1、主动脉瘤支撑架,主动脉瘤定义,主动脉异常增宽, 迂曲延长, 球样改变An abnormal widening,stretching, balloning of the aorta (the major arteryfrom the heart).,流行病学,13th leading cause of death in the United States,腹主动脉瘤破裂,危险因素,主要的危险因素包括:年龄,吸烟史动脉粥样硬化,高血压,外伤感染先天性动脉壁结缔组织病,病因,动脉粥样硬化(80%):降主动脉 外伤后:(15%) 先天性:(2%) 主动脉缩窄后,动脉导管憩室 梅毒: 升主动脉和主动脉弓
2、 动脉炎 Takayasu, giant cell, relapsing polychondritis 中层囊性坏死: Marfan, Ehlers-Danlos, annuloaortic ectasia,动脉瘤分类,病因分类: 形态学分类: 动脉粥样硬化性动脉瘤 囊性动脉瘤 主动脉中层囊性坏死性动脉瘤 梭形动脉瘤 创伤性动脉瘤 混合性动脉瘤 感染性动脉瘤 先天性动脉瘤 病理学分类: 夹层动脉瘤 假性动脉瘤真性动脉瘤,主动脉瘤分类,梭形动脉瘤,囊性动脉瘤,病理,the yellowish shiny material. A fibro-fatty plaque is an atheroma,
3、The bottom 2/3 of the field is occupied by the large thrombus which is seen to fill the saccular dilatation of this aorta-the aneurysm. The common iliacs are forming just distal to the aneurysm at the very bottom of the screen.,临床表现-症状,痛疼:胸、背间断或持续性钝、刺痛腹部搏动性痛疼向腹股沟放射 压迫症状:刺激性咳嗽,肺不张咯血,吞咽困难 心功能不全心绞痛,体征,
4、1. 高血压:20-22.64% 发生高血压 2. 异常搏动性肿物 3. 动脉瘤压迫征 4. 胸部体征:血管杂音 5. 周围血管征,影像学诊断,术前和术中精确的影像学检查是确保治疗成功的基本条件,主动脉瘤影像学诊断,(1) X线 :动脉钙化与扩张性搏动,椎体侵蚀 (2) MRI,MRA:准确的显示,部位、范围、大小、受累分支、瘤内血栓。 (3) CT:CT血管造影,三维CT,高速CT (4)超声:简便,经济,可作为普查手段 (5)主动脉造影:怀疑肾血管性高血压,下肢缺血,多发瘤,疑肠系膜上动脉,腹腔动脉缺血,马蹄肾。 (6)同位素扫描:,腹主动脉瘤影像学诊断,主动脉瘤形成,腹主动脉瘤CT与平片
5、,病人突然腹痛发作放射到背部,体检发现脐周可触及搏动性肿物。平片显示腹主动脉膨胀性钙化, CT证实直径10CM腹主动脉瘤和瘤内巨大的血栓。,腹主动脉瘤,7 x 7 cm 腹主动脉瘤 腹膜后出血 造影剂外溢 3点位破口,腹主动脉瘤CT,CT 腹主动脉瘤冠状重建,腹主动脉瘤超声和MRI,Note the peculiar posterior outpouching of this localized Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm on U/S and the reoriented T1-weighted MR exam.,腹主动脉瘤 超高速CT和3D重建,腹主动脉瘤CT,近腹
6、主动脉瘤直径 8 厘米 双腔,前腔是真腔,后腔血栓内血肿 破裂,主动脉-下腔静脉瘘,腹主动脉瘤MRI,腹主动脉瘤,腹主动脉瘤 MRA,磁共振血管造影,主动脉瘤的治疗,内科治疗:控制高血压,止痛剂外科治疗:血管旁路移植术等介入治疗:主动脉支撑架植入,为什么进行介入治疗,(1)内科治疗为姑息性(2)外科治疗风险大(3)介入治疗手术创伤小,安全系数大,支撑架的设计 思想,支撑架的分类,(1)Talent bifurcated stent-graft (2)EVT tube Endograft(R), (3)aortouniiliac device, and (4) spiral Z stents c
7、overed with a woven Dacron (DuPontCo., Wilmington, DE) graft (5)Palmaz balloon expandable stent and an expandable polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) graft (6)Vanguard bifurcated stent-graft (7)Cook stent,介入治疗方法,endograft was delivered through a femoral cutdowntubular and 50 (76%) bifurcated endograft procedures,