1、This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 m sensor
2、 . 四年级品德与社会 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89
3、C51 m sensor . 北京 酒泉 大约 2000千米 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of t
4、he system ar e AT89C51 m sensor . 检测预习,勇闯第一关 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core co
5、mponent s of the system ar e AT89C51 m sensor . This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core
6、 component s of the system ar e AT89C51 m sensor . This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The c
7、ore component s of the system ar e AT89C51 m sensor . 烽火台利用什么传递信息 ? This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip micr
8、ocom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 m sensor . This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip m
9、icrocom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 m sensor . This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chi
10、p microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 m sensor . 烽火 、 浓烟 、 鼓声 烽火台传信 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor
11、DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 m sensor . 比较这两种传递信息的方式有什么不同 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit a
12、l temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 m sensor . 烽火台 (烟 火) 驿站 (人骑马) 特 点 传递简单消息 可以准确传递消息、信件和实物。 不 足 传递速度快,但是信息简单不准确,不保密,不安全 传递信息量大,时间长,信息不保密,不安全。 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system
13、 which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 m sensor . 古代劳动人民还创造了哪些传递信息的方法? 风筝传信 孔明灯传信 漂流瓶传信 This paper mainly int roduces the design of
14、 an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 m sensor . 特点: 可以让很远的人直接看到。 类似的方法: 消息树、旗语、信号灯 不足: 只
15、能传递单一的情报,受天气等外界因素的限制。 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system
16、 ar e AT89C51 m sensor . 1、古代的通信工具是用人、火光、动物(如马、信鸽 )看得见的信使传递信息。 2、速度比较慢。 3、很容易受到外界因素(天气、环境、人等)的影响。 4、信息简单,保密性不强。 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al tem
17、perature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 m sensor . 拓展训练,勇闯第二关 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bu
18、s digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 m sensor . 你知道,在古代,家人离别,常用诗句表达等待、盼望家人的消息,说一说有关的故事或是诗句。 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at u
19、r e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 m sensor . 写得家书空满纸!流清泪,书回已是明年事。 陆游 烽火连三月,家书抵万金。 杜甫 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system
20、 which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 m sensor . This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol sys
21、tem which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 m sensor . 你行我更行,勇闯第三关 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperatu
22、re cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 m sensor . This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emper
23、ature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 m sensor . 将一个信息从伦敦送至纽约约 信息传送的时期 传送方法 从发送到接收的时间间隔 1775年 1840年 1858年 197
24、0年 20世纪90年代 帆 船 快速帆船 第一次横越大西洋的电报 第一个跨海直拨电话 计算机 6-9个星期 约 12天 数秒内 即刻 即刻,还具有潜力 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single c
25、hip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 m sensor . 传 递 方 法 传递速度 很慢 加快 即时数秒 人、马 汽车、火车、飞机、轮船 电报、电话、传真机 网络、移动电话 邮政 电信 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol b
26、y using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 m sensor . This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont ro
27、l by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 m sensor . 时间 人们常用的 通信方式 传递信息所 花费的时间 30年前 手摇电话、书 信、电报 几分钟 -几天 15年前 固定电话、 寻呼机 几秒钟 -几分钟 现 在 手机、电视、 电脑网络 几秒钟 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligen
28、t emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 m sensor . This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteli
29、gent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 m sensor . 通信畅想曲 通信畅想曲 我 我想以后不管爸爸妈妈出差到哪儿,随时都能在屏幕中看到他们,和他们聊天。 人体可以导电。所以,现科学家正在开发人体通信技术。比如,因为你身上可能会带十多个微型计算机,所以,你手握汽车方向盘时,导航系统就会自动为你调整方向