1、Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students st
2、udy habits, learning habits, good宝龙城市广场宝龙城市广场 3D动画影片策划方案动画影片策划方案Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their paren
3、ts in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, goodKey name: 宝龙城市广场Style: 地产专题片 Footage: 5分钟Technique: 动画(结合视频)Provide: 青岛龙云广告有限公司宝龙城市广场三维动画影片策划方案(一)Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the
4、first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good【影片目的】 全面、直观 、有序地 展现 “ 宝龙城市广场 ”的 规划规划 ,以 最清晰方式最清晰方式 给客户展示 未来前景未来前景 ,坚定投资
5、者信心! Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the studen
6、ts study habits, learning habits, good宝龙城市广场是集 购物、美食、旅游、文化、休闲、娱乐、居住、商购物、美食、旅游、文化、休闲、娱乐、居住、商务务 8大业态大业态 于一体,比肩世界的 全生活游乐购物中心全生活游乐购物中心 。因此在影片线索上建议采取 “人物线索人物线索 ”串联全片,各个人物都有不同的节目,带出项目不同的 功能分区功能分区 ,串联整个项目。【影片创意】 Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tuto
7、r, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good一家人一家人 清晨,享受 宝龙国际社区宝龙国际社区 的品质生活小朋友小朋友 上午,游览 宝龙乐园宝龙乐园 的超级游乐盛会女主
8、人女主人 中午,闲逛 宝龙宝龙 MALL购物、休闲、娱乐、美食一体老老 人人 中午,品味 世界美食汇世界美食汇 汇聚世界极品风味 男主人男主人 下午,相聚 五星级酒店五星级酒店 ,商务洽谈,尽显 CEO风采一家人一家人 晚上,共赏 宝龙城市广场宝龙城市广场 绚丽夜景,璀璨生活!【人物线索】 Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to unde
9、rstand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good【 影片主题 】 万象宝龙万象宝龙 时尚中心时尚中心Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tuto
10、r, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good国际国际 时尚时尚 动感动感 活力活力 【影片基调】 Parents generally value the first c
11、lass, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good篇章
12、一 : 城市北上城市北上 ( 展现城阳 青岛北部中心城的发展趋势!) 30秒篇章二: 万象宝龙万象宝龙 ( 以朝气蓬勃的画面展现 宝龙城市广场的功能分区) 4分 10秒宝龙 MALL (表现 购物、娱乐、美食、休闲 ) 1分 20 秒宝龙乐园 (表现 游乐经济 ) 1分五星级酒店及酒店公寓 (表现 酒店及公寓) 30秒 宝龙国际社区 (表现 建筑、园林、户型及配套 ) 1分 20秒 篇章三: 风尚天堂风尚天堂 (表现宝龙城市广场繁华夜景、无限精彩与生命力) 20秒【影片 结构 】 Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see wh
13、ether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good开篇 30秒 主题 4分 10秒 高潮 20秒区
14、位利好宝龙MALL宝龙乐园宝龙国际社区城阳发展配套建筑园林户型功能分区 夜景宝龙城市广场夜景北区夜景五星级酒店及酒店公寓过山车黑暗探险海盗表演秀热带雨林游览购物休闲美食娱乐【影片 框架 】 Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to co
15、mmunicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, goodSTORYBOARD(以下仅为策划方案,具体到每个镜头的表现将在后续的分镜头脚本中呈现,图片仅供参考) Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is
16、more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good篇章一 城市北上城市北上 30秒秒Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the stu
17、dents can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good影片框架 Cartoon frame城阳城阳 青岛北部中心城青岛北部中心城
18、城阳区城阳区 位于青岛北部 , 工业商贸业发达,人口增长速度快;以其区位优势与良好投资环境,在 2010将初步建成 “ 青 岛北部经济中心岛北部经济中心 ” 和 “ 青岛北部城市中青岛北部城市中 心 ”表现方法及目的:素材剪辑,展现 青岛城阳区青岛城阳区 蓬勃发展的大环境和发展趋势。Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understa
19、nd the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good影片框架 Cartoon frame交通交通 青岛北大门,立体交通网连世界青岛北大门,立体交通网连世界 镜头在三维地图上延伸,展现 流亭国际机场、胶济铁路、环胶州湾高速公路、青银高速公流亭国际机场、胶济铁路、环胶州湾高速公路、青银高速公路、济青高速公
20、路、烟青高速、跨海大桥路、济青高速公路、烟青高速、跨海大桥 等 优越的交通对周边乃至全国产生强大的吸纳力、辐射力和带动力,成为中国 最具吸引力的投资场所之一最具吸引力的投资场所之一 。表现方法及目的:本部分用三维形式展现城阳 区域发展的定位区域发展的定位 。Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the studen
21、ts learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good影片框架 Cartoon frame满足满足 巨大商业缺口的满足巨大商业缺口的满足城阳目前商业形态落后、经营模式陈旧,业态规划低级,需与世界接轨、同步全球的商业形态。宝龙城市广场宝龙城市广场 应运而生, 70余万平方米超大规模的 商业规划商业规划 ,世界领先的 游乐设施游乐设
22、施 ,先进的shoppingmall商业形态商业形态 ,全业态的 生活体验生活体验 表现方法及目的: 宝龙广场宝龙广场 形象导入,展现宝龙集团的 发展目标发展目标 和对 青岛城阳的回馈青岛城阳的回馈 。Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first,
23、 to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good篇章二 万象宝龙万象宝龙 4分 10秒秒Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best
24、 to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good影片框架 Cartoon frame宝龙城市广场宝龙城市广场 项目规划整体展示项目规划整体展示城阳区新天地景观长廊两侧,由 宝龙宝龙 MALL、宝龙乐园、宝龙五星级旅游度假酒店、宝龙酒、宝龙乐园、宝龙五星级旅游度假酒店、宝龙酒
25、店式公寓、宝龙国际社区店式公寓、宝龙国际社区 五大部分组成。集 购物、美食、旅游、文化、休闲、娱乐、居住、商务购物、美食、旅游、文化、休闲、娱乐、居住、商务 8大业态于一体,打造比肩世界的全生活游乐购物中心表现方法及目的: 素模体块展示素模体块展示 ,旁白、字幕辅助说明 功能区域功能区域 与 规划理念规划理念 。Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is b
26、est to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good宝龙国际社区宝龙国际社区 建筑规划建筑规划20万平方米 宝龙国际社区宝龙国际社区 , 欧式建筑风格欧式建筑风格 结合本地特色,城市 高尚建筑景观高尚建筑景观 群。太阳光辉下, 建筑外立面建筑外立面 俊 朗、和谐;天际线优
27、美动人多层多层 、 高层和联排别墅高层和联排别墅 错落起伏表现方法及目的:镜头或游走或俯冲或飞行或俯瞰,展现国际社区 整体规模及建筑规划整体规模及建筑规划 。Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well w
28、ith their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good宝龙国际社区宝龙国际社区 景观设计景观设计澳大利亚柏涛公司,打造 花园人居福地花园人居福地叠泉循环水系叠泉循环水系 、 水中庭花园、生态园林景观水中庭花园、生态园林景观 、 立体景观与垂直绿化立体景观与垂直绿化 ,让花园式互动生活得以展开。表现方法及目的:伴随特效光在园林内游走,带出宝龙国际社区的 花园生活花园生活 。Parents generally value the
29、first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits,
30、 good宝龙国际社区宝龙国际社区 户型展示户型展示跃室跃室 内, 超大风景窗超大风景窗 ,最大限度包容风景镜头从桌旋转拉出,鲜花怒放, 观景露台观景露台 ,人生处处风景多层、高层、联排别墅 不同户型,超高楼距,充分的采光及私密性不同户型,超高楼距,充分的采光及私密性 微风拂过窗帘,女子长发衣裙随风轻轻起舞表现方法及目的:一家人为线索,展现优美的 高品质国际社区生活高品质国际社区生活 。Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the
31、first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good影片框架 Cartoon frame宝龙乐园宝龙乐园 游乐经济游乐经济游乐场近 5万平米, 过山车、黑暗探险、海盗表演秀、热带雨林游览过山车、黑
32、暗探险、海盗表演秀、热带雨林游览 四大游乐主题。数十个游乐项目,打造 世界级游乐盛会广场世界级游乐盛会广场 ,填补中国游乐场所空白点。表现方法及目的:通过 小朋友的游览线索小朋友的游览线索 ,交代项目的 游乐主题游乐主题 。Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situa
33、tion first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good影片框架 Cartoon frame宝龙乐园宝龙乐园 游乐经济游乐经济三维模拟未来场景, 5万多平方米 宝龙欢乐世界,数十个游乐项目宝龙欢乐世界,数十个游乐项目打造了 全国首创游乐型城市广场全国首创游乐型城市广场 ,成为青岛永远的 嘉年华嘉年华 。表现方法及目的:三维 +视频,通过 小朋友的快乐穿行小朋友的快
34、乐穿行 ,带出欢乐的气氛。Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for th
35、e students study habits, learning habits, good宝龙宝龙 MALL 购物购物 娱乐娱乐 休闲休闲 美食美食镜头通过宝龙乐园的热气球转场到 宝龙宝龙 MALL。通过女主人的购物行程展现 宝龙宝龙 MALL 购物购物 娱乐娱乐 休闲休闲 美食的一体化安排美食的一体化安排应有尽有的 shopping盛宴盛宴 ,最潮最 in的时尚体验表现方法及目的:三维 +视频,通过 女主人的游走女主人的游走 ,带出 时尚购物时尚购物 的气氛。Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the
36、 students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good宝龙宝龙 MALL 购物(品牌百货)购物(品牌百货)镜头摇移、升降
37、展现 品牌百货商场品牌百货商场 内良好的 购物环境购物环境 ,镜头随中央扶手电梯慢慢推移,环拍四周是林立的 商铺、服饰、影碟商铺、服饰、影碟 琳琅满目的 商品商品 和商铺外贴心的 坐椅设施坐椅设施 。表现方法及目的:三维,展现 百货商场商铺百货商场商铺 的 购物环境购物环境 。Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand
38、the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good宝龙宝龙 MALL 购物(数码城)购物(数码城)数码天地数码天地 ,镜头化入化出醒目的灯箱、 时尚海报时尚海报 , 数码产品数码产品 、展柜里丰富的数码科技产品令人们心动不已随着 “卡嚓 ”一声,一张女孩笑容洋溢的脸被定格照下。(表现 数码科技产品数码科技
39、产品 ,男女兴奋的笑脸) 表现方法及目的:三维,展现 数码城数码城 的购物环境。Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make a
40、dequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good宝龙宝龙 MALL 购物(韩国购物街区)购物(韩国购物街区)女主人欢快旋身,兴致高昂地在 时尚名店时尚名店 前比试着手里的数套衣服。时尚百货时尚百货 橱窗里、各种 专卖店专卖店 里精美的服饰,令人绚目灯箱上美丽的模特, 展台展台 上各式各样精美的化妆品 表现方法及目的:三维,展现 韩国购物街区韩国购物街区 的购物环境。Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the
41、students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good宝龙宝龙 MALL 购物(生活超市)购物(生活超市)生活宝龙拥有 大
42、型超市大型超市 , 主题百货主题百货 , 著名电器著名电器 等 商家名品连锁店商家名品连锁店镜头叠画,年轻男女主人公提着购物袋,在 超市超市 尽情采购生活所需琳琅满目的商品在超市内陈放着,提供了周到便捷的 生活方式生活方式 。表现方法及目的:通过 男女主人公男女主人公 衔接,表现 生活宝龙的便捷周到生活宝龙的便捷周到 。Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It
43、is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good宝龙宝龙 MALL 休闲(生活)休闲(生活)SPA、运动会所、养生堂、美足中心、纤体俱乐部、运动会所、养生堂、美足中心、纤体俱乐部 360掌控的自主娱乐方式休闲空间表现方法及目的:小景别渲染,营造 舒适惬意的休闲
44、氛围舒适惬意的休闲氛围 。Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for th
45、e students study habits, learning habits, good宝龙宝龙 MALL 休闲(生活)休闲(生活)服装迥异的侍者穿梭于行 人中 ,有人悠闲地 品位咖啡品位咖啡 、有人和朋友 欢聚开怀欢聚开怀 、有人聚精会神地使用手提电脑 工作工作 。开心的笑容、咖啡荡起的涟漪休闲空间表现方法及目的:小景别渲染,营造舒适惬意的休闲氛围。Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is m
46、ore important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good酒吧街: 风情酒吧街、个性浓郁独特宝龙宝龙 MALL 娱乐娱乐国际影城、国际影城、 CLUB街、街、 DISO、夜总会、酒吧街、电玩中心、夜总会、酒吧街、电玩中心各取所需的 多
47、样化居住方式多样化居住方式 ,给生活换个表情 ,镜头拉起, 水景 树枝摇曳 、水面波光粼粼、太阳伞、休闲椅、 酒吧街酒吧街 风情妩媚 .各具特色的 酒吧招牌酒吧招牌 ,婆娑树影摇曳在招牌上 , 时间逐渐转为黄昏表现方法及目的:中景营造,突出 娱乐休闲氛围娱乐休闲氛围 。Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the
48、students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good宝龙宝龙 MALL 美食美食灯光下,典雅宁静的 西餐厅西餐厅 、 茶座、世界美食汇、特色风味长廊茶座、世界美食汇、特色风味长廊热闹非凡的 中餐中餐 ,各式菜系 应有尽有,四处飘香,食客吃得热火朝天、回味无穷。(美食区(美食区 ,食客满足的笑脸)表现方法及目的:视频剪辑,突出 生活的享受氛围生活的享受氛围 。