1、This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr oco
2、ntroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 青 春 期 发 育 飘香剑雨 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter.
3、The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 预习69至71页 自学思考 一、人生最重要的发育时期是( ) 二、青春期形态上最明显的变化是( ) 三、青春期最突出的发育特点是( ) 四、什么是第二性征? 五、促进青春期发育的主要激素是哪些? This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the f
4、unction of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 新生命的诞生应该从何时算起 ? 思考 : 受精卵 胚胎 胎儿 婴儿 成人 人的生长发育 讨论:人的生长发育分为几个时期? 每个时
5、期有什么特点 ? This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51
6、 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 婴儿期:不会说话、走路等,依赖大人的照顾 幼儿期:体形较胖,走路会摔跤,要大人的照顾 童年期:学会了一般的行为习惯,逐步学会自理 青春期:个头长的很快,身体各部分都在发育 成年期 个体发育成熟,身高体重已稳定, 各系统发育完善 青年期 中年期 老年期 0 1岁 2 6岁 7 11岁 12 23岁 23 生长发育各个时期的划分 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system w
7、hich realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 讨论: 1.说出男女生的生殖器官发育开始突增的年龄。 2.男、女孩在开始发育的年龄上有什么
8、不一样? 10岁 一般男生比女生 晚两年。 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system
9、 ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 青春期形态发育: 身高突增,体重增加。 青春期功能发育: 肌肉力量增加、 心脏收缩力提高、 肺活量增大、 神经系统更大分化和发展。 讨论:青春期发育最本质的特征是什么? This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont
10、rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 青春期性发育主要包括: 生殖器官的生长、第二性征的发育 第二性征:男、女第二性征分别有那些? 在 雄性、雌性激素 的刺激下表现出来的, 生殖器官以外的性别差异。 This paper mainly int roduces
11、the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperatu
12、re sensor. 习题 训 练 题 1、男女在生殖器官上的差异叫 ( ) ,男女除生殖器官以外其他性别差异称为 ( ) This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom p
13、uter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 1、男性生殖系统有哪些器官组成?主要的性器官是( ),女性生殖系统最主要的器官是( ),它们分别能产生( ),分泌( )。 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e meas
14、urement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 1、下列有关受精卵的叙述错误的是 A、受精卵是一个细胞 B、受精卵包括精子和卵子两个细胞 C、人体的受精卵在女性输卵管内形成 D、受精卵的细胞结构包括细胞膜、细胞质和细胞核 This pa
15、per mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler
16、 and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 1、人体早期胚胎的营养物质由( )提供,胎儿的营养物质由( )提供。 2、胎儿从母体血液中获得的物质是 ( ) A、二氧化碳和废物 B、氧气和二氧化碳 C、营养物质和二氧化碳 D、营养物质和氧气 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using sin
17、gle bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 1、在青春期,饮食上应注意( ) A、多补充糖类 B、多补充蛋白质 C、多补充维生素 D、营养全面、合理 2、卵生动物的卵细胞相对较大,其主要意义在于( ) A、卵大有养料多有利于胚胎发育 B、卵大能抵御外界环境变化的能力强 C、卵大可以吸收更多能量 D
18、、卵大空间大,有利于胚胎发育 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e A
19、T89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 1、女孩月经初潮说明( ) A、人体各部分已发育成熟 B、青春期即将结束 C、卵巢已经能产生卵子 D、输卵管已经能产生卵子 2、青春期是指( )器官 开始发育到成熟的阶段, 是从( )到 ( )的过渡阶段 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measuremen
20、t and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 1、胎生相对于其他生殖方式的 优势在于( ) A、提高了后代的成活率 B、增强了后代的体质 C、使后代的数量大大增加 D、减轻了母体负担 This paper mainly int roduces t
21、he design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperatur
22、e sensor. 1、男性的生殖细胞叫( ),女性的生殖细胞叫 ( ),受精时,两个生殖细胞在 ( )融合而成为 ( ) 。 This paper mainly int roduces the design of an inteligent emperature cont rol system which realizes the function of temper at ur e measurement and cont rol by using single bus digit al temperature sensor DS18B20 and single chip microcom puter. The core component s of the system ar e AT89C51 micr ocontroler and DS18B20 t emperature sensor. 1、 计划生育工作中对已生育的育 龄妇女可采用结扎输卵管的措施,其作用是( ) A、减少雌性激素分泌,使卵子不能成熟 B、使精子和卵子不能相遇形成受精卵 C、使受精卵不能移到子宫,从而不能发育为胎儿 D、使卵巢不能产生卵子