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1、本 科 毕 业 论 文题目 :学 院: 外 国 语 学 院专 业: 英 语学 号: 200814118087学生姓名: 艾小利指导教师: 陈尧日 期: 2012 年 5 月 15 日武汉科技大学本科毕业论文(页眉用隶书 3 号字)(摘要与页眉之间空一行)摘要(小二号黑体居中)(空一行)(提醒:论文中所有引号一律用弯引号,如 或 ”,不用从网上下载的直引号 ,如, 或 “)随着经济社会的发展,英语的功能和地位日益得到重视。作为英语变体之一的中式英语,萌芽于中国近代特殊的社会环境,探讨其文化根源有助于进一步研究文化交融对语言变异的影响;而分析其在不同时代所呈现的特征可以勾勒出中式英语的发展轨迹,有

2、助于进一步研究社会发展对语言变异的影响,并能科学地预测其发展趋向,引导正确的英语学习潮流。本文探讨了中式英语的文化根源和中式英语的时代特征,指出:由于中西方思想观念,逻辑思维,文化内涵的差异以及背景知识的缺失,导致了英语在汉语交换时的变异。而这种变异又受经济社会的影响而呈现出不同的时代特征。自英语传入中国社会以来,中式英语的发展可以划分为四个阶段:鸦片战争之前,鸦片战争到新中国成立(1949) ,建国到改革开放(1979) ,改革开放至今。从它各个时代的特点可以看出:虽然中式英语在对外交流中曾经发挥过举足轻重的作用,但它是中国对外交流的畸形产物,不符合时代发展的要求。随着教育质量以及对外开放水

3、平的提高,中式英语注定会退出历史舞台。 (小四号宋体,1.5倍行距) (中文摘要字数要求:400字左右,英文摘要与中文摘要内容一致)(空一行)关键词(4 号黑体,左对齐,后加冒号): 中式英语; 文化根源; 时代特征; 发展趋势(小四号宋体) (关键词之间用分号隔开,关键词 3-5 个)(此页页码用罗马字母小五号字底端居中)武汉科技大学本科毕业论文(页眉用隶书 3 号字)(与页眉之间空一行)Abstract(小二号 Times New Roman 居中,加粗)(空一行)With the advancement of economy and society, the functions and

4、status of English are increasingly recognized. Chinglish, as a misshapen, hybrid language, is the product of social development that may affect the international cooperation and communication between China and English-speaking countries. Studying the origins, especially the cultural origins, of Chin

5、glish can be of help to the further research on how the cultural mingling influences language variation. Analyzing the times features of Chinglish can sketch the orbit of its development and forecast its development trend, which can be of help to the further research on how social development influe

6、nces language variation. This paper makes the research on the cultural origins and times features of Chinglish. The differences of thought patterns, logic patterns, cultural connotation and the translators lack of the background information in translating Chinese into English cause the emergence of

7、Chinglish. Affected by social background, the times features of Chinglish appear different in different periods. The process of Chinglish can be divided into four periods: before the Opium War, from the Opium War to 1949, from 1949 to 1979, from 1979 to the present. Although Chinglish once played a

8、certain role in the international cooperation and communication in Chinese history, it is destined to retreat along with the advancement of education and technology. (小四号 Times New Roman,1.5 倍行距)(空一行)Key words(四号 Times New Roman,左对齐,加粗,后加冒号): culture origin; Chinglish; times feature; development tre

9、nd(小四号,均小写, Times New Roman 字体,关键词之间用分号隔开并空一字符,注意每个词首字母小写, 专有名词除外,首字母应大写,如:Chinese)武汉科技大学本科毕业论文(页眉用隶书 3 号字)(此页页码仍用罗马字母小五号字底端居中,接前页连续编序)(此处空一行或两行,视情况而定) Contents(此处空一行)1 Introduction.12 Chinglish22.1 Definition of Chinglish. 32.2 Chinglish vs. China English 53 Origins of Chinglish 73.1 Linguistic Fac

10、tors. 7 3.1.1 Lexical Deficiency. 83.1.2 Syntactical Incompetence 93.1.3 Word-for-Word Translation105 Conclusion.12Bibliography.13Acknowledgements 14(目录按三级标题编写,且要与正文标题一致。一级标题用小二号加粗,二级标题用小三号加粗字,三级标题用四号加粗字,全部用 Times New Roman 体;或者全部减一号如标题较多甚至可以全部减两号,务必目录只占一页、美观大方。目录之上是“Contents”采用小二号 Arial 加粗,该段段前空一行,

11、段后空一行。标题后的页码第 1 个数字请上下对齐,以利美观)(论文正文字数要求:4500 6000 单词之间,不得少于 4500 单词)武汉科技大学本科毕业论文(页眉用隶书 3 号字)(此页页码用罗马字母小五号字底端居中,接前页英文摘要的页码连续编序)(此处空两行。自正文第一页开始编页码,页码用阿拉伯数字小五号,底端居中。参考文献和致谢接着正文续标页码)Cultural Origins and Times Features of Chinglish(论文英文题目、小三号、加粗,居中,Arial 体,段后空一行)1 Introduction ( 一级标题。加粗、四号字,和二级、三级标题及正文全部

12、采用Times New Roman 体。一级标题前后各空半行,二、三级标题前后不空行。标题全部不缩进。题号与标题间间隔一个 Tab 键 )(正文每段首行缩进 4 个字符键)Chinglish is the misshapen, hybrid language which is described as “English with Chinese characteristics” by Joan Pinkham (Pinkham, 2000: 29). (每一处引用别人的观点必须在文中夹注,夹注放括号内,夹注形式:姓名如 Pinkham+逗号+出版年如 2000+冒号+页码如 1。如姓名系英文,

13、只需给出姓即可如 Pinkham;如姓名系汉语,则给出全名。如引用内容来自几个页码,页码间用连字符连接,如 1-3。正文中的夹注信息必须与 Bibliography 中列出的参考文献对应。直接引用和间接引用均遵循此格式;如间接引用的是一篇文章的主要观点,可以只给出年份,不标页码) It is rooted in the society and greatly influenced by economy and culture. It is usually regarded as an abnormal form of English expressions. As far as its ori

14、gins are concerned, Chinglish can be caused by the linguistic and cultural factors. Studying the origins, especially the cultural origins, of Chinglish can be of help to the further research on how the cultural mingling influences language variation. This paper will make the research on the cultural

15、 origins of Chinglish by means of analyzing linguistic and cultural factors. As English was first introduced into China even before the Opium War, the characteristics of Chinese history have inevitably played certain 武汉科技大学本科毕业论文(页眉用隶书 3 号字)roles in the formation of Chinglish. Affected by social bac

16、kground, Chinglish embodies different times features in different periods. Analyzing the times features of Chinglish in different periods can sketch the orbit of its development and forecast its development trend, which can be of help to the further research on how social development influences lang

17、uage variation. This paper will divide the process of Chinglish into four periods, namely, before the Opium War, from the Opium War to 1949, from 1949 to 1979, from 1979 to the present. Through the analysis of the times features in these periods, the development orbit of Chinglish can be clearly see

18、n: from flourish to ruin. Then it can be forecast that Chinglish is destined to retreat. (正文采用 Times new roman 小四号字,行间距 1.5 倍)2 Chinglish2.1 Definition of Chinglish(二级标题,同三级标题全部采用加粗,小四号字)Li Wenzhong gives the definition of Chinglish: “中国式英语是指中国英语学习和使用者由于受母语干扰和影响,硬套汉语规则和习惯,在英语交际中出现的不合规范英语或不合英语文化习惯的畸形

19、英语。 ”(Chinglish refers to a form of misshapen English influenced by mother-tongue. It was caused by the misuse of Chinese grammar and interference of first language ) ( 李文中, 1993: 9).(如引用内容系原话,必须用双引号标注出来。如大段引用别人的原话,应单独成段,或段两边加双引号,或段左右两边适当向内缩进,以区别于其他文字。如引用的原文如为中文,可直接将中文翻译成英文两边加双引号作为引文,也可以先给出中文引文,后面给出

20、中文引文的译文)(正文段落前后不空行)In The Translators Guide to Chinglish, (文中提到英文书名应为斜体;汉语书名需加书名号) Joan Pinkham points out that “Chinglish, of course, is that misshapen, hybrid language that is neither English nor Chinese but that might be described as English with Chinese characteristics.” (Pinkham, 2000: 29)武汉科技大

21、学本科毕业论文(页眉用隶书 3 号字).(自正文第一页开始编页码,阿拉伯数字小五号,底端居中) (此处空一行)Bibliography(居中,Arial, 四号,黑体)(此处空一行)(提醒注意:凡文后参考文献中列举了的文献必须在正文中用夹注标出,凡正文中夹注的引用,必须列在文后的参考文献中)1 Chin ChuanchengChinese English varietyAIn Kachru,BB(ed)The Other TongueEnglish across Culture (2nd edition) CUrbana and Chicago:University of Illinois P

22、ress, 1992: 162 (文章名用正体,除第一个字母大写外,其他字母均小写;英文专著名用斜体,专著中所有实义词第一个字母均大写。析出文章后加 A,从中析出的专著或论文集后加 C)2 Derrida(姓) , Jacques(名). The Ear of the Other: Texts and Discussion with Jacques Derrida M. ed. Christie Mcdonald, trans Peggy Kamuf. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1985 (英文作者,如作者只有一个人,则姓放前,名放后,中间加

23、一逗号)3 McEnery(姓), Tony(名) & Michael Oakes(名+姓). Sentence and word alignment in the CRATER project A. Jenny Thomas and Mick Short (eds) Using Corpora for Language Research C. London: Longman Group UK Limited, 1996. (英文作者如超过一人,则第一个作者姓前名后,中加一逗号,第一作者和第二作者之间加& 号,从第二作者开始,姓名用正常拼法即名前姓后)4 Pinkham, Joan J. Th

24、e Translators Guide to ChinglishM(专著名后加M标示). (4th).Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000:15 Romaine, SPidgin and Creole LanguagesMOxford:Basil Blackwell,1988:246 Wardhaugh,Ronald. An Introduction to SociolinguisticsMBeijing :Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000:55

25、8 Heider(姓) , E.R. (名)& D.C. (名)Oliver(姓). (J的文章名不斜体)The structure of color space in naming and memory of two languages J. Foreign 武汉科技大学本科毕业论文(页眉用隶书 3 号字)Language Teaching and Research( 杂志名斜体 ) , 1999, (3): 62 67.9 包惠南文化语境与语言翻译M北京:中国对外翻译出版公司 , 2001: 11010 陈松岑语言变异研究M广州:广东教育出版社,1999:1 11 陈学恂中国近代教育史教学

26、参考资料(上)M北京:人民教育出版社, 92000:2612 葛传椝漫谈由汉译英问题 J(期刊文章名后加 J标示) 翻译通讯,1980 (2):13-1412 顾长声传教士与近代中图M上海:上海人民出版社,1985:2313 韩其顺理解与表达M上海:上海外语教育出版社,1998:7014 李文中中国英语和中国式英语J外语教学与研究, 1993 (4):915 利玛窦利玛窦中国札记M北京:中华书局,2001:2916 刘娟从中式英语看中西文化的撞击J内江师范学院学报,2006(3):11217 马伟林中国皮钦英语的历史演变J修辞学习,2004 (3):2218 乔纳森改变中国M北京:三联书店,1

27、990:5019 孙太群中国英语的特征及发展前景J福建农林大学学报,2006(9):8520 王明亮.关于中国学术期刊标准化数据库系统工程的进展EB/OL.http: / 19980816/19981004(一定要标明日期)21王墨希、 (两个汉语姓名之间用顿号)李津中国学生英语语篇思维模式调查J外语教学与研究,1993 (4):6022 许之所、杨俐接受中国英语拒绝中式英语JSino-US English Teaching, 2004 (3):6(具体参考文献:中文宋体,英文 Times New Roman,为小四号,行距 1.25 倍。注意:参考书目序号必须对齐)(参考文献按照先英语文献,

28、后汉语文献的顺序排列。排列时遵循作者姓名字母顺序从 A到 Z 先后列出)(涉及参考文献的其他未尽情况,请参考中国翻译杂志)武汉科技大学本科毕业论文(页眉用隶书 3 号字)(此处根据情况适当空行,务求美观)Acknowledgements(此处空一行)(致谢页对指导教师和给予指导或协助完成毕业论文工作的组织和个人表示感谢。如在论文中使用了别人拥有版权且授予了你使用权的材料,也要在此致谢。也可以在此向父母或亲人致谢)(致谢二字使用英文的 Acknowledgements, 居中,四号字、加粗Arial 体,段后空一行;致谢具体内容使用 Times New Roman 体、小四号字,如包括几段,每段后空半行。每段首行向右 4 个字符。行间距全部采用 1.5倍)


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