1、 图纸履历 PLAN HISTORY日期DATE标记REV. No.简 述DESCRIPTION设绘DWN审查CHKD审定APPD04.11.22 A 版 供参考For referenceO 版 供施工For working生 产 设 计PRODUCTION DESIGN DWT 双壳散货船 DWT DOUBLE SIDE SKINBULK CARRIER GBH410-11-02本图适用于 _1/2_号船Suitable for No._1/2_标记Mark数 量QTY修改单号Rev.Sh.No签 字Sign日 期Date重量Weight比例Scale设 计 Designed校 对 Chec
2、ked侧滚式舱口盖安装指导工艺SIDE ROLLING HATCH COVER GUIDANCE FOR INSTALLATION共 27 页Total 第 1 页Sheet标 检 Stan. Rev.审 核 Reviewed审 定 Approved渤海船舶重工有限责任公司BOHAI SHIPBUILDING HEAVY INDUSTRY Co., LTD.舱口盖安装工艺规程1. 说明首先需要有足够的起吊能力将每一单扇盖板吊运到甲板舱口围的中心部位,以下为NO.1NO.9 舱单扇盖板重量( 供吊装上船用)。NO.1 舱38 吨。NO.2 舱40 吨。NO.3、4、5、7、8 舱33 吨。NO.
3、6 舱45 吨。NO.9 舱28 吨。2. 安装2.1 安装流程图检查舱口围标出轨道位置 安装轨道 安装泵站及起动装置 舱盖上船按舱口围上的标记定位 安装管路和阀组 安装限位装置和滚动顶升机构 系统清洗和压力实验 作出舱盖边线标记 将液压管与油缸及阀组连接 安装支撑板和纵向定位装置 系统注油排气 安装液压马达和齿轮传动装置安装压紧条安装泄水阀压紧器等安装滚动限位和锁紧装置最后焊接开关操作冲水试验调试侧滚式舱口盖安装指导工艺HATCH COVER GUIDANCE FOR INSTALLATIONGBH410-11-02第 3 页sheet共 27 页Total Sheets2.2 舱口围检查在
4、舱口盖上船之前,应检查和记录舱口围精度,如果所要求的公差没有满足,那么在舱盖上船之前应采取修正措施。 舱口开口尺寸的 1/2 处的直线定义为中心线,当纵向中心线和横向中心线构成的角度不是直角时,纵向中心线应适当调整,如图一所示。2.2.1 舱口围公差下列公差对整个舱口围而言,在同一温度下测得。 舱口围围板直线度2.2.1.2 舱口围面板压条接触区平面度长度 L ( m) 公差 t1(标准 mm) t2(极限 mm)侧滚式舱口盖安装指导工艺HATCH COVER GUIDANCE FOR INSTALLATIONGBH410-11-02第 5 页sheet共 27 页Total S
5、heetsL t1 t2 3 3 5(3)-7 4 5(7)-13 5 10(13)-25 5 102.5 作出导轨位置的标记按照滚轮在舱盖上的实际尺寸在舱口围顶部标出滚轮轨道的位置,舱盖的中心线作为参考线。舱口的纵向中心线作为所有横向测量的参考线。2.6 轨道的安装在舱口围的安装线上,精确地安装轨道。安装轨道时,观察一下导轨是否变形,安装从一端开始,先把该端点焊在正确位置。在轨道的另一端留出一些调整余量,到最后按轮子割出斜坡,就是说导轨的最后一段应当在舱盖上船后安装。尤为重要的是:在舱口盖第一次操纵试验通过之前,切不可把导轨全部焊上 !2.7 把舱盖装在舱口围上,并对准校正2.7.1 用舱盖
6、顶板上的眼板把舱盖吊到舱口围上,在悬挂的舱盖上不能放置任何东西,用千斤顶和手动葫芦把舱盖安装到位,在舱盖上船之前,在舱口围上将合适的钢质垫块放在侧板和端板的下方,舱口围顶板和舱口盖侧板的理论距离为15mm, (根据以往经验所得,垫板可采用 18mm) 。2.7.2 在建造过程中,在舱盖上用“样冲” 作出一些参考线,在舱盖定位前,在舱口围顶部用“样冲” 作出类似的参考标记。舱盖就以舱盖上的参考线与舱口围上的参考线对准定位。当两块舱盖在顶板上的样冲参考线距离为 200mm 时,两块舱盖之间的中缝橡皮压缩量是 13 (+5/-3)mm 。侧滚式舱口盖安装指导工艺HATCH COVER GUIDANC
7、E FOR INSTALLATIONGBH410-11-02第 7 页sheet共 27 页Total Sheets2.8 楔块的安装2.8.1 当舱盖被安装到正确的位置后,安装楔块.。 2.8.2 楔块被用作顶紧舱盖并使两块舱盖保持这个位置,当舱盖保持这个位置时,两块盖板的橡皮压缩缩量是 13mm, (这时舱盖顶板样冲参考线的距离是 200mm ) 。2.8.3 楔块安装完毕后,检查以下项目(楔块要完全接触) 当舱盖落在支撑块上时,舱盖顶板样冲参考线距离是 200mm 。 舱盖的中心线与舱口围的中心线相对应。2.9 顶升机构的安装2.9.1 按照图 BH410-2
8、67-011 安装顶升机构的齿轮片箱,齿轮片箱仔细地在水平和垂直方向对准,在舱盖上的顶升销作为定位的参考。为了更便利地安装齿轮片箱,控制杆的 “” 型底座,需使用一块模板来定位,模板可以确定从舱盖的顶升销到齿轮片销的位置,以及保证将来控制杆销在正确的位置。2.9.2 安装控制杆的 “” 型底座在正确的位置与齿轮片销中心相对应。请参照图 BH410-267-011 上的控制杆销安装允许公差。2.9.3 舱盖中缝的橡皮压缩量可以通过调节控制杆的长度来调整,控制杆的长度由控制杆末端的螺纹来调节。2.9.4 当安装控制杆时,需检查从齿轮片销到控制杆的 “” 型底座的距离。见尺寸 “A” 设定长度尺寸为
9、 B=A-450 mm。控制杆长度的允许公差是 +0/-3mm。顶升销与齿轮片的间隙必须为零。侧滚式舱口盖安装指导工艺HATCH COVER GUIDANCE FOR INSTALLATIONGBH410-11-02第 9 页sheet共 27 页Total Sheets2.9.5 操纵舱口盖并检查中缝的压缩量,按要求调节到指定的压缩量。2.9.6 作为首要规则,转动控制杆眼板螺栓(在控制杆末端)半圈,相应压缩量改变 3mm 。备注:在中心线位置,在中心线未置千万不能让两块舱盖钢对钢接触,因为如果控制杆位置不正确,顶升机构会使两块舱盖钢对钢接触。2.10 标出舱盖边线当两块盖被安装在正确的位置
10、时,在舱口围上标出舱盖的边线,舱盖的边线作为标记压紧条位置的基线,压紧条应安装在橡皮的中心。2.11 定位器的安装2.11.1 当舱盖被安装在正确的位置,并且 15mm(经验为 18m)钢质垫被垫在舱盖的边板和端板之下,舱盖橡皮的压缩量都符合要求。2.11.2 如果安装时天气太热,那么舱盖应该用重型螺拴固定到清晨时,以防止苍盖因温度而变形。在工作时用合适的限位器以防止舱盖滚动,确保安全。2.11.3 按照舱盖上的纵向定位器安装舱口围上的纵向定位器,并用点焊固定。2.11.4 安装在纵向舱口围上的导向块。2.11.5 每隔 1 米测量从舱口围顶板到橡皮的距离,为以后的压紧条安装作准备,为方便测量
11、,推荐使用把橡皮槽底板的位置用样冲标注在舱盖端板上,从而更易测量。2.11.6 测量舱盖垂直方向支撑底座板与舱口围之间的高度,为以后安装 FZ 定位器(钢质垫板)作准备,并在舱口围上标出位置。2.11.7 确定舱口围横向位置调节板的厚度,来决定钢质垫板总成(钢槽+平蘅橡皮+ 1 块薄板 +磨擦板)的高度,以确保橡皮压缩量。2.11.8 按照舱盖上垂直方向的支撑座位置安装 FZ 定位器。FZ 定位器的高度的正确与否决定了橡皮压缩量是否正确。检查 FZ 定位器与舱盖支撑座底板是否对准,如需调整,参见如下图标准。把钢槽和调节板点焊在舱口围上。2.11.9 顶起舱盖并拿走 15mm(或 18mm)钢质
12、垫块。2.11.10 从钢质垫板总成中拿出磨擦板及橡皮,把钢槽和调节板焊在舱口围上,等冷却后在槽中加入保护油 Tectyl 506 和平衡橡皮、薄板磨擦块,最后用薄板(03块)来调节钢质垫板总成的高度。侧滚式舱口盖安装指导工艺HATCH COVER GUIDANCE FOR INSTALLATIONGBH410-11-02第 11 页sheet共 27 页Total Sheets2.11.11 安装自动压紧器和泄水阀。2.11.12 安装液压马达和齿条&齿轮串动装置。连接液压管到液压马达。2.12 舱盖的开启2.12.1 顶起舱盖把舱盖移到正常开启位置,防止舱盖自由滚动。2.12.2 安装末端
13、定位器喝锁紧装置。2.12.3 移动舱盖至全开位置,安装锁定装置,检查滚轮定位器的位置。2.13 压紧条的安装/建立正确的偏移量在橡皮密封上2.13.1 用舱口围上已标出的舱盖边线来确定压紧条的位置,压紧条的中心线应与橡皮密封的中心线一致。压紧条应装在橡皮密封的中心,并制造出合适的压缩量(C=135mm ) 。2.13.2 橡皮中心线的位置相对于舱盖端板被认为是一常数,距离边板表面45mm。2.13.3 在舱盖纵向的斜面橡皮的中心线位置的距离 H1 需按(图二)所示方法每隔 1 米测量并记录。当舱盖落下在磨擦板上时,每隔 1 米测量 H2 的距离。并按公式 H=C+H1+H2 计算压紧条高度
14、H 。2.13.4 根据标记线安装压紧条,保持与其相应的橡皮压缩量 C=135mm(见图三) 。为了保证压缩量必要时需修正舱口围的变形。2.13.5 焊接压紧条并打磨光滑,使表面连续,这一点对延长橡皮的寿命是非常重要的。2.14 操作和冲水试验2.14.1 冲水试验在冲水之前,检查橡皮表面是否有灰尘、油脂,它们会导致漏水,以软管中不小于 0.2Mpa 水压进行冲水试验。2.14.2 操作试验在试验之前,检查每一个部件并加牛油,在开关舱盖时测量压力及开关时间、设定压力。2.15 试运转当舱盖全开全闭时检查并记录以下数据1). 开启压力,相应的开启时间。2).关闭时间。3). 指示灯功能。4).
15、应急关闭布置功能。5). 应急操作。6). 安全装置。7). 快速压紧器。3. 液压系统概述3.1 需特别注意的是,在运输过程中及安装现场,要采取措施使杂质的入侵减至最低程度,管子与元件在待装配时,须放置于干燥的地方,或至少将它们抬高放置并遮盖好。3.2 装配液压系统时,其中非常重要的一点是远离尘土,金属屑,焊渣等所有杂质,所有的元件在离厂时均处于洁净状态。到货后,液压设备通常需搬至将进行安装地地方。3.3 所有接口与开口直至安装前一律应保持密封。不要踩踏在泵站、阀组、管子上,这些设备元件不具备梯子功能。3.4 当装卸泵站、阀组、油缸等设备时,必须在指定的吊点上吊装,吊装时要确保吊索不会碰伤管
16、子,并绝对不能用设备上的管子或马达作为固定来吊装设备。3.5 当要进行任何一种“高热”作业(如焊接、火焰切割、打磨)等,并有可能对这些元件造成损害时,应把泵站、阀组、油缸等散放的阀件、启动控制箱及电侧滚式舱口盖安装指导工艺HATCH COVER GUIDANCE FOR INSTALLATIONGBH410-11-02第 13 页sheet共 27 页Total Sheets缆等用阻燃的帆布一直遮盖好。3.6 确保焊接电流不会通过油缸或其它特殊元件已至造成不可估量的损失。在焊接进行时,应使用独立的接地电缆。3.7 液压缸安装3.7.1 液压缸严禁拖拉及敲击,以免损坏密封。3.7.2 注意!不能
17、通过油缸端部眼板来吊运油缸。见下图所示 。SIDE ROLLING HATCH COVERS GUIDANCE FOR INSTALLATION1. SpecificationNecessary crane capacity for lifting the single panels on board with sufficient out reach to at least the center line of the furthermost hatch. The weight of single panels as follows :NO.1 Hatch cover 38ton / per
18、 panel 。NO.2.Hatch cover 40ton / per panel 。NO.3. 4. 5. 7 .8 Hatch cover 33ton / per panel 。NO.6 Hatch cover 45ton / per panel 。NO.9 Hatch cover 28ton / per panel 。2. Mechanical installation2.1 Flow chart of installation work consists of the below main steps . Checking of CoamingMarking Position of
19、Wheel RailsInstallation of Wheel Rails Installation of Power pack and starter Cabinet Taking covers on board and aligning on coaming acc.to reference marksInstallation of pipelines and Control Stands Installation of wedge guides and Roll-up-Roll mechanisms Flushing and pressure testing the System Ma
20、rking of cover skirt line Connecting Hydraulic pipelines to Cylinder and Control Stands Installation of bearing pads and longitudinal locatorsFilling the System with Oil and Removing Air Installation of hydraulic motors and rack & pinion driveInstallation of compression barsInstallation of drain val
21、ves cleats etc.Installation of rolling stoppers and locking fittingsWeldingOperation and hose testCommissioning2.2 Checking of Coamings侧滚式舱口盖安装指导工艺HATCH COVER GUIDANCE FOR INSTALLATIONGBH410-11-02第 15 页sheet共 27 页Total SheetsBefore taking the hatch cover on board ,check and record the hatch coaming
22、accuracy .Allowable tolerances are shown below .In case the required tolerances are not complied with corrective steps to be taken prior to taking the covers on the coaming.2.3 General tolerance of hatch coamingsThe center point is defined as the point of 1/2 of the hatch opening dimensions ,and the
23、 lines to connect the center points are defined as the center lines .see drawing as followIn case the longitudinal center line and transversal center line are not perpendicular,the longitudinal center line should be adjusted .Difference of the diajonal lines according drawing as follow2.4.1 Coaming
24、with adjustable compression bar .L (m) t1(Standard-mm) t2(MAX Limit-mm) 3 3 5(3)-7 4 5(7)-13 5 10(13)-25 5 102.4.2 Tolerance of coaming plateAll the following tolerance are valid for a completed coaming, which theoretically should be straight .the coaming shall be at uniform temperature when being m
25、easured .侧滚式舱口盖安装指导工艺HATCH COVER GUIDANCE FOR INSTALLATIONGBH410-11-02第 17 页sheet共 27 页Total Sheets2.5. Marking the Position of wheel RailsMark the position of the rails on the coaming top using the actual dimensions taken from the wheels on the covers .Middle line of the hatch cover to be used as r
26、eference line .The longitudinal center line of the hatch to be used as reference line for all athwartships measurements .2. 6. Installation of RailsInstallation the rails accurately on the fixing lines produced as per coaming .When installing the rails ,watch for the possible deformations in the rai
27、l bars .Start the installation at one end and tack weld it on the correct location .Provide an adjusting allowance at the ends of the rails for cutting the final slopes acc.to the wheels so that the specified clearance wheel/rail in closed position can be maintained This means that the last section
28、of the rail shall be installed after having the covers on the coaming . Do not weld the rails completely before the first operational tests of the cover ! ! ! 2. 7. Taking Covers on board and Aligning on Coaming2. 7. 1 The hatch cover panels shall be lifted on the hatch coaming by using the eye plat
29、es on the top plate.Never place any loose items or stand on the hung-up cover .The pair of panels can be positioned by using a portable jack and chain block Place suitable steel liners under side and end plates before lifting the panels on coaming .The theoretical distance between coaming top and th
30、e side plate is 15 mm .2. 7. 2 .There are reference lines punched on the hatch covers during the fabrication procedure .Similar reference marks are to be punched on top of the hatch coaming before positioning of the hatch cover . The hatch cover is positioned so that reference marks on the panels ar
31、e aligned with the marks on the coaming .the rubber packing compression at meeting joint is 13mm+5/-3,whenthe distance between the 侧滚式舱口盖安装指导工艺HATCH COVER GUIDANCE FOR INSTALLATIONGBH410-11-02第 19 页sheet共 27 页Total Sheetspunch marks is 200mm.2. 8. Installation of the wedge Guides28. 1 The wedge guid
32、es are to be installed after the hatch cover panels have been positioned correctly on the coaming .28. 2 The wedges are used to push the panel to a position,where compression at packing between panels is 13mm(the distance between the punch marks on the cover top plate is 200mm) and to hold the panel
33、s in this position .28. 3 Check the below items after installation of the wedges (wedges in contact with their counter pieces)28. 3. 1 The distance between the punch marks on the cover top plate is 200mm.l.e. the packing of the meeting part is compressed by 13mm,when panels are resting on their supp
34、orts.28. 3. 2 The hatch cover center line is in correct position in relation to the coaming center .29 Installation of Roll-up-Roll Mechanisms291 Install the cog segement box for the Roll- up Roll mechanism according to drawings BH410-267-011, The cog segement must be removed during the Installation
35、. Align the box carefully in horizontal and vertical plane .the lifting pins (item 447)on the hatch cover panels shall be used as the reference point .For facilitating the installation of the cog segment box and the clevis bracket (item 438,439)for the control lever use of a template for making sure
36、 that the location from the pins on the hatch cover panels to the cog segement pin centers and further to control lever pin center is correct .292 Install the clevis bracket for the control lever in correct position in relation to the pin centers of the cog segements.Please see that there is a toler
37、ance given in the drawing for the position of the control lever pin .293 The amount of compression at the meeting joint seal can be adjusted by changing the length of the control lever. For the adjustment the end of the lever is attached to the lever by a threaded bar .294 When installing the contro
38、l lever check the distance from the cog segment pin to the clevis bracket for the control lever (dimension A )侧滚式舱口盖安装指导工艺HATCH COVER GUIDANCE FOR INSTALLATIONGBH410-11-02第 21 页sheet共 27 页Total SheetsSet the length so that dimension B=A-450mm ,Tolerance for the control lever length is +0/-3mm .Clear
39、ance between lifting pins and cog segment must be zero .295 .Test the operation of the cover and observe the amount of compression at the meeting joint seal. Adjust the compression as necessary for arriving at the at the specified figure .296 As a thumb rule half a turn on the control lever eye bolt
40、 (end of the control lever) corresponds to about 3mm in the seal compression .NOTE: it is very important that there is no steel to steel contact between the hatch cover panels when reaching the end position in CL .This is because the control lever arrangement goes over the dead center position and t
41、he forces affecting the Roll-up-Roll mechanism can be enormous in case of steel to steel contact between the hatch cover paneld .210Marking of the cover skirt lineThe skirt line of the hatch cover shall be marked on top of the coaming,the joint between the panels is closed correctly and the location
42、 of the cover on the coaming is correct.the cover skirt line is used as base when marking the position of the tightening bar.the tightening bar shall press at the center of the rubber packing .211Installation of Fittings211 .1 When commencing the installation work the cover shall be in the correct l
43、ocation on the coaming and rest on 15mm,thick steel liners located under side/end plates.The cross joint between the panels shall be in closed position . the compression at the rubber packing is acc. To specification .211 .2 If the weather is hot and sunny during installation,panels to be fastened w
44、ith heavy bolts early in the moring to prevent panel bending of temperature difference between holt inside air and hot sunshine .Secure the panels against free rolling by suitable stoppers and necessary steps for making sure that safety in the work is maintained .211 .3 Install and tack weld the lon
45、gitudinal locators on the coaming acc. to the counterparts on the cover .211 .4 Install the guide blocks (drg.412) on the longitudinal coaming .211 .5 Measure and mark the distance between coaming top and rubber pzcking with 1-metres intervals for later installation of compression bars (maintaining)
46、 the correct compression at the rubber packing all the way).For facilitating this measurement it is recommended to use the punch marks provide on the end plates in the way of the packing holder bottom .211 .6 Measure the height between the mating plates of vertical supports at hatch cover and the co
47、aming top for later installation of the Fz-stopers (Steelpads) and mark the position on the coaming .211 .7 Determine the thickness of the adjusting platesat transversal coaming taking into consideration the height of the steelpad assembly (holder+balance rubber+one shim plate+bearing pad) and spedi
48、fied compression at the rubber packing .侧滚式舱口盖安装指导工艺HATCH COVER GUIDANCE FOR INSTALLATIONGBH410-11-02第 23 页sheet共 27 页Total Sheets211 .8 Install the Fz-stoppers (steelpads) on the coaming according to the vertical supports on the cover .The height of Fz-stoppers to be correct for achieving the speci
49、fied compression at the perimeter rubber packing .Check the alignment of the Fz-stoppers in relation to the mating plates.Reference is made to standary as follow if necessary.Tack weld the Steelpad .holder /adjusting plates to coaming top .211 .9 Lift the hatch covers and remove the liners .211 .10 Remove