on the financial statements of the overall extent of the true fair and make a final judgement, the main method is based on the ne
49、w circumstances and new information to reassess the financial statements acceptable level of audit risk level, and use of audit risk model Through analysis of the risk factors and the latest estimates can be obtained to the level of audit risk, and then to compare the two. We can say that the system based on the audit of the audit risk model is one-dimensional model, which only a policy objectives - to identify substantive testing of the evidence required, the level and the risks involved in relatively narrow scope, and risk-oriented