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1、1伯克富,系統神學導論Louis Berkhof , INTRODUCTORY VOLUME TO SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY大綱 OUTLINE (注:第二部分比較詳細)(Note: Outline for part 2 is more detailed than part 1.)PART I. 教義神學的觀念與歷史THE IDEA AND HISTORY OF DOGMATIC THEOLOGYI. 神學的系統表達:不同的名稱NAMES APPLIED TO THE SYSTEMATIC PRESENTATION OF THEOLOGY II. 經訓 (Dogma) 與教義 (

2、Dogmas)的本質 THE NATURE OF DOGMA A. 教義: “Dogma”一詞。 The Name “Dogma.” 1. 此名稱的來源與意義。Derivation and Meaning of the Term. 2. 聖經中 Dogma 的用法。The Biblical Use of the Word. 3. 神學上 Dogma 的用法。Various Uses of the Term in Theology.a. 早期教父 Church Fathers b. 中古時期 Middle Ages c. 宗教改革領袖們 Reformers d. 現代神學:士萊馬赫,黎敇爾 Mo

3、dern Theology: Schleiermacher, Ritschl. e. Forsyth. f. 巴特 Karl Barth. g. Mickelm. B. 教義(Dogma)的形式:三個特點。 The Formal Characteristics of Dogma. 1. 教義的內容來自聖經。Their Subject-Matter is Derived from Scripture. a. 聖經:上帝的偉大作為 + 祂對祂作為的正確解釋。The Bible: Gods mighty acts + reliable interpretation.b. 對巴特與布特曼的批判。Cri

4、tique against Barth and Bultmann. c. 天主教的觀念。Roman Catholic concept.d. 基督新教的立場。Protestant position. e. 士萊馬赫。Schleiermacher. f. 黎敇爾。Ritschl. g. 荷蘭倫理派。Ethicals of Netherlands. 2. 教義是教義反省的結果。They are the Fruit of Dogmatic Reflection.3. 教義是由某教會團體正式鑒定的。They are Officially Defined by Some Competent Ecclesi

5、astical Body. 2a. 天主教與基督新教的立場。Catholic and Protestant position.b. 士來馬赫。Schleiermacher. c. 黎敇爾。Ritschl. d. 哪個教會?哈納克。Which church ? Harnack.e. 教會權威的性質:天主教的立場。Nature of Church authority: Roman Catholicism.f. 改革宗立場。Reformed view.g. 巴特。Barth.h. 士來馬赫,黎敇爾。Schleiermacher, Ritschl. C. 教義的必須性。The Necessity of

6、 Dogma.1. 近年來反對教義的緣由。 Causes of Present Day Opposition to Dogmas.a. 康德。Kant.b. 黑格爾。Hegel.c. 黎敇爾。Neo-Kantianism: Ritschl. d. 去教義的基督教。Dreyer: Non-Dogmatic Christianity. e. 自由思想。Religious free-thinkers. f. 敬虔主義。Pietism. g. 活動主義。Activism. 2. 教義對基督教信仰是必須的。Dogmas Essential to Christianity.a. 聖經認為教義對基督教是必須

7、的。Scripture represents the truth as essential to Christianity. b. 教義對教會的合一是必須的。The unity of the Church demands doctrinal agreement.c. 教義上的合一,對教會完成她的任務是必須的。The duty of the Church requires unity in doctrine. d. 教會在世界的地位,必須有合一的見證。The position of the Church in the world calls for a united testimony.e. 經

8、驗告訴我們,教義是必須的。Experience teaches that dogmas are indispensable. D. 教義的要素。The Elements Involved in Dogma. 1. 集體(社會)的要素。The Social Element. 2. 傳統的要素。The Traditional Element.3. 權威的要素。The Element of Authority. III. 教義神學的觀念。THE IDEA OF DOGMATIC THEOLOGYA. 教義(Dogma)與教義學 (Dogmatics) 的關系。 The Relation of Dog

9、ma to Dogmatics. 1. 各種教義(Dogmas)是因信仰群體(教會)的需要而形成的。Dogmas Arise out of the Necessity of the Believing Community. 2. 在教義(Dogmas)形成的過程中,神學往往扮演輔助的角色。Theology May and Has Frequently Served as an Auxiliary in the Formation of Dogmas. 33. 教義神學內容的核心,就是教會的教義 (Dogmas)。Dogmatic Theology Finds the Nucleus of it

10、s Subject-Matter in the Dogmas of the Church.B. 教義神學的目的。The Object of Dogmatic Theology. 1. 早期基督新教對教義神學的觀念。The Conception of the Object of Dogmatic Theology in the Early Protestant Theology. 2. 現代主觀神學對教義神學的新觀念。The Development of a New Conception in Modern Subjective Theology. 3. 近年來對教義神學的客觀性的體認。Reco

11、gnition of the Objective Character of Dogmatic Theology in Recent Times. C. 神學為科學(一門專門知識)。Theology as a Science. 1. 神學的科學性:其定義。 The Scientific Character of Theology Denied. 2. 維持神學的科學性的可能性。The Possibility of Maintaining the Scientific Character of Theology. D. 教義學在神學百科中的地位。The Encyclopaedic Place of

12、 Dogmatics. 1. 教義學屬于那一類神學。 The Group of Studies in Which It Belongs. 2. 教義學與護教學的關系。The Relation of Dogmatics to Apologetics. 3. 教義學與倫理學的關系。The Relation of Dogmatics to Ethics. IV. 教義學的任務,方法與分題。THE TASK, METHOD, AND DISTRIBUTION OF DOGMATICS A. 教義學的任務。The Task of Dogmatics. 1. 現代神學對教義學任務的觀念。Modern Co

13、nceptions of the Task of Dogmatics. a. 士萊馬赫。Schleiermachers Conception. b. 黎敇爾。The Ritschlian Conception.c. The View of Troeltsch. d. The Position of Schaeder. e. 巴特。The Barthian View. 2. 改革宗對教義學任務的觀念。The Reformed Conception of the Task of Dogmatics. a. 建設性的任務。A constructive task.b. 維護性的任務。A demonst

14、rative and defensive task. c. 批判性的任務。A critical task. B. 教義學的方法。The Method of Dogmatics. 1. 教義學內容的來源:不同觀點。Various Views as to the Source from Which the Content of Dogmatics is Derived. a. 聖經。Holy Scripture. b. 教會的教導。The Teaching o the Church.c. 基督徒的意識。The Christian Consciousness. 士萊馬赫。Schleiermacher

15、.黎敇爾。Ritschl. 4Erlangen School, Troeltsch, Wobbermin, Schaeder, Lemme, Ethicals, W.A. Brown, Beckwith, D.C. MacIntosh, G.B. Foster. 批判。Objections. 2. 此內容如何鑒定,如何處理。The Manner in Which the Material is Secured and Treated. a. 臆測法。Speculative Method. b. 實驗法。The Empirical Method. c. 分類,歸納法。The Genetico-S

16、ynthetic Method. C. 教義學的分題法與材料。Distribution of the Material of Dogmatics. 1. 三位一體的分法。The Trinitarian Method.2. 分析法。The Analytical Method.3. 聖約法。The Covenantal Method.4. 基督論法。The Christological Method.5. 國度法。The Method Based on the Kingdom-Idea. 6. 歸納法。The Synthetic Method. V. 教義學的歷史 HISTORY OF DOGMA

17、TICS A. 早期普世教會時期。The Period of the Old Catholic Church. 1. 俄利根,原道。Origens Peri Archon.2. 奧古斯丁,信望愛。Augustines Enchiridion ad Lurentium de Fide, Spe, et Caritate. 3. 大馬色的約翰。John of Damascus Ekdosis Akribes tes Orthodoxus Pisteos. B. 中古時期。The Period of the Middle Ages.1. 安瑟論的著作。Works of Anselm.2. 倫巴德的彼

18、得。The Sentences of Peter the Lombard. 3. Hales 的亞歷山大。The Summa of Alexander of Hales.4. 阿奎拿。The Summa of Thomas Aquinas. C. 改教時期。The Period of the Reformation. 1. 墨藍頓。Melanchtons Loci Communes.2. 慈運理。Zwinglis Commentarius de Vera et False Religione. 3. 加爾文,基督教要義。Calvins Institutio Christianae Religi

19、onis. D. 基督新教經院主義時期。The Period of Protestant Scholasticism. 1. 路德宗的教義神學研究。Dogmatical Study among the Lutherans. 2. 改革宗的教義神學研究。Dogmatical Study among the Reformed. a. 原本的教義。The Original Type of Doctrine. b. 盟約神學修正了改革宗神學。The Federal Modification of Reformed Doctrine. c. 更激進的修正。The More Radical Modific

20、ations. 3. 天主教的教義神學研究。 Dogmatical Study among the Roman Catholics. 5E. 理性主義與超自然主義時期。The Period of Rationalism and Supra-naturalism.1. 敬虔主義的教義學。Pietistic Dogmatics.2. 理性主義的教義學。Rationalistic Dogmatics.3. 超自然主義的教義學。Supra-naturalistic Dogmatics. F. 現代神學時期。The Period of Modern Theology. 1. 士萊馬赫與其學派。Schle

21、iermacher and His School.2. 哲學臆測派。The Speculative Method.3. 新路德派。The Neo-Lutheran School.4. 中間派。The Mediating School.5. 黎敇爾學派。The School of Ritschl.6. 改革宗。Reformed Theology.6伯克富,系統神學導論Louis Berkhof, INTRODUCTORY VOLUME TO SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY第二部分 Part II 神學的基本原理 THE PRINCIPIA OF DOGMATICSI. 基本原理的觀念 P

22、RINCIPIA IN GENERALA. 神學以外不同學科的基本原理Principia in Non-Theological Sciences.1. 基本原理(principium) 的定義。Definition of “Principium.”Principium (拉丁文 Latin) arche (希腊文 Greek). 一切存有或知识的主要来源。The primary source of all being, actuality, or knowledge. 本質原理Principium Essendi外在知識論原理Pr incipium Cognoscendi Externum內在

23、知識論原理Principium Cognoscendi Internum 2. 神學以外學科的基本原理。Principia of the Non-Theological Sciences.a. 本質原理God = Principium Essendi. 原有的知识。Archetypal knowledge. b. 外在知識論原理The world as Gods creation = Principium Cognoscendi Externum.类比的知识。Ectypal knowledge. 罗格斯 Logos (Berkhof). 理想(唯心)主义 Idealism: 康德 Kant F

24、ichte 黑格尔 Hegel c. 內在知識論原理Human reason = Principium Cognoscendi Internum.人追求一般的,必须的,永恒的:根本的理念。Man searches for general, necessary, eternal underlying fundamental idea. B. 宗教、神學的基本原理。Principia in Religion or Theology. 宗教 Religion神學 Theology1. 上帝是教義的本質原理。God is the Principium Essendi. 泛神论 Pantheism2.

25、上帝的啟示是外在的知識論原理。The Principium Cognoscendi Externum is Gods Special Revelation.敬畏耶和华=智慧,知识的开端(诗 111:10,箴 1:7)Fear of the Lord = principle of wisdom (Ps. 111:10), of knowledge (Prov. 1:7)7基督=创造与复活的源头(西 1:18,启 3:14) Christ = principle of creation and of the resurrection (Col. 1:18, Rev. 3:14) 3. 信心是內在的

26、知識論原理。The Principium Cognoscendi Internum is Faith.重生(林前:)Regeneration (I Cor. 2:14) 清心(太:)Purity of heart (Matt. 5:8) 遵行神的旨意(约:)Doing the will of God (John 7:17) 圣灵的恩膏(约壹:)Anointing of the Holy Spirit (I John 2:20) 信心(罗:;加:,;来:,) Faith (Rom. 10:17; Gal. 3:3, 5; Heb. 11:1, 3) 内在原则:又称内在话语,主要话语。它把神的知识

27、(认识神)带给人,此乃神学与神启示的目标。The principium internum is sometimes called the verbum internum, or the verbum principale, because it brings the knowledge of God into man, which is the aim of all theology and of the whole self-revelation of God (Bavinck). II. 宗教 RELIGIONA. 宗教的本質。 The Essence of Religion.宗教 Rel

28、igion: a. 人与神的活的关系。 A real, living, and conscience relationship bet. man and his God, b. 基于神的自我启示。Determined by the self-revelation of God, and c. 透过敬拜,交通,事奉表达。 Expressing itself in a life of worship, fellowship, and service. 宗教的前提:It presupposes: a. 神存在。God exists, b. 神已经自我启示。He has revealed himsel

29、f, c. 神使人能够领受他的启示。 He has enabled man to appropriate this revelation. 人的回应-神学:Mans response - theology: a. 人领受神的启示,以致认识神。When man appropriates the revealed knowledge of God, b. 反省。Reflects on it, and c. 统一化。Unifies it. There the structure of theology arises on the basis of Gods revelation. 1. 宗教一詞的來

30、源。The Derivation of the Word “Religion.” a. Cicero relegere: to re-read, repeat, observe carefully. b. Lactantius religare, to attach, to establish firmly, to bind together.c. Gellius relinquere, to separate oneself from someone or something. d. Leidenroth ligere, to see. Religere = to book back, re

31、ligion: to look back with fear. 8e. Calvin prefers Ciceros derivation. 2. 聖經中的名詞。Scriptural Terms for Religion. a. 客观宗教。Objective religion. 律法 Law 诫命 Commandments 训诲 Precepts 判断 Judgments 典章 Ordinances 基督 Person of Christ 基督救赎大工 Redemptive work of Christ 关于基督的宣讲 Kerugma about Christ 福音 Gospel 信仰 The

32、 Faith b. 主观宗教。Subjective religion. 敬畏耶和华(旧约)Fear of the Lord (OT) 敬畏的心:徒:,提前:,来:,:Reverence Acts 25:19, I Tim. 2:10, Heb. 5:7, Heb. 12:28. 敬畏主(新约):路:,徒:,林后:,:Fear of the Lord (NT) Luke 18:2, Acts 9:31; II Cor. 5:11, 7:1 敬虔 Piety 信心 FAITH 信心 - 爱神,献身服侍神 Faith - love to God, devotion to service 信心:圣灵超

33、自然工作的果子 Faith: fruit of the Holy Spirits supernatural operation 3. 歷史上對宗教本質的觀念。Historical Conception of the Essence of Religion. a. 早期教会。Conception of the Early Church. Lactantius. 认识神,事奉深的正确方法。The right manner of knowing and serving the true God. b. 中世纪。Conception in the Middle Ages. 阿奎那 Thomas Aqu

34、inas. 人向神呈献应有的事奉与尊荣的能力(美德)。The virtue by which men render to God the required service and honor. c. 宗教改革。Conception of the Reformers. 加尔文。Calvin “Such is pure and genuine religion, namely, confidence in God coupled with serious fear fear which both includes in it willing reverence, and brings along

35、with it such legitimate worship as is prescribed by the law.” (Inst., I.ii. 3.) 奥图。 Rudolf Otto.9d. 现代期。Modern Conception of Religion. 理性主义。Rationalism 与神的话决裂,把客观宗教限制在神,道德,不朽范围之内。客观宗教约化成最小。Broke with the Word of God and limited religion in the objective sense to the familiar triad of God, virtue, an

36、d immortality. The religio objectiva was reduced to a minimum. 康德,士来马赫。Kant and Schleiermacher 从客体(客观)转移到主体(主观)。Transferred center of gravity from object to the subject divorcing the religio subjectiva from the religio objectiva.康德。 Kant. 宗教只是道德行动形式,人认识到他的责任乃是神的诫命。Religion = simply a form of moral a

37、ction, in which man recognizes his duties as divine commandments.Moore: “morality becomes religion when that which the former (morality) shows to be the end of man is conceived also to be the end of the supreme lawgiver, God.” 士来马赫。Schleiermacher 宗教只是敬虔诚的感觉,一种依靠的感觉。Religion = merely a condition of d

38、evout feeling, a feeling of dependence. 黑格尔。Hegel 宗教乃是知识。Religion = a matter of knowledge. 有限者的思想认识到自己乃是无限的思想。或:神圣的灵,透过有限的灵的自我认识(意识)。“The knowledge possessed by the finite mind of its nature as absolute mind,” or regarded from the divine side: “the divine Spirits knowledge of itself through the medi

39、ation of the finite spirit.”神不单是宗教的客体,也是主体。God not only the object, but also the subject of religion. 宗教乃是神与自己的游戏。Religion becomes “a play of God with Himself.” 自从士来马赫以来:宗教成为完全主观的。SINCE SCHLEIERMACHER: Religion purely subjective. 现代(自由派)神学:宗教乃是人寻找神,假设:人不需要启示也能招到神。神不需要先来寻找人,人都可以真正找到神。MODERN THEOLOGY:

40、 Religion = mans search for God, as if it were possible to discover God apart from divine revelation, as if God did not first have to find man before men could really find him. 宗教的定义:不需要神。10Religion = often defined without any reference to God. e. 巴特。The Barthian Conception. 现代神学:从客观转向主观。Modern theo

41、logy turned from the objective to the subjective. 现代神学的宗教观:是人本身有的,是人最高的成就。Contemplated religion as something native to man, as highest achievement of man. 人可以自我提升到神那里。Man can rise with it to the heights of God. 宗教就是在人里面神圣的彰显,使人与神连续。Religion themanifestation of the divine in man, which makes man cont

42、inuous with God. 巴特的回应:强调宗教是客观的,重点在神的启示,在神的话。BARTHS REACTION: stresses the objective in religion, centers attention on the divine revelation, on the Word of God. 人没有路可走向神,只有神来到人这里。There is no way from man to God, not even in religion; only a way from God to man. 圣经摒弃现代神学的宗教;这是最高的罪恶!The Bible has not

43、hing commendable to say about the kind of religion of which Modernists boast. Bible repeatedly spurns and condemns it. This religion = greatest sin against God! 宗教的历史宗教的不是的历史。The history of religion = the history of what is untrue in religion. 巴特欲摆脱士来马赫的捆绑:BARTH wants to break Schleiermachers strang

44、lehold: 人不但需要拯救;他没有盼望得救;宗教的整体,特别是基督教,需要拯救;人不可透过大声讲论自己,来讲论神。“Schleiermacher is disastrously dim sighted in regard to the fact that man as man is not only in need, but beyond all hope of saving himself; that the whole of so-called religion, and not least the Christian religion, shares in this need; an

45、d that man cannot speak of God simply by speaking of man in a loud voice.” (The Word of God and the Word of Man, p. 195.) 宗教并不是人所拥有的,不是历史上的事,乃是从上头来到人的。Religion is not a possession of man, something man has, something historical rather than something that comes to man from above. 宗教不是人用来自我改进以致能进天堂的东西

46、。Religion not something by which man improves himself - become fit for heaven. 这样就忽视了今始于来世在本质上的不同。This loses sight of the qualitative difference bet. this world and the world to come. 宗教不是历史上的事物,人若拥有它就对将来有盼望;宗教是一种态度,一种思维方式,一种心态,就是当人正视神的启示而带来的心态。11Religion is not a historical quantum, on the possessi

47、on of which man can base his hope of the future; Rather, it is an attitude, a frame of mind, a disposition, into which man is brought when he is confronted with the divine revelation. 真正有宗教信仰的人,懂得为自己绝望,为一切人为的绝望。The truly religious man despairs of himself and of all that is purely human. 宗教并不解决人生活的问题

48、;宗教是人成为不可解决的难题。宗教不是人的拯救,也不是人发现了救法;乃是发现人并不得救。 “It (religion) gives him no solution of his lifes problems, but rather makes him an insoluble enigma to himself. It is neither his salvation, nor a discovery of it; it is rather the discovery that he is not saved It is a misfortune which falls with fatal

49、necessity upon some men, and from them is carried to others. (John the Baptist; II Corinthians; Calvin !).(Roemerbrief, 2nd edition, p. 241.) B. 宗教出自何方?The Seat of Religion.1. 宗教出自理性。It Has Its Seat in the Intellect.黑格尔。Hegel. 宗教知识,穿上象征的外衣;哲学试图提炼形象后面的存理念。Religion = knowledge, clothed in symbols; philosophy extracts the pure idea behind the image. 伯克富的批判。Berkhof = Hegel. 2. 宗教出自意志。It Has Its Seat in the Will.伯拉纠主义。Peligianism. 半伯拉纠主


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