1、Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students st
2、udy habits, learning habits, good悦享新世界吴江吾悦广场商场 二季度 营销推广方案 ( 4-6月)INJOY NEW WORLD悦享新世界Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate
3、well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good目录 1、活动计划建议 2、活动方案框架3、活动费用估算Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to unde
4、rstand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good一、吾悦广场二季度活动计划建议WUYUEGUANGCHANGSHANGBACUXIAOHUODONGJIHUAJIANYIParents generally value the first class, mainly to see wheth
5、er the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good1月份 2月份 3月份 4月份 5月份 6月份 7月份
6、 8月份 9月份 10月份 11月份 12月份淡季 旺季 淡季 旺季适合营销2014年适合营销从年度活动计划来看,活动期如果间隔太短,活动频率过于密集,消费者对活动信息的认知周期相对就会缩短,会使单个活动信息到达率产生混乱,影响促销效果,而且持续密集活动活动易造成消费亢性后的平淡,不利于累积消费兴奋点,影响整体活动计划的效果。吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is m
7、ore important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good吴江吾悦广场二季度 营销推广方案营销节点活力 初夏激情 一夏暖春 行动一季度1月 2月 5月 7月 8月 10月 12月3月 4月 6月 9月 11月二季度 三季度 四季度二季
8、度商场造势主题通过对整个年度活动计划的分析,我们觉得二季度 选择性的节庆主题活动与约定时间的活动机会 ,更适用于百货卖场,不仅能使活动信息有足够的时间到达率,更能养成消费习惯及最终影响消费者购买决定的形成。主次分明、相辅相成的活动更能激起消费群体的购买欲望!Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the studen
9、ts learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案时间点一周2014年4月暖春行动 5月活力初夏公益一元拍 游艺嘉年华 慢骑挑战赛主力活动周末暖场 34周陶艺 DIY剪纸 活动书画 活动K歌争霸赛辅助活动项目知名度推广营销点 项目人气聚集 核心客群定位体感游戏大赛 彩虹冰饮节1-4周马克杯 DI
10、Y钓鱼 活动瑜 珈 活动1-4周露天音乐节冰淇淋 DIY啤酒 比赛6月激情一夏二周 三周 四周 一周 二周 三周 四周 一周 二周 三周 四周Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with thei
11、r parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案公益一元拍 游艺嘉年华 Casino嘉年华2014.04 2014.05 2014.5 2014.6慢骑挑战赛主力活动【 主力活动 】 :主力活动的开展是年度整体活动计划中的重点,通过这些主题节庆的支点,整合出富有意义与创造性的活动策划,引导 吾悦广场 市场形象的提升,并以正确的基点指导卖场的视觉形象营销。Parents generally value the
12、 first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits
13、, good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案主力活动活动节奏Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate pre
14、parations for the students study habits, learning habits, good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案体感游戏大赛 K歌争霸赛 清凉涂鸦会2014.04 2014.05 2014.06 2014.06彩虹冰饮节辅助活动【 辅助活动 】 :辅助活动定位在作为主力活动的补充,辅助活动的节点相应爆发点小于主力活动,可以在减低活动费用的同时,又起到为前后各主力活动形成缓冲带,在活动不断链的情况下,又使二季度活动可以有序健康的开展Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether
15、 the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案辅助活动 活动节奏Paren
16、ts generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study h
17、abits, learning habits, good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案陶艺 DIY剪纸 活动书画 活动马克杯 DIY钓鱼 活动瑜 珈 活动露天音乐节冰淇淋 DIY啤酒 比赛2014.04 2014.05 2014.06周末暖场【 周末暖场 】 :把周末暖场活动穿插固定,是为了避免与主力活动和辅助活动形成冲突,同时减小频繁及大量的小活动影响整个年度的促销计划的干扰与平衡。Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the f
18、irst class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案周末暖场 活动节奏周末暖场活动可界定为是全年即定的促销方式。Parents generally value the
19、first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits,
20、 good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案在各个层级的活动策划中,根据主次活动力度使商场的活动达到起伏有序,更综合考虑从商场的地理区域特性到百货商场定位等各种综合因素。使吾悦广场走向 “ 活力、缤纷、尊贵、时尚 ” 的前沿,成为吴江一道独具风格的商业风景,得到更多品牌级商家的信赖,助推 “ 吾悦广场 ” 商业品牌形象。区域地理特点 新消费需求特性区域消费水平 商场定位 区域商业氛围 促销新概念引入Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so
21、the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good二、吾悦广场二季度活动方案框架WUYUEGUANGCHANGSHANGBACUXIAOHUODONGJIHUAJIANYIParents
22、 generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study hab
23、its, learning habits, good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案传达吾悦广场信息,完成初步推广任务。第一阶段预热期任务4月中旬至 5月初Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well wit
24、h their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案第一阶段预热期 4月 28日至初至 6月中旬4月中旬至 5月初预热期阶段营销主题“ 悦生活 悦精彩 “Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more
25、 important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案第一阶段预热期 4月中旬至 5月初主题营销活动吾悦广场 Iphone一元公益拍预计费用 3万 包含:场地布置费用、媒体费用、礼品、物料等费用Parent
26、s generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study ha
27、bits, learning habits, good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案悦生活 悦精彩预热阶段营销活动: 公益一元拍借助 低起价、高单价商品的拍卖活动 ,传播项目信息, 树立品牌公益形象,同时 发掘客群。第一阶段预热期 4月中旬至 5月初Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students l
28、earning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案第一阶段预热期 4月中旬至 5月初悦生活 悦精彩Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so th
29、e first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案悦生活 悦精彩预热期 辅助 活动 : 体感游戏体验地点: 商场 外围广场作用:通过 体感游戏活动 的举行,吸引
30、具有较强购买力的年轻家庭参加 , 活动中穿插项目介绍、项目小礼品发放活动。第一阶段预热期 4月中旬至 5月初第一阶段预热期 月中旬至 月初Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their
31、parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案第二阶段蓄势期任务 市场推广蓄水正式启动,并以会员制的形式蓄客5月初至 6月初Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is be
32、st to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案第一阶段预热期 4月中旬至 5月初阶段小结以一元公益拍为项目推广前期预热活动,初步展示广场形象,配合户外媒体宣传,在吴江市民头脑中积蓄初步的良好印象,并通过口碑效应初步实现项目的知名度建立,等
33、待下阶段正式推广启动,形成共鸣。Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for
34、 the students study habits, learning habits, good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案第二阶段蓄势期阶段营销活动繁华,悦动我心5月初至 6月初Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to commu
35、nicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案第二阶段蓄势期阶段营销主题吾悦广场 五一游艺嘉年华5月初至 6月初预计费用 7万 包含:场地布置费用、媒体费用、礼品、物料等费用Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor
36、, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案繁华,悦动我心游艺嘉年华 活动: 五一劳动节吾悦广场 “ 游艺嘉年华 ”将广场布置一些小型的互动
37、游戏,比如真人版愤怒的小鸟,迷你高尔夫等互动游戏,并设置相关活动奖品,吸引市民参与布置暖场的气垫城堡和小丑,吸引有孩子的家庭参与,保持活动人气。第二阶段蓄势期 5月初至 6月初Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communica
38、te well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案第二阶段蓄势期 5月初至 6月初繁华,悦动我心Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is
39、 best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案CASINO嘉年华又称为 “ 微缩版拉斯维加斯 ” 。活动开始前通过签到发放虚拟筹码,让购房者或准业主参与诸如 “ 21点 ”“ 俄罗斯轮盘 ”“ 百家乐” 等游戏,赚取更多的筹码,最终
40、将这些筹码兑换成礼品或者等比例的购物券。5月主题活动时间: 5月某周末地点:商场外广场第二阶段蓄势期 5月初至 6月初Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in
41、 advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案辅助 活动: 我是歌手 /K歌争霸赛 活动活动时间: 5月中旬活动地点: 商场前广场活动方式: 现场报名,自选歌曲,机器评分繁华,悦动我心第二阶段蓄势期 5月初至 6月初Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the fir
42、st class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communicate well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案第二阶段蓄势期 5月初至 6月初现场延展活动: 3D裸眼画展 /互动 3D投影活动时间: 5月 (持续一周)活动地点:
43、商场活动方式:在 广场中心 设置地面、墙面的空间互动投影或 3D立体画,并配合项目推广,与到访客群互动,在客户感受 创意空间 的基础上,更能吸引客群了解 项目 。繁华,悦动我心Parents generally value the first class, mainly to see whether the students can accept the tutor, so the first class is more important. It is best to understand the students learning situation first, to communica
44、te well with their parents in advance, to make adequate preparations for the students study habits, learning habits, good吴江吾悦广场上半年营销推广方案第二阶段蓄势期 5月初至 6月初“ 3D立体画 /投影 ” 活动说明现场 3D立体画 /互动投影,直观新奇的方式,使得产品与客户之间形成很强的互动性,客户能以较大的积极性参与到对项目产品的体验之中。通过此种方式的现场体验活动,感受项目的全新的生活理念,发掘意向客户。为期一周,目标意向客户登记数量 200组活动对场地要求不高,有较强的移动性,可灵活应用于各种巡展活动。