1、This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller
2、and DS18B20 temperature sensor.儿科护理学Pediatric NursingThis paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core
3、components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.2儿科护理学:第一章 绪论This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18
4、B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.儿科护理学:第一章 绪论This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using
5、 single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.你喜欢看到左图还是右图的画面?左图 右图This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the funct
6、ion of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.概 述This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature contr
7、ol system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.6儿科护理学的定义是一门研究小儿 生长发育规律 、小儿 保健 、 疾病防治 和 护理 ,
8、以促进小儿 身心健康 的学科。第一节:儿科护理学概述This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system ar
9、e AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.7服务及研究对象胎儿第一节:儿科护理学概述This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip
10、 microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.服务及研究对象胎儿 青春期的儿童年龄: 018 或 20岁第一节:儿科护理学概述年龄呢?This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and con
11、trol by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.9儿科护理学的任务第一节:儿科护理学概述增强儿童 体质提高儿童 智力 和 社会适应能力降低疾病的 发生率 和 死亡率 保障和促进儿童 身心健康This paper mainly introduces the design of an
12、 intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.儿科护理学的范畴小儿生长发育
13、儿童保健疾病预防疾病护理第一节:儿科护理学概述This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are A
14、T89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.小儿年龄分期和保健This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer.
15、 The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.小儿划分为 7个年龄分期胎儿期新生儿期婴儿期幼儿期学龄前期学龄期青春期This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus
16、 digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.胎儿期 (fetal period)This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temper
17、ature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.胎儿期 (fetal period)定义 :从卵子和精子结合到小儿出生统称为胎儿期。胎儿期特点 :完全依赖母体生存孕母的健康、营养、情绪、环境、感染、吸烟、酗酒、药物应用等对胎儿均有
18、影响保健重点:加强对孕妇保健加强婚前、孕前体检及咨询This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system ar
19、e AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.新生儿期 (neonatal period)This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chi
20、p microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.新生儿期 (neonatal period)定义:出生后脐带结扎开始至生后 28天为新生儿期特点:发病率高、死亡率高发病率高、死亡率高围生期(围产期):胎龄满 28周(体重 1000g)至出生后 7天保健重点:强调护理,如保暖、喂养、消毒隔离、清洁卫生等This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent tempe
21、rature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.This paper mainly introduces the
22、 design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.婴
23、儿期( infancy)This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 micr
24、ocontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.婴儿期( infancy)定义:出生后至满 1周岁为婴儿期特点:生长发育最迅速易发生营养和消化紊乱易感染This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B2
25、0 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.保健重点:提倡母乳喂养,及时添加辅食有计划地接受预防接种,完成基础免疫重视生活习惯和卫生习惯培养This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperatur
26、e measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.幼儿期 (toddlers age)This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control
27、 system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.幼儿期 (toddlers age)定义:1周岁到满 3周岁之前为幼儿期特点:体格发育速度减
28、慢,智力发育较快感染机会增加意外事故增多This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89
29、C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.保健重点:注意智力开发注意饮食习惯的培养注意防病治病,防止意外This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single
30、chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.学龄前期 (preschool age)This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single
31、 bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.学龄前期 (preschool age)定义:3岁到 6-7岁入小学前为学龄前期特点:体格发育稳步增长,智力发育更趋完善结缔组织病增加易发生各种意外建立初步的自理能力和社交能力This paper mainly introduces the design of an in
32、telligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.保健重点:继续生长监测重视早期教育
33、加强体格锻炼,注意防病治病This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 mic
34、rocontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.学龄期 (school-age)This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. Th
35、e core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.学龄期 (school-age)定义:从 6-7岁入学至 12-14岁为学龄期特点:除生殖系统,其他系统发育接近成人水平智力发育更成熟This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement an
36、d control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.保健重点:加强教育促进全面发展注意安排规律的生活、学习和锻炼,避免思想过度紧张注意预防近视眼和龋齿This paper mainly introduces the design of an intelligent temperature control system which realizes the function of temperature measurement and control by using single bus digital temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcomputer. The core components of the system are AT89C51 microcontroller and DS18B20 temperature sensor.青春期 (adolescence)