1、中华汽车生产专业英文(基础篇)2002.1 初版管理部人才发展课编辑-1-目录壹、常用专业单字篇一、人员组织 2二、设备与维护 4三、物流相关 8四、质量相关 9五、工作方法 17六、零件部品 23七、管理 30八、安全卫生 33九、其它 34贰、现场短句篇 40参、旅游英语篇一、机上 53二、入境检查 54三、机场服务 55四、旅馆 56五、用餐 57六、购物 58-2-壹、常用专业单字篇一、人员组织1 assembly section 装配课2 body section 车身课3 door less 装门班4 finial line 后装线5 maintenance section 维护课
2、6 painting section 涂装课7 press section 冲压课8 trim line 舣装线9 affiliated company 关系企业10 American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME)美国机械工程学会11 American Standard Association(ASA) 美国标准协会12 assembly line 组立线13 China Motor Corporation(CMC) 中华汽车14 cooperating company 协力厂15 Environmental Production Admin
3、istration(EPA)环保署16 high line (H/L) 高架线17 improvement group 改善班18 metal repair 钣修19 Mitsubishi Motor Corporation(MMC) 三菱汽车20 mixing room 调漆间21 Office 办公室22 painted, body, storage (PBS) 车身涂装完成品存放区23 painting line 涂装线24 plant / factory 工厂25 production engineering dept. 技术部26 production main line 生产主线2
4、7 production sub line 生产副线28 site / shop / line / side 现场29 small repair line 小修线30 spray booth 喷漆室31 vendor / sub-contractor 协力厂32 welding line 熔组线-3-33 work center (CNT) 站别34 workshop / workplace 工作场所35 Machine A Painting 上涂自动机第二站简称36 advisor(ADV) 指导者(技师)37 Employees 员工/ 从业员38 foreman / supervisor
5、 组长39 general manager 经理40 Inspector 检查员41 operator worker 作业员42 section manager 课长43 sub contractor / supplier 供货商 44 sub foreman 副组长45 Supervisor 监督者 / 组长46 Worker 工作者47 human resource account (HRA) 人力资源会计48 human resource development (HRD) 人力资源发展49 human resource information system (HRIS) 人力资源信息系
6、统50 human resource management (HRM) 人力资源管理51 human resource planning (HRP) 人力资源规划52 staffing rules 人力编制53 on-the-job training (OJT) 工作岗位训练55 practical training 实习56 Proficiency 熟练度57 Teach 教导58 Technique 技术59 Training 教育训练60 training evaluation 训练评鉴61 Versatility 多能化二、设备与维护-4-62 3rd line system 涂料循环
7、系统第三线系统63 4 wheel-drive steering(4WS) 四轮转向机构64 air conditioner(A/C) 空调65 ampere current value 电流值66 assembly line control system (ALCS) 装配线控制系统67 auto pallet change (APC) 自动梭台交换(装置)68 auto tool change (ATC) 自动刀具交换(装置)69 back pressure regulator 背压阀70 base 底座71 central processing unit(CPU) 中央处理方式72 ch
8、ip conveyor 切屑运送带73 code machine 打刻机74 conveyor (C/V) 输送带75 automatic feeder 自动投料机76 diamond 钻石刀片77 die model (D/M) 石膏模78 dresser 研磨机79 drill 钻头 80 drop lifter 升降机81 dummy gun 半自动枪82 electronic controlled unit (ECU) 电子控制装置83 equipment 设备84 fan 风扇85 filter 过滤器86 free roller 无动力滚轮输送带87 front pressure
9、regulator 调压阀88 grease painting machine 补胶机89 gun mount regulator 喷枪前流量调整器90 hanger 行架91 heat exchanger 热交换器92 hoist 吊车93 jig 夹治具94 labor saving jig 省力治具95 lamp 日光灯96 lathe 车床-5-97 machine 机器98 Machining Center (M/C) 切削中心机(综合加工机)99 mash welder 熔接点焊枪100 nut runner (N.R.) 螺帽装配机101 oven 烤炉102 over head
10、 conveyor 顶部输送带103 over head conveyor (O.H.C) 高架运输机104 panel 控制盘105 power roller 滚轮输送带106 reverse jig 翻转治具107 Robot 机械手108 shuttle conveyor 梭动机109 spot welding control timer (Timer) 点焊熔机控制器110 time controller (Timer) 调整器111 torch 枪咀112 track 轨道113 transformer 变压器114 transport machine 搬送机115 traverse
11、 移载台车116 trolley 滑轮117 turn-table (TT) 旋转台车118 ultra filtration 超过滤器119 weld transformer (Trans) 焊接变压器120 work traverse 作业台车121 jig and tools 治具 / 工具122 model 模具123 air circuit air回路124 air pressure 空压125 body assembly jig / weld jig 溶组治具126 common jig 共享治具127 cooling jig 冷却治具128 timer 定时器129 electr
12、ode 电极130 electrode tip 电极头131 file 锉刀132 hammer & screw driver 榔头及螺丝起子-6-133 independent switch 独立开关134 inspection jig 检具135 jig for single model 单机种治具136 leveler 水平器137 limit switch 极限开关138 magazine 储刀仓139 material handling 手持治具140 measuring apparatus 测量器具141 miller 铣刀142 milling machine 磨床143 oxy
13、gen cylinder 氧气瓶144 photo sensor 光电管145 position equipment 定位装置146 position pin 定位pin147 pulley 滑轮148 scale 卷尺149 special tool 专用工具 / 特殊工具150 taper 锥度151 tool 刀具152 transit 精纬仪153 weld jig 熔组治具154 welding gun 点焊枪155 working table 工作台156 alternating current 交流电157 arise source 发生源158 seriouse breakdo
14、wn explain 重大故障说明159 billboard 广告牌160 brake down failure 故障161 breakdown biographic 故障履历162 breakdown countermeasure 故障对策163 transient stop running 短暂停机164 contract check 合同点检165 demonstrate machine 示范机台166 difficult place 困难个所167 dirt 污垢168 branch 分科会-7-169 economize energy 节约能源170 on job training
15、branch 教育训练支柱(分科会)171 Effect conform 效果确认172 electric current 电流值173 electric equipment box 电器箱174 electric part 电器组件175 electrical system 电气系统176 eliminate old for new 汰旧换新177 emergence change 紧急应变178 retain consultant 聘请顾问179 equipment disorder 设备故障180 initial phase control system for new products
16、 and equipment branch开发管理支柱(分科会)181 failure mode & effects analysis (F.M.E.A) 故障模式效应分析182 final check 终业点检183 frequency 频率184 function plant rate 性能稼动律185 grounding (earth) 短路186 autonomous maintenance branch 自主保全支柱(分科会)187 administration and support unit efficiency improvement branch间接部门效率化支柱(分科会)1
17、88 individual improvement branch 个别改善支柱(分科会)189 initial stage clean 初期清扫190 life-cycle of usage 使用寿命191 line-off time 停线时间192 maintenance system 维护体系193 maintenance 维护保养194 planning maintenance 计划保全195 mean time between failure (MTBF) 平均故障间隔时间196 mean time to repair (MTTR) 平均故障休复时间197 middle check 中
18、间点检198 one point lesson (OPL) 单一重要点学习法199 out of work 失效200 planned maitenance branch 计划保全支柱(分科会)201 potential drop 电压低下202 power 动力203 Prevention Maintenance (PM) 预防保养-8-204 quality maintenance branch 品质保全支柱(分科会)205 regular maintenance 定期保养206 residual problem 残留问题207 responsibility unit 责任单位208 re
19、store time 复原时间209 routine maintenance 日常保养210 rush to repair 抢修211 Industrial safety, health and environment management branch安全卫生支柱(分科会)212 short breakdown 故障缩短213 similar equipment 类似设备214 stage achievement publish 阶段成果发表215 start chart 状况图216 start check 始业点检217 subject select 主题选定218 tentative
20、standard 暂定基准219 test run 试车220 time plant rate 时间稼动律221 Total Productivity Maintenance (TPM) 全员参与生产保养222 trouble / breakdown 故障223 utilization of waste 废物利用224 valid use 有效利用225 voltage 电压226 warm up into practice 暖机实施227 wire diameter 线径三、物流相关228 area 面积229 first in first out 先进先出230 sandpaper 砂纸2
21、31 color parts list (CPL) 颜色零件清册232 inventories check / inventory 盘点233 inventory control 存货控制234 packing & forwarding charge (P/F) 捆包及作业费235 packing list (P/L) 装箱单-9-236 part NO. 件号237 production, parts, list(PPL) 生产零件清册238 replenishing / refilling / supply 补给239 semi-finished / half-finished 半完成品2
22、40 stock 存货241 synchronized 序列242 synchronized delivery 序列纳入243 table lifter 升降机244 unpack 拆包装245 work in process (WIP) 在制品246 material plate / plate 料架247 Pallet 料架248 raw material 原料249 warehouse 仓库四、质量相关250 Abnormal 异常251 acceptable quality level 允收水平252 Acceptance 合格253 acceptance inspection 检收2
23、54 Accuracy 精度255 accuracy control 精度管理256 air tight 气密257 albino 白化258 appearance of film 外观质量259 available scrap 可再利用之废料260 base coat COB上涂之底色涂装261 black out 黑涂262 bleeding 异色263 bottoming marker 成型到底记号264 burr 毛边265 buttocks line B.L266 capillary 毛细管原理267 carbonized depth 渗碳深度268 cause & effect d
24、iagram 因果图269 cause & effect relationship 因果关系-10-270 chamfering 倒角271 check list 检查一览表272 check sheet 检查表273 checking / inspection 检查274 diffluence 分流275 clearance / gap 间隙276 clearance over standard 间隙过大277 clearance under standard 间隙过小278 clouding 失光(光泽不良)279 color matching 色差280 color primer 有色中
25、涂281 complete knock down CKD282 compound zone 化合物层283 concave 凹284 condition / situation 状态285 condition of quality 质量状况286 conduct electricity is bad / poor 导电不良287 confirmation 确认288 confirmation by actual parts fitting 现合289 conforming article 良品290 connect failure 接触不良291 consumer goods 消耗品292 c
26、ontinually follow up 持续追踪293 convex 凸294 core hardness 心部硬度295 countermeasure draft 对策拟定296 olesome 油点(凹陷)297 creak 裂298 criterion 判定基准299 criticize 指摘(挑问题点)300 cylinder block broken (出怪手 ) 汽缸体破裂301 damping 避震,减震302 defect 缺点303 defective parts 不良品304 defective rate 不良率305 deformation 变形-11-306 degr
27、adation 品质低下307 dent & hump 凹凸308 destructive inspection 破坏检查309 deviation / parallax 偏310 die change over 型交换311 die construction (structure) 构造312 die maintenance & repair 型改修313 diffusion zone 扩散层314 dimensions 尺寸315 dirties / spits 粒物316 dispersion 变异317 distortion 变形318 durability 耐久性319 effect
28、ive carbonized depth 有效渗碳深度320 endurance test 耐久test321 errors / mistake 误差 / 错误322 examine / investigate 调查323 external appearance 外观324 fatigue limit 疲劳限度325 fats 脂肪326 final inspection 最终检查327 finished good 完成品328 finishing 最终整修329 flush lap 重迭搭合330 foreign particle 异物331 full annealing 完全退火332 g
29、alling 模具成型拉伤333 gauge 检具334 go And not go standard (MASTER) 限度样板335 go or not go standard 限度样本336 grain size 结晶粒度337 grasp force not enough 挟持力不够338 grease 油脂339 grinding crack 研磨电裂340 groove 开口槽341 hardness 硬度-12-342 heat affected area 热影响区343 heat deformation 热变形344 heat radiation 辐射热345 heat str
30、ain 受热的凹凸346 heavy metals 重金属347 height gauge 高度规348 high quality 高质量349 hole 孔350 horizontal 水平351 importance(critical) parts 重要部品352 inching 寸动353 income quality checker (I.Q.C) 进料检验员354 incoming part bad 来件不良355 incomplete welded spot 打点脱焊356 indentation 凹357 inferior quality 品质不良358 infixed posi
31、tion 未定位359 initial sample inspection report (ISIR) 初期样件检查报告360 in-process quality 工程内质量361 inspect 检验362 inspection item 检查项目363 insulation 吸音,隔音墙364 interference 干涉365 intermittent (INT) 间歇366 irregular shape hole 异形孔367 joggle 板件上为搭接而制作的小段差368 joint structure 结合构造369 knock down KD370 leak cryogen
32、 漏冷煤371 leakage / leaking 漏水,泄漏372 let tolerance percent defective (LTPD) 拒收水平373 license 许可,执照374 liquids 液相线375 lower center line (LCL) 管制下限376 magnetic field 磁场377 magnetic tape (M/T) 磁带-13-378 make glue up bad 补胶不良379 manual repair 手修改380 marking PIN 划线PIN381 mechanical strength 强度382 melting po
33、int 熔点383 metal finishing 最终整修384 micro structure 显微镜组织(金相)385 necking 颈缩386 nitriding depth 氮化深度387 noise 异音,杂音388 nominal diameter 公称直径389 none volatile 不挥发份(固形份)390 normalizing 正常化391 notching 切口392 nugget size 溶接径393 off-tool sample 手制作样品394 oil leakage 油污395 operation accuracy study 作业精度调查396 o
34、range peel (O.P) 橘子皮397 out-going inspection 出荷检查398 over quality 过剩品质399 overcharge 过度充电400 overflow 溢流401 peeling 脱落402 phase diagram 状态图403 pinhole 针孔404 place 处所,位置405 porosity 多孔性406 pre-heating 预热407 prevent 防止408 prevention of recurrence 再发防止409 preventive strategy 预防对策410 problem 问题点411 prod
35、uct profile list (PPL) 装置示样表412 qualified rate 合格率413 quality agreement 品质协议-14-414 quality assurance 质量保证415 quality audit 品质稽核416 quality control 质量控制417 quality improvement 品质向上418 quality awareness 质量意识(观念)419 quality standard 质量标准420 standard sample 样件421 quality survey 质量调查422 quality target 质
36、量目标423 quenching crack 淬裂424 Q-Ultra Violet (QUV) 抗紫外线(试验)425 receiving inspection 受入检查426 recurrence 再发427 reducing flame 还原火焰428 reference plant 基准面429 reference point 基准点430 rejection 不合格431 reliability 可靠性/ 依赖性432 repair 修理433 shaping 整形434 rigidity / stiffness 钢性435 rough surface 表面粗糙436 rubber
37、 橡胶,胶垫437 running / sapping 垂流438 rust 锈439 safety parts 保安零件440 sagging 垂漆441 Salt Spray Test(S.S.T) 盐水喷雾验442 sample 样本,样件443 sanding 研磨444 scrap harm 刮伤445 screw driver check 起子试验446 screw too tight 螺太紧447 scriber 基准线448 sealent painting 补胶449 second injury 二次伤害-15-450 sheet thickness 钣厚451 sheet-
38、to-sheet fitness 板金搭合452 shifty 滑头453 shrinkage 收缩454 sintering 烧结455 source of occurrence 发生源456 spatter (arc weld) 火花457 specification 规格 / 仕样458 square hole 方形孔459 stability 稳定性460 strength is not enough 强度不足461 stress distortion 变形462 strip a screw 滑牙463 structural Change 组织变化464 Supplier Qualit
39、y Assurance(S.Q.A) 厂商质量保证465 surface hardness 表面硬度466 surface roughness 表面粗糙度467 surface tension 表面张力468 temperature (TEMP) 温度469 temporary 暂时,临时470 tensile strength 抗拉强度471 terminal dislocation 端子脱出472 Test Chamber Temperature(T.C.T) 实验室温度473 test piece 试验片474 thermal change 热变化475 three-dimensiona
40、l 三次元476 throwing power ED穿透力477 tip 电极头478 tip diameter tip径479 tip dressing tip研磨480 tip replacing tip更换481 to harden 硬化482 to take care+B531 注意483 toe-in 前束484 torque 扭力485 torque adjustment 扭力调整486 torque not enough 扭力不足-16-487 torque weighting 扭力过磅488 total carbonized depth 全渗碳深度489 total(100%)
41、 inspection 全数检查490 transformation 变态491 trial make 试作492 trim steel 剪边刃493 triple lapping 3枚构造494 twisting (TW) 扭曲495 uncertainty 不确定度496 unusual voice 异音497 up-keeping of quality 质量维持498 upper center line (UCL) 管理上限499 venire caliper 游标卡尺500 vertical / perpendicular 垂直501 view 视图502 visual inspect
42、ion 目视检查503 volatile organic compounds 挥发性有机化合物504 warping 翘曲不平505 water leaks 漏水506 wear out / abrasion 磨耗507 wedge check 起子试验508 weld time 通电时间509 weld conditions 溶接条件510 weld quality 熔接品质511 welding force 加压力512 wetting 湿的513 width 宽度514 wrinkle 皱515 yellowing 变黄性516 zero point two 0.2五、工作方法517 2
43、-time spotting 二次溶接518 50% duty cycle 50%使用率519 action Plan(AP) 行动计划-17-520 adjusting value clearance 捉鸟(台语) 引擎汽门调节521 air blast quenching 冲风淬火522 annealing 退火523 arc weld 电弧焊熔接524 assembly 组装525 assembly operation sheet 工程表/ AOS526 assembly operation sheet (AOS) 组立工程表527 bending (BD) 弯曲528 blanking
44、 (B/L) 下料529 brazing 铜焊530 bright annealing 光辉退火531 bright quenching 光辉淬火532 bright tempering 光辉回火533 burring (BURR) 扩孔534 carbon restoration 复碳535 nitrocarburizing 渗碳氮化536 carbonizing 渗碳537 case annealing 装箱退火538 case hardening 表面硬化539 casting 铸造540 change letter(CL) 图面设变符号541 change tool 换工具542 ch
45、romium-plated 镀铬543 co2 arc weld co2焊接544 CO2 weld CO2熔接545 compressed air 压缩空气546 computer aided design (CAD) 计算机辅助设计547 computer aided manufacturing (CAM) 计算机辅助制造548 computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) 计算机整合制造549 computer numerical control (CNC) 计算机数值控制550 construction 施工551 continued 持续552 co
46、ntinuous operation 连续作业553 continuous production 连续生产554 conveyor speed 输送带速度555 CPK=T(1-K)/6S 工程能力指数-18-556 cutting (CUT) 剪557 cycle time (C/T) 循还时间558 decarbonizing 脱碳559 degrease 脱脂560 de-greasing 除油561 degree of work difficulty 作业难易度562 design of experiment (D.O.E) 实验设计563 development 开发564 die
47、casting 压铸565 diffusion annealing 扩散退火566 double trigger 二次溶接567 down time 停止时间568 draw 引伸,抽569 drawing (DR) 引伸,抽570 drill 钻孔571 dry sanding 干研572 electrophoresis deposition 电着涂装573 electric resistance 电阻574 electro deposition,ED 电着575 electrode force 电极576 electrode positive 阳性电极577 electrolytic ha
48、rdening 电解淬火578 electroplating 电镀579 electrostatic coating 静电涂装580 engineering 工程581 engineering change plan (ECP) 设计变更计划582 engineering order (EO) 工程命令583 engineering parts list (EPL) 工程零件清册584 eutectic alloy 共晶合金585 evaporative emission control (EEC) 油气污染控制586 extrusion 挤出587 feasibility study (F/
49、S) 可行性研究588 feed 进给589 feedback 回馈590 filing operation 锉刀作业591 fine boring (F/B) 精搪-19-592 flame hardening 火焰淬火593 flange (FL) 弯边594 floating 浮色;颜色分离595 forging 锻造596 forming (FO) 成形597 full dip 全浸式598 fusion weld 融合焊接599 gas carbonizing 气体渗碳600 gas nitriding 气体氮化601 gas shielded positive 气体保护熔接602
50、global positioning system 全球定位系统603 grease painting 油脂涂布604 grinding(dressing) 研磨605 half dip 半浸式606 hand welding 手溶接607 handling precautions 注意事项608 hand-made 手工制作609 heat 热610 heat refining 调质611 heat treatment 热处理612 large amount production 多量生产613 holding time 保持时间614 horizontal expand 水平展开615 h