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1、Management Communication,Chapter 7 Interview,Objectives,Interview; Job interview; Interviewing skills.,Interviewing types,Job interview; Interview of information collecting; Interview of information issuing; Interview of problem solving: evaluating interview; rectifying interview; consulting intervi

2、ew.,Return,Job interview,Interviewing modes; Interviewing procedures; Principles of interviewer; Errors in the interview; Skills for job seeker.,Return,Interviewing modes,Discourse interview; Stimulated operating interview.,Structuring interview; Unstructuring interview.,Individual interview: one-on

3、e interview; experimenter interview. Team interview; Group discussion.,The first interview; The second interview; The third interview.,Return,Interviewing procedures,Working analysis; To confirm aims; To formulate interviewing questions; To confirm evaluation standards; To form interviewing team and

4、 practice.,Return,Contents of interviewing questions,个人背景,家庭情况,学习经历,工作经历等; 个人成就,学业成绩,工作成绩,奖赏情况,专长等; 理论知识,实践经验,知识面或有关常识等; 兴趣爱好,职业兴趣,知识兴趣,生活情趣等; 逻辑思维能力,分析问题能力,语言表达能力等; 价值观念,是非标准,个人理想等; 求职动机及意愿,应聘动因,就职期望,工作要求等。,Return,Principles of interviewer,1 只问与工作有关的问题2 不要过早作出判断3 掌握面试时间4 对每一个求职者一视同仁5 对求职者要充分重视6 注意非

5、语言行为,Return,Errors in the interview,Comparability error; Comparison error; Negative information; Sex and age bias; First impression error; Halo effect.,Return,Skills for job seeker,1 一个了解 2 两个切忌 1)忌好高骛远,不切实际。2)忌妄自菲薄,患得患失。 3 三个准备 (1)心理准备。(2)业务知识的准备。 (3)体能、仪表准备。 4 掌握四个度 (1) 体现高度,(2) 增强信度。(3)表现风度。(4) 保

6、持热度。5 弄清五个问题 (1)弄清单位性质。(2)弄清录用后是否签订聘用合同或劳动合同。(3)问工资、工时。(4)问保险。(5)问福利待遇。,Return,Interviewing skills,Questioning techniques; Techniques for arouding the topic; Techniques for maintaining a topic; Listening techniques; Techniques for ending a topic; Nonverbal communication techniques.,Return,Questionin

7、g techniques,Questionging or interactive listening? Closed & open questions. Multiple questions. Leading questions. Probing questions. Blockbusting questions. “About” questions. Reflective questions (active listening). Hypothetical questions. Challenge questions. Framing questions. Silence.,Return,C

8、losed & open questions,Closed. A closed question is one to which there is only one answer: What year was the Battle of Hastions?Do you like spaghetti bolognese? What kind of mainframe computer does your company use?,Closed & open questions,Open. An open question is one to which there are many possib

9、le answers: What is your opinion on the current crisis? How do you feel about working with flexitime? What would you do if you won $1,000,000?,Return,Multiple questions,A multiple question is a string of several questions: “Well, I have with me the captain of the French rugby team. Now tell me, what

10、 do you think of your chances in the next world cup now that New Zealand have lost their star goal kicker? Do you think it will set them back? And do you believe your present string of successes will continue? Also,how about England losing against Romania? Is this going to affect next years tourname

11、nt?”,Return,Leading questions,These are questions that indicate the desired response: Oh, I see you started your career with XYZ Internaional? Yes. Ah, good, and you were promoted after three years to district sales manager? Thats right. Good-er-must have done a good job then? Well,you know. Yes,oh,

12、and then two years as regional manager? Yes.,Return,Probing questions,These are closed questions seeking specific information you need:EXAMPLE How old were you then? What are the sales of ABC Ltd? How many employees do you have working for you?WHEN TO ASK When you wish to probe for facts or details

13、When the interviewee is rambling or talking too much,Return,“About” questions,About questions are open questions that allow the interviewee to choose which information to provide: EXAMPLES and WHEN TO ASKTell me more about.? -At the beginning of an interview to get the interviewee talking.What do yo

14、u think about.? -When you wish to hear the interviewees opinions, attitudes or beliefs.How do you feel about.? -As above.When in doubt.ask about.,Return,Reflective questions,These questions reflect back to the interviewee what you think you heard: EXAMPLES and WHEH TO ASKYou seem to feel upset with

15、.? -With children! If I understand you correctly When an interviewee is emotionally you.? -involved with what is being discussedIn other words, you dont.?-When the interviewee is being incoherent.You thought, perhaps, he was When you do not wish to over- reacting?-influence the interviewee with your

16、 own opinions or beliefs.,Return,Hypothetical questions,These are open questions that ask for information in a hypothetical situation: EXAMPLES and WHEN TO ASK What would you do if. -When you wish to test creativity.Could we role-play this situation? -To test selling or public speaking skills Ill be

17、 the customer/student.What could have happened if.? -When you wish to see how quickly/logically the interviewee thinks.,Return,Challenge questions,This type of open question challenges the interviewee to provide back-up information: EXAMPLES and WHEN TO ASKThe evidence Challenge: What will you accep

18、t as evidence to test interviesees approach to of success? -objectives and targets.The Missing Link Challenge: What information are we still to probe the interviewees analyical and missing before we can.? -planing abilities.The Devils Advocate Challenge: What would argue against what a way of challe

19、nging an interviewees youre proposing? -objectivity,Return,Framing questions,This type of open question asks for information that fits into the framework of your discussion: EXAMPLES and WHEN TO ASK The Outcome Frame: What is the real outcome youre to test planning ability and to probe aiming at? -r

20、easons for actions. The Backtrack Frame: How did you see things at the time? -To help put information in context.The Relevance Frame: Help me to see how this fits when you cant see why a point was in which.? -brought up but want to get the interview back on track by giving the benefit of the doubt .

21、,Return,Silence,Silence can be a useful questioning technique: EXAMPLES and WHEN TO USE Up to 5 senconds silence. - To allow interviewee to collect thoughts; courtesy.5-20 seconds silence. -To encourage interviewees to share information they probably want to keep to .20 seconds silence or more. -To

22、pressurise for confidential information or to obtain concessions/confessions.,Return,Techniques for arouding the topic,Oneself:可简单透露自己的感受或近况例:我近来学习比较忙,常常要复习到深夜。 The other party:从对方身上发掘话题,衣着外表首饰等都是题材例:你这件外套真好看,是在那里买的呢? Environment or popular topics:例:呀!最近天气凉了许多,真要穿件衣服 To extend greetings to:例:你最近怎样呀?

23、 To praise:例:孩子长得多可爱!,Return,Techniques for maintaining a topic,Informal discussiosn; Self revealing; Common interests and topics; Changing the subjects.,Return,Self revealing,Contents: experience; opinion; feeling. 明:东,你放假去了那里玩呀? 东:去了北京,玩了十四日,很好玩呀 明:我上次放假也去了北京玩,都觉得很好玩。你认为哪里最好玩? 东:我觉得去长城最好玩,不过处处都要收钱

24、,真扫兴。 明:是啊!我也有同感,我觉得现在北京变得商业化,不像以前了。,Return,Listening techniques,Listening test: A: circle the term that best describes you as a listener: 1. superior 2. above average 3. below average 4. terrible 5. excellent 6. averageB: on a scale of 0-100 (100=high ) how would you rate yourself as a listener?C:

25、how do you think the following proplem would you rate you (0-100) as a listener? 1. your best friend. 2. a subordinate. 3. your boss. 4. your spouse. 5. a business colleague.,return,Nonverbal communication techniques,Type interpretation of paralinguistics; Types of body language.,Return,Type interpr

26、etation of paralinguistics,Timing; Tone / inflection; Speech errors; Accent; Choice of words; Verbal tics; Emphasis.,Return,Types of body language,Expressions of emotion; Eye contact; Sitting Looks & appearance.,Return,Sitting & standing,1)Arms up. -Reserved,defensive. 2)Arm / leg cross. -Closed,unc

27、onvinced. 3)Lean forward. -Ready! 4)Lean back. - Confident superiority. 5)Lint-picking. -Disapproval. 6) Thumbs out In charge! -Dominant. 7) Fig leaf. -Self-control, tense. 8) Arms out, Palms up. -Open, sincere,conciliatory. 9) Table lean. -Authoritative, invoived . 10) Lean on. -Unthreatened, casua

28、l belongingness.,Return,Postures & gestures: hands,1)STEEPLING. -Self-confidence 2)HAND CLASP. -Anxious,controlled 3)NOSE TOUCH. -Doubt 4)L CHIN REST. -Critical evaluation 5)MOUTH BLOCK. -Resisting speech,Return,Orientation & proximity,Upbringing; Nationality / culture; Perceived mutual status; Sex.

29、,Return,绩效反馈面谈演练,布置面谈场所:室内居中摆一张桌子,作为科长的办公桌,桌两边摆两张椅子,椅子位置要适合主管与科长交谈,同时方便观察者观看。 步骤一: 从班级学员中选出两人,一人扮演科长,另一人扮演主管。 其他的学员观察。 每个参与者仔细阅读背景介绍。 扮演科长的参与者请仔细阅读张晓敏的角色介绍,扮演主管的学员请仔细阅读李锐刚的角色介绍。两位学员在扮演过程中不要看其他相关的材料。,绩效反馈面谈演练,步骤二: 两位学员准备好后,张晓敏进入办公室,在办公桌前坐定。稍后,李锐刚进来。演练开始。 完成面谈的时间不定,通常设定为20-30分钟。要求演练至面谈结束。若出现激烈争吵,或毫无进展

30、,也可中止。,绩效反馈面谈演练,步骤三:讨论。分小组或在整个班级内讨论并回答以下问题: 1、简要总结面谈。 2、描述张晓敏和李锐刚对彼此的看法和认识。这些对面谈有什么影响? 3、评价整个面谈过程的沟通情形,张晓敏是否能达到了最初的目的?作为科长,他所选择的面谈方式及对面谈节奏的控制是否恰当? 4、他们相互的看法和认识正确吗? 5、在该面谈过程中,哪些是需要改进的?,背景简介,张晓敏是威龙童车公司的工程部电子科科长。工程部的职责是产品设计、制图、产品成本预算、设定产品标准、生产现场检查和产品生产跟踪。张晓敏领导着八名一线主管,他们的职责包括技术和管理两方面。公司政策要求各科室的科长每与手下的主管进行绩效反馈面谈。面谈目的有三: (1)评估主管一年来的工作业绩;(2)对主管表现突出的地方给予嘉许和认可;(3)指出主管工作中的不足之处,并希望在今后工作中提高。今天,张晓敏将与其指导的主管之一李锐刚进行绩效反馈面谈。 李锐刚电子工程专业大学本科毕业后分到该公司工作,已经工作了五年。李锐刚担任主管一职已经有两年。除了负责部分技术问题之外,他还指导七名下属工作,包括一名初级设计员和六名制图员。由于负责技术问题对专业有很高的要求,他的工资很高。他已成家,并育有一子。,


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