1、癌痛治疗的现状与挑战 Current situation and challenges of cancer pain management,Availability of opioids for pain management,Availability of opioids* for pain management (2010-2012 average),Availability of opioids for pain management,含有Oxycodone的镇痛药物共有28个品种!,Global Atlas of Palliative Care,Global Atlas of Pall
2、iative Care,Global Atlas of Palliative Care,Global Atlas of Palliative Care,Hospice and Palliative Care,Interdisciplinary Team of Hospice,Total Hospital Agencies by Year,Care Providers,Location of Hospice patients at Death,Proportion of Patients by Length of Service in 2013,Who conduct palliative ca
3、re ?,Who conduct P.C in China?,Under-treatment of cancer pain,2018/9/25,N=3106,38 (six academic and 32 community) institutions,2018/9/25,只有1/3患者的疼痛得到改善,1/5疼痛加重!,Under-treatment of cancer pain,Under-treatment of cancer pain,2018/9/25,Challenges of cancer pain management,Challenges of cancer pain mana
4、gement,Questions and Answers (“奥”视群雄队),决定阿片滴定起始剂量的因素是: A. 疼痛强度 B. 安全性因素 C. 疼痛性质 D. 患者的止痛目标,Questions and Answers (十全十“美”队),阿片肝脏代谢的第一步为氧化,下述正确的是: 经3A4通路代谢的产物绝大多数没有活性 同服经2D6通路代谢的药物可导致阿片镇痛效果增加 经过3A4途径代谢的药物包括SSRI类、氟哌啶醇和氯丙嗪等,Different opioids, different metabolisms,Questions and Answers (勇争“蒂”一队),关于阿片类药物之间的交叉耐受,错误的是: A. 阿片类药物之间都存在交叉耐受 B. 交叉耐受是阿片转换时剂量换算的基础 D. 阿片类药物之间的交叉耐受是不完全的,Public health model for Palliative care,姑息医学科和团队建设是必然趋势,1970s-,1990s-,2000s-,小 结,谢谢您!,